=============================== Install OpenStack from a bundle =============================== A Juju charm *bundle* is an encapsulation of a multitude of charm deployments, and includes all the associated relations and configurations that are required (see `Charm bundles`_ in the Juju documentation). It is possible to therefore install OpenStack from a bundle. .. tip:: The `Install OpenStack`_ page shows how to install by deploying, configuring, and relating applications on an individual basis using Juju. It is the recommended install method for getting a high level view of how OpenStack is put together. It also provides an opportunity to gain experience with Juju, which will in turn prepare you for post-deployment management of the cloud. The bundle featured here provides a minimal OpenStack cloud and assumes that `MAAS`_ is used as a backing cloud to Juju. Due to unknown factors in the local environment (usually hardware-related) the bundle will most likely need to be modified prior to deployment. The bundle and its deployment are described in great detail in its Charm Store entry here: `openstack-base`_. Once the bundle configuration has been confirmed OpenStack can be deployed: .. code-block:: none juju deploy /path/to/bundle/file The time required for the install to complete will depend on the hardware capabilities of the underlying MAAS nodes. Once finished, you should go on to `Configure OpenStack`_ if not already done. Finally, once cloud functionality has been verified see the `OpenStack Administrator Guides`_ for long-term guidance. .. LINKS .. _Install OpenStack: install-openstack .. _Configure OpenStack: configure-openstack.html .. _Charm bundles: https://jaas.ai/docs/charm-bundles .. _MAAS: https://maas.io .. _openstack-base: https://jaas.ai/openstack-base .. _OpenStack Administrator Guides: http://docs.openstack.org/admin