
223 lines
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default: zed
type: string
description: |
Repository from which to install. May be one of the following:
distro (default), ppa:somecustom/ppa, a deb url sources entry,
or a supported Ubuntu Cloud Archive e.g.
See for info on which
cloud archives are available and supported.
default: ironic
type: string
description: Username used to access rabbitmq queue
default: openstack
type: string
description: Rabbitmq vhost
default: ironic
type: string
description: Username for Ironic database access
default: ironic
type: string
description: Database name for Ironic
default: False
type: boolean
description: Enable debug logging
default: False
type: boolean
description: Enable verbose logging
default: RegionOne
type: string
description: OpenStack Region
default: true
type: boolean
description: |
Use iPXE instead of PXE. This option will install an aditional
HTTP server with a root in /httpboot.
default: "8080"
type: string
description: |
The port used for the HTTP server used to serve iPXE resources.
default: 0
type: int
description: |
Force TFTP server maximum block size. Setting this option to anything
other than 0, will force the block size sent over TFTP to the value
specified here. Valid range is 512-65535. By default, clients will
negotiate the block size.
Use this option if you're running ironic in a network with lower
MTU. The value of this option should be 32 bits less than the MTU.
If your MTU is 1450, the value for this option should be 1418.
default: false
type: boolean
description: |
This will disable secure erase in Ironic, when releasing a node. An ATA
Secure Erase will be attempted. If it's not supported, the disks will be
shreaded by writting random data to them once, then overwriting that data
with zeros.
Enabling this option will preserve the data on disk after release (not
recommended for production).
default: !!null ""
type: string
description: |
The name or ID of the provisioning network. This network is used to deploy
bare metal nodes. This option is mandatory to allow Neutron network interfaces.
default: !!null ""
type: string
description: |
The name or ID of the cleaning network. This network is used to clean
bare metal nodes after they have been releases. This option is mandatory
to allow Neutron network interfaces. The same network may be used for both
cleaning and provisioning.
type: string
default: "flat, neutron, noop"
description: |
Comma separated list of network interfaces to be enabled in the Ironic config.
Valid options are:
* flat
* neutron
* noop
Note: When enabling "neutron", you will also have to set the provisioning-network
and the cleaning-network options. The settings for these networks can be overwritten
per node, but they need to be set globally for ironic to start. The "neutron" network
interface is needed if you require additional enablement from a ml2 driver you may
have enabled in your deployment, such as switch configuration.
type: string
default: "flat"
description: |
The default network interface to use for nodes that do not explicitly set a network
interface type. The default network interface specified here, must also exist in the
list of enabled-network-interfaces.
type: string
default: "direct"
description: |
Comma separated list of deploy interfaces to use.
Valid options are:
* direct
* iscsi
Note: To enable the direct deploy interface, the following conditions must be
met in your deployment of OpenStack:
* ceph-radosgw or swift is deployed and available
* glance is deployed and has a relation set to ceph-radosgw or swift
* You ran the set-temp-url-secret action of this charm
If any of these conditions are not met, the direct deploy interface will not be
enabled in the config, and the charm will go into blocked state.
Note: The iscsi deploy mode requires that ironic-conductor be deployed on a VM
or a bare metal machine. That is because the iscsi kernel module is not namespaced,
and the ironic-conductor will not be able to log into any iscsi target.
Note: The iscsi deploy interface is removed from the Ironic project in OpenStack
Xena. Support for the iscsi deploy interface is therefore removed from the charm
For OpenStack Xena and later releases.
type: string
default: "direct"
description: |
The default deploy interface to use for nodes that do not explicitly set a deploy
default: "nofb nomodeset vga=normal console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"
type: string
description: |
Kernel command line parameters to pass to the deployment kernel.
Options must be space delimited and will be passed as is to the deployment image.
Aside from regular linux kernel command line parameters, you can also configure
the ironic python agent (IPA) from within the deployment image. See the IPA
documentation for a list of command line parameters which can be passed via
default: true
type: boolean
description: |
Globally enables automated cleaning of nodes. This is run when setting a node to available
state, or when deleting an instance. Cleaning will bring the node in a baseline
state. You can safely disable this feature if all tenants of your OpenStack deployment
are trusted, or if you have a single tenant.
Note: Automated cleaning can be toggled on a per node basis, via node properties.
Note: node cleaning may take a long time, especially if secure erase is enabled.
default: "ipmi"
type: string
description: |
Comma separated list of hardware types to enable.
Valid options are:
* ipmi
* redfish
* idrac
type: boolean
default: False
description: |
Use ipmitool to do the retries by passing relevant parameters. By default the option
is set to False and in this case Ironic will do the retries by re-running ipmi commands.
default: "on_failure"
type: string
description: |
Defines the deployment-log collection behaviour.
Valid options are:
* on_failure (default): Retrieve deployment logs on deployment failure.
* always: Always collect logs even if deployment seccedded.
* never: Disable log collection
default: "local"
type: string
description: |
Defines the location to store logs.
Valid options are:
* local (default): Store logs on local filesystem.
* swift: Store logs on swift container.
default: "/var/log/ironic/deploy"
type: string
description: |
Location of the directory to store logs on local filesystem.
Used when deploy-logs-storage-backend is configured to "local".
default: "ironic_deploy_logs_container"
type: string
description: |
The name of the swift container to store logs.
Used when deploy-logs-storage-backend is configured to "swift".
default: 30
type: int
description: |
Number of days before a log object expires in swift.
type: int
description: |
The length of time (in seconds) that the temporary URL will be valid
for. Defaults to 20 minutes. If some deploys get a 401 response code
when trying to download from the temporary URL, try raising this