description "{{ service_description }}" author "Juju {{ service_name }} Charm " start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] respawn chdir /var/run pre-start script mkdir -p /var/run/neutron chown neutron:root /var/run/neutron # Check to see if openvswitch plugin in use by checking # status of cleanup upstart configuration if status neutron-ovs-cleanup; then start wait-for-state WAIT_FOR=neutron-ovs-cleanup WAIT_STATE=running WAITER={{ process_name }} fi end script exec start-stop-daemon --start --chuid neutron --exec {{ executable_name }} -- \ {% for config_file in config_files -%} --config-file={{ config_file }} \ {% endfor -%} --log-file={{ log_file }}