# Overview This is a "source" charm, which is intended to be strictly the top layer of a built charm. This structure declares that any included layer assets are not intended to be consumed as a layer from a functional or design standpoint. # Test and Build Building, pushing and publishing to the charm store is automated by CI to ensure consistent flow. Manually building is useful for development and testing, however. ``` tox -e pep8 tox -e py3 tox -e build cd build/builds/neutron-api-plugin-arista # Set one of these env vars, depending on whether you want to # download the Arista image from a remote place or have it already # locally: export TEST_ARISTA_IMAGE_REMOTE=http://example.com/swift/v1/images/arista-cvx-virt-test.qcow2 export TEST_ARISTA_IMAGE_LOCAL=/tmp/arista-cvx-virt-test.qcow2 tox -e func ``` # Bugs Please report bugs on [Launchpad](https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-neutron-api-plugin-arista/+filebug). For general questions please refer to the OpenStack [Charm Guide](https://docs.openstack.org/charm-guide/latest/).