# Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import shutil import subprocess import ConfigParser from base64 import b64encode from collections import OrderedDict from copy import deepcopy from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack import context, templating from charmhelpers.contrib.hahelpers.cluster import ( is_elected_leader, get_hacluster_config, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.peerstorage import ( peer_retrieve, peer_store, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.python.packages import ( pip_install, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils import ( configure_installation_source, get_host_ip, get_hostname, get_os_codename_install_source, git_clone_and_install, git_default_repos, git_generate_systemd_init_files, git_install_requested, git_pip_venv_dir, git_src_dir, git_yaml_value, incomplete_relation_data, is_ip, os_release, save_script_rc as _save_script_rc, is_unit_paused_set, make_assess_status_func, pause_unit, resume_unit, ) from charmhelpers.fetch import ( apt_upgrade, apt_update, apt_install, add_source, filter_installed_packages ) from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( charm_dir, config, log, relation_get, relation_ids, remote_unit, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, status_set, related_units, local_unit, ) from charmhelpers.core.host import ( adduser, add_group, add_user_to_group, mkdir, service, service_pause, service_resume, service_running, service_start, service_stop, lsb_release, ) from charmhelpers.core.templating import render from charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip import ( is_ipv6, ns_query, ) from charmhelpers.core.decorators import ( retry_on_exception, ) import nova_cc_context TEMPLATES = 'templates/' CLUSTER_RES = 'grp_nova_vips' # The interface is said to be satisfied if anyone of the interfaces in the # list has a complete context. REQUIRED_INTERFACES = { 'database': ['shared-db', 'pgsql-db'], 'messaging': ['amqp', 'zeromq-configuration'], 'identity': ['identity-service'], 'image': ['image-service'], 'compute': ['nova-compute'], } # removed from original: charm-helper-sh BASE_PACKAGES = [ 'apache2', 'haproxy', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-mysqldb', 'python-psycopg2', 'python-psutil', 'python-six', 'uuid', 'python-memcache', ] BASE_GIT_PACKAGES = [ 'libffi-dev', 'libmysqlclient-dev', 'libssl-dev', 'libxml2-dev', 'libxslt1-dev', 'libyaml-dev', 'openstack-pkg-tools', 'python-dev', 'python-pip', 'python-setuptools', 'zlib1g-dev', ] LATE_GIT_PACKAGES = [ 'novnc', 'spice-html5', 'websockify', ] # ubuntu packages that should not be installed when deploying from git GIT_PACKAGE_BLACKLIST = [ 'neutron-common', 'neutron-server', 'neutron-plugin-ml2', 'nova-api-ec2', 'nova-api-os-compute', 'nova-api-os-volume', 'nova-cert', 'nova-conductor', 'nova-consoleauth', 'nova-novncproxy', 'nova-objectstore', 'nova-scheduler', 'nova-spiceproxy', 'nova-xvpvncproxy', 'python-keystoneclient', 'python-six', 'quantum-server', ] BASE_SERVICES = [ 'nova-api-ec2', 'nova-api-os-compute', 'nova-objectstore', 'nova-cert', 'nova-scheduler', 'nova-conductor', ] AWS_COMPAT_SERVICES = ['nova-api-ec2', 'nova-objectstore'] SERVICE_BLACKLIST = { 'liberty': AWS_COMPAT_SERVICES } API_PORTS = { 'nova-api-ec2': 8773, 'nova-api-os-compute': 8774, 'nova-api-os-volume': 8776, 'nova-objectstore': 3333, } NOVA_CONF_DIR = "/etc/nova" NEUTRON_CONF_DIR = "/etc/neutron" NOVA_CONF = '%s/nova.conf' % NOVA_CONF_DIR NOVA_API_PASTE = '%s/api-paste.ini' % NOVA_CONF_DIR HAPROXY_CONF = '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg' APACHE_CONF = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend' APACHE_24_CONF = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/openstack_https_frontend.conf' def resolve_services(): _services = deepcopy(BASE_SERVICES) os_rel = os_release('nova-common') for release in SERVICE_BLACKLIST: if os_rel >= release or config('disable-aws-compat'): [_services.remove(service) for service in SERVICE_BLACKLIST[release]] return _services BASE_RESOURCE_MAP = OrderedDict([ (NOVA_CONF, { 'services': resolve_services(), 'contexts': [context.AMQPContext(ssl_dir=NOVA_CONF_DIR), context.SharedDBContext( relation_prefix='nova', ssl_dir=NOVA_CONF_DIR), context.OSConfigFlagContext( charm_flag='nova-alchemy-flags', template_flag='nova_alchemy_flags'), nova_cc_context.NovaPostgresqlDBContext(), context.ImageServiceContext(), context.OSConfigFlagContext(), context.SubordinateConfigContext( interface='nova-vmware', service='nova', config_file=NOVA_CONF), nova_cc_context.NovaCellContext(), context.SyslogContext(), context.LogLevelContext(), nova_cc_context.HAProxyContext(), nova_cc_context.IdentityServiceContext( service='nova', service_user='nova'), nova_cc_context.VolumeServiceContext(), context.ZeroMQContext(), context.NotificationDriverContext(), nova_cc_context.NovaIPv6Context(), nova_cc_context.NeutronCCContext(), nova_cc_context.NovaConfigContext(), nova_cc_context.InstanceConsoleContext(), nova_cc_context.ConsoleSSLContext(), nova_cc_context.CloudComputeContext(), context.InternalEndpointContext(), nova_cc_context.NeutronAPIContext()], }), (NOVA_API_PASTE, { 'services': [s for s in resolve_services() if 'api' in s], 'contexts': [nova_cc_context.IdentityServiceContext(), nova_cc_context.APIRateLimitingContext()], }), (HAPROXY_CONF, { 'contexts': [context.HAProxyContext(singlenode_mode=True), nova_cc_context.HAProxyContext()], 'services': ['haproxy'], }), (APACHE_CONF, { 'contexts': [nova_cc_context.ApacheSSLContext()], 'services': ['apache2'], }), (APACHE_24_CONF, { 'contexts': [nova_cc_context.ApacheSSLContext()], 'services': ['apache2'], }), ]) CA_CERT_PATH = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/keystone_juju_ca_cert.crt' NOVA_SSH_DIR = '/etc/nova/compute_ssh/' CONSOLE_CONFIG = { 'spice': { 'packages': ['nova-spiceproxy', 'nova-consoleauth'], 'services': ['nova-spiceproxy', 'nova-consoleauth'], 'proxy-page': '/spice_auto.html', 'proxy-port': 6082, }, 'novnc': { 'packages': ['nova-novncproxy', 'nova-consoleauth'], 'services': ['nova-novncproxy', 'nova-consoleauth'], 'proxy-page': '/vnc_auto.html', 'proxy-port': 6080, }, 'xvpvnc': { 'packages': ['nova-xvpvncproxy', 'nova-consoleauth'], 'services': ['nova-xvpvncproxy', 'nova-consoleauth'], 'proxy-page': '/console', 'proxy-port': 6081, }, } def resource_map(): ''' Dynamically generate a map of resources that will be managed for a single hook execution. ''' resource_map = deepcopy(BASE_RESOURCE_MAP) if os.path.exists('/etc/apache2/conf-available'): resource_map.pop(APACHE_CONF) else: resource_map.pop(APACHE_24_CONF) resource_map[NOVA_CONF]['contexts'].append( nova_cc_context.NeutronCCContext()) if os_release('nova-common') >= 'mitaka': resource_map[NOVA_CONF]['contexts'].append( nova_cc_context.NovaAPISharedDBContext(relation_prefix='novaapi', database='nova_api', ssl_dir=NOVA_CONF_DIR) ) if console_attributes('services'): resource_map[NOVA_CONF]['services'] += \ console_attributes('services') # also manage any configs that are being updated by subordinates. vmware_ctxt = context.SubordinateConfigContext(interface='nova-vmware', service='nova', config_file=NOVA_CONF) vmware_ctxt = vmware_ctxt() if vmware_ctxt and 'services' in vmware_ctxt: for s in vmware_ctxt['services']: if s not in resource_map[NOVA_CONF]['services']: resource_map[NOVA_CONF]['services'].append(s) return resource_map def register_configs(release=None): release = release or os_release('nova-common') configs = templating.OSConfigRenderer(templates_dir=TEMPLATES, openstack_release=release) for cfg, rscs in resource_map().iteritems(): configs.register(cfg, rscs['contexts']) return configs def restart_map(): return OrderedDict([(cfg, v['services']) for cfg, v in resource_map().iteritems() if v['services']]) def services(): ''' Returns a list of services associate with this charm ''' _services = [] for v in restart_map().values(): _services = _services + v return list(set(_services)) def determine_ports(): '''Assemble a list of API ports for services we are managing''' ports = [] for services in restart_map().values(): for svc in services: try: ports.append(API_PORTS[svc]) except KeyError: pass return list(set(ports)) def api_port(service): return API_PORTS[service] def console_attributes(attr, proto=None): '''Leave proto unset to query attributes of the protocal specified at runtime''' if proto: console_proto = proto else: console_proto = config('console-access-protocol') if attr == 'protocol': return console_proto # 'vnc' is a virtual type made up of novnc and xvpvnc if console_proto == 'vnc': if attr in ['packages', 'services']: return list(set(CONSOLE_CONFIG['novnc'][attr] + CONSOLE_CONFIG['xvpvnc'][attr])) else: return None if console_proto in CONSOLE_CONFIG: return CONSOLE_CONFIG[console_proto][attr] return None def determine_packages(): # currently all packages match service names packages = [] + BASE_PACKAGES for v in resource_map().values(): packages.extend(v['services']) if console_attributes('packages'): packages.extend(console_attributes('packages')) if git_install_requested(): packages = list(set(packages)) packages.extend(BASE_GIT_PACKAGES) # don't include packages that will be installed from git for p in GIT_PACKAGE_BLACKLIST: if p in packages: packages.remove(p) return list(set(packages)) def save_script_rc(): env_vars = { 'OPENSTACK_PORT_MCASTPORT': config('ha-mcastport'), 'OPENSTACK_SERVICE_API_EC2': 'nova-api-ec2', 'OPENSTACK_SERVICE_API_OS_COMPUTE': 'nova-api-os-compute', 'OPENSTACK_SERVICE_CERT': 'nova-cert', 'OPENSTACK_SERVICE_CONDUCTOR': 'nova-conductor', 'OPENSTACK_SERVICE_OBJECTSTORE': 'nova-objectstore', 'OPENSTACK_SERVICE_SCHEDULER': 'nova-scheduler', } if relation_ids('nova-volume-service'): env_vars['OPENSTACK_SERVICE_API_OS_VOL'] = 'nova-api-os-volume' _save_script_rc(**env_vars) def get_step_upgrade_source(new_src): ''' Determine if upgrade skips a release and, if so, return source of skipped release. ''' sources = { # target_src: (cur_pocket, step_src) # NOTE: cur_pocket == * means all upgrades to target_src must step # through step_src if step_src is higher than # current release 'cloud:precise-icehouse': ('precise-updates/grizzly', 'cloud:precise-havana'), 'cloud:precise-icehouse/proposed': ('precise-proposed/grizzly', 'cloud:precise-havana/proposed'), 'cloud:trusty-liberty': ('*', 'cloud:trusty-kilo'), } try: cur_pocket, step_src = sources[new_src] current_src = os_release('nova-common') step_src_codename = get_os_codename_install_source(step_src) if cur_pocket == '*' and step_src_codename > current_src: return step_src except KeyError: pass configure_installation_source(new_src) with open('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloud-archive.list', 'r') as f: line = f.readline() for target_src, (cur_pocket, step_src) in sources.items(): if target_src != new_src: continue if cur_pocket in line: return step_src return None POLICY_RC_D = """#!/bin/bash set -e case $1 in nova-*) [ $2 = "start" ] && exit 101 ;; *) ;; esac exit 0 """ def enable_policy_rcd(): with open('/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d', 'w') as policy: policy.write(POLICY_RC_D) os.chmod('/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d', 0o755) def disable_policy_rcd(): os.unlink('/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d') def reset_os_release(): # Ugly hack to make os_release re-read versions import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils as utils utils.os_rel = None def is_db_initialised(): if relation_ids('cluster'): dbsync_state = peer_retrieve('dbsync_state') if dbsync_state == 'complete': log("Database is initialised", level=DEBUG) return True log("Database is NOT initialised", level=DEBUG) return False def _do_openstack_upgrade(new_src): enable_policy_rcd() # All upgrades to Liberty are forced to step through Kilo. Liberty does # not have the migrate_flavor_data option (Bug #1511466) available so it # must be done pre-upgrade if os_release('nova-common') == 'kilo' and is_elected_leader(CLUSTER_RES): migrate_nova_flavors() new_os_rel = get_os_codename_install_source(new_src) log('Performing OpenStack upgrade to %s.' % (new_os_rel)) configure_installation_source(new_src) dpkg_opts = [ '--option', 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew', '--option', 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef', ] apt_update(fatal=True) apt_upgrade(options=dpkg_opts, fatal=True, dist=True) apt_install(determine_packages(), fatal=True) disable_policy_rcd() # NOTE(jamespage) upgrade with existing config files as the # havana->icehouse migration enables new service_plugins which # create issues with db upgrades reset_os_release() configs = register_configs(release=new_os_rel) configs.write_all() if new_os_rel >= 'mitaka' and not database_setup(prefix='novaapi'): # NOTE: Defer service restarts and database migrations for now # as nova_api database is not yet created if (relation_ids('cluster') and is_elected_leader(CLUSTER_RES)): # NOTE: reset dbsync state so that migration will complete # when the nova_api database is setup. peer_store('dbsync_state', None) return configs if is_elected_leader(CLUSTER_RES): status_set('maintenance', 'Running nova db migration') migrate_nova_database() if not is_unit_paused_set(): [service_start(s) for s in services()] return configs def database_setup(prefix): ''' Determine when a specific database is setup and access is granted to the local unit. This function only checks the MySQL shared-db relation name using the provided prefix. ''' key = '{}_allowed_units'.format(prefix) for db_rid in relation_ids('shared-db'): for unit in related_units(db_rid): allowed_units = relation_get(key, rid=db_rid, unit=unit) if allowed_units and local_unit() in allowed_units.split(): return True return False def do_openstack_upgrade(configs): new_src = config('openstack-origin') if new_src[:6] != 'cloud:': raise ValueError("Unable to perform upgrade to %s" % new_src) step_src = get_step_upgrade_source(new_src) if step_src is not None: _do_openstack_upgrade(step_src) return _do_openstack_upgrade(new_src) @retry_on_exception(5, base_delay=3, exc_type=subprocess.CalledProcessError) def migrate_nova_flavors(): '''Runs nova-manage to migrate flavor data if needed''' log('Migrating nova flavour information in database.', level=INFO) cmd = ['nova-manage', 'db', 'migrate_flavor_data'] subprocess.check_output(cmd) # NOTE(jamespage): Retry deals with sync issues during one-shot HA deploys. # mysql might be restarting or suchlike. @retry_on_exception(5, base_delay=3, exc_type=subprocess.CalledProcessError) def migrate_nova_database(): '''Runs nova-manage to initialize a new database or migrate existing''' log('Migrating the nova database.', level=INFO) cmd = ['nova-manage', 'db', 'sync'] subprocess.check_output(cmd) if os_release('nova-common') >= 'mitaka': log('Migrating the nova-api database.', level=INFO) cmd = ['nova-manage', 'api_db', 'sync'] subprocess.check_output(cmd) if relation_ids('cluster'): log('Informing peers that dbsync is complete', level=INFO) peer_store('dbsync_state', 'complete') log('Enabling services', level=INFO) enable_services() cmd_all_services('start') # TODO: refactor to use unit storage or related data def auth_token_config(setting): """ Returns currently configured value for setting in api-paste.ini's authtoken section, or None. """ config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read('/etc/nova/api-paste.ini') try: value = config.get('filter:authtoken', setting) except: return None if value.startswith('%'): return None return value def keystone_ca_cert_b64(): '''Returns the local Keystone-provided CA cert if it exists, or None.''' if not os.path.isfile(CA_CERT_PATH): return None with open(CA_CERT_PATH) as _in: return b64encode(_in.read()) def ssh_directory_for_unit(unit=None, user=None): if unit: remote_service = unit.split('/')[0] else: remote_service = remote_unit().split('/')[0] if user: remote_service = "{}_{}".format(remote_service, user) _dir = os.path.join(NOVA_SSH_DIR, remote_service) for d in [NOVA_SSH_DIR, _dir]: if not os.path.isdir(d): os.mkdir(d) for f in ['authorized_keys', 'known_hosts']: f = os.path.join(_dir, f) if not os.path.isfile(f): open(f, 'w').close() return _dir def known_hosts(unit=None, user=None): return os.path.join(ssh_directory_for_unit(unit, user), 'known_hosts') def authorized_keys(unit=None, user=None): return os.path.join(ssh_directory_for_unit(unit, user), 'authorized_keys') def ssh_known_host_key(host, unit=None, user=None): cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-f', known_hosts(unit, user), '-H', '-F', host] try: # The first line of output is like '# Host xx found: line 1 type RSA', # which should be excluded. output = subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return None if output: # Bug #1500589 cmd has 0 rc on precise if entry not present lines = output.split('\n') if len(lines) > 1: return lines[1] return None def remove_known_host(host, unit=None, user=None): log('Removing SSH known host entry for compute host at %s' % host) cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-f', known_hosts(unit, user), '-R', host] subprocess.check_call(cmd) def is_same_key(key_1, key_2): # The key format get will be like '|1|2rUumCavEXWVaVyB5uMl6m85pZo=|Cp' # 'EL6l7VTY37T/fg/ihhNb/GPgs= ssh-rsa AAAAB', we only need to compare # the part start with 'ssh-rsa' followed with '= ', because the hash # value in the beginning will change each time. k_1 = key_1.split('= ')[1] k_2 = key_2.split('= ')[1] return k_1 == k_2 def add_known_host(host, unit=None, user=None): '''Add variations of host to a known hosts file.''' cmd = ['ssh-keyscan', '-H', '-t', 'rsa', host] try: remote_key = subprocess.check_output(cmd).strip() except Exception as e: log('Could not obtain SSH host key from %s' % host, level=ERROR) raise e current_key = ssh_known_host_key(host, unit, user) if current_key and remote_key: if is_same_key(remote_key, current_key): log('Known host key for compute host %s up to date.' % host) return else: remove_known_host(host, unit, user) log('Adding SSH host key to known hosts for compute node at %s.' % host) with open(known_hosts(unit, user), 'a') as out: out.write(remote_key + '\n') def ssh_authorized_key_exists(public_key, unit=None, user=None): with open(authorized_keys(unit, user)) as keys: return (' %s ' % public_key) in keys.read() def add_authorized_key(public_key, unit=None, user=None): with open(authorized_keys(unit, user), 'a') as keys: keys.write(public_key + '\n') def ssh_compute_add(public_key, rid=None, unit=None, user=None): # If remote compute node hands us a hostname, ensure we have a # known hosts entry for its IP, hostname and FQDN. private_address = relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit, attribute='private-address') hosts = [private_address] if not is_ipv6(private_address): if relation_get('hostname'): hosts.append(relation_get('hostname')) if not is_ip(private_address): hosts.append(get_host_ip(private_address)) short = private_address.split('.')[0] if ns_query(short): hosts.append(short) else: hn = get_hostname(private_address) hosts.append(hn) short = hn.split('.')[0] if ns_query(short): hosts.append(short) for host in list(set(hosts)): add_known_host(host, unit, user) if not ssh_authorized_key_exists(public_key, unit, user): log('Saving SSH authorized key for compute host at %s.' % private_address) add_authorized_key(public_key, unit, user) def ssh_known_hosts_lines(unit=None, user=None): known_hosts_list = [] with open(known_hosts(unit, user)) as hosts: for hosts_line in hosts: if hosts_line.rstrip(): known_hosts_list.append(hosts_line.rstrip()) return(known_hosts_list) def ssh_authorized_keys_lines(unit=None, user=None): authorized_keys_list = [] with open(authorized_keys(unit, user)) as keys: for authkey_line in keys: if authkey_line.rstrip(): authorized_keys_list.append(authkey_line.rstrip()) return(authorized_keys_list) def ssh_compute_remove(public_key, unit=None, user=None): if not (os.path.isfile(authorized_keys(unit, user)) or os.path.isfile(known_hosts(unit, user))): return with open(authorized_keys(unit, user)) as _keys: keys = [k.strip() for k in _keys.readlines()] if public_key not in keys: return [keys.remove(key) for key in keys if key == public_key] with open(authorized_keys(unit, user), 'w') as _keys: keys = '\n'.join(keys) if not keys.endswith('\n'): keys += '\n' _keys.write(keys) def determine_endpoints(public_url, internal_url, admin_url): '''Generates a dictionary containing all relevant endpoints to be passed to keystone as relation settings.''' region = config('region') os_rel = os_release('nova-common') nova_public_url = ('%s:%s/v2/$(tenant_id)s' % (public_url, api_port('nova-api-os-compute'))) nova_internal_url = ('%s:%s/v2/$(tenant_id)s' % (internal_url, api_port('nova-api-os-compute'))) nova_admin_url = ('%s:%s/v2/$(tenant_id)s' % (admin_url, api_port('nova-api-os-compute'))) ec2_public_url = '%s:%s/services/Cloud' % ( public_url, api_port('nova-api-ec2')) ec2_internal_url = '%s:%s/services/Cloud' % ( internal_url, api_port('nova-api-ec2')) ec2_admin_url = '%s:%s/services/Cloud' % (admin_url, api_port('nova-api-ec2')) s3_public_url = '%s:%s' % (public_url, api_port('nova-objectstore')) s3_internal_url = '%s:%s' % (internal_url, api_port('nova-objectstore')) s3_admin_url = '%s:%s' % (admin_url, api_port('nova-objectstore')) # the base endpoints endpoints = { 'nova_service': 'nova', 'nova_region': region, 'nova_public_url': nova_public_url, 'nova_admin_url': nova_admin_url, 'nova_internal_url': nova_internal_url, 'ec2_service': 'ec2', 'ec2_region': region, 'ec2_public_url': ec2_public_url, 'ec2_admin_url': ec2_admin_url, 'ec2_internal_url': ec2_internal_url, 's3_service': 's3', 's3_region': region, 's3_public_url': s3_public_url, 's3_admin_url': s3_admin_url, 's3_internal_url': s3_internal_url, } if os_rel >= 'kilo': # NOTE(jamespage) drop endpoints for ec2 and s3 # ec2 is deprecated # s3 is insecure and should die in flames endpoints.update({ 'ec2_service': None, 'ec2_region': None, 'ec2_public_url': None, 'ec2_admin_url': None, 'ec2_internal_url': None, 's3_service': None, 's3_region': None, 's3_public_url': None, 's3_admin_url': None, 's3_internal_url': None, }) return endpoints def guard_map(): '''Map of services and required interfaces that must be present before the service should be allowed to start''' gmap = {} nova_services = resolve_services() if os_release('nova-common') not in ['essex', 'folsom']: nova_services.append('nova-conductor') nova_interfaces = ['identity-service', 'amqp'] if relation_ids('pgsql-nova-db'): nova_interfaces.append('pgsql-nova-db') else: nova_interfaces.append('shared-db') for svc in nova_services: gmap[svc] = nova_interfaces return gmap def service_guard(guard_map, contexts, active=False): '''Inhibit services in guard_map from running unless required interfaces are found complete in contexts.''' def wrap(f): def wrapped_f(*args): if active is True: incomplete_services = [] for svc in guard_map: for interface in guard_map[svc]: if interface not in contexts.complete_contexts(): incomplete_services.append(svc) f(*args) for svc in incomplete_services: if service_running(svc): log('Service {} has unfulfilled ' 'interface requirements, stopping.'.format(svc)) service_stop(svc) else: f(*args) return wrapped_f return wrap def get_topics(): topics = ['scheduler', 'conductor'] if 'nova-consoleauth' in services(): topics.append('consoleauth') return topics def cmd_all_services(cmd): if is_unit_paused_set(): log('Unit is in paused state, not issuing {} to all' 'services'.format(cmd)) return if cmd == 'start': for svc in services(): if not service_running(svc): service_start(svc) else: for svc in services(): service(cmd, svc) def disable_services(): for svc in services(): with open('/etc/init/{}.override'.format(svc), 'wb') as out: out.write('exec true\n') def enable_services(): for svc in services(): override_file = '/etc/init/{}.override'.format(svc) if os.path.isfile(override_file): os.remove(override_file) def setup_ipv6(): ubuntu_rel = lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower() if ubuntu_rel < "trusty": raise Exception("IPv6 is not supported in the charms for Ubuntu " "versions less than Trusty 14.04") # Need haproxy >= 1.5.3 for ipv6 so for Trusty if we are <= Kilo we need to # use trusty-backports otherwise we can use the UCA. if ubuntu_rel == 'trusty' and os_release('nova-api') < 'liberty': add_source('deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-backports ' 'main') apt_update() apt_install('haproxy/trusty-backports', fatal=True) def git_install(projects_yaml): """Perform setup, and install git repos specified in yaml parameter.""" if git_install_requested(): git_pre_install() projects_yaml = git_default_repos(projects_yaml) git_clone_and_install(projects_yaml, core_project='nova') git_post_install(projects_yaml) def git_pre_install(): """Perform pre-install setup.""" dirs = [ '/var/lib/nova', '/var/lib/nova/buckets', '/var/lib/nova/CA', '/var/lib/nova/CA/INTER', '/var/lib/nova/CA/newcerts', '/var/lib/nova/CA/private', '/var/lib/nova/CA/reqs', '/var/lib/nova/images', '/var/lib/nova/instances', '/var/lib/nova/keys', '/var/lib/nova/networks', '/var/lib/nova/tmp', '/var/lib/neutron', '/var/lib/neutron/lock', '/var/log/nova', '/etc/neutron', '/etc/neutron/plugins', '/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2', ] adduser('nova', shell='/bin/bash', system_user=True) subprocess.check_call(['usermod', '--home', '/var/lib/nova', 'nova']) add_group('nova', system_group=True) add_user_to_group('nova', 'nova') adduser('neutron', shell='/bin/bash', system_user=True) add_group('neutron', system_group=True) add_user_to_group('neutron', 'neutron') for d in dirs: mkdir(d, owner='nova', group='nova', perms=0755, force=False) def git_post_install(projects_yaml): """Perform post-install setup.""" http_proxy = git_yaml_value(projects_yaml, 'http_proxy') if http_proxy: pip_install('mysql-python', proxy=http_proxy, venv=git_pip_venv_dir(projects_yaml)) else: pip_install('mysql-python', venv=git_pip_venv_dir(projects_yaml)) src_etc = os.path.join(git_src_dir(projects_yaml, 'nova'), 'etc/nova') configs = [ {'src': src_etc, 'dest': '/etc/nova'}, ] for c in configs: if os.path.exists(c['dest']): shutil.rmtree(c['dest']) shutil.copytree(c['src'], c['dest']) # NOTE(coreycb): Need to find better solution than bin symlinks. symlinks = [ {'src': os.path.join(git_pip_venv_dir(projects_yaml), 'bin/nova-manage'), 'link': '/usr/local/bin/nova-manage'}, {'src': os.path.join(git_pip_venv_dir(projects_yaml), 'bin/nova-rootwrap'), 'link': '/usr/local/bin/nova-rootwrap'}, {'src': os.path.join(git_pip_venv_dir(projects_yaml), 'bin/neutron-db-manage'), 'link': '/usr/local/bin/neutron-db-manage'}, ] for s in symlinks: if os.path.lexists(s['link']): os.remove(s['link']) os.symlink(s['src'], s['link']) render('git/nova_sudoers', '/etc/sudoers.d/nova_sudoers', {}, perms=0o440) bin_dir = os.path.join(git_pip_venv_dir(projects_yaml), 'bin') # Use systemd init units/scripts from ubuntu wily onward if lsb_release()['DISTRIB_RELEASE'] >= '15.10': templates_dir = os.path.join(charm_dir(), 'templates/git') daemons = ['nova-api-os-compute', 'nova-baremetal-deploy-helper', 'nova-cells', 'nova-cert', 'nova-conductor', 'nova-consoleauth', 'nova-console', 'nova-novncproxy', 'nova-scheduler', 'nova-serialproxy', 'nova-spicehtml5proxy', 'nova-xvpvncproxy'] for daemon in daemons: nova_compute_context = { 'daemon_path': os.path.join(bin_dir, daemon), } if daemon == 'nova-baremetal-deploy-helper': filename = 'nova-baremetal' elif daemon == 'nova-spicehtml5proxy': filename = 'nova-spiceproxy' else: filename = daemon template_file = 'git/{}.init.in.template'.format(filename) init_in_file = '{}.init.in'.format(filename) render(template_file, os.path.join(templates_dir, init_in_file), nova_compute_context, perms=0o644) git_generate_systemd_init_files(templates_dir) else: nova_cc = 'nova-cloud-controller' nova_user = 'nova' start_dir = '/var/lib/nova' nova_conf = '/etc/nova/nova.conf' nova_ec2_api_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova EC2 API server', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-api-ec2', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-api-ec2'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_api_os_compute_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova OpenStack Compute API server', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-api-os-compute', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-api-os-compute'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_cells_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova cells', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-cells', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-cells'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_cert_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova cert', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-cert', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-cert'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_conductor_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova conductor', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-conductor', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-conductor'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_consoleauth_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova console auth', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-consoleauth', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-consoleauth'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_console_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova console', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-console', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-console'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_novncproxy_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova NoVNC proxy', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-novncproxy', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-novncproxy'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_objectstore_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova object store', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-objectstore', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-objectstore'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_scheduler_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova scheduler', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-scheduler', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-scheduler'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_serialproxy_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova serial proxy', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-serialproxy', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-serialproxy'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_spiceproxy_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova spice proxy', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-spicehtml5proxy', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-spicehtml5proxy'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } nova_xvpvncproxy_context = { 'service_description': 'Nova XVPVNC proxy', 'service_name': nova_cc, 'user_name': nova_user, 'start_dir': start_dir, 'process_name': 'nova-xvpvncproxy', 'executable_name': os.path.join(bin_dir, 'nova-xvpvncproxy'), 'config_files': [nova_conf], } templates_dir = 'hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/templates' templates_dir = os.path.join(charm_dir(), templates_dir) os_rel = os_release('nova-common') render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-api-ec2.conf', nova_ec2_api_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-api-os-compute.conf', nova_api_os_compute_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-cells.conf', nova_cells_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-cert.conf', nova_cert_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-conductor.conf', nova_conductor_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-consoleauth.conf', nova_consoleauth_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-console.conf', nova_console_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-novncproxy.conf', nova_novncproxy_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-objectstore.conf', nova_objectstore_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-scheduler.conf', nova_scheduler_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) if os_rel >= 'juno': render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-serialproxy.conf', nova_serialproxy_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-spiceproxy.conf', nova_spiceproxy_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('git.upstart', '/etc/init/nova-xvpvncproxy.conf', nova_xvpvncproxy_context, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) apt_update() apt_install(LATE_GIT_PACKAGES, fatal=True) def get_optional_interfaces(): """Return the optional interfaces that should be checked if the relavent relations have appeared. :returns: {general_interface: [specific_int1, specific_int2, ...], ...} """ optional_interfaces = {} if relation_ids('quantum-network-service'): optional_interfaces['quantum'] = ['quantum-network-service'] if relation_ids('cinder-volume-service'): optional_interfaces['cinder'] = ['cinder-volume-service'] if relation_ids('neutron-api'): optional_interfaces['neutron-api'] = ['neutron-api'] return optional_interfaces def check_optional_relations(configs): """Check that if we have a relation_id for high availability that we can get the hacluster config. If we can't then we are blocked. This function is called from assess_status/set_os_workload_status as the charm_func and needs to return either None, None if there is no problem or the status, message if there is a problem. :param configs: an OSConfigRender() instance. :return 2-tuple: (string, string) = (status, message) """ if relation_ids('ha'): try: get_hacluster_config() except: return ('blocked', 'hacluster missing configuration: ' 'vip, vip_iface, vip_cidr') # return 'unknown' as the lowest priority to not clobber an existing # status. return "unknown", "" def is_api_ready(configs): return (not incomplete_relation_data(configs, REQUIRED_INTERFACES)) def assess_status(configs): """Assess status of current unit Decides what the state of the unit should be based on the current configuration. SIDE EFFECT: calls set_os_workload_status(...) which sets the workload status of the unit. Also calls status_set(...) directly if paused state isn't complete. @param configs: a templating.OSConfigRenderer() object @returns None - this function is executed for its side-effect """ assess_status_func(configs)() def assess_status_func(configs): """Helper function to create the function that will assess_status() for the unit. Uses charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils.make_assess_status_func() to create the appropriate status function and then returns it. Used directly by assess_status() and also for pausing and resuming the unit. NOTE: REQUIRED_INTERFACES is augmented with the optional interfaces depending on the current config before being passed to the make_assess_status_func() function. NOTE(ajkavanagh) ports are not checked due to race hazards with services that don't behave sychronously w.r.t their service scripts. e.g. apache2. @param configs: a templating.OSConfigRenderer() object @return f() -> None : a function that assesses the unit's workload status """ required_interfaces = REQUIRED_INTERFACES.copy() required_interfaces.update(get_optional_interfaces()) return make_assess_status_func( configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=check_optional_relations, services=services(), ports=None) def pause_unit_helper(configs): """Helper function to pause a unit, and then call assess_status(...) in effect, so that the status is correctly updated. Uses charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils.pause_unit() to do the work. @param configs: a templating.OSConfigRenderer() object @returns None - this function is executed for its side-effect """ _pause_resume_helper(pause_unit, configs) def resume_unit_helper(configs): """Helper function to resume a unit, and then call assess_status(...) in effect, so that the status is correctly updated. Uses charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils.resume_unit() to do the work. @param configs: a templating.OSConfigRenderer() object @returns None - this function is executed for its side-effect """ _pause_resume_helper(resume_unit, configs) def _pause_resume_helper(f, configs): """Helper function that uses the make_assess_status_func(...) from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils to create an assess_status(...) function that can be used with the pause/resume of the unit @param f: the function to be used with the assess_status(...) function @returns None - this function is executed for its side-effect """ # TODO(ajkavanagh) - ports= has been left off because of the race hazard # that exists due to service_start() f(assess_status_func(configs), services=services(), ports=None) def update_aws_compat_services(): """Depending on the configuration of `disable-aws-compatibility` config option. This will stop/start and disable/enable `nova-api-ec2` and `nova-objectstore` services. """ # if packages aren't installed, then there is nothing to do if filter_installed_packages(AWS_COMPAT_SERVICES) != []: return if config('disable-aws-compat'): # TODO: the endpoints have to removed from keystone for service_ in AWS_COMPAT_SERVICES: service_pause(service_) else: for service_ in AWS_COMPAT_SERVICES: service_resume(service_)