73 lines
2.3 KiB
73 lines
2.3 KiB
from __future__ import print_function
import mock
# NOTE(freyes): this is a workaround to patch config() function imported by
# nova_cc_utils before it gets a reference to the actual config() provided by
# hookenv module.
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
_conf = hookenv.config
hookenv.config = mock.MagicMock()
import nova_cc_utils as _utils
# this assert is a double check + to avoid pep8 warning
assert _utils.config == hookenv.config
hookenv.config = _conf
import nova_cc_context as context
from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack import utils
from test_utils import CharmTestCase
def fake_log(msg, level=None):
level = level or 'INFO'
print('[juju test log (%s)] %s' % (level, msg))
class NovaComputeContextTests(CharmTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(NovaComputeContextTests, self).setUp(context, TO_PATCH)
self.relation_get.side_effect = self.test_relation.get
self.config.side_effect = self.test_config.get
self.log.side_effect = fake_log
@mock.patch.object(utils, 'os_release')
def test_instance_console_context_without_memcache(self, os_release):
self.unit_get.return_value = ''
self.relation_ids.return_value = 'cache:0'
self.related_units.return_value = 'memcached/0'
instance_console = context.InstanceConsoleContext()
os_release.return_value = 'icehouse'
self.assertEqual({'memcached_servers': []},
@mock.patch.object(utils, 'os_release')
def test_instance_console_context_with_memcache(self, os_release):
memcached_servers = [{'private-address': '',
'port': '11211'}]
self.unit_get.return_value = ''
self.relation_ids.return_value = ['cache:0']
self.relations_for_id.return_value = memcached_servers
self.related_units.return_value = 'memcached/0'
instance_console = context.InstanceConsoleContext()
os_release.return_value = 'icehouse'
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertEqual({'memcached_servers': memcached_servers},