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# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import os
import random
import time
import uuid
from typing import Optional
import apt
import apt_pkg
from charm.gluster import peer, volume
from charm.gluster.apt import get_candidate_package_version
from charmhelpers.cli import hookenv
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import config, log, status_set, ERROR
from import service_start, service_stop
from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install, add_source, apt_update
from gluster.cli.parsers import GlusterCmdOutputParseError
from result import Err, Ok, Result
def get_glusterfs_version() -> str:
Get the current glusterfs version that is installed
:return: Result. Ok(str) or Err(str)
cache = apt.Cache()
version_str = cache['glusterfs-server'].installed.version
return version_str
except KeyError:
def get_local_uuid() -> Result:
File looks like this:
:return: Result with Ok or Err.
with open("/var/lib/glusterd/", "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if "UUID" in line:
parts = line.split("=")
gluster_uuid = uuid.UUID(parts[1].strip())
return Ok(gluster_uuid)
return Err("Unable to find UUID")
def roll_cluster(new_version: str) -> Result:
Edge cases:
1. Previous node dies on upgrade, can we retry
This is tricky to get right so here's what we're going to do.
:param new_version: str of the version to upgrade to
There's 2 possible cases: Either I'm first in line or not.
If I'm not first in line I'll wait a random time between 5-30 seconds
and test to see if the previous peer is upgraded yet.
:param new_version: str. new version to upgrade to
:return: Result with Ok or Err.
log("roll_cluster called with {}".format(new_version))
volume_name = config("volume_name")
my_uuid = get_local_uuid()
if my_uuid.is_err():
return Err(my_uuid.value)
# volume_name always has a default
volume_bricks = volume.volume_info(volume_name)
peer_list = volume_bricks.value.bricks.peers
log("peer_list: {}".format(peer_list))
# Sort by UUID
# We find our position by UUID
position = [i for i, x in enumerate(peer_list) if x == my_uuid.value]
if len(position) == 0:
return Err("Unable to determine upgrade position")
log("upgrade position: {}".format(position))
if position[0] == 0:
# I'm first! Roll
# First set a key to inform others I'm about to roll
lock_and_roll(my_uuid.value, new_version)
# Check if the previous node has finished
message="Waiting on {} to finish upgrading".format(
peer_list[position[0] - 1]))
wait_on_previous_node(peer_list[position[0] - 1], new_version)
lock_and_roll(my_uuid.value, new_version)
except GlusterCmdOutputParseError as e:
return Err(e)
return Ok(())
def upgrade_peer(new_version: str) -> Result:
Upgrade a specific peer
:param new_version: str. new version to upgrade to
:return: Result with Ok or Err.
from .main import update_status
current_version = get_glusterfs_version()
status_set(workload_state="maintenance", message="Upgrading peer")
log("Current ceph version is {}".format(current_version))
log("Upgrading to: {}".format(new_version))
apt_install(["glusterfs-server", "glusterfs-common", "glusterfs-client"])
return Ok(())
def lock_and_roll(my_uuid: uuid.UUID, version: str) -> Result:
Lock and prevent others from upgrading and upgrade this particular peer
:param my_uuid: uuid.UUID of the peer to upgrade
:param version: str. Version to upgrade to
:return: Result with Ok or Err
start_timestamp = time.time()
log("gluster_key_set {}_{}_start {}".format(my_uuid, version,
gluster_key_set("{}_{}_start".format(my_uuid, version), start_timestamp)
# This should be quick
stop_timestamp = time.time()
# Set a key to inform others I am finished
log("gluster_key_set {}_{}_done {}".format(my_uuid, version,
gluster_key_set("{}_{}_done".format(my_uuid, version), stop_timestamp)
return Ok(())
def gluster_key_get(key: str) -> Optional[float]:
Get an upgrade key from the gluster local mount
:param key: str. Name of key to get
:return: Optional[float] with a timestamp
upgrade_key = os.path.join(os.sep, "mnt", "glusterfs", ".upgrade", key)
if not os.path.exists(upgrade_key):
return None
with open(upgrade_key, "r") as f:
s = f.readlines()
log("gluster_key_get read {} bytes".format(len(s)))
decoded = json.loads(s)
return float(decoded)
except ValueError:
log("Failed to decode json file in "
"gluster_key_get(): {}".format(s))
return None
except IOError as e:
log("gluster_key_get failed to read file /mnt/glusterfs/.upgraded/.{} "
"Error: {}".format(key, e.strerror))
return None
def gluster_key_set(key: str, timestamp: float) -> Result:
Set a key and a timestamp on the local glusterfs mount
:param key: str. Name of the key
:param timestamp: float. Timestamp
:return: Result with Ok or Err
p = os.path.join(os.sep, "mnt", "glusterfs", ".upgrade")
if os.path.exists(p):
with open(os.path.join(p, key), "w") as file:
encoded = json.dumps(timestamp)
return Ok(())
except IOError as e:
return Err(e.strerror)
def gluster_key_exists(key: str) -> bool:
location = "/mnt/glusterfs/.upgrade/{}".format(key)
return os.path.exists(location)
def wait_on_previous_node(previous_node: peer.Peer, version: str) -> Result:
Wait on a previous node to finish upgrading
:param previous_node: peer.Peer to wait on
:param version: str. Version we're upgrading to
:return: Result with Ok or Err
log("Previous node is: {}".format(previous_node))
previous_node_finished = gluster_key_exists(
"{}_{}_done".format(previous_node.uuid, version))
while not previous_node_finished:
log("{} is not finished. Waiting".format(previous_node.uuid))
# Has this node been trying to upgrade for longer than
# 10 minutes
# If so then move on and consider that node dead.
# NOTE: This assumes the clusters clocks are somewhat accurate
# If the hosts clock is really far off it may cause it to skip
# the previous node even though it shouldn't.
current_timestamp = time.time()
previous_node_start_time = gluster_key_get("{}_{}_start".format(
previous_node.uuid, version))
if previous_node_start_time is not None:
if float(current_timestamp - 600) > previous_node_start_time:
# Previous node is probably dead. Lets move on
if previous_node_start_time is not None:
log("Waited 10 mins on node {}. "
"current time: {} > "
"previous node start time: {} "
"Moving on".format(previous_node.uuid,
(current_timestamp - 600),
return Ok(())
# I have to wait. Sleep a random amount of time and then
# check if I can lock,upgrade and roll.
wait_time = random.randrange(5, 30)
log("waiting for {} seconds".format(wait_time))
previous_node_finished = gluster_key_exists(
"{}_{}_done".format(previous_node.uuid, version))
# TODO: There is no previous start time. What should we do?
return Ok(())
def check_for_upgrade() -> Result:
If the config has changed this will initiated a rolling upgrade
config = hookenv.config()
if not config.changed("source"):
# No upgrade requested
log("No upgrade requested")
return Ok(())
log("Getting current_version")
current_version = get_glusterfs_version()
log("Adding new source line")
source = config["source"]
if not source:
# No upgrade requested
log("Source not set. Cannot continue with upgrade")
return Ok(())
log("Calling apt update")
log("Getting proposed_version")
proposed_version = get_candidate_package_version("glusterfs-server")
if proposed_version.is_err():
return Err(proposed_version.value)
version_compare = apt_pkg.version_compare(a=proposed_version.value,
# Using semantic versioning if the new version is greater
# than we allow the upgrade
if version_compare > 0:
log("current_version: {}".format(current_version))
log("new_version: {}".format(proposed_version.value))
log("{} to {} is a valid upgrade path. Proceeding.".format(
current_version, proposed_version.value))
return roll_cluster(proposed_version.value)
# Log a helpful error message
log("Invalid upgrade path from {} to {}. The new version needs to be \
greater than the old version".format(
current_version, proposed_version.value), ERROR)
return Ok(())