This patch replaces the sqlite3 kvstore implementation provided by charmhelpers. Patches the kvstore used in pcmk for both the test_pcmk and the test_hacluster_hooks tests. closes-bug: #1908282 Change-Id: I3320735314f0b03aecec6635ef82ddd44eecaff1
The hacluster charm provides high availability for OpenStack applications that lack native (built-in) HA functionality. The clustering solution is based on Corosync and Pacemaker.
It is a subordinate charm that works in conjunction with a principle charm that supports the 'hacluster' interface. The current list of such charms can be obtained from the Charm Store (the charms officially supported by the OpenStack Charms project are published by 'openstack-charmers').
See OpenStack high availability in the OpenStack Charms Deployment Guide for a comprehensive treatment of HA with charmed OpenStack.
: The hacluster charm is generally intended to be used with MAAS-based clouds.
High availability can be configured in two mutually exclusive ways:
- virtual IP(s)
The virtual IP method of implementing HA requires that all units of the clustered OpenStack application are on the same subnet.
The DNS method of implementing HA requires that MAAS is used as the backing cloud. The clustered nodes must have static or "reserved" IP addresses registered in MAAS. If using a version of MAAS earlier than 2.3 the DNS hostname(s) should be pre-registered in MAAS before use with DNS HA.
This section covers common configuration options. See file config.yaml
the full list of options, along with their descriptions and default values.
The cluster_count
option sets the number of hacluster units required to form
the principle application cluster (the default is 3). It is best practice to
provide a value explicitly as doing so ensures that the hacluster charm will
wait until all relations are made to the principle application before building
the Corosync/Pacemaker cluster, thereby avoiding a race condition.
At deploy time an application name should be set, and be based on the principle charm name (for organisational purposes):
juju deploy hacluster <principle-charm-name>-hacluster
A relation is then added between the hacluster application and the principle application.
In the below example the VIP approach is taken. These commands will deploy a three-node Keystone HA cluster, with a VIP of Each will reside in a container on existing machines 0, 1, and 2:
juju deploy -n 3 --to lxd:0,lxd:1,lxd:2 --config vip= keystone
juju deploy --config cluster_count=3 hacluster keystone-hacluster
juju add-relation keystone-hacluster:ha keystone:ha
This section lists Juju actions supported by the charm. Actions allow specific operations to be performed on a per-unit basis.
To display action descriptions run juju actions hacluster
. If the charm is
not deployed then see file actions.yaml
Please report bugs on Launchpad.
For general charm questions refer to the OpenStack Charm Guide.