import os import pwd from base64 import b64decode from copy import deepcopy from subprocess import check_call, check_output from import apt_update, apt_install from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( config, log, related_units, relation_ids, relation_get, DEBUG, ) from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.neutron import neutron_plugin_attribute from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack import templating, context from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils import ( configure_installation_source, get_os_codename_install_source, os_release ) from nova_compute_context import ( CloudComputeContext, NovaComputeLibvirtContext, NovaComputeCephContext, NeutronComputeContext, ) CA_CERT_PATH = '/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/keystone_juju_ca_cert.crt' TEMPLATES = 'templates/' BASE_PACKAGES = [ 'nova-compute', 'genisoimage', # was missing as a package dependency until raring. ] BASE_RESOURCE_MAP = { '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf': { 'services': ['libvirt-bin'], 'contexts': [], }, '/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf': { 'services': ['libvirt-bin'], 'contexts': [NovaComputeLibvirtContext()], }, '/etc/default/libvirt-bin': { 'services': ['libvirt-bin'], 'contexts': [NovaComputeLibvirtContext()], }, '/etc/nova/nova.conf': { 'services': ['nova-compute'], 'contexts': [context.AMQPContext(), context.SharedDBContext(relation_prefix='nova'), context.ImageServiceContext(), context.OSConfigFlagContext(), CloudComputeContext(), NovaComputeLibvirtContext(), NovaComputeCephContext()], }, } CEPH_RESOURCES = { '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf': { 'contexts': [NovaComputeCephContext()], 'services': [], }, '/etc/ceph/secret.xml': { 'contexts': [NovaComputeCephContext()], 'services': [], } } QUANTUM_RESOURCES = { '/etc/quantum/quantum.conf': { 'services': [], 'contexts': [context.AMQPContext()], } } NEUTRON_RESOURCES = { '/etc/neutron/neutron.conf': { 'services': [], 'contexts': [context.AMQPContext()], } } # Maps virt-type config to a compute package(s). VIRT_TYPES = { 'kvm': ['nova-compute-kvm'], 'qemu': ['nova-compute-qemu'], 'xen': ['nova-compute-xen'], 'uml': ['nova-compute-uml'], 'lxc': ['nova-compute-lxc'], } def resource_map(): ''' Dynamically generate a map of resources that will be managed for a single hook execution. ''' # TODO: Cache this on first call? resource_map = deepcopy(BASE_RESOURCE_MAP) net_manager = network_manager() # Network manager gets set late by the cloud-compute interface. # FlatDHCPManager only requires some extra packages. if (net_manager in ['flatmanager', 'flatdhcpmanager'] and config('multi-host').lower() == 'yes'): resource_map['/etc/nova/nova.conf']['services'].extend( ['nova-api', 'nova-network'] ) # Neutron/quantum requires additional contexts, as well as new resources # depending on the plugin used. if net_manager in ['neutron', 'quantum']: if net_manager == 'quantum': nm_rsc = QUANTUM_RESOURCES if net_manager == 'neutron': nm_rsc = NEUTRON_RESOURCES resource_map.update(nm_rsc) resource_map['/etc/nova/nova.conf']['contexts'].append( NeutronComputeContext()) plugin = neutron_plugin() if plugin: conf = neutron_plugin_attribute(plugin, 'config', net_manager) svcs = neutron_plugin_attribute(plugin, 'services', net_manager) ctxts = (neutron_plugin_attribute(plugin, 'contexts', net_manager) or []) resource_map[conf] = {} resource_map[conf]['services'] = svcs resource_map[conf]['contexts'] = ctxts resource_map[conf]['contexts'].append(NeutronComputeContext()) # associate the plugin agent with main network manager config(s) [resource_map[nmc]['services'].extend(svcs) for nmc in nm_rsc] if relation_ids('ceph'): resource_map.update(CEPH_RESOURCES) return resource_map def restart_map(): ''' Constructs a restart map based on charm config settings and relation state. ''' return {k: v['services'] for k, v in resource_map().iteritems()} def register_configs(): ''' Returns an OSTemplateRenderer object with all required configs registered. ''' release = os_release('nova-common') configs = templating.OSConfigRenderer(templates_dir=TEMPLATES, openstack_release=release) for cfg, d in resource_map().iteritems(): configs.register(cfg, d['contexts']) return configs def determine_packages(): packages = [] + BASE_PACKAGES net_manager = network_manager() if (net_manager in ['flatmanager', 'flatdhcpmanager'] and config('multi-host').lower() == 'yes'): packages.extend(['nova-api', 'nova-network']) elif net_manager == 'quantum': plugin = neutron_plugin() packages.extend( neutron_plugin_attribute(plugin, 'packages', net_manager)) if relation_ids('ceph'): packages.append('ceph-common') virt_type = config('virt-type') try: packages.extend(VIRT_TYPES[virt_type]) except KeyError: log('Unsupported virt-type configured: %s' % virt_type) raise return packages def migration_enabled(): # XXX: confirm juju-core bool behavior is the same. return config('enable-live-migration') def quantum_enabled(): manager = config('network-manager') if not manager: return False return manager.lower() == 'quantum' def _network_config(): ''' Obtain all relevant network configuration settings from nova-c-c via cloud-compute interface. ''' settings = ['network_manager', 'neutron_plugin', 'quantum_plugin'] net_config = {} for rid in relation_ids('cloud-compute'): for unit in related_units(rid): for setting in settings: value = relation_get(setting, rid=rid, unit=unit) if value: net_config[setting] = value return net_config def neutron_plugin(): return (_network_config().get('quantum_plugin') or _network_config().get('quantum_plugin')) def network_manager(): ''' Obtain the network manager advertised by nova-c-c, renaming to Quantum if required ''' manager = _network_config().get('network_manager') if manager: manager = manager.lower() if manager not in ['quantum', 'neutron']: return manager if os_release('nova-common') in ['folsom', 'grizzly']: return 'quantum' else: return 'neutron' return manager def public_ssh_key(user='root'): home = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir try: with open(os.path.join(home, '.ssh', '')) as key: return except: return None def initialize_ssh_keys(user='root'): home_dir = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir ssh_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, '.ssh') if not os.path.isdir(ssh_dir): os.mkdir(ssh_dir) priv_key = os.path.join(ssh_dir, 'id_rsa') if not os.path.isfile(priv_key): log('Generating new ssh key for user %s.' % user) cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-q', '-N', '', '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '2048', '-f', priv_key] check_output(cmd) pub_key = '' % priv_key if not os.path.isfile(pub_key): log('Generating missing ssh public key @ %s.' % pub_key) cmd = ['ssh-keygen', '-y', '-f', priv_key] p = check_output(cmd).strip() with open(pub_key, 'wb') as out: out.write(p) check_output(['chown', '-R', user, ssh_dir]) def import_authorized_keys(user='root'): """Import SSH authorized_keys + known_hosts from a cloud-compute relation and store in user's $HOME/.ssh. """ # XXX: Should this be managed via templates + contexts? hosts = relation_get('known_hosts') auth_keys = relation_get('authorized_keys') # XXX: Need to fix charm-helpers to return None for empty settings, # in all cases. if not hosts or not auth_keys: return dest = os.path.join(pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir, '.ssh') log('Saving new known_hosts and authorized_keys file to: %s.' % dest) with open(os.path.join(dest, 'authorized_keys'), 'wb') as _keys: _keys.write(b64decode(auth_keys)) with open(os.path.join(dest, 'known_hosts'), 'wb') as _hosts: _hosts.write(b64decode(hosts)) def configure_live_migration(configs=None): """ Ensure libvirt live migration is properly configured or disabled, depending on current config setting. """ # dont think we need this return configs = configs or register_configs() configs.write('/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf') configs.write('/etc/default/libvirt-bin') configs.write('/etc/nova/nova.conf') if not migration_enabled(): return if config('migration-auth-type') == 'ssh': initialize_ssh_keys() def do_openstack_upgrade(configs): new_src = config('openstack-origin') new_os_rel = get_os_codename_install_source(new_src) log('Performing OpenStack upgrade to %s.' % (new_os_rel)) configure_installation_source(new_src) apt_update() dpkg_opts = [ '--option', 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew', '--option', 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef', ] apt_install(packages=determine_packages(), options=dpkg_opts, fatal=True) # set CONFIGS to load templates from new release and regenerate config configs.set_release(openstack_release=new_os_rel) configs.write_all() pass def import_keystone_ca_cert(): """If provided, improt the Keystone CA cert that gets forwarded to compute nodes via the cloud-compute interface """ ca_cert = relation_get('ca_cert') if not ca_cert: return log('Writing Keystone CA certificate to %s' % CA_CERT_PATH) with open(CA_CERT_PATH, 'wb') as out: out.write(b64decode(ca_cert)) check_call(['update-ca-certificates']) def create_libvirt_secret(secret_file, secret_uuid, key): if secret_uuid in check_output(['virsh', 'secret-list']): log('Libvirt secret already exists for uuid %s.' % secret_uuid, level=DEBUG) return log('Defining new libvirt secret for uuid %s.' % secret_uuid) cmd = ['virsh', 'secret-define', '--file', '/etc/ceph/secret.xml'] check_call(cmd) cmd = ['virsh', 'secret-set-value', '--secret', secret_uuid, '--base64', key] check_call(cmd)