options: openstack-origin: default: distro type: string description: | Repository from which to install. May be one of the following: distro (default), ppa:somecustom/ppa, a deb url sources entry, or a supported Cloud Archive release pocket. Supported Cloud Archive sources include: cloud:precise-folsom, cloud:precise-folsom/updates, cloud:precise-folsom/staging, cloud:precise-folsom/proposed. Note that updating this setting to a source that is known to provide a later version of OpenStack will trigger a software upgrade. rabbit-user: default: nova type: string description: Username used to access rabbitmq queue rabbit-vhost: default: openstack type: string description: Rabbitmq vhost database-user: default: nova type: string description: Username for database access database: default: nova type: string description: Database name neutron-database-user: default: neutron type: string description: Username for Neutron database access (if enabled) neutron-database: default: neutron type: string description: Database name for Neutron (if enabled) network-manager: default: FlatDHCPManager type: string description: | Network manager for the cloud; supports the following options . FlatDHCPManager (nova-network) (default) FlatManager (nova-network) Neutron|Quantum (Full SDN solution) . When using the Neutron option you will most likely want to use the neutron-gateway charm to provide L3 routing and DHCP Services. bridge-interface: default: br100 type: string description: Bridge interface to be configured bridge-ip: default: type: string description: IP to be assigned to bridge interface bridge-netmask: default: type: string description: Netmask to be assigned to bridge interface quantum-plugin: default: ovs type: string description: | Quantum plugin to use for network management; supports . ovs - OpenvSwitch Plugin nvp - Nicira Network Virtualization Platform . This configuration only has context when used with network-manager Quantum. quantum-security-groups: type: string default: "no" description: | Use quantum for security group management. . Only supported for >= grizzly. neutron-external-network: type: string default: ext_net description: Name of the external network for floating IP addresses provided by Neutron. config-flags: default: None type: string description: Comma separated list of key=value config flags to be set in nova.conf. region: default: RegionOne type: string description: OpenStack Region # HA configuration settings vip: type: string description: "Virtual IP to use to front API services in ha configuration" vip_iface: type: string default: eth0 description: "Network Interface where to place the Virtual IP" vip_cidr: type: int default: 24 description: "Netmask that will be used for the Virtual IP" ha-bindiface: type: string default: eth0 description: | Default network interface on which HA cluster will bind to communication with the other members of the HA Cluster. ha-mcastport: type: int default: 5404 description: | Default multicast port number that will be used to communicate between HA Cluster nodes. ssl_cert: type: string description: | SSL certificate to install and use for API ports. Setting this value and ssl_key will enable reverse proxying, point Glance's entry in the Keystone catalog to use https, and override any certficiate and key issued by Keystone (if it is configured to do so). ssl_key: type: string description: SSL key to use with certificate specified as ssl_cert. # Neutron NVP Plugin configuration nvp-controllers: type: string description: Space delimited addresses of NVP controllers nvp-username: type: string default: admin description: Username to connect to NVP controllers with nvp-password: type: string default: admin description: Password to connect to NVP controllers with nvp-cluster-name: type: string default: example description: Name of the NVP cluster configuration to create (grizzly only) nvp-tz-uuid: type: string description: | This is uuid of the default NVP Transport zone that will be used for creating tunneled isolated Quantum networks. It needs to be created in NVP before starting Quantum with the nvp plugin. nvp-l3-uuid: type: string description: | This is uuid of the default NVP L3 Gateway Service. # end of NVP configuration