Includes updates to charmhelpers/charms.openstack for cert_utils
and unit-get for the install hook error on Juju 2.9
* charm-helpers sync for classic charms
* rebuild for reactive charms
* ensure tox.ini is from release-tools
* ensure requirements.txt files are from release-tools
* On reactive charms:
- ensure master branch for charms.openstack
- ensure master branch for charm-helpers
* Include fix for local_address() and NoBindingError
Change-Id: If413a2bdd97bf5a751eba7fd74664525be39bd8c
If the compute node is deployed in a cell it will get service
credentials via a direct relationship with keystone and not
from a nova-cloud-controller relation. This change adds support
for having a complete CloudComputeContext without having
service credentials.
Change-Id: Id39262c53f207bb61b0a60954d5a077562e4e6f3
The charm-helpers project have re-licensed to Apache 2.0
inline with the agreed licensing approach to intefaces,
layers and charms generally.
Resync helpers to bring charmhelpers inline with charm
Change-Id: Idb258c5a1ab8e637e65cbc707e084382017e83ae
Add charmhelpers.contrib.hardening and calls to install,
config-changed, upgrade-charm and update-status hooks.
Also add new config option to allow one or more hardening
modules to be applied at runtime.
Change-Id: I525c15a14662175f2a68cdcd25a3ab2c92237850