# # Copyright 2014 Canonical Ltd. # # Authors: # Edward Hope-Morley # import time from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( log, INFO, ) def retry_on_exception(num_retries, base_delay=0, exc_type=Exception): """If the decorated function raises exception exc_type, allow num_retries retry attempts before raise the exception. """ def _retry_on_exception_inner_1(f): def _retry_on_exception_inner_2(*args, **kwargs): retries = num_retries multiplier = 1 while True: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except exc_type: if not retries: raise delay = base_delay * multiplier multiplier += 1 log("Retrying '%s' %d more times (delay=%s)" % (f.__name__, retries, delay), level=INFO) retries -= 1 if delay: time.sleep(delay) return _retry_on_exception_inner_2 return _retry_on_exception_inner_1