#!/usr/bin/python import ConfigParser import sys import json import time import subprocess import os from lib.openstack_common import( get_os_codename_install_source, get_os_codename_package, error_out, configure_installation_source ) import keystone_ssl as ssl import lib.unison as unison import lib.utils as utils import lib.cluster_utils as cluster keystone_conf = "/etc/keystone/keystone.conf" stored_passwd = "/var/lib/keystone/keystone.passwd" stored_token = "/var/lib/keystone/keystone.token" SERVICE_PASSWD_PATH = '/var/lib/keystone/services.passwd' SSL_DIR = '/var/lib/keystone/juju_ssl/' SSL_CA_NAME = 'Ubuntu Cloud' CLUSTER_RES = 'res_ks_vip' SSH_USER = 'juju_keystone' def execute(cmd, die=False, echo=False): """ Executes a command if die=True, script will exit(1) if command does not return 0 if echo=True, output of command will be printed to stdout returns a tuple: (stdout, stderr, return code) """ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(" "), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout = "" stderr = "" def print_line(l): if echo: print l.strip('\n') sys.stdout.flush() for l in iter(p.stdout.readline, ''): print_line(l) stdout += l for l in iter(p.stderr.readline, ''): print_line(l) stderr += l p.communicate() rc = p.returncode if die and rc != 0: error_out("ERROR: command %s return non-zero.\n" % cmd) return (stdout, stderr, rc) def config_get(): """ Obtain the units config via 'config-get' Returns a dict representing current config. private-address and IP of the unit is also tacked on for convienence """ output = execute("config-get --format json")[0] config = json.loads(output) # make sure no config element is blank after config-get for c in config.keys(): if not config[c]: error_out("ERROR: Config option has no paramter: %s" % c) # tack on our private address and ip config["hostname"] = utils.unit_get('private-address') return config def relation_get_dict(relation_id=None, remote_unit=None): """Obtain all relation data as dict by way of JSON""" cmd = 'relation-get --format=json' if relation_id: cmd += ' -r %s' % relation_id if remote_unit: remote_unit_orig = os.getenv('JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT', None) os.environ['JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT'] = remote_unit j = execute(cmd, die=True)[0] if remote_unit and remote_unit_orig: os.environ['JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT'] = remote_unit_orig d = json.loads(j) settings = {} # convert unicode to strings for k, v in d.iteritems(): settings[str(k)] = str(v) return settings _local_endpoint = None def get_local_endpoint(): """ Returns the URL for the local end-point bypassing haproxy/ssl """ if not _local_endpoint: _local_endpoint = 'http://localhost:{}/v2.0/'.format( cluster.determine_api_port(utils.config_get('admin-port')) ) return _local_endpoint def set_admin_token(admin_token): """Set admin token according to deployment config or use a randomly generated token if none is specified (default). """ if admin_token != 'None': utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Configuring Keystone to use' ' a pre-configured admin token.') token = admin_token else: utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Configuring Keystone to use a random admin token.') if os.path.isfile(stored_token): msg = 'Loading a previously generated' \ ' admin token from %s' % stored_token utils.juju_log('INFO', msg) f = open(stored_token, 'r') token = f.read().strip() f.close() else: token = execute('pwgen -c 32 1', die=True)[0].strip() out = open(stored_token, 'w') out.write('%s\n' % token) out.close() update_config_block('DEFAULT', admin_token=token) def get_admin_token(): """Temporary utility to grab the admin token as configured in keystone.conf """ f = open(keystone_conf, 'r+') for l in open(keystone_conf, 'r+').readlines(): if l.split(' ')[0] == 'admin_token': try: return l.split('=')[1].strip() except: error_out('Could not parse admin_token line from %s' % keystone_conf) error_out('Could not find admin_token line in %s' % keystone_conf) def update_config_block(section, **kwargs): """ Updates keystone.conf blocks given kwargs. Update a config setting in a specific setting of a config file (/etc/keystone/keystone.conf, by default) """ if 'file' in kwargs: conf_file = kwargs['file'] del kwargs['file'] else: conf_file = keystone_conf config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read(conf_file) if section != 'DEFAULT' and not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): config.set(section, k, v) with open(conf_file, 'wb') as out: config.write(out) def create_service_entry(service_name, service_type, service_desc, owner=None): """ Add a new service entry to keystone if one does not already exist """ import manager manager = manager.KeystoneManager(endpoint=get_local_endpoint(), token=get_admin_token()) for service in [s._info for s in manager.api.services.list()]: if service['name'] == service_name: utils.juju_log('INFO', "Service entry for '%s' already exists." % \ service_name) return manager.api.services.create(name=service_name, service_type=service_type, description=service_desc) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Created new service entry '%s'" % service_name) def create_endpoint_template(region, service, publicurl, adminurl, internalurl): """ Create a new endpoint template for service if one does not already exist matching name *and* region """ import manager manager = manager.KeystoneManager(endpoint=get_local_endpoint(), token=get_admin_token()) service_id = manager.resolve_service_id(service) for ep in [e._info for e in manager.api.endpoints.list()]: if ep['service_id'] == service_id and ep['region'] == region: utils.juju_log('INFO', "Endpoint template already exists for '%s' in '%s'" % (service, region)) up_to_date = True for k in ['publicurl', 'adminurl', 'internalurl']: if ep[k] != locals()[k]: up_to_date = False if up_to_date: return else: # delete endpoint and recreate if endpoint urls need updating. utils.juju_log('INFO', "Updating endpoint template with" " new endpoint urls.") manager.api.endpoints.delete(ep['id']) manager.api.endpoints.create(region=region, service_id=service_id, publicurl=publicurl, adminurl=adminurl, internalurl=internalurl) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Created new endpoint template for '%s' in '%s'" % (region, service)) def create_tenant(name): """ creates a tenant if it does not already exist """ import manager manager = manager.KeystoneManager(endpoint=get_local_endpoint(), token=get_admin_token()) tenants = [t._info for t in manager.api.tenants.list()] if not tenants or name not in [t['name'] for t in tenants]: manager.api.tenants.create(tenant_name=name, description='Created by Juju') utils.juju_log('INFO', "Created new tenant: %s" % name) return utils.juju_log('INFO', "Tenant '%s' already exists." % name) def create_user(name, password, tenant): """ creates a user if it doesn't already exist, as a member of tenant """ import manager manager = manager.KeystoneManager(endpoint=get_local_endpoint(), token=get_admin_token()) users = [u._info for u in manager.api.users.list()] if not users or name not in [u['name'] for u in users]: tenant_id = manager.resolve_tenant_id(tenant) if not tenant_id: error_out('Could not resolve tenant_id for tenant %s' % tenant) manager.api.users.create(name=name, password=password, email='juju@localhost', tenant_id=tenant_id) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Created new user '%s' tenant: %s" % \ (name, tenant_id)) return utils.juju_log('INFO', "A user named '%s' already exists" % name) def create_role(name, user=None, tenant=None): """ creates a role if it doesn't already exist. grants role to user """ import manager manager = manager.KeystoneManager(endpoint=get_local_endpoint(), token=get_admin_token()) roles = [r._info for r in manager.api.roles.list()] if not roles or name not in [r['name'] for r in roles]: manager.api.roles.create(name=name) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Created new role '%s'" % name) else: utils.juju_log('INFO', "A role named '%s' already exists" % name) if not user and not tenant: return # NOTE(adam_g): Keystone client requires id's for add_user_role, not names user_id = manager.resolve_user_id(user) role_id = manager.resolve_role_id(name) tenant_id = manager.resolve_tenant_id(tenant) if None in [user_id, role_id, tenant_id]: error_out("Could not resolve [%s, %s, %s]" % (user_id, role_id, tenant_id)) grant_role(user, name, tenant) def grant_role(user, role, tenant): """grant user+tenant a specific role""" import manager manager = manager.KeystoneManager(endpoint=get_local_endpoint(), token=get_admin_token()) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Granting user '%s' role '%s' on tenant '%s'" % \ (user, role, tenant)) user_id = manager.resolve_user_id(user) role_id = manager.resolve_role_id(role) tenant_id = manager.resolve_tenant_id(tenant) cur_roles = manager.api.roles.roles_for_user(user_id, tenant_id) if not cur_roles or role_id not in [r.id for r in cur_roles]: manager.api.roles.add_user_role(user=user_id, role=role_id, tenant=tenant_id) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Granted user '%s' role '%s' on tenant '%s'" % \ (user, role, tenant)) else: utils.juju_log('INFO', "User '%s' already has role '%s' on tenant '%s'" % \ (user, role, tenant)) def generate_admin_token(config): """ generate and add an admin token """ import manager manager = manager.KeystoneManager(endpoint=get_local_endpoint(), token='ADMIN') if config["admin-token"] == "None": import random token = random.randrange(1000000000000, 9999999999999) else: return config["admin-token"] manager.api.add_token(token, config["admin-user"], "admin", config["token-expiry"]) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Generated and added new random admin token.") return token def ensure_initial_admin(config): """ Ensures the minimum admin stuff exists in whatever database we're using. This and the helper functions it calls are meant to be idempotent and run during install as well as during db-changed. This will maintain the admin tenant, user, role, service entry and endpoint across every datastore we might use. TODO: Possibly migrate data from one backend to another after it changes? """ create_tenant("admin") create_tenant(config["service-tenant"]) passwd = "" if config["admin-password"] != "None": passwd = config["admin-password"] elif os.path.isfile(stored_passwd): utils.juju_log('INFO', "Loading stored passwd from %s" % stored_passwd) passwd = open(stored_passwd, 'r').readline().strip('\n') if passwd == "": utils.juju_log('INFO', "Generating new passwd for user: %s" % \ config["admin-user"]) passwd = execute("pwgen -c 16 1", die=True)[0] open(stored_passwd, 'w+').writelines("%s\n" % passwd) create_user(config['admin-user'], passwd, tenant='admin') update_user_password(config['admin-user'], passwd) create_role(config['admin-role'], config['admin-user'], 'admin') # TODO(adam_g): The following roles are likely not needed since redux merge create_role("KeystoneAdmin", config["admin-user"], 'admin') create_role("KeystoneServiceAdmin", config["admin-user"], 'admin') create_service_entry("keystone", "identity", "Keystone Identity Service") utils.juju_log('INFO', "Creating standard endpoint") for region in config['region'].split(): create_keystone_endpoint(service_host=config["hostname"], service_port=config["service-port"], auth_host=config["hostname"], auth_port=config["admin-port"], region=region) def create_keystone_endpoint(service_host, service_port, auth_host, auth_port, region): public_url = "http://%s:%s/v2.0" % (service_host, service_port) admin_url = "http://%s:%s/v2.0" % (auth_host, auth_port) internal_url = "http://%s:%s/v2.0" % (service_host, service_port) create_endpoint_template(region, "keystone", public_url, admin_url, internal_url) def update_user_password(username, password): import manager manager = manager.KeystoneManager(endpoint=get_local_endpoint(), token=get_admin_token()) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Updating password for user '%s'" % username) user_id = manager.resolve_user_id(username) if user_id is None: error_out("Could not resolve user id for '%s'" % username) manager.api.users.update_password(user=user_id, password=password) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Successfully updated password for user '%s'" % \ username) def load_stored_passwords(path=SERVICE_PASSWD_PATH): creds = {} if not os.path.isfile(path): return creds stored_passwd = open(path, 'r') for l in stored_passwd.readlines(): user, passwd = l.strip().split(':') creds[user] = passwd return creds def save_stored_passwords(path=SERVICE_PASSWD_PATH, **creds): with open(path, 'wb') as stored_passwd: [stored_passwd.write('%s:%s\n' % (u, p)) for u, p in creds.iteritems()] def get_service_password(service_username): creds = load_stored_passwords() if service_username in creds: return creds[service_username] passwd = subprocess.check_output(['pwgen', '-c', '32', '1']).strip() creds[service_username] = passwd save_stored_passwords(**creds) return passwd def configure_pki_tokens(config): '''Configure PKI token signing, if enabled.''' if config['enable-pki'] not in ['True', 'true']: update_config_block('signing', token_format='UUID') else: utils.juju_log('INFO', 'TODO: PKI Support, setting to UUID for now.') update_config_block('signing', token_format='UUID') def do_openstack_upgrade(install_src, packages): '''Upgrade packages from a given install src.''' config = config_get() old_vers = get_os_codename_package('keystone') new_vers = get_os_codename_install_source(install_src) utils.juju_log('INFO', "Beginning Keystone upgrade: %s -> %s" % \ (old_vers, new_vers)) # Backup previous config. utils.juju_log('INFO', "Backing up contents of /etc/keystone.") stamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') cmd = 'tar -pcf /var/lib/juju/keystone-backup-%s.tar /etc/keystone' % stamp execute(cmd, die=True, echo=True) configure_installation_source(install_src) execute('apt-get update', die=True, echo=True) os.environ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' cmd = 'apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew -y '\ 'install %s' % packages execute(cmd, echo=True, die=True) # we have new, fresh config files that need updating. # set the admin token, which is still stored in config. set_admin_token(config['admin-token']) # set the sql connection string if a shared-db relation is found. ids = utils.relation_ids('shared-db') if ids: for rid in ids: for unit in utils.relation_list(rid): utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Configuring new keystone.conf for ' 'database access on existing database' ' relation to %s' % unit) relation_data = relation_get_dict(relation_id=rid, remote_unit=unit) update_config_block('sql', connection="mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s" % (config["database-user"], relation_data["password"], relation_data["private-address"], config["database"])) utils.stop('keystone') if (cluster.eligible_leader(CLUSTER_RES)): utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Running database migrations for %s' % new_vers) execute('keystone-manage db_sync', echo=True, die=True) else: utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Not cluster leader; snoozing whilst' ' leader upgrades DB') time.sleep(10) utils.start('keystone') time.sleep(5) utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Completed Keystone upgrade: ' '%s -> %s' % (old_vers, new_vers)) def synchronize_service_credentials(): ''' Broadcast service credentials to peers or consume those that have been broadcasted by peer, depending on hook context. ''' if (not cluster.eligible_leader(CLUSTER_RES) or not os.path.isfile(SERVICE_PASSWD_PATH)): return utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Synchronizing service passwords to all peers.') unison.sync_to_peers(peer_interface='cluster', paths=[SERVICE_PASSWD_PATH], user=SSH_USER, verbose=True) CA = [] def get_ca(user='keystone', group='keystone'): """ Initialize a new CA object if one hasn't already been loaded. This will create a new CA or load an existing one. """ if not CA: if not os.path.isdir(SSL_DIR): os.mkdir(SSL_DIR) d_name = '_'.join(SSL_CA_NAME.lower().split(' ')) ca = ssl.JujuCA(name=SSL_CA_NAME, user=user, group=group, ca_dir=os.path.join(SSL_DIR, '%s_intermediate_ca' % d_name), root_ca_dir=os.path.join(SSL_DIR, '%s_root_ca' % d_name)) # SSL_DIR is synchronized via all peers over unison+ssh, need # to ensure permissions. execute('chown -R %s.%s %s' % (user, group, SSL_DIR)) execute('chmod -R g+rwx %s' % SSL_DIR) CA.append(ca) return CA[0]