# Overview The hacluster charm provides high availability for OpenStack applications that lack native (built-in) HA functionality. The clustering solution is based on Corosync and Pacemaker. It is a subordinate charm that works in conjunction with a principle charm that supports the 'hacluster' interface. The current list of such charms can be obtained from the [Charm Store][charms-requires-hacluster] (the charms officially supported by the OpenStack Charms project are published by 'openstack-charmers'). See [OpenStack high availability][cdg-ha] in the [OpenStack Charms Deployment Guide][cdg] for a comprehensive treatment of HA with charmed OpenStack. > **Note**: The hacluster charm is generally intended to be used with MAAS-based clouds. # Usage High availability can be configured in two mutually exclusive ways: * virtual IP(s) * DNS The virtual IP method of implementing HA requires that all units of the clustered OpenStack application are on the same subnet. The DNS method of implementing HA requires that [MAAS][upstream-maas] is used as the backing cloud. The clustered nodes must have static or "reserved" IP addresses registered in MAAS. If using a version of MAAS earlier than 2.3 the DNS hostname(s) should be pre-registered in MAAS before use with DNS HA. ## Configuration This section covers common configuration options. See file `config.yaml` for the full list of options, along with their descriptions and default values. #### `cluster_count` The `cluster_count` option sets the number of hacluster units required to form the principle application cluster (the default is 3). It is best practice to provide a value explicitly as doing so ensures that the hacluster charm will wait until all relations are made to the principle application before building the Corosync/Pacemaker cluster, thereby avoiding a race condition. ## Deployment At deploy time an application name should be set, and be based on the principle charm name (for organisational purposes): juju deploy hacluster -hacluster A relation is then added between the hacluster application and the principle application. In the below example the VIP approach is taken. These commands will deploy a three-node Keystone HA cluster, with a VIP of Each will reside in a container on existing machines 0, 1, and 2: juju deploy -n 3 --to lxd:0,lxd:1,lxd:2 --config vip= keystone juju deploy --config cluster_count=3 hacluster keystone-hacluster juju add-relation keystone-hacluster:ha keystone:ha ## Actions This section lists Juju [actions][juju-docs-actions] supported by the charm. Actions allow specific operations to be performed on a per-unit basis. * `pause` * `resume` * `status` * `cleanup` * `update-ring` To display action descriptions run `juju actions hacluster`. If the charm is not deployed then see file ``actions.yaml``. ## Presenting status information Here are a few examples of how to present useful information with the `status` action and the [jq][jq] utility. * Querying for `online` and `standby` parameter values: juju run-action --wait hacluster/leader status \ --format json | jq '.[] | {(.UnitId):.results.result | fromjson \ | .nodes | .[] | {unit_name: .name, online: .online, standby: .standby}}' output example { "hacluster/0": { "unit_name": "juju-a37bc0-3", "online": "true", "standby": "false" } } { "hacluster/0": { "unit_name": "juju-a37bc0-4", "online": "true", "standby": "false" } } { "hacluster/0": { "unit_name": "juju-a37bc0-5", "online": "true", "standby": "false" } } * Displaying cluster resource information: juju run-action --wait hacluster/leader status \ --format json | jq '.[] | {(.UnitId):.results.result | fromjson \ | .resources.groups}' # Bugs Please report bugs on [Launchpad][lp-bugs-charm-hacluster]. For general charm questions refer to the [OpenStack Charm Guide][cg]. [cg]: https://docs.openstack.org/charm-guide [lp-bugs-charm-hacluster]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-hacluster/+filebug [juju-docs-actions]: https://juju.is/docs/olm/working-with-actions [cdg-ha]: https://docs.openstack.org/charm-guide/latest/admin/ha.html [upstream-maas]: https://maas.io [charms-requires-hacluster]: https://jaas.ai/search?requires=hacluster [cdg]: https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide [jq]: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/