#!/bin/bash -eux # # Example script to issue a token using an account backed by OpenID Connect, # the script automatically gather the information from the juju model and # assumes certain information for the objects created by openidc-test-fixture. # export OS_AUTH_TYPE=v3oidcpassword export OS_DISCOVERY_ENDPOINT="$(juju config keystone-openidc oidc-provider-metadata-url)" export OS_OPENID_SCOPE="openid email profile" export OS_CLIENT_ID="$(juju config keystone-openidc oidc-client-id)" export OS_CLIENT_SECRET="$(juju config keystone-openidc oidc-client-secret)" # openstack identity provider list export OS_IDENTITY_PROVIDER=openid # openstack federation protocol list --identity-provider $OS_IDENTITY_PROVIDER export OS_PROTOCOL=openid # map to the protocol associated to the identity provider # openstack specific config export OS_USERNAME=janedoe export OS_PASSWORD=f00bar export OS_AUTH_URL=https://$(juju config keystone vip):5000/v3 export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3 export OS_PROJECT_NAME=janedoe_project export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=federated_domain export OS_REGION_NAME=RegionOne openstack token issue