openstack-upgrade: description: | Perform openstack upgrades. Config option action-managed-upgrade must be set to True. pause: description: | Pause the nova-cloud-controller unit. This action will stop related services. resume: description: | Resume the nova-cloud-controller unit. This action will start related services. archive-data: description: Run job to archive deleted rows in database params: batch-size: type: integer default: 10000 description: Archive old data to shadow tables security-checklist: description: | Validate the running configuration against the OpenStack security guides checklist clear-unit-knownhost-cache: params: target: type: string default: "" description: | Clear the knownhost cache for (default) all the units, a service, or a single unit. . The default is all units. If the 'target' param has an '/' in it, then it is assumed ot be a single unit. If no '/' is present, then all the units in a service will be refreshed. . e.g. target="nova-compute/4" will just clear the nova-compute/4 unit (in the 'nova-compute' application), whereas target='nova-compute' will refresh all of the units in the 'nova-compute' application. . The action triggers a refresh resolution of the known hosts for the unit, which then populates the cache, updates the knownhosts file for the associated service (e.g. 'nova-compute'), and, importantly, sets the relation data for that associated service with the new knownhosts file. This may cause a 'cloud-compute' relation changed hook on the associated nova-compute units if the hosts have changed. . This action still functions even if the 'cache-known-hosts' config value is not set; caching of hosts occurs regardless of that setting, and so this action can be used to force an update if DNS has changed in the system, or for a particular host (although this scenario is unlikely).