Changes for PLUMgrid neutron plugin

This commit is contained in: 2015-08-25 23:42:38 +05:00
parent 660985964f
commit 46183ff669

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# icehouse
# Configuration file maintained by Juju. Local changes may be overwritten.
# This line should be pointing to the PLUMgrid Director,
# for the PLUMgrid platform.
director_server={{ virtual_ip }}
# Authentification parameters for the Director.
# These are the admin credentials to manage and control
# the PLUMgrid Director server.
username={{ pg_username }}
password={{ pg_password }}
{% if database_host -%}
connection = {{ database_type }}://{{ database_user }}:{{ database_password }}@{{ database_host }}/{{ database }}{% if database_ssl_ca %}?ssl_ca={{ database_ssl_ca }}{% if database_ssl_cert %}&ssl_cert={{ database_ssl_cert }}&ssl_key={{ database_ssl_key }}{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% endif -%}