Modify the Makefile to point at the appropriate tox targets so that tox and Make output can be equivalent. This involves mapping the lint target to the pep8 target and the test target to the py27 target. Change-Id: I8f812b70050b0ae1638e4f77bb29054997054854
This charm provides the Glance image service for OpenStack. It is intended to be used alongside the other OpenStack components, starting with the Essex release in Ubuntu 12.04.
Glance may be deployed in a number of ways. This charm focuses on 3 main configurations. All require the existence of the other core OpenStack services deployed via Juju charms, specifically: mysql, keystone and nova-cloud-controller. The following assumes these services have already been deployed.
Local Storage
In this configuration, Glance uses the local storage available on the server to store image data:
juju deploy glance
juju add-relation glance keystone
juju add-relation glance mysql
juju add-relation glance nova-cloud-controller
Swift backed storage
Glance can also use Swift Object storage for image storage. Swift is often deployed as part of an OpenStack cloud and provides increased resilience and scale when compared to using local disk storage. This configuration assumes that you have already deployed Swift using the swift-proxy and swift-storage charms:
juju deploy glance
juju add-relation glance keystone
juju add-relation glance mysql
juju add-relation glance nova-cloud-controller
juju add-relation glance swift-proxy
This configuration can be used to support Glance in HA/Scale-out deployments.
Ceph backed storage
In this configuration, Glance uses Ceph based object storage to provide scalable, resilient storage of images. This configuration assumes that you have already deployed Ceph using the ceph charm:
juju deploy glance
juju add-relation glance keystone
juju add-relation glance mysql
juju add-relation glance nova-cloud-controller
juju add-relation glance ceph
This configuration can also be used to support Glance in HA/Scale-out deployments.
Glance HA/Scale-out
The Glance charm can also be used in a HA/scale-out configuration using the hacluster charm:
juju deploy -n 3 glance
juju deploy hacluster haglance
juju set glance vip=<virtual IP address to access glance over>
juju add-relation glance haglance
juju add-relation glance mysql
juju add-relation glance keystone
juju add-relation glance nova-cloud-controller
juju add-relation glance ceph|swift-proxy
In this configuration, 3 service units host the Glance image service; API requests are load balanced across all 3 service units via the configured virtual IP address (which is also registered into Keystone as the endpoint for Glance).
Note that Glance in this configuration must be used with either Ceph or Swift providing backing image storage.
Glance metering
In order to do Glance metering with Ceilometer, an AMQP relation is required e.g.
juju deploy glance
juju deploy rabbitmq-server
juju deploy ceilometer-agent
juju add-relation glance rabbitmq-server
juju add-relation glance ceilometer-agent
Deploying from source
The minimum openstack-origin-git config required to deploy from source is:
openstack-origin-git: include-file://glance-juno.yaml
- {name: requirements,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/requirements',
branch: stable/juno}
- {name: glance,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/glance',
branch: stable/juno}
Note that there are only two 'name' values the charm knows about: 'requirements' and 'glance'. These repositories must correspond to these 'name' values. Additionally, the requirements repository must be specified first and the glance repository must be specified last. All other repostories are installed in the order in which they are specified.
The following is a full list of current tip repos (may not be up-to-date):
openstack-origin-git: include-file://glance-master.yaml
- {name: requirements,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/requirements',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-concurrency,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/oslo.concurrency',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-config,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/oslo.config',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-db,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/oslo.db',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-i18n,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/oslo.i18n',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-messaging,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/oslo.messaging',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-serialization,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/oslo.serialization',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-utils,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/oslo.utils',
branch: master}
- {name: oslo-vmware,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/oslo.vmware',
branch: master}
- {name: osprofiler,
repository: 'git://github.com/stackforge/osprofiler',
branch: master}
- {name: pbr,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack-dev/pbr',
branch: master}
- {name: python-keystoneclient,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/python-keystoneclient',
branch: master}
- {name: python-swiftclient,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/python-swiftclient',
branch: master}
- {name: sqlalchemy-migrate,
repository: 'git://github.com/stackforge/sqlalchemy-migrate',
branch: master}
- {name: stevedore,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/stevedore',
branch: master}
- {name: wsme,
repository: 'git://github.com/stackforge/wsme',
branch: master}
- {name: keystonemiddleware,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/keystonemiddleware',
branch: master}
- {name: glance-store,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/glance_store',
branch: master}
- {name: glance,
repository: 'git://github.com/openstack/glance',
branch: master}
Contact Information
Author: Adam Gandelman adamg@canonical.com Report bugs at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/charms Location: http://jujucharms.com