# # Copyright 2012-2016 Canonical Ltd. # # Authors: # James Page # Paul Collins # Chris MacNaughton # # Imports from ceph.py import ctypes import ctypes.util import errno import json import subprocess import time import os import re import socket import sys import shutil from charmhelpers.cli.host import mounts from charmhelpers.core.host import ( mkdir, chownr, cmp_pkgrevno, lsb_release, service_stop, service_restart) from charms.reactive import is_state from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( log, ERROR, WARNING, DEBUG, cached, config, unit_get, status_set, relation_ids, related_units, relation_get, ) from charmhelpers.fetch import ( apt_cache, # apt_install, # filter_installed_packages ) from charmhelpers.contrib.storage.linux.utils import ( zap_disk, is_block_device, is_device_mounted, ) # from utils import ( # get_unit_hostname, # ) from charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip import ( get_address_in_network, get_ipv6_addr, format_ipv6_addr ) # try: # import dns.resolver # except ImportError: # apt_install(filter_installed_packages(['python-dnspython']), # fatal=True) # import dns.resolver import dns.resolver def get_mon_hosts(): hosts = [] if is_state('ceph_mon.installed'): addr = get_public_addr() hosts.append('{}:6789'.format(format_ipv6_addr(addr) or addr)) for relid in relation_ids('mon'): for unit in related_units(relid): addr = relation_get('ceph-public-address', unit, relid) if addr is not None: hosts.append('{}:6789'.format( format_ipv6_addr(addr) or addr)) hosts.sort() return hosts def enable_pocket(pocket): apt_sources = "/etc/apt/sources.list" with open(apt_sources, "r") as sources: lines = sources.readlines() with open(apt_sources, "w") as sources: for line in lines: if pocket in line: sources.write(re.sub('^# deb', 'deb', line)) else: sources.write(line) @cached def get_unit_hostname(): return socket.gethostname() @cached def get_host_ip(hostname=None): if config('prefer-ipv6'): return get_ipv6_addr()[0] hostname = hostname or unit_get('private-address') try: # Test to see if already an IPv4 address socket.inet_aton(hostname) return hostname except socket.error: # This may throw an NXDOMAIN exception; in which case # things are badly broken so just let it kill the hook answers = dns.resolver.query(hostname, 'A') if answers: return answers[0].address def get_networks(config_opt='ceph-public-network'): """Get all configured networks from provided config option. If public network(s) are provided, go through them and return those for which we have an address configured. """ networks = config(config_opt) if networks: networks = networks.split() return [n for n in networks if get_address_in_network(n)] return [] def get_public_addr(): return get_network_addrs('ceph-public-network')[0] def get_network_addrs(config_opt): """Get all configured public networks addresses. If public network(s) are provided, go through them and return the addresses we have configured on any of those networks. """ addrs = [] networks = config(config_opt) if networks: networks = networks.split() addrs = [get_address_in_network(n) for n in networks] addrs = [a for a in addrs if a] if not addrs: if networks: msg = ("Could not find an address on any of '%s' - resolve this " "error to retry" % (networks)) status_set('blocked', msg) raise Exception(msg) else: return [get_host_ip()] return addrs def assert_charm_supports_ipv6(): """Check whether we are able to support charms ipv6.""" if lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower() < "trusty": raise Exception("IPv6 is not supported in the charms for Ubuntu " "versions less than Trusty 14.04") LEADER = 'leader' PEON = 'peon' QUORUM = [LEADER, PEON] PACKAGES = ['ceph', 'gdisk', 'ntp', 'btrfs-tools', 'python-ceph', 'xfsprogs'] def ceph_user(): if get_version() > 1: return 'ceph' else: return "root" class CrushLocation(object): def __init__(self, name, identifier, host, rack, row, datacenter, chassis, root): self.name = name self.identifier = identifier self.host = host self.rack = rack self.row = row self.datacenter = datacenter self.chassis = chassis self.root = root def __str__(self): return "name: {} id: {} host: {} rack: {} row: {} datacenter: {} " \ "chassis :{} root: {}".format(self.name, self.identifier, self.host, self.rack, self.row, self.datacenter, self.chassis, self.root) def __eq__(self, other): return not self.name < other.name and not other.name < self.name def __ne__(self, other): return self.name < other.name or other.name < self.name def __gt__(self, other): return self.name > other.name def __ge__(self, other): return not self.name < other.name def __le__(self, other): return self.name < other.name def get_osd_tree(service): """ Returns the current osd map in JSON. :return: List. :raise: ValueError if the monmap fails to parse. Also raises CalledProcessError if our ceph command fails """ try: tree = subprocess.check_output( ['ceph', '--id', service, 'osd', 'tree', '--format=json']).decode('utf-8') try: json_tree = json.loads(tree) crush_list = [] # Make sure children are present in the json if not json_tree['nodes']: return None child_ids = json_tree['nodes'][0]['children'] for child in json_tree['nodes']: if child['id'] in child_ids: crush_list.append( CrushLocation( name=child.get('name'), identifier=child['id'], host=child.get('host'), rack=child.get('rack'), row=child.get('row'), datacenter=child.get('datacenter'), chassis=child.get('chassis'), root=child.get('root') ) ) return crush_list except ValueError as v: log("Unable to parse ceph tree json: {}. Error: {}".format( tree, v.message)) raise except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log("ceph osd tree command failed with message: {}".format( e.message)) raise def get_local_osd_ids(): """ This will list the /var/lib/ceph/osd/* directories and try to split the ID off of the directory name and return it in a list :return: list. A list of osd identifiers :raise: OSError if something goes wrong with listing the directory. """ osd_ids = [] osd_path = os.path.join(os.sep, 'var', 'lib', 'ceph', 'osd') if os.path.exists(osd_path): try: dirs = os.listdir(osd_path) for osd_dir in dirs: osd_id = osd_dir.split('-')[1] osd_ids.append(osd_id) except OSError: raise return osd_ids def get_local_mon_ids(): """ This will list the /var/lib/ceph/mon/* directories and try to split the ID off of the directory name and return it in a list :return: list. A list of monitor identifiers :raise: OSError if something goes wrong with listing the directory. """ mon_ids = [] mon_path = os.path.join(os.sep, 'var', 'lib', 'ceph', 'mon') if os.path.exists(mon_path): try: dirs = os.listdir(mon_path) for mon_dir in dirs: # Basically this takes everything after ceph- as the monitor ID match = re.search('ceph-(?P.*)', mon_dir) if match: mon_ids.append(match.group('mon_id')) except OSError: raise return mon_ids def get_version(): '''Derive Ceph release from an installed package.''' import apt_pkg as apt cache = apt_cache() package = "ceph" try: pkg = cache[package] except: # the package is unknown to the current apt cache. e = 'Could not determine version of package with no installation ' \ 'candidate: %s' % package error_out(e) if not pkg.current_ver: # package is known, but no version is currently installed. e = 'Could not determine version of uninstalled package: %s' % package error_out(e) vers = apt.upstream_version(pkg.current_ver.ver_str) # x.y match only for 20XX.X # and ignore patch level for other packages match = re.match('^(\d+)\.(\d+)', vers) if match: vers = match.group(0) return float(vers) def error_out(msg): log("FATAL ERROR: %s" % msg, level=ERROR) sys.exit(1) def is_quorum(): asok = "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.{}.asok".format(get_unit_hostname()) cmd = [ "sudo", "-u", ceph_user(), "ceph", "--admin-daemon", asok, "mon_status" ] if os.path.exists(asok): try: result = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False except ValueError: # Non JSON response from mon_status return False if result['state'] in QUORUM: return True else: return False else: return False def is_leader(): asok = "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.{}.asok".format(get_unit_hostname()) cmd = [ "sudo", "-u", ceph_user(), "ceph", "--admin-daemon", asok, "mon_status" ] if os.path.exists(asok): try: result = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8')) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return False except ValueError: # Non JSON response from mon_status return False if result['state'] == LEADER: return True else: return False else: return False def wait_for_quorum(): while not is_quorum(): time.sleep(3) def add_bootstrap_hint(peer): asok = "/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.{}.asok".format(get_unit_hostname()) cmd = [ "sudo", "-u", ceph_user(), "ceph", "--admin-daemon", asok, "add_bootstrap_peer_hint", peer ] if os.path.exists(asok): # Ignore any errors for this call subprocess.call(cmd) DISK_FORMATS = [ 'xfs', 'ext4', 'btrfs' ] CEPH_PARTITIONS = [ '4FBD7E29-9D25-41B8-AFD0-5EC00CEFF05D', # ceph encrypted osd data '4FBD7E29-9D25-41B8-AFD0-062C0CEFF05D', # ceph osd data '45B0969E-9B03-4F30-B4C6-B4B80CEFF106', # ceph osd journal ] def umount(mount_point): """ This function unmounts a mounted directory forcibly. This will be used for unmounting broken hard drive mounts which may hang. If umount returns EBUSY this will lazy unmount. :param mount_point: str. A String representing the filesystem mount point :return: int. Returns 0 on success. errno otherwise. """ libc_path = ctypes.util.find_library("c") libc = ctypes.CDLL(libc_path, use_errno=True) # First try to umount with MNT_FORCE ret = libc.umount(mount_point, 1) if ret < 0: err = ctypes.get_errno() if err == errno.EBUSY: # Detach from try. IE lazy umount ret = libc.umount(mount_point, 2) if ret < 0: err = ctypes.get_errno() return err return 0 else: return err return 0 def replace_osd(dead_osd_number, dead_osd_device, new_osd_device, osd_format, osd_journal, reformat_osd=False, ignore_errors=False): """ This function will automate the replacement of a failed osd disk as much as possible. It will revoke the keys for the old osd, remove it from the crush map and then add a new osd into the cluster. :param dead_osd_number: The osd number found in ceph osd tree. Example: 99 :param dead_osd_device: The physical device. Example: /dev/sda :param osd_format: :param osd_journal: :param reformat_osd: :param ignore_errors: """ host_mounts = mounts() mount_point = None for mount in host_mounts: if mount[1] == dead_osd_device: mount_point = mount[0] # need to convert dev to osd number # also need to get the mounted drive so we can tell the admin to # replace it try: # Drop this osd out of the cluster. This will begin a # rebalance operation status_set('maintenance', 'Removing osd {}'.format(dead_osd_number)) subprocess.check_output(['ceph', 'osd', 'out', 'osd.{}'.format(dead_osd_number)]) # Kill the osd process if it's not already dead if systemd(): service_stop('ceph-osd@{}'.format(dead_osd_number)) else: subprocess.check_output(['stop', 'ceph-osd', 'id={}'.format( dead_osd_number)]), # umount if still mounted ret = umount(mount_point) if ret < 0: raise RuntimeError('umount {} failed with error: {}'.format( mount_point, os.strerror(ret))) # Clean up the old mount point shutil.rmtree(mount_point) subprocess.check_output(['ceph', 'osd', 'crush', 'remove', 'osd.{}'.format(dead_osd_number)]) # Revoke the OSDs access keys subprocess.check_output(['ceph', 'auth', 'del', 'osd.{}'.format(dead_osd_number)]) subprocess.check_output(['ceph', 'osd', 'rm', 'osd.{}'.format(dead_osd_number)]) status_set('maintenance', 'Setting up replacement osd {}'.format( new_osd_device)) osdize(new_osd_device, osd_format, osd_journal, reformat_osd, ignore_errors) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log('replace_osd failed with error: ' + e.output) def is_osd_disk(dev): try: info = subprocess.check_output(['sgdisk', '-i', '1', dev]).decode('utf-8') info = info.split("\n") # IGNORE:E1103 for line in info: for ptype in CEPH_PARTITIONS: sig = 'Partition GUID code: {}'.format(ptype) if line.startswith(sig): return True except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass return False def start_osds(devices): # Scan for ceph block devices rescan_osd_devices() if cmp_pkgrevno('ceph', "0.56.6") >= 0: # Use ceph-disk activate for directory based OSD's for dev_or_path in devices: if os.path.exists(dev_or_path) and os.path.isdir(dev_or_path): subprocess.check_call(['ceph-disk', 'activate', dev_or_path]) def rescan_osd_devices(): cmd = [ 'udevadm', 'trigger', '--subsystem-match=block', '--action=add' ] subprocess.call(cmd) _bootstrap_keyring = "/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring" _upgrade_keyring = "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph.client.osd-upgrade.keyring" def is_bootstrapped(): return os.path.exists(_bootstrap_keyring) def wait_for_bootstrap(): while (not is_bootstrapped()): time.sleep(3) def import_osd_bootstrap_key(key): if not os.path.exists(_bootstrap_keyring): cmd = [ "sudo", "-u", ceph_user(), 'ceph-authtool', _bootstrap_keyring, '--create-keyring', '--name=client.bootstrap-osd', '--add-key={}'.format(key) ] subprocess.check_call(cmd) def import_osd_upgrade_key(key): if not os.path.exists(_upgrade_keyring): cmd = [ "sudo", "-u", ceph_user(), 'ceph-authtool', _upgrade_keyring, '--create-keyring', '--name=client.osd-upgrade', '--add-key={}'.format(key) ] subprocess.check_call(cmd) def generate_monitor_secret(): cmd = [ 'ceph-authtool', '/dev/stdout', '--name=mon.', '--gen-key' ] res = subprocess.getoutput(' '.join(cmd)) return "{}==".format(res.split('=')[1].strip()) # OSD caps taken from ceph-create-keys _osd_bootstrap_caps = { 'mon': [ 'allow command osd create ...', 'allow command osd crush set ...', r'allow command auth add * osd allow\ * mon allow\ rwx', 'allow command mon getmap' ] } _osd_bootstrap_caps_profile = { 'mon': [ 'allow profile bootstrap-osd' ] } def parse_key(raw_key): # get-or-create appears to have different output depending # on whether its 'get' or 'create' # 'create' just returns the key, 'get' is more verbose and # needs parsing key = None if len(raw_key.splitlines()) == 1: key = raw_key else: for element in raw_key.splitlines(): if 'key' in element: key = element.split(' = ')[1].strip() # IGNORE:E1103 return key def get_osd_bootstrap_key(): try: # Attempt to get/create a key using the OSD bootstrap profile first key = get_named_key('bootstrap-osd', _osd_bootstrap_caps_profile) except: # If that fails try with the older style permissions key = get_named_key('bootstrap-osd', _osd_bootstrap_caps) return key _radosgw_keyring = "/etc/ceph/keyring.rados.gateway" def import_radosgw_key(key): if not os.path.exists(_radosgw_keyring): cmd = [ "sudo", "-u", ceph_user(), 'ceph-authtool', _radosgw_keyring, '--create-keyring', '--name=client.radosgw.gateway', '--add-key={}'.format(key) ] subprocess.check_call(cmd) # OSD caps taken from ceph-create-keys _radosgw_caps = { 'mon': ['allow rw'], 'osd': ['allow rwx'] } _upgrade_caps = { 'mon': ['allow rwx'] } def get_radosgw_key(): return get_named_key('radosgw.gateway', _radosgw_caps) _default_caps = { 'mon': ['allow rw'], 'osd': ['allow rwx'] } admin_caps = { 'mds': ['allow'], 'mon': ['allow *'], 'osd': ['allow *'] } osd_upgrade_caps = { 'mon': ['allow command "config-key"', 'allow command "osd tree"', 'allow command "config-key list"', 'allow command "config-key put"', 'allow command "config-key get"', 'allow command "config-key exists"', ] } def get_upgrade_key(): return get_named_key('upgrade-osd', _upgrade_caps) def get_named_key(name, caps=None): caps = caps or _default_caps cmd = [ "sudo", "-u", ceph_user(), 'ceph', '--name', 'mon.', '--keyring', '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{}/keyring'.format( get_unit_hostname() ), 'auth', 'get-or-create', 'client.{}'.format(name), ] # Add capabilities for subsystem, subcaps in caps.iteritems(): cmd.extend([ subsystem, '; '.join(subcaps), ]) return parse_key(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8').strip()) # IGNORE:E1103 def upgrade_key_caps(key, caps): """ Upgrade key to have capabilities caps """ if not is_leader(): # Not the MON leader OR not clustered return cmd = [ "sudo", "-u", ceph_user(), 'ceph', 'auth', 'caps', key ] for subsystem, subcaps in caps.iteritems(): cmd.extend([subsystem, '; '.join(subcaps)]) subprocess.check_call(cmd) @cached def systemd(): return (lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'] >= 'vivid') def bootstrap_monitor_cluster(secret): hostname = get_unit_hostname() path = '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{}'.format(hostname) done = '{}/done'.format(path) if systemd(): init_marker = '{}/systemd'.format(path) else: init_marker = '{}/upstart'.format(path) keyring = '/var/lib/ceph/tmp/{}.mon.keyring'.format(hostname) if os.path.exists(done): log('bootstrap_monitor_cluster: mon already initialized.') else: # Ceph >= 0.61.3 needs this for ceph-mon fs creation mkdir('/var/run/ceph', owner=ceph_user(), group=ceph_user(), perms=0o755) mkdir(path, owner=ceph_user(), group=ceph_user()) mkdir("/var/lib/ceph/tmp", owner=ceph_user(), group=ceph_user()) # end changes for Ceph >= 0.61.3 try: subprocess.check_call(['ceph-authtool', keyring, '--create-keyring', '--name=mon.', '--add-key={}'.format(secret), '--cap', 'mon', 'allow *']) subprocess.check_call(['ceph-mon', '--mkfs', '-i', hostname, '--keyring', keyring]) chownr(path, ceph_user(), ceph_user()) with open(done, 'w'): pass with open(init_marker, 'w'): pass if systemd(): subprocess.check_call(['systemctl', 'enable', 'ceph-mon']) service_restart('ceph-mon') else: service_restart('ceph-mon-all') except: raise finally: os.unlink(keyring) def update_monfs(): hostname = get_unit_hostname() monfs = '/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{}'.format(hostname) if systemd(): init_marker = '{}/systemd'.format(monfs) else: init_marker = '{}/upstart'.format(monfs) if os.path.exists(monfs) and not os.path.exists(init_marker): # Mark mon as managed by upstart so that # it gets start correctly on reboots with open(init_marker, 'w'): pass def maybe_zap_journal(journal_dev): if is_osd_disk(journal_dev): log('Looks like {} is already an OSD data' ' or journal, skipping.'.format(journal_dev)) return zap_disk(journal_dev) log("Zapped journal device {}".format(journal_dev)) def get_partitions(dev): cmd = ['partx', '--raw', '--noheadings', dev] try: out = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8').splitlines() log("get partitions: {}".format(out), level=DEBUG) return out except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log("Can't get info for {0}: {1}".format(dev, e.output)) return [] def find_least_used_journal(journal_devices): usages = map(lambda a: (len(get_partitions(a)), a), journal_devices) least = min(usages, key=lambda t: t[0]) return least[1] def osdize(dev, osd_format, osd_journal, reformat_osd=False, ignore_errors=False, encrypt=False): if dev.startswith('/dev'): osdize_dev(dev, osd_format, osd_journal, reformat_osd, ignore_errors, encrypt) else: osdize_dir(dev, encrypt) def osdize_dev(dev, osd_format, osd_journal, reformat_osd=False, ignore_errors=False, encrypt=False): if not os.path.exists(dev): log('Path {} does not exist - bailing'.format(dev)) return if not is_block_device(dev): log('Path {} is not a block device - bailing'.format(dev)) return if is_osd_disk(dev) and not reformat_osd: log('Looks like {} is already an' ' OSD data or journal, skipping.'.format(dev)) return if is_device_mounted(dev): log('Looks like {} is in use, skipping.'.format(dev)) return status_set('maintenance', 'Initializing device {}'.format(dev)) cmd = ['ceph-disk', 'prepare'] # Later versions of ceph support more options if cmp_pkgrevno('ceph', '0.60') >= 0: if encrypt: cmd.append('--dmcrypt') if cmp_pkgrevno('ceph', '0.48.3') >= 0: if osd_format: cmd.append('--fs-type') cmd.append(osd_format) if reformat_osd: cmd.append('--zap-disk') cmd.append(dev) if osd_journal: least_used = find_least_used_journal(osd_journal) cmd.append(least_used) else: # Just provide the device - no other options # for older versions of ceph cmd.append(dev) if reformat_osd: zap_disk(dev) try: log("osdize cmd: {}".format(cmd)) subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if ignore_errors: log('Unable to initialize device: {}'.format(dev), WARNING) else: log('Unable to initialize device: {}'.format(dev), ERROR) raise e def osdize_dir(path, encrypt=False): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'upstart')): log('Path {} is already configured as an OSD - bailing'.format(path)) return if cmp_pkgrevno('ceph', "0.56.6") < 0: log('Unable to use directories for OSDs with ceph < 0.56.6', level=ERROR) raise mkdir(path, owner=ceph_user(), group=ceph_user(), perms=0o755) chownr('/var/lib/ceph', ceph_user(), ceph_user()) cmd = [ 'sudo', '-u', ceph_user(), 'ceph-disk', 'prepare', '--data-dir', path ] if cmp_pkgrevno('ceph', '0.60') >= 0: if encrypt: cmd.append('--dmcrypt') log("osdize dir cmd: {}".format(cmd)) subprocess.check_call(cmd) def filesystem_mounted(fs): return subprocess.call(['grep', '-wqs', fs, '/proc/mounts']) == 0 def get_running_osds(): """Returns a list of the pids of the current running OSD daemons""" cmd = ['pgrep', 'ceph-osd'] try: result = subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8') return result.split() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return []