Edward Hope-Morley 89554fc29e Fixes broken rev 112 by using /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin.override
instead of /etc/default/libvirt-bin
2015-03-31 14:22:53 +01:00

475 lines
15 KiB

import uuid
import platform
from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack import context
from import service_running, service_start
from charmhelpers.fetch import apt_install, filter_installed_packages
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils import (
from import add_bridge
from import (
# This is just a label and it must be consistent across
# nova-compute nodes to support live migration.
CEPH_SECRET_UUID = '514c9fca-8cbe-11e2-9c52-3bc8c7819472'
OVS_BRIDGE = 'br-int'
CEPH_CONF = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
CHARM_CEPH_CONF = '/var/lib/charm/{}/ceph.conf'
def ceph_config_file():
return CHARM_CEPH_CONF.format(service_name())
def _save_flag_file(path, data):
Saves local state about plugin or manager to specified file.
# Wonder if we can move away from this now?
if data is None:
with open(path, 'wb') as out:
# compatability functions to help with quantum -> neutron transition
def _network_manager():
from nova_compute_utils import network_manager as manager
return manager()
def _neutron_security_groups():
Inspects current cloud-compute relation and determine if nova-c-c has
instructed us to use neutron security groups.
for rid in relation_ids('cloud-compute'):
for unit in related_units(rid):
groups = [
rid=rid, unit=unit),
rid=rid, unit=unit)
if ('yes' in groups or 'Yes' in groups):
return True
return False
def _neutron_plugin():
from nova_compute_utils import neutron_plugin
return neutron_plugin()
def _neutron_url(rid, unit):
# supports legacy relation settings.
return (relation_get('neutron_url', rid=rid, unit=unit) or
relation_get('quantum_url', rid=rid, unit=unit))
class NovaComputeLibvirtContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
Determines various libvirt and nova options depending on live migration
interfaces = []
def __call__(self):
# distro defaults
ctxt = {
# /etc/default/libvirt-bin
'libvirtd_opts': '-d',
# /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf (
'listen_tls': 0,
# get the processor architecture to use in the nova.conf template
ctxt['arch'] = platform.machine()
# enable tcp listening if configured for live migration.
if config('enable-live-migration'):
ctxt['libvirtd_opts'] += ' -l'
if config('migration-auth-type') in ['none', 'None', 'ssh']:
ctxt['listen_tls'] = 0
if config('migration-auth-type') == 'ssh':
# nova.conf
ctxt['live_migration_uri'] = 'qemu+ssh://%s/system'
if config('instances-path') is not None:
ctxt['instances_path'] = config('instances-path')
if config('disk-cachemodes'):
ctxt['disk_cachemodes'] = config('disk-cachemodes')
ctxt['host_uuid'] = '%s' % uuid.uuid4()
return ctxt
class NovaComputeLibvirtOverrideContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
"""Provides overrides to the libvirt-bin service"""
interfaces = []
def __call__(self):
ctxt = {}
ctxt['overrides'] = "limit nofile 65535 65535"
return ctxt
class NovaComputeVirtContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
interfaces = []
def __call__(self):
return {}
def assert_libvirt_imagebackend_allowed():
os_rel = "Juno"
os_ver = get_os_version_package('nova-compute')
if float(os_ver) < float(get_os_version_codename(os_rel.lower())):
msg = ("Libvirt RBD imagebackend only supported for openstack >= %s" %
raise Exception(msg)
return True
class NovaComputeCephContext(context.CephContext):
def __call__(self):
ctxt = super(NovaComputeCephContext, self).__call__()
if not ctxt:
return {}
svc = service_name()
# secret.xml
ctxt['ceph_secret_uuid'] = CEPH_SECRET_UUID
# nova.conf
ctxt['service_name'] = svc
ctxt['rbd_user'] = svc
ctxt['rbd_secret_uuid'] = CEPH_SECRET_UUID
ctxt['rbd_pool'] = config('rbd-pool')
if (config('libvirt-image-backend') == 'rbd' and
ctxt['libvirt_images_type'] = 'rbd'
ctxt['libvirt_rbd_images_ceph_conf'] = ceph_config_file()
elif config('libvirt-image-backend') == 'lvm':
ctxt['libvirt_images_type'] = 'lvm'
return ctxt
class CloudComputeContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
Generates main context for writing nova.conf and quantum.conf templates
from a cloud-compute relation changed hook. Mainly used for determinig
correct network and volume service configuration on the compute node,
as advertised by the cloud-controller.
Note: individual quantum plugin contexts are handled elsewhere.
interfaces = ['cloud-compute']
def _ensure_packages(self, packages):
'''Install but do not upgrade required packages'''
required = filter_installed_packages(packages)
if required:
apt_install(required, fatal=True)
def network_manager(self):
return _network_manager()
def volume_service(self):
volume_service = None
for rid in relation_ids('cloud-compute'):
for unit in related_units(rid):
volume_service = relation_get('volume_service',
rid=rid, unit=unit)
return volume_service
def flat_dhcp_context(self):
ec2_host = None
for rid in relation_ids('cloud-compute'):
for unit in related_units(rid):
ec2_host = relation_get('ec2_host', rid=rid, unit=unit)
if not ec2_host:
return {}
if config('multi-host').lower() == 'yes':
self._ensure_packages(['nova-api', 'nova-network'])
return {
'flat_interface': config('flat-interface'),
'ec2_dmz_host': ec2_host,
def neutron_context(self):
# generate config context for neutron or quantum. these get converted
# directly into flags in nova.conf
# NOTE: Its up to release templates to set correct driver
def _legacy_quantum(ctxt):
# rename neutron flags to support legacy quantum.
renamed = {}
for k, v in ctxt.iteritems():
k = k.replace('neutron', 'quantum')
renamed[k] = v
return renamed
neutron_ctxt = {'neutron_url': None}
for rid in relation_ids('cloud-compute'):
for unit in related_units(rid):
rel = {'rid': rid, 'unit': unit}
url = _neutron_url(**rel)
if not url:
# only bother with units that have a neutron url set.
neutron_ctxt = {
'auth_protocol': relation_get(
'auth_protocol', **rel) or 'http',
'service_protocol': relation_get(
'service_protocol', **rel) or 'http',
'neutron_auth_strategy': 'keystone',
'keystone_host': relation_get(
'auth_host', **rel),
'auth_port': relation_get(
'auth_port', **rel),
'neutron_admin_tenant_name': relation_get(
'service_tenant_name', **rel),
'neutron_admin_username': relation_get(
'service_username', **rel),
'neutron_admin_password': relation_get(
'service_password', **rel),
'neutron_plugin': _neutron_plugin(),
'neutron_url': url,
missing = [k for k, v in neutron_ctxt.iteritems() if v in ['', None]]
if missing:
log('Missing required relation settings for Quantum: ' +
' '.join(missing))
return {}
neutron_ctxt['neutron_security_groups'] = _neutron_security_groups()
ks_url = '%s://%s:%s/v2.0' % (neutron_ctxt['auth_protocol'],
neutron_ctxt['neutron_admin_auth_url'] = ks_url
if self.network_manager == 'quantum':
return _legacy_quantum(neutron_ctxt)
return neutron_ctxt
def volume_context(self):
# provide basic validation that the volume manager is supported on the
# given openstack release (nova-volume is only supported for E and F)
# it is up to release templates to set the correct volume driver.
if not self.volume_service:
return {}
os_rel = os_release('nova-common')
# ensure volume service is supported on specific openstack release.
if self.volume_service == 'cinder':
if os_rel == 'essex':
e = ('Attempting to configure cinder volume manager on '
'an unsupported OpenStack release (essex)')
log(e, level=ERROR)
raise context.OSContextError(e)
return 'cinder'
elif self.volume_service == 'nova-volume':
if os_release('nova-common') not in ['essex', 'folsom']:
e = ('Attempting to configure nova-volume manager on '
'an unsupported OpenStack release (%s).' % os_rel)
log(e, level=ERROR)
raise context.OSContextError(e)
return 'nova-volume'
e = ('Invalid volume service received via cloud-compute: %s' %
log(e, level=ERROR)
raise context.OSContextError(e)
def network_manager_context(self):
ctxt = {}
if self.network_manager == 'flatdhcpmanager':
ctxt = self.flat_dhcp_context()
elif self.network_manager in ['neutron', 'quantum']:
ctxt = self.neutron_context()
_save_flag_file(path='/etc/nova/nm.conf', data=self.network_manager)
log('Generated config context for %s network manager.' %
return ctxt
def restart_trigger(self):
rt = None
for rid in relation_ids('cloud-compute'):
for unit in related_units(rid):
rt = relation_get('restart_trigger', rid=rid, unit=unit)
if rt:
return rt
def __call__(self):
rids = relation_ids('cloud-compute')
if not rids:
return {}
ctxt = {}
net_manager = self.network_manager_context()
if net_manager:
ctxt['network_manager'] = self.network_manager
ctxt['network_manager_config'] = net_manager
net_dev_mtu = config('network-device-mtu')
if net_dev_mtu:
ctxt['network_device_mtu'] = net_dev_mtu
vol_service = self.volume_context()
if vol_service:
ctxt['volume_service'] = vol_service
if self.restart_trigger():
ctxt['restart_trigger'] = self.restart_trigger()
return ctxt
class InstanceConsoleContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
interfaces = []
def get_console_info(self, proto, **kwargs):
console_settings = {
proto + '_proxy_address':
relation_get('console_proxy_%s_address' % (proto), **kwargs),
proto + '_proxy_host':
relation_get('console_proxy_%s_host' % (proto), **kwargs),
proto + '_proxy_port':
relation_get('console_proxy_%s_port' % (proto), **kwargs),
return console_settings
def __call__(self):
ctxt = {}
for rid in relation_ids('cloud-compute'):
for unit in related_units(rid):
rel = {'rid': rid, 'unit': unit}
proto = relation_get('console_access_protocol', **rel)
if not proto:
# only bother with units that have a proto set.
ctxt['console_keymap'] = relation_get('console_keymap', **rel)
ctxt['console_access_protocol'] = proto
ctxt['console_vnc_type'] = True if 'vnc' in proto else False
if proto == 'vnc':
ctxt = dict(ctxt, **self.get_console_info('xvpvnc', **rel))
ctxt = dict(ctxt, **self.get_console_info('novnc', **rel))
ctxt = dict(ctxt, **self.get_console_info(proto, **rel))
ctxt['console_listen_addr'] = get_host_ip(unit_get('private-address'))
return ctxt
class MetadataServiceContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
def __call__(self):
ctxt = {}
for rid in relation_ids('neutron-plugin'):
for unit in related_units(rid):
rdata = relation_get(rid=rid, unit=unit)
if 'metadata-shared-secret' in rdata:
ctxt['metadata_shared_secret'] = \
return ctxt
class NeutronComputeContext(context.NeutronContext):
interfaces = []
def plugin(self):
return _neutron_plugin()
def network_manager(self):
return _network_manager()
def neutron_security_groups(self):
return _neutron_security_groups()
def _ensure_bridge(self):
if not service_running('openvswitch-switch'):
def ovs_ctxt(self):
# In addition to generating config context, ensure the OVS service
# is running and the OVS bridge exists. Also need to ensure
# local_ip points to actual IP, not hostname.
ovs_ctxt = super(NeutronComputeContext, self).ovs_ctxt()
if not ovs_ctxt:
return {}
ovs_ctxt['local_ip'] = \
return ovs_ctxt
def __call__(self):
ctxt = super(NeutronComputeContext, self).__call__()
# NOTE(jamespage) support override of neutron security via config
if config('disable-neutron-security-groups'):
ctxt['disable_neutron_security_groups'] = True
return ctxt
class HostIPContext(context.OSContextGenerator):
def __call__(self):
ctxt = {}
if config('prefer-ipv6'):
host_ip = get_ipv6_addr()[0]
host_ip = get_host_ip(unit_get('private-address'))
if host_ip:
ctxt['host_ip'] = format_ipv6_addr(host_ip) or host_ip
return ctxt