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2015-02-24 11:38:39 +00:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited.
# This file is part of charm-helpers.
# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Authors:
# Kapil Thangavelu <kapil.foss@gmail.com>
A simple way to store state in units. This provides a key value
storage with support for versioned, transactional operation,
and can calculate deltas from previous values to simplify unit logic
when processing changes.
Hook Integration
There are several extant frameworks for hook execution, including
- charmhelpers.core.hookenv.Hooks
- charmhelpers.core.services.ServiceManager
The storage classes are framework agnostic, one simple integration is
via the HookData contextmanager. It will record the current hook
execution environment (including relation data, config data, etc.),
setup a transaction and allow easy access to the changes from
previously seen values. One consequence of the integration is the
reservation of particular keys ('rels', 'unit', 'env', 'config',
'charm_revisions') for their respective values.
Here's a fully worked integration example using hookenv.Hooks::
from charmhelper.core import hookenv, unitdata
hook_data = unitdata.HookData()
db = unitdata.kv()
hooks = hookenv.Hooks()
def config_changed():
# Print all changes to configuration from previously seen
# values.
for changed, (prev, cur) in hook_data.conf.items():
print('config changed', changed,
'previous value', prev,
'current value', cur)
# Get some unit specific bookeeping
if not db.get('pkg_key'):
key = urllib.urlopen('https://example.com/pkg_key').read()
db.set('pkg_key', key)
# Directly access all charm config as a mapping.
conf = db.getrange('config', True)
# Directly access all relation data as a mapping
rels = db.getrange('rels', True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with hook_data():
A more basic integration is via the hook_scope context manager which simply
manages transaction scope (and records hook name, and timestamp)::
>>> from unitdata import kv
>>> db = kv()
>>> with db.hook_scope('install'):
... # do work, in transactional scope.
... db.set('x', 1)
>>> db.get('x')
Values are automatically json de/serialized to preserve basic typing
and complex data struct capabilities (dicts, lists, ints, booleans, etc).
Individual values can be manipulated via get/set::
>>> kv.set('y', True)
>>> kv.get('y')
# We can set complex values (dicts, lists) as a single key.
>>> kv.set('config', {'a': 1, 'b': True'})
# Also supports returning dictionaries as a record which
# provides attribute access.
>>> config = kv.get('config', record=True)
>>> config.b
Groups of keys can be manipulated with update/getrange::
>>> kv.update({'z': 1, 'y': 2}, prefix="gui.")
>>> kv.getrange('gui.', strip=True)
{'z': 1, 'y': 2}
When updating values, its very helpful to understand which values
have actually changed and how have they changed. The storage
provides a delta method to provide for this::
>>> data = {'debug': True, 'option': 2}
>>> delta = kv.delta(data, 'config.')
>>> delta.debug.previous
>>> delta.debug.current
>>> delta
{'debug': (None, True), 'option': (None, 2)}
Note the delta method does not persist the actual change, it needs to
be explicitly saved via 'update' method::
>>> kv.update(data, 'config.')
Values modified in the context of a hook scope retain historical values
associated to the hookname.
>>> with db.hook_scope('config-changed'):
... db.set('x', 42)
>>> db.gethistory('x')
[(1, u'x', 1, u'install', u'2015-01-21T16:49:30.038372'),
(2, u'x', 42, u'config-changed', u'2015-01-21T16:49:30.038786')]
import collections
import contextlib
import datetime
import json
import os
import pprint
import sqlite3
import sys
__author__ = 'Kapil Thangavelu <kapil.foss@gmail.com>'
class Storage(object):
"""Simple key value database for local unit state within charms.
Modifications are automatically committed at hook exit. That's
currently regardless of exit code.
To support dicts, lists, integer, floats, and booleans values
are automatically json encoded/decoded.
def __init__(self, path=None):
self.db_path = path
if path is None:
self.db_path = os.path.join(
os.environ.get('CHARM_DIR', ''), '.unit-state.db')
self.conn = sqlite3.connect('%s' % self.db_path)
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
self.revision = None
self._closed = False
def close(self):
if self._closed:
self._closed = True
def _scoped_query(self, stmt, params=None):
if params is None:
params = []
return stmt, params
def get(self, key, default=None, record=False):
'select data from kv where key=?', [key]))
result = self.cursor.fetchone()
if not result:
return default
if record:
return Record(json.loads(result[0]))
return json.loads(result[0])
def getrange(self, key_prefix, strip=False):
stmt = "select key, data from kv where key like '%s%%'" % key_prefix
result = self.cursor.fetchall()
if not result:
return None
if not strip:
key_prefix = ''
return dict([
(k[len(key_prefix):], json.loads(v)) for k, v in result])
def update(self, mapping, prefix=""):
for k, v in mapping.items():
self.set("%s%s" % (prefix, k), v)
def unset(self, key):
self.cursor.execute('delete from kv where key=?', [key])
if self.revision and self.cursor.rowcount:
'insert into kv_revisions values (?, ?, ?)',
[key, self.revision, json.dumps('DELETED')])
def set(self, key, value):
serialized = json.dumps(value)
'select data from kv where key=?', [key])
exists = self.cursor.fetchone()
# Skip mutations to the same value
if exists:
if exists[0] == serialized:
return value
if not exists:
'insert into kv (key, data) values (?, ?)',
(key, serialized))
update kv
set data = ?
where key = ?''', [serialized, key])
# Save
if not self.revision:
return value
'select 1 from kv_revisions where key=? and revision=?',
[key, self.revision])
exists = self.cursor.fetchone()
if not exists:
'''insert into kv_revisions (
revision, key, data) values (?, ?, ?)''',
(self.revision, key, serialized))
update kv_revisions
set data = ?
where key = ?
and revision = ?''',
[serialized, key, self.revision])
return value
def delta(self, mapping, prefix):
return a delta containing values that have changed.
previous = self.getrange(prefix, strip=True)
if not previous:
pk = set()
pk = set(previous.keys())
ck = set(mapping.keys())
delta = DeltaSet()
# added
for k in ck.difference(pk):
delta[k] = Delta(None, mapping[k])
# removed
for k in pk.difference(ck):
delta[k] = Delta(previous[k], None)
# changed
for k in pk.intersection(ck):
c = mapping[k]
p = previous[k]
if c != p:
delta[k] = Delta(p, c)
return delta
def hook_scope(self, name=""):
"""Scope all future interactions to the current hook execution
assert not self.revision
'insert into hooks (hook, date) values (?, ?)',
(name or sys.argv[0],
self.revision = self.cursor.lastrowid
yield self.revision
self.revision = None
self.revision = None
def flush(self, save=True):
if save:
elif self._closed:
def _init(self):
create table if not exists kv (
key text,
data text,
primary key (key)
create table if not exists kv_revisions (
key text,
revision integer,
data text,
primary key (key, revision)
create table if not exists hooks (
version integer primary key autoincrement,
hook text,
date text
def gethistory(self, key, deserialize=False):
select kv.revision, kv.key, kv.data, h.hook, h.date
from kv_revisions kv,
hooks h
where kv.key=?
and kv.revision = h.version
''', [key])
if deserialize is False:
return self.cursor.fetchall()
return map(_parse_history, self.cursor.fetchall())
def debug(self, fh=sys.stderr):
self.cursor.execute('select * from kv')
pprint.pprint(self.cursor.fetchall(), stream=fh)
self.cursor.execute('select * from kv_revisions')
pprint.pprint(self.cursor.fetchall(), stream=fh)
def _parse_history(d):
return (d[0], d[1], json.loads(d[2]), d[3],
datetime.datetime.strptime(d[-1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
class HookData(object):
"""Simple integration for existing hook exec frameworks.
Records all unit information, and stores deltas for processing
by the hook.
from charmhelper.core import hookenv, unitdata
changes = unitdata.HookData()
db = unitdata.kv()
hooks = hookenv.Hooks()
def config_changed():
# View all changes to configuration
for changed, (prev, cur) in changes.conf.items():
print('config changed', changed,
'previous value', prev,
'current value', cur)
# Get some unit specific bookeeping
if not db.get('pkg_key'):
key = urllib.urlopen('https://example.com/pkg_key').read()
db.set('pkg_key', key)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with changes():
def __init__(self):
self.kv = kv()
self.conf = None
self.rels = None
def __call__(self):
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
hook_name = hookenv.hook_name()
with self.kv.hook_scope(hook_name):
delta_config, delta_relation = self._record_hook(hookenv)
yield self.kv, delta_config, delta_relation
def _record_charm_version(self, charm_dir):
# Record revisions.. charm revisions are meaningless
# to charm authors as they don't control the revision.
# so logic dependnent on revision is not particularly
# useful, however it is useful for debugging analysis.
charm_rev = open(
os.path.join(charm_dir, 'revision')).read().strip()
charm_rev = charm_rev or '0'
revs = self.kv.get('charm_revisions', [])
if charm_rev not in revs:
revs.append(charm_rev.strip() or '0')
self.kv.set('charm_revisions', revs)
def _record_hook(self, hookenv):
data = hookenv.execution_environment()
self.conf = conf_delta = self.kv.delta(data['conf'], 'config')
self.rels = rels_delta = self.kv.delta(data['rels'], 'rels')
self.kv.set('env', data['env'])
self.kv.set('unit', data['unit'])
self.kv.set('relid', data.get('relid'))
return conf_delta, rels_delta
class Record(dict):
__slots__ = ()
def __getattr__(self, k):
if k in self:
return self[k]
raise AttributeError(k)
class DeltaSet(Record):
__slots__ = ()
Delta = collections.namedtuple('Delta', ['previous', 'current'])
_KV = None
def kv():
global _KV
if _KV is None:
_KV = Storage()
return _KV