# Overview *This charm is in ALPHA state, currently in active development.* *Developers can be reached on freenode channel #openstack-charms.* The nova-compute-proxy charm deploys OpenStack Nova Compute to a pre-existing rpm-based Power8 PowerKVM or s390x z/KVM machine, where the remainder of the Ubuntu OpenStack control plane and storage applications are deployed to machines via MAAS. # Usage To deploy a nova-compute-proxy service, have the following prepared in advance: * PowerKVM or z/KVM machine(s) manually provisioned, booted, accessible from the control plane units, with network interfaces and storage ready to use. * An ssh key that the charm can use to remotely execute installation and configuration operations. * Yum repository/repositories or .iso file(s) which contain the appropriate IBM OpenStack RPMs. If using .iso file(s), they must be loop-mounted on the compute node host. * Password-less sudo for the specified user configured on the compute node. Once you have this setup you must configure the charm as follow: * Place the key to the nova-compute node in the files directory of the charm. * Apply the following charm config: * remote-user: username used to access and configure the power node. * remote-repo: Yum repository url or file url * remote-hosts: IP address of power node * Example: ``` remote-user: youruser remote-repo: file:///tmp/openstack-iso/openstack remote-key: id_dsa remote-hosts: ```