# Copyright 2016 Canonical Limited.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import grp
import os
import pwd
import re

from subprocess import (
from traceback import format_exc
from stat import (

from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
from charmhelpers.core import unitdata
from charmhelpers.core.host import file_hash
from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.audits import BaseAudit
from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening.templating import (
from charmhelpers.contrib.hardening import utils

class BaseFileAudit(BaseAudit):
    """Base class for file audits.

    Provides api stubs for compliance check flow that must be used by any class
    that implemented this one.

    def __init__(self, paths, always_comply=False, *args, **kwargs):
        :param paths: string path of list of paths of files we want to apply
                      compliance checks are criteria to.
        :param always_comply: if true compliance criteria is always applied
                              else compliance is skipped for non-existent
        super(BaseFileAudit, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.always_comply = always_comply
        if isinstance(paths, str) or not hasattr(paths, '__iter__'):
            self.paths = [paths]
            self.paths = paths

    def ensure_compliance(self):
        """Ensure that the all registered files comply to registered criteria.
        for p in self.paths:
            if os.path.exists(p):
                if self.is_compliant(p):

                log('File %s is not in compliance.' % p, level=INFO)
                if not self.always_comply:
                    log("Non-existent path '%s' - skipping compliance check"
                        % (p), level=INFO)

            if self._take_action():
                log("Applying compliance criteria to '%s'" % (p), level=INFO)

    def is_compliant(self, path):
        """Audits the path to see if it is compliance.

        :param path: the path to the file that should be checked.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def comply(self, path):
        """Enforces the compliance of a path.

        :param path: the path to the file that should be enforced.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _get_stat(cls, path):
        """Returns the Posix st_stat information for the specified file path.

        :param path: the path to get the st_stat information for.
        :returns: an st_stat object for the path or None if the path doesn't
        return os.stat(path)

class FilePermissionAudit(BaseFileAudit):
    """Implements an audit for file permissions and ownership for a user.

    This class implements functionality that ensures that a specific user/group
    will own the file(s) specified and that the permissions specified are
    applied properly to the file.
    def __init__(self, paths, user, group=None, mode=0o600, **kwargs):
        self.user = user
        self.group = group
        self.mode = mode
        super(FilePermissionAudit, self).__init__(paths, user, group, mode,

    def user(self):
        return self._user

    def user(self, name):
            user = pwd.getpwnam(name)
        except KeyError:
            log('Unknown user %s' % name, level=ERROR)
            user = None
        self._user = user

    def group(self):
        return self._group

    def group(self, name):
            group = None
            if name:
                group = grp.getgrnam(name)
                group = grp.getgrgid(self.user.pw_gid)
        except KeyError:
            log('Unknown group %s' % name, level=ERROR)
        self._group = group

    def is_compliant(self, path):
        """Checks if the path is in compliance.

        Used to determine if the path specified meets the necessary
        requirements to be in compliance with the check itself.

        :param path: the file path to check
        :returns: True if the path is compliant, False otherwise.
        stat = self._get_stat(path)
        user = self.user
        group = self.group

        compliant = True
        if stat.st_uid != user.pw_uid or stat.st_gid != group.gr_gid:
            log('File %s is not owned by %s:%s.' % (path, user.pw_name,
            compliant = False

        # POSIX refers to the st_mode bits as corresponding to both the
        # file type and file permission bits, where the least significant 12
        # bits (o7777) are the suid (11), sgid (10), sticky bits (9), and the
        # file permission bits (8-0)
        perms = stat.st_mode & 0o7777
        if perms != self.mode:
            log('File %s has incorrect permissions, currently set to %s' %
                (path, oct(stat.st_mode & 0o7777)), level=INFO)
            compliant = False

        return compliant

    def comply(self, path):
        """Issues a chown and chmod to the file paths specified."""
        utils.ensure_permissions(path, self.user.pw_name, self.group.gr_name,

class DirectoryPermissionAudit(FilePermissionAudit):
    """Performs a permission check for the  specified directory path."""

    def __init__(self, paths, user, group=None, mode=0o600,
                 recursive=True, **kwargs):
        super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).__init__(paths, user, group,
                                                       mode, **kwargs)
        self.recursive = recursive

    def is_compliant(self, path):
        """Checks if the directory is compliant.

        Used to determine if the path specified and all of its children
        directories are in compliance with the check itself.

        :param path: the directory path to check
        :returns: True if the directory tree is compliant, otherwise False.
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            log('Path specified %s is not a directory.' % path, level=ERROR)
            raise ValueError("%s is not a directory." % path)

        if not self.recursive:
            return super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).is_compliant(path)

        compliant = True
        for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path):
            if len(dirs) > 0:

            if not super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).is_compliant(root):
                compliant = False

        return compliant

    def comply(self, path):
        for root, dirs, _ in os.walk(path):
            if len(dirs) > 0:
                super(DirectoryPermissionAudit, self).comply(root)

class ReadOnly(BaseFileAudit):
    """Audits that files and folders are read only."""
    def __init__(self, paths, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ReadOnly, self).__init__(paths=paths, *args, **kwargs)

    def is_compliant(self, path):
            output = check_output(['find', path, '-perm', '-go+w',
                                   '-type', 'f']).strip()

            # The find above will find any files which have permission sets
            # which allow too broad of write access. As such, the path is
            # compliant if there is no output.
            if output:
                return False

            return True
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            log('Error occurred checking finding writable files for %s. '
                'Error information is: command %s failed with returncode '
                '%d and output %s.\n%s' % (path, e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output,
                                           format_exc(e)), level=ERROR)
            return False

    def comply(self, path):
            check_output(['chmod', 'go-w', '-R', path])
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            log('Error occurred removing writeable permissions for %s. '
                'Error information is: command %s failed with returncode '
                '%d and output %s.\n%s' % (path, e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output,
                                           format_exc(e)), level=ERROR)

class NoReadWriteForOther(BaseFileAudit):
    """Ensures that the files found under the base path are readable or
    writable by anyone other than the owner or the group.
    def __init__(self, paths):
        super(NoReadWriteForOther, self).__init__(paths)

    def is_compliant(self, path):
            cmd = ['find', path, '-perm', '-o+r', '-type', 'f', '-o',
                   '-perm', '-o+w', '-type', 'f']
            output = check_output(cmd).strip()

            # The find above here will find any files which have read or
            # write permissions for other, meaning there is too broad of access
            # to read/write the file. As such, the path is compliant if there's
            # no output.
            if output:
                return False

            return True
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            log('Error occurred while finding files which are readable or '
                'writable to the world in %s. '
                'Command output is: %s.' % (path, e.output), level=ERROR)

    def comply(self, path):
            check_output(['chmod', '-R', 'o-rw', path])
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            log('Error occurred attempting to change modes of files under '
                'path %s. Output of command is: %s' % (path, e.output))

class NoSUIDSGIDAudit(BaseFileAudit):
    """Audits that specified files do not have SUID/SGID bits set."""
    def __init__(self, paths, *args, **kwargs):
        super(NoSUIDSGIDAudit, self).__init__(paths=paths, *args, **kwargs)

    def is_compliant(self, path):
        stat = self._get_stat(path)
        if (stat.st_mode & (S_ISGID | S_ISUID)) != 0:
            return False

        return True

    def comply(self, path):
            log('Removing suid/sgid from %s.' % path, level=DEBUG)
            check_output(['chmod', '-s', path])
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            log('Error occurred removing suid/sgid from %s.'
                'Error information is: command %s failed with returncode '
                '%d and output %s.\n%s' % (path, e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output,
                                           format_exc(e)), level=ERROR)

class TemplatedFile(BaseFileAudit):
    """The TemplatedFileAudit audits the contents of a templated file.

    This audit renders a file from a template, sets the appropriate file
    permissions, then generates a hashsum with which to check the content
    def __init__(self, path, context, template_dir, mode, user='root',
                 group='root', service_actions=None, **kwargs):
        self.context = context
        self.user = user
        self.group = group
        self.mode = mode
        self.template_dir = template_dir
        self.service_actions = service_actions
        super(TemplatedFile, self).__init__(paths=path, always_comply=True,

    def is_compliant(self, path):
        """Determines if the templated file is compliant.

        A templated file is only compliant if it has not changed (as
        determined by its sha256 hashsum) AND its file permissions are set

        :param path: the path to check compliance.
        same_templates = self.templates_match(path)
        same_content = self.contents_match(path)
        same_permissions = self.permissions_match(path)

        if same_content and same_permissions and same_templates:
            return True

        return False

    def run_service_actions(self):
        """Run any actions on services requested."""
        if not self.service_actions:

        for svc_action in self.service_actions:
            name = svc_action['service']
            actions = svc_action['actions']
            log("Running service '%s' actions '%s'" % (name, actions),
            for action in actions:
                cmd = ['service', name, action]
                except CalledProcessError as exc:
                    log("Service name='%s' action='%s' failed - %s" %
                        (name, action, exc), level=WARNING)

    def comply(self, path):
        """Ensures the contents and the permissions of the file.

        :param path: the path to correct
        dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):

        render_and_write(self.template_dir, path, self.context())
        utils.ensure_permissions(path, self.user, self.group, self.mode)

    def pre_write(self):
        """Invoked prior to writing the template."""

    def post_write(self):
        """Invoked after writing the template."""

    def templates_match(self, path):
        """Determines if the template files are the same.

        The template file equality is determined by the hashsum of the
        template files themselves. If there is no hashsum, then the content
        cannot be sure to be the same so treat it as if they changed.
        Otherwise, return whether or not the hashsums are the same.

        :param path: the path to check
        :returns: boolean
        template_path = get_template_path(self.template_dir, path)
        key = 'hardening:template:%s' % template_path
        template_checksum = file_hash(template_path)
        kv = unitdata.kv()
        stored_tmplt_checksum = kv.get(key)
        if not stored_tmplt_checksum:
            kv.set(key, template_checksum)
            log('Saved template checksum for %s.' % template_path,
            # Since we don't have a template checksum, then assume it doesn't
            # match and return that the template is different.
            return False
        elif stored_tmplt_checksum != template_checksum:
            kv.set(key, template_checksum)
            log('Updated template checksum for %s.' % template_path,
            return False

        # Here the template hasn't changed based upon the calculated
        # checksum of the template and what was previously stored.
        return True

    def contents_match(self, path):
        """Determines if the file content is the same.

        This is determined by comparing hashsum of the file contents and
        the saved hashsum. If there is no hashsum, then the content cannot
        be sure to be the same so treat them as if they are not the same.
        Otherwise, return True if the hashsums are the same, False if they
        are not the same.

        :param path: the file to check.
        checksum = file_hash(path)

        kv = unitdata.kv()
        stored_checksum = kv.get('hardening:%s' % path)
        if not stored_checksum:
            # If the checksum hasn't been generated, return False to ensure
            # the file is written and the checksum stored.
            log('Checksum for %s has not been calculated.' % path, level=DEBUG)
            return False
        elif stored_checksum != checksum:
            log('Checksum mismatch for %s.' % path, level=DEBUG)
            return False

        return True

    def permissions_match(self, path):
        """Determines if the file owner and permissions match.

        :param path: the path to check.
        audit = FilePermissionAudit(path, self.user, self.group, self.mode)
        return audit.is_compliant(path)

    def save_checksum(self, path):
        """Calculates and saves the checksum for the path specified.

        :param path: the path of the file to save the checksum.
        checksum = file_hash(path)
        kv = unitdata.kv()
        kv.set('hardening:%s' % path, checksum)

class DeletedFile(BaseFileAudit):
    """Audit to ensure that a file is deleted."""
    def __init__(self, paths):
        super(DeletedFile, self).__init__(paths)

    def is_compliant(self, path):
        return not os.path.exists(path)

    def comply(self, path):

class FileContentAudit(BaseFileAudit):
    """Audit the contents of a file."""
    def __init__(self, paths, cases, **kwargs):
        # Cases we expect to pass
        self.pass_cases = cases.get('pass', [])
        # Cases we expect to fail
        self.fail_cases = cases.get('fail', [])
        super(FileContentAudit, self).__init__(paths, **kwargs)

    def is_compliant(self, path):
        Given a set of content matching cases i.e. tuple(regex, bool) where
        bool value denotes whether or not regex is expected to match, check that
        all cases match as expected with the contents of the file. Cases can be
        expected to pass of fail.

        :param path: Path of file to check.
        :returns: Boolean value representing whether or not all cases are
                  found to be compliant.
        log("Auditing contents of file '%s'" % (path), level=DEBUG)
        with open(path, 'r') as fd:
            contents = fd.read()

        matches = 0
        for pattern in self.pass_cases:
            key = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            results = re.search(key, contents)
            if results:
                matches += 1
                log("Pattern '%s' was expected to pass but instead it failed"
                    % (pattern), level=WARNING)

        for pattern in self.fail_cases:
            key = re.compile(pattern, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            results = re.search(key, contents)
            if not results:
                matches += 1
                log("Pattern '%s' was expected to fail but instead it passed"
                    % (pattern), level=WARNING)

        total = len(self.pass_cases) + len(self.fail_cases)
        log("Checked %s cases and %s passed" % (total, matches), level=DEBUG)
        return matches == total

    def comply(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """NOOP since we just issue warnings. This is to avoid the
        log("Not applying any compliance criteria, only checks.", level=INFO)