* charm-helpers sync for classic charms * sync from release-tools * switch to release-specific zosci functional tests * run focal-ussuri as smoke tests * remove trusty, xenial, and groovy metadata/tests * drop py35 and add py39 Change-Id: I00b04030db38c78f0d69f3dbeb759842bbb57287
This subordinate charm provides the Bare metal ML2 Plugin support to the OpenStack Neutron API service.
When this charm is related to the neutron-api charm it will install the
and the baremetal
mechanism driver on
each neutron-api unit in the region. The required mechanism driver will
be communicated back to the neutron-api service and will be added to
the appropriate configuration file.
The ironic agent requires keystone credentials, obtained via a relation with keystone.
This charm requires no special configuration outside of the standard OpenStack configuration options (openstack-origin, region, etc.)
This is a subordinate charm that needs to attach itself to an existing neutron-api deployment.
To deploy (partial deployment only):
juju deploy neutron-api
juju deploy neutron-openvswitch
juju deploy neutron-api-plugin-ironic
juju deploy keystone
juju add-relation neutron-api neutron-api-plugin-ironic
juju add-relation neutron-api neutron-openvswitch
juju add-relation neutron-api-plugin-ironic keystone