Charmhelper sync
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ Examples:
import re
import os
import subprocess
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
from charmhelpers.core.kernel import modprobe, is_module_loaded
__author__ = "Felipe Reyes <>"
@ -82,14 +84,11 @@ def is_ipv6_ok(soft_fail=False):
# do we have IPv6 in the machine?
if os.path.isdir('/proc/sys/net/ipv6'):
# is ip6tables kernel module loaded?
lsmod = subprocess.check_output(['lsmod'], universal_newlines=True)
matches = re.findall('^ip6_tables[ ]+', lsmod, re.M)
if len(matches) == 0:
if not is_module_loaded('ip6_tables'):
# ip6tables support isn't complete, let's try to load it
subprocess.check_output(['modprobe', 'ip6_tables'],
# great, we could load the module
# great, we can load the module
return True
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
hookenv.log("Couldn't load ip6_tables module: %s" % ex.output,
@ -44,20 +44,31 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
Determine if the local branch being tested is derived from its
stable or next (dev) branch, and based on this, use the corresonding
stable or next branches for the other_services."""
# Charms outside the lp:~openstack-charmers namespace
base_charms = ['mysql', 'mongodb', 'nrpe']
# Force these charms to current series even when using an older series.
# ie. Use trusty/nrpe even when series is precise, as the P charm
# does not possess the necessary external master config and hooks.
force_series_current = ['nrpe']
if self.series in ['precise', 'trusty']:
base_series = self.series
base_series = self.current_next
if self.stable:
for svc in other_services:
for svc in other_services:
if svc['name'] in force_series_current:
base_series = self.current_next
# If a location has been explicitly set, use it
if svc.get('location'):
if self.stable:
temp = 'lp:charms/{}/{}'
svc['location'] = temp.format(base_series,
for svc in other_services:
if svc['name'] in base_charms:
temp = 'lp:charms/{}/{}'
svc['location'] = temp.format(base_series,
@ -66,6 +77,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
temp = 'lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/{}/{}/next'
svc['location'] = temp.format(self.current_next,
return other_services
def _add_services(self, this_service, other_services):
@ -77,21 +89,23 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
services = other_services
# Charms which should use the source config option
use_source = ['mysql', 'mongodb', 'rabbitmq-server', 'ceph',
'ceph-osd', 'ceph-radosgw']
# Most OpenStack subordinate charms do not expose an origin option
# as that is controlled by the principle.
ignore = ['cinder-ceph', 'hacluster', 'neutron-openvswitch', 'nrpe']
# Charms which can not use openstack-origin, ie. many subordinates
no_origin = ['cinder-ceph', 'hacluster', 'neutron-openvswitch', 'nrpe']
if self.openstack:
for svc in services:
if svc['name'] not in use_source + ignore:
if svc['name'] not in use_source + no_origin:
config = {'openstack-origin': self.openstack}
self.d.configure(svc['name'], config)
if self.source:
for svc in services:
if svc['name'] in use_source and svc['name'] not in ignore:
if svc['name'] in use_source and svc['name'] not in no_origin:
config = {'source': self.source}
self.d.configure(svc['name'], config)
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import glanceclient.v1.client as glance_client
import heatclient.v1.client as heat_client
import keystoneclient.v2_0 as keystone_client
import novaclient.v1_1.client as nova_client
import pika
import swiftclient
from charmhelpers.contrib.amulet.utils import (
@ -602,3 +603,361 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
self.log.debug('Ceph {} samples (OK): '
'{}'.format(sample_type, samples))
return None
# rabbitmq/amqp specific helpers:
def add_rmq_test_user(self, sentry_units,
username="testuser1", password="changeme"):
"""Add a test user via the first rmq juju unit, check connection as
the new user against all sentry units.
:param sentry_units: list of sentry unit pointers
:param username: amqp user name, default to testuser1
:param password: amqp user password
:returns: None if successful. Raise on error.
self.log.debug('Adding rmq user ({})...'.format(username))
# Check that user does not already exist
cmd_user_list = 'rabbitmqctl list_users'
output, _ = self.run_cmd_unit(sentry_units[0], cmd_user_list)
if username in output:
self.log.warning('User ({}) already exists, returning '
perms = '".*" ".*" ".*"'
cmds = ['rabbitmqctl add_user {} {}'.format(username, password),
'rabbitmqctl set_permissions {} {}'.format(username, perms)]
# Add user via first unit
for cmd in cmds:
output, _ = self.run_cmd_unit(sentry_units[0], cmd)
# Check connection against the other sentry_units
self.log.debug('Checking user connect against units...')
for sentry_unit in sentry_units:
connection = self.connect_amqp_by_unit(sentry_unit, ssl=False,
def delete_rmq_test_user(self, sentry_units, username="testuser1"):
"""Delete a rabbitmq user via the first rmq juju unit.
:param sentry_units: list of sentry unit pointers
:param username: amqp user name, default to testuser1
:param password: amqp user password
:returns: None if successful or no such user.
self.log.debug('Deleting rmq user ({})...'.format(username))
# Check that the user exists
cmd_user_list = 'rabbitmqctl list_users'
output, _ = self.run_cmd_unit(sentry_units[0], cmd_user_list)
if username not in output:
self.log.warning('User ({}) does not exist, returning '
# Delete the user
cmd_user_del = 'rabbitmqctl delete_user {}'.format(username)
output, _ = self.run_cmd_unit(sentry_units[0], cmd_user_del)
def get_rmq_cluster_status(self, sentry_unit):
"""Execute rabbitmq cluster status command on a unit and return
the full output.
:param unit: sentry unit
:returns: String containing console output of cluster status command
cmd = 'rabbitmqctl cluster_status'
output, _ = self.run_cmd_unit(sentry_unit, cmd)
self.log.debug('{} cluster_status:\n{}'.format(
||||['unit_name'], output))
return str(output)
def get_rmq_cluster_running_nodes(self, sentry_unit):
"""Parse rabbitmqctl cluster_status output string, return list of
running rabbitmq cluster nodes.
:param unit: sentry unit
:returns: List containing node names of running nodes
# NOTE(beisner): rabbitmqctl cluster_status output is not
# json-parsable, do string chop foo, then json.loads that.
str_stat = self.get_rmq_cluster_status(sentry_unit)
if 'running_nodes' in str_stat:
pos_start = str_stat.find("{running_nodes,") + 15
pos_end = str_stat.find("]},", pos_start) + 1
str_run_nodes = str_stat[pos_start:pos_end].replace("'", '"')
run_nodes = json.loads(str_run_nodes)
return run_nodes
return []
def validate_rmq_cluster_running_nodes(self, sentry_units):
"""Check that all rmq unit hostnames are represented in the
cluster_status output of all units.
:param host_names: dict of juju unit names to host names
:param units: list of sentry unit pointers (all rmq units)
:returns: None if successful, otherwise return error message
host_names = self.get_unit_hostnames(sentry_units)
errors = []
# Query every unit for cluster_status running nodes
for query_unit in sentry_units:
query_unit_name =['unit_name']
running_nodes = self.get_rmq_cluster_running_nodes(query_unit)
# Confirm that every unit is represented in the queried unit's
# cluster_status running nodes output.
for validate_unit in sentry_units:
val_host_name = host_names[['unit_name']]
val_node_name = 'rabbit@{}'.format(val_host_name)
if val_node_name not in running_nodes:
errors.append('Cluster member check failed on {}: {} not '
'in {}\n'.format(query_unit_name,
if errors:
return ''.join(errors)
def rmq_ssl_is_enabled_on_unit(self, sentry_unit, port=None):
"""Check a single juju rmq unit for ssl and port in the config file."""
host =['public-address']
unit_name =['unit_name']
conf_file = '/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config'
conf_contents = str(self.file_contents_safe(sentry_unit,
conf_file, max_wait=16))
# Checks
conf_ssl = 'ssl' in conf_contents
conf_port = str(port) in conf_contents
# Port explicitly checked in config
if port and conf_port and conf_ssl:
self.log.debug('SSL is enabled @{}:{} '
'({})'.format(host, port, unit_name))
return True
elif port and not conf_port and conf_ssl:
self.log.debug('SSL is enabled @{} but not on port {} '
'({})'.format(host, port, unit_name))
return False
# Port not checked (useful when checking that ssl is disabled)
elif not port and conf_ssl:
self.log.debug('SSL is enabled @{}:{} '
'({})'.format(host, port, unit_name))
return True
elif not port and not conf_ssl:
self.log.debug('SSL not enabled @{}:{} '
'({})'.format(host, port, unit_name))
return False
msg = ('Unknown condition when checking SSL status @{}:{} '
'({})'.format(host, port, unit_name))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg)
def validate_rmq_ssl_enabled_units(self, sentry_units, port=None):
"""Check that ssl is enabled on rmq juju sentry units.
:param sentry_units: list of all rmq sentry units
:param port: optional ssl port override to validate
:returns: None if successful, otherwise return error message
for sentry_unit in sentry_units:
if not self.rmq_ssl_is_enabled_on_unit(sentry_unit, port=port):
return ('Unexpected condition: ssl is disabled on unit '
return None
def validate_rmq_ssl_disabled_units(self, sentry_units):
"""Check that ssl is enabled on listed rmq juju sentry units.
:param sentry_units: list of all rmq sentry units
:returns: True if successful. Raise on error.
for sentry_unit in sentry_units:
if self.rmq_ssl_is_enabled_on_unit(sentry_unit):
return ('Unexpected condition: ssl is enabled on unit '
return None
def configure_rmq_ssl_on(self, sentry_units, deployment,
port=None, max_wait=60):
"""Turn ssl charm config option on, with optional non-default
ssl port specification. Confirm that it is enabled on every
:param sentry_units: list of sentry units
:param deployment: amulet deployment object pointer
:param port: amqp port, use defaults if None
:param max_wait: maximum time to wait in seconds to confirm
:returns: None if successful. Raise on error.
self.log.debug('Setting ssl charm config option: on')
# Enable RMQ SSL
config = {'ssl': 'on'}
if port:
config['ssl_port'] = port
deployment.configure('rabbitmq-server', config)
# Confirm
tries = 0
ret = self.validate_rmq_ssl_enabled_units(sentry_units, port=port)
while ret and tries < (max_wait / 4):
self.log.debug('Attempt {}: {}'.format(tries, ret))
ret = self.validate_rmq_ssl_enabled_units(sentry_units, port=port)
tries += 1
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, ret)
def configure_rmq_ssl_off(self, sentry_units, deployment, max_wait=60):
"""Turn ssl charm config option off, confirm that it is disabled
on every unit.
:param sentry_units: list of sentry units
:param deployment: amulet deployment object pointer
:param max_wait: maximum time to wait in seconds to confirm
:returns: None if successful. Raise on error.
self.log.debug('Setting ssl charm config option: off')
# Disable RMQ SSL
config = {'ssl': 'off'}
deployment.configure('rabbitmq-server', config)
# Confirm
tries = 0
ret = self.validate_rmq_ssl_disabled_units(sentry_units)
while ret and tries < (max_wait / 4):
self.log.debug('Attempt {}: {}'.format(tries, ret))
ret = self.validate_rmq_ssl_disabled_units(sentry_units)
tries += 1
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, ret)
def connect_amqp_by_unit(self, sentry_unit, ssl=False,
port=None, fatal=True,
username="testuser1", password="changeme"):
"""Establish and return a pika amqp connection to the rabbitmq service
running on a rmq juju unit.
:param sentry_unit: sentry unit pointer
:param ssl: boolean, default to False
:param port: amqp port, use defaults if None
:param fatal: boolean, default to True (raises on connect error)
:param username: amqp user name, default to testuser1
:param password: amqp user password
:returns: pika amqp connection pointer or None if failed and non-fatal
host =['public-address']
unit_name =['unit_name']
# Default port logic if port is not specified
if ssl and not port:
port = 5671
elif not ssl and not port:
port = 5672
self.log.debug('Connecting to amqp on {}:{} ({}) as '
'{}...'.format(host, port, unit_name, username))
credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(username, password)
parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=host, port=port,
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
assert connection.server_properties['product'] == 'RabbitMQ'
self.log.debug('Connect OK')
return connection
except Exception as e:
msg = ('amqp connection failed to {}:{} as '
'{} ({})'.format(host, port, username, str(e)))
if fatal:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg)
return None
def publish_amqp_message_by_unit(self, sentry_unit, message,
queue="test", ssl=False,
"""Publish an amqp message to a rmq juju unit.
:param sentry_unit: sentry unit pointer
:param message: amqp message string
:param queue: message queue, default to test
:param username: amqp user name, default to testuser1
:param password: amqp user password
:param ssl: boolean, default to False
:param port: amqp port, use defaults if None
:returns: None. Raises exception if publish failed.
self.log.debug('Publishing message to {} queue:\n{}'.format(queue,
connection = self.connect_amqp_by_unit(sentry_unit, ssl=ssl,
# NOTE(beisner): extra debug here re: pika hang potential:
self.log.debug('Defining channel...')
channel =
self.log.debug('Declaring queue...')
channel.queue_declare(queue=queue, auto_delete=False, durable=True)
self.log.debug('Publishing message...')
channel.basic_publish(exchange='', routing_key=queue, body=message)
self.log.debug('Closing channel...')
self.log.debug('Closing connection...')
def get_amqp_message_by_unit(self, sentry_unit, queue="test",
ssl=False, port=None):
"""Get an amqp message from a rmq juju unit.
:param sentry_unit: sentry unit pointer
:param queue: message queue, default to test
:param username: amqp user name, default to testuser1
:param password: amqp user password
:param ssl: boolean, default to False
:param port: amqp port, use defaults if None
:returns: amqp message body as string. Raise if get fails.
connection = self.connect_amqp_by_unit(sentry_unit, ssl=ssl,
channel =
method_frame, _, body = channel.basic_get(queue)
if method_frame:
self.log.debug('Retreived message from {} queue:\n{}'.format(queue,
return body
msg = 'No message retrieved.'
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg)
@ -194,10 +194,50 @@ def config_flags_parser(config_flags):
class OSContextGenerator(object):
"""Base class for all context generators."""
interfaces = []
related = False
complete = False
missing_data = []
def __call__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def context_complete(self, ctxt):
"""Check for missing data for the required context data.
Set self.missing_data if it exists and return False.
Set self.complete if no missing data and return True.
# Fresh start
self.complete = False
self.missing_data = []
for k, v in six.iteritems(ctxt):
if v is None or v == '':
if k not in self.missing_data:
if self.missing_data:
self.complete = False
log('Missing required data: %s' % ' '.join(self.missing_data), level=INFO)
self.complete = True
return self.complete
def get_related(self):
"""Check if any of the context interfaces have relation ids.
Set self.related and return True if one of the interfaces
has relation ids.
# Fresh start
self.related = False
for interface in self.interfaces:
if relation_ids(interface):
self.related = True
return self.related
except AttributeError as e:
log("{} {}"
"".format(self, e), 'INFO')
return self.related
class SharedDBContext(OSContextGenerator):
interfaces = ['shared-db']
@ -213,6 +253,7 @@ class SharedDBContext(OSContextGenerator):
self.database = database
self.user = user
self.ssl_dir = ssl_dir
self.rel_name = self.interfaces[0]
def __call__(self):
self.database = self.database or config('database')
@ -246,6 +287,7 @@ class SharedDBContext(OSContextGenerator):
password_setting = self.relation_prefix + '_password'
for rid in relation_ids(self.interfaces[0]):
self.related = True
for unit in related_units(rid):
rdata = relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit)
host = rdata.get('db_host')
@ -257,7 +299,7 @@ class SharedDBContext(OSContextGenerator):
'database_password': rdata.get(password_setting),
'database_type': 'mysql'
if context_complete(ctxt):
if self.context_complete(ctxt):
db_ssl(rdata, ctxt, self.ssl_dir)
return ctxt
return {}
@ -278,6 +320,7 @@ class PostgresqlDBContext(OSContextGenerator):
ctxt = {}
for rid in relation_ids(self.interfaces[0]):
self.related = True
for unit in related_units(rid):
rel_host = relation_get('host', rid=rid, unit=unit)
rel_user = relation_get('user', rid=rid, unit=unit)
@ -287,7 +330,7 @@ class PostgresqlDBContext(OSContextGenerator):
'database_user': rel_user,
'database_password': rel_passwd,
'database_type': 'postgresql'}
if context_complete(ctxt):
if self.context_complete(ctxt):
return ctxt
return {}
@ -348,6 +391,7 @@ class IdentityServiceContext(OSContextGenerator):
ctxt['signing_dir'] = cachedir
for rid in relation_ids(self.rel_name):
self.related = True
for unit in related_units(rid):
rdata = relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit)
serv_host = rdata.get('service_host')
@ -366,7 +410,7 @@ class IdentityServiceContext(OSContextGenerator):
'service_protocol': svc_protocol,
'auth_protocol': auth_protocol})
if context_complete(ctxt):
if self.context_complete(ctxt):
# NOTE(jamespage) this is required for >= icehouse
# so a missing value just indicates keystone needs
# upgrading
@ -405,6 +449,7 @@ class AMQPContext(OSContextGenerator):
ctxt = {}
for rid in relation_ids(self.rel_name):
ha_vip_only = False
self.related = True
for unit in related_units(rid):
if relation_get('clustered', rid=rid, unit=unit):
ctxt['clustered'] = True
@ -437,7 +482,7 @@ class AMQPContext(OSContextGenerator):
ha_vip_only = relation_get('ha-vip-only',
rid=rid, unit=unit) is not None
if context_complete(ctxt):
if self.context_complete(ctxt):
if 'rabbit_ssl_ca' in ctxt:
if not self.ssl_dir:
log("Charm not setup for ssl support but ssl ca "
@ -469,7 +514,7 @@ class AMQPContext(OSContextGenerator):
ctxt['oslo_messaging_flags'] = config_flags_parser(
if not context_complete(ctxt):
if not self.complete:
return {}
return ctxt
@ -507,7 +552,7 @@ class CephContext(OSContextGenerator):
if not os.path.isdir('/etc/ceph'):
if not context_complete(ctxt):
if not self.context_complete(ctxt):
return {}
@ -1366,6 +1411,6 @@ class NetworkServiceContext(OSContextGenerator):
rdata.get('auth_protocol') or 'http',
if context_complete(ctxt):
if self.context_complete(ctxt):
return ctxt
return {}
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ class OSConfigTemplate(object):
def complete_contexts(self):
Return a list of interfaces that have atisfied contexts.
Return a list of interfaces that have satisfied contexts.
if self._complete_contexts:
return self._complete_contexts
@ -293,3 +293,30 @@ class OSConfigRenderer(object):
for i in six.itervalues(self.templates)]
return interfaces
def get_incomplete_context_data(self, interfaces):
Return dictionary of relation status of interfaces and any missing
required context data. Example:
{'amqp': {'missing_data': ['rabbitmq_password'], 'related': True},
'zeromq-configuration': {'related': False}}
incomplete_context_data = {}
for i in six.itervalues(self.templates):
for context in i.contexts:
for interface in interfaces:
related = False
if interface in context.interfaces:
related = context.get_related()
missing_data = context.missing_data
if missing_data:
incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'missing_data': missing_data}
if related:
if incomplete_context_data.get(interface):
incomplete_context_data[interface].update({'related': True})
incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'related': True}
incomplete_context_data[interface] = {'related': False}
return incomplete_context_data
@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
from import (
@ -114,6 +116,7 @@ SWIFT_CODENAMES = OrderedDict([
('2.2.1', 'kilo'),
('2.2.2', 'kilo'),
('2.3.0', 'liberty'),
('2.4.0', 'liberty'),
# >= Liberty version->codename mapping
@ -142,6 +145,9 @@ PACKAGE_CODENAMES = {
'glance-common': OrderedDict([
('11.0.0', 'liberty'),
'openstack-dashboard': OrderedDict([
('8.0.0', 'liberty'),
@ -745,3 +751,173 @@ def git_yaml_value(projects_yaml, key):
return projects[key]
return None
def os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None):
Decorator to set workload status based on complete contexts
def wrap(f):
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
# Run the original function first
f(*args, **kwargs)
# Set workload status now that contexts have been
# acted on
set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func)
return wrapped_f
return wrap
def set_os_workload_status(configs, required_interfaces, charm_func=None):
Set workload status based on complete contexts.
status-set missing or incomplete contexts
and juju-log details of missing required data.
charm_func is a charm specific function to run checking
for charm specific requirements such as a VIP setting.
incomplete_rel_data = incomplete_relation_data(configs, required_interfaces)
state = 'active'
missing_relations = []
incomplete_relations = []
message = None
charm_state = None
charm_message = None
for generic_interface in incomplete_rel_data.keys():
related_interface = None
missing_data = {}
# Related or not?
for interface in incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface]:
if incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface][interface].get('related'):
related_interface = interface
missing_data = incomplete_rel_data[generic_interface][interface].get('missing_data')
# No relation ID for the generic_interface
if not related_interface:
juju_log("{} relation is missing and must be related for "
"functionality. ".format(generic_interface), 'WARN')
state = 'blocked'
if generic_interface not in missing_relations:
# Relation ID exists but no related unit
if not missing_data:
# Edge case relation ID exists but departing
if ('departed' in hook_name() or 'broken' in hook_name()) \
and related_interface in hook_name():
state = 'blocked'
if generic_interface not in missing_relations:
juju_log("{} relation's interface, {}, "
"relationship is departed or broken "
"and is required for functionality."
"".format(generic_interface, related_interface), "WARN")
# Normal case relation ID exists but no related unit
# (joining)
juju_log("{} relations's interface, {}, is related but has "
"no units in the relation."
"".format(generic_interface, related_interface), "INFO")
# Related unit exists and data missing on the relation
juju_log("{} relation's interface, {}, is related awaiting "
"the following data from the relationship: {}. "
"".format(generic_interface, related_interface,
", ".join(missing_data)), "INFO")
if state != 'blocked':
state = 'waiting'
if generic_interface not in incomplete_relations \
and generic_interface not in missing_relations:
if missing_relations:
message = "Missing relations: {}".format(", ".join(missing_relations))
if incomplete_relations:
message += "; incomplete relations: {}" \
"".format(", ".join(incomplete_relations))
state = 'blocked'
elif incomplete_relations:
message = "Incomplete relations: {}" \
"".format(", ".join(incomplete_relations))
state = 'waiting'
# Run charm specific checks
if charm_func:
charm_state, charm_message = charm_func(configs)
if charm_state != 'active' and charm_state != 'unknown':
state = workload_state_compare(state, charm_state)
if message:
message = "{} {}".format(message, charm_message)
message = charm_message
# Set to active if all requirements have been met
if state == 'active':
message = "Unit is ready"
juju_log(message, "INFO")
status_set(state, message)
def workload_state_compare(current_workload_state, workload_state):
""" Return highest priority of two states"""
hierarchy = {'unknown': -1,
'active': 0,
'maintenance': 1,
'waiting': 2,
'blocked': 3,
if hierarchy.get(workload_state) is None:
workload_state = 'unknown'
if hierarchy.get(current_workload_state) is None:
current_workload_state = 'unknown'
# Set workload_state based on hierarchy of statuses
if hierarchy.get(current_workload_state) > hierarchy.get(workload_state):
return current_workload_state
return workload_state
def incomplete_relation_data(configs, required_interfaces):
Check complete contexts against required_interfaces
Return dictionary of incomplete relation data.
configs is an OSConfigRenderer object with configs registered
required_interfaces is a dictionary of required general interfaces
with dictionary values of possible specific interfaces.
required_interfaces = {'database': ['shared-db', 'pgsql-db']}
The interface is said to be satisfied if anyone of the interfaces in the
list has a complete context.
Return dictionary of incomplete or missing required contexts with relation
status of interfaces and any missing data points. Example:
{'amqp': {'missing_data': ['rabbitmq_password'], 'related': True},
'zeromq-configuration': {'related': False}},
{'identity-service': {'related': False}},
{'pgsql-db': {'related': False},
'shared-db': {'related': True}}}
complete_ctxts = configs.complete_contexts()
incomplete_relations = []
for svc_type in required_interfaces.keys():
# Avoid duplicates
found_ctxt = False
for interface in required_interfaces[svc_type]:
if interface in complete_ctxts:
found_ctxt = True
if not found_ctxt:
incomplete_context_data = {}
for i in incomplete_relations:
incomplete_context_data[i] = configs.get_incomplete_context_data(required_interfaces[i])
return incomplete_context_data
@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ from charmhelpers.fetch import (
from charmhelpers.core.kernel import modprobe
KEYRING = '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.{}.keyring'
KEYFILE = '/etc/ceph/ceph.client.{}.key'
@ -291,17 +293,6 @@ def place_data_on_block_device(blk_device, data_src_dst):
os.chown(data_src_dst, uid, gid)
# TODO: re-use
def modprobe(module):
"""Load a kernel module and configure for auto-load on reboot."""
log('Loading kernel module', level=INFO)
cmd = ['modprobe', module]
with open('/etc/modules', 'r+') as modules:
if module not in
def copy_files(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None):
"""Copy files from src to dst."""
for item in os.listdir(src):
@ -63,32 +63,48 @@ def service_reload(service_name, restart_on_failure=False):
return service_result
def service_pause(service_name, init_dir=None):
def service_pause(service_name, init_dir="/etc/init", initd_dir="/etc/init.d"):
"""Pause a system service.
Stop it, and prevent it from starting again at boot."""
if init_dir is None:
init_dir = "/etc/init"
stopped = service_stop(service_name)
# XXX: Support systemd too
override_path = os.path.join(
init_dir, '{}.override'.format(service_name))
with open(override_path, 'w') as fh:
upstart_file = os.path.join(init_dir, "{}.conf".format(service_name))
sysv_file = os.path.join(initd_dir, service_name)
if os.path.exists(upstart_file):
override_path = os.path.join(
init_dir, '{}.override'.format(service_name))
with open(override_path, 'w') as fh:
elif os.path.exists(sysv_file):
subprocess.check_call(["update-rc.d", service_name, "disable"])
# XXX: Support SystemD too
raise ValueError(
"Unable to detect {0} as either Upstart {1} or SysV {2}".format(
service_name, upstart_file, sysv_file))
return stopped
def service_resume(service_name, init_dir=None):
def service_resume(service_name, init_dir="/etc/init",
"""Resume a system service.
Reenable starting again at boot. Start the service"""
# XXX: Support systemd too
if init_dir is None:
init_dir = "/etc/init"
override_path = os.path.join(
init_dir, '{}.override'.format(service_name))
if os.path.exists(override_path):
upstart_file = os.path.join(init_dir, "{}.conf".format(service_name))
sysv_file = os.path.join(initd_dir, service_name)
if os.path.exists(upstart_file):
override_path = os.path.join(
init_dir, '{}.override'.format(service_name))
if os.path.exists(override_path):
elif os.path.exists(sysv_file):
subprocess.check_call(["update-rc.d", service_name, "enable"])
# XXX: Support SystemD too
raise ValueError(
"Unable to detect {0} as either Upstart {1} or SysV {2}".format(
service_name, upstart_file, sysv_file))
started = service_start(service_name)
return started
@ -25,11 +25,13 @@ from import (
from charmhelpers.core.strutils import bytes_from_string
from subprocess import check_output
def hugepage_support(user, group='hugetlb', nr_hugepages=256,
max_map_count=65536, mnt_point='/run/hugepages/kvm',
pagesize='2MB', mount=True):
pagesize='2MB', mount=True, set_shmmax=False):
"""Enable hugepages on system.
@ -49,6 +51,11 @@ def hugepage_support(user, group='hugetlb', nr_hugepages=256,
'vm.max_map_count': max_map_count,
'vm.hugetlb_shm_group': gid,
if set_shmmax:
shmmax_current = int(check_output(['sysctl', '-n', 'kernel.shmmax']))
shmmax_minsize = bytes_from_string(pagesize) * nr_hugepages
if shmmax_minsize > shmmax_current:
sysctl_settings['kernel.shmmax'] = shmmax_minsize
sysctl.create(yaml.dump(sysctl_settings), '/etc/sysctl.d/10-hugepage.conf')
mkdir(mnt_point, owner='root', group='root', perms=0o755, force=False)
lfstab = fstab.Fstab()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2015 Canonical Limited.
# This file is part of charm-helpers.
# charm-helpers is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# charm-helpers is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <>.
__author__ = "Jorge Niedbalski <>"
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
from subprocess import check_call, check_output
import re
def modprobe(module, persist=True):
"""Load a kernel module and configure for auto-load on reboot."""
cmd = ['modprobe', module]
log('Loading kernel module %s' % module, level=INFO)
if persist:
with open('/etc/modules', 'r+') as modules:
if module not in
def rmmod(module, force=False):
"""Remove a module from the linux kernel"""
cmd = ['rmmod']
if force:
log('Removing kernel module %s' % module, level=INFO)
return check_call(cmd)
def lsmod():
"""Shows what kernel modules are currently loaded"""
return check_output(['lsmod'],
def is_module_loaded(module):
"""Checks if a kernel module is already loaded"""
matches = re.findall('^%s[ ]+' % module, lsmod(), re.M)
return len(matches) > 0
def update_initramfs(version='all'):
"""Updates an initramfs image"""
return check_call(["update-initramfs", "-k", version, "-u"])
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <>.
import six
import re
def bool_from_string(value):
@ -40,3 +41,32 @@ def bool_from_string(value):
msg = "Unable to interpret string value '%s' as boolean" % (value)
raise ValueError(msg)
def bytes_from_string(value):
"""Interpret human readable string value as bytes.
Returns int
'K': 1,
'KB': 1,
'M': 2,
'MB': 2,
'G': 3,
'GB': 3,
'T': 4,
'TB': 4,
'P': 5,
'PB': 5,
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
value = six.text_type(value)
msg = "Unable to interpret non-string value '%s' as boolean" % (value)
raise ValueError(msg)
matches = re.match("([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]+)", value)
if not matches:
msg = "Unable to interpret string value '%s' as bytes" % (value)
raise ValueError(msg)
return int( * (1024 ** BYTE_POWER[])
@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ class AmuletDeployment(object):
if 'units' not in this_service:
this_service['units'] = 1
self.d.add(this_service['name'], units=this_service['units'])
self.d.add(this_service['name'], units=this_service['units'],
for svc in other_services:
if 'location' in svc:
@ -64,7 +65,8 @@ class AmuletDeployment(object):
if 'units' not in svc:
svc['units'] = 1
self.d.add(svc['name'], charm=branch_location, units=svc['units'])
self.d.add(svc['name'], charm=branch_location, units=svc['units'],
def _add_relations(self, relations):
"""Add all of the relations for the services."""
@ -776,3 +776,12 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
output = _check_output(command, universal_newlines=True)
data = json.loads(output)
return data.get(u"status") == "completed"
def status_get(self, unit):
"""Return the current service status of this unit."""
raw_status, return_code =
"status-get --format=json --include-data")
if return_code != 0:
return ("unknown", "")
status = json.loads(raw_status)
return (status["status"], status["message"])
@ -58,19 +58,17 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
base_series = self.current_next
if self.stable:
for svc in other_services:
if svc['name'] in force_series_current:
base_series = self.current_next
for svc in other_services:
if svc['name'] in force_series_current:
base_series = self.current_next
# If a location has been explicitly set, use it
if svc.get('location'):
if self.stable:
temp = 'lp:charms/{}/{}'
svc['location'] = temp.format(base_series,
for svc in other_services:
if svc['name'] in force_series_current:
base_series = self.current_next
if svc['name'] in base_charms:
temp = 'lp:charms/{}/{}'
svc['location'] = temp.format(base_series,
@ -79,6 +77,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
temp = 'lp:~openstack-charmers/charms/{}/{}/next'
svc['location'] = temp.format(self.current_next,
return other_services
def _add_services(self, this_service, other_services):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user