import os import socket import subprocess import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils as ch_utils import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv import charms_openstack.charm import charms_openstack.ip as os_ip # import charms_openstack.sdn.odl as odl # import charms_openstack.sdn.ovs as ovs RC_FILE = '/root/novarc' def get_environment(env): with open("/root/novarc", "r") as ins: for line in ins: k, v = line.replace('export', '').replace(" ", "").split('=') env[k] = v.strip() return env def run_command(cmd): os_env = get_environment(os.environ.copy()) subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=os_env) def register_endpoints(keystone): """When the keystone interface connects, register this unit in the keystone catalogue. @param keystone: KeystoneRequires() interface class @returns: None """ charm = MuranoCharm.singleton keystone.register_endpoints(charm.service_type, charm.region, charm.public_url, charm.internal_url, charm.admin_url) def configure_ha_resources(hacluster): """Use the singleton from the MuranoCharm to run configure ha resources @param hacluster: OpenstackHAPeers() interface class @returns: None """ MuranoCharm.singleton.configure_ha_resources(hacluster) def restart_all(): """Use the singleton from the MuranoCharm to restart all registered services @returns: None """ MuranoCharm.singleton.restart_all() def configure_ssl(keystone=None): """Use the singleton from the MuranoCharm to configure ssl @param keystone: KeystoneRequires() interface class @returns: None """ MuranoCharm.singleton.configure_ssl(keystone) def update_peers(hacluster): """Use the singleton from the MuranoCharm to update peers with detials of this unit @param hacluster: OpenstackHAPeers() interface class @returns: None """ MuranoCharm.singleton.update_peers(hacluster) def assess_status(): """Just call the MuranoCharm.singleton.assess_status() command to update status on the unit. @returns: None """ MuranoCharm.singleton.assess_status() def render_novarc_config(interfaces_list): """Use the singleton from the MuranoCharm to run render_novarc_config @param interfaces_list: List of instances of interface classes. @returns: None """ MuranoCharm.singleton.render_novarc_config(interfaces_list) def import_io_murano(): """Use the singleton from the MuranoCharm to run import io-murano package @returns: None """ MuranoCharm.singleton.import_io_murano() class MuranoCharm(charms_openstack.charm.HAOpenStackCharm): # Internal name of charm service_name = name = 'murano' # First release supported release = 'mitaka' # List of packages to install for this charm packages = ['murano-api', 'murano-engine', 'python-pymysql'] # Init services the charm manages services = ['haproxy', 'murano-api', 'murano-engine'] # Ports that need exposing. default_service = 'murano-api' api_ports = { 'murano-api': { os_ip.PUBLIC: 8082, os_ip.ADMIN: 8082, os_ip.INTERNAL: 8082, } } service_type = 'murano' required_relations = ['shared-db', 'amqp', 'identity-service'] restart_map = { '/etc/murano/murano.conf': services, RC_FILE: [''], } ha_resources = ['vips', 'haproxy'] sync_cmd = ['murano-db-manage', '--config-file', '/etc/murano/murano.conf', 'upgrade'] def __init__(self, release=None, **kwargs): """Custom initialiser for class If no release is passed, then the charm determines the release from the ch_utils.os_release() function. """ if release is None: release = ch_utils.os_release('python-keystonemiddleware') super(MuranoCharm, self).__init__(release=release, **kwargs) def install(self): """Customise the installation, configure the source and then call the parent install() method to install the packages """ self.configure_source() super(MuranoCharm, self).install() def render_novarc_config(self, interfaces_list): """Render novarc config to bootstrap Murano service @returns None """ configs = [RC_FILE] self.render_with_interfaces( interfaces_list, configs=configs) def import_io_murano(self): """Install Core libary io-murano @returns None """ io_murano_lib = "/usr/share/murano-common/" if os.path.isfile(io_murano_lib): cmd = ['murano', 'package-import', io_murano_lib] run_command(cmd) def get_amqp_credentials(self): """Provide the default amqp username and vhost as a tuple. :returns (username, host): two strings to send to the amqp provider. """ return (self.config['rabbit-user'], self.config['rabbit-vhost']) def get_database_setup(self): """Provide the default database credentials as a list of 3-tuples returns a structure of: [ {'database': , 'username': , 'hostname': 'prefix': , }, ] :returns [{'database': ...}, ...]: credentials for multiple databases """ return [ dict( database=self.config['database'], username=self.config['database-user'], hostname=hookenv.unit_private_ip(), ) ]