import glob import pwd import os from subprocess import call, check_call from charmhelpers.core.templating import render from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( log, config, ERROR, ) from import ( add_group, add_user_to_group, mkdir, mount, ) from import ( is_block_device, ) from import ( ensure_loopback_device ) from import ( create_lvm_volume_group, create_lvm_physical_volume ) BASE_PACKAGES = ['btrfs-tools', 'lvm2'] LXD_PACKAGES = ['lxd', 'lxd-client'] LXD_SOURCE_PACKAGES = [ 'lxc', 'lxc-dev', 'mercurial', 'git', 'pkg-config', 'protobuf-compiler', 'golang-goprotobuf-dev', 'build-essential', 'golang', 'xz-utils', 'tar', 'acl', ] LXD_GIT = '' DEFAULT_LOOPBACK_SIZE = '10G' def install_lxd(): '''Install LXD''' def install_lxd_source(user='ubuntu'): '''Install LXD from source repositories; installs toolchain first''' log('Installing LXD from source') home = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir GOPATH = os.path.join(home, 'go') LXD_SRC = os.path.join(GOPATH, 'src', '') if not os.path.exists(GOPATH): mkdir(GOPATH) env = os.environ.copy() env['GOPATH'] = GOPATH env['HTTP_PROXY'] = 'http://squid.internal:3128' env['HTTPS_PROXY'] = 'https://squid.internal:3128' cmd = 'go get -v %s' % LXD_GIT log('Installing LXD: %s' % (cmd)) check_call(cmd, env=env, shell=True) if not os.path.exists(LXD_SRC): log('Failed to go get %s' % LXD_GIT, level=ERROR) raise cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(LXD_SRC) cmd = 'go get -v -d ./...' log('Downloading LXD deps: %s' % (cmd)) call(cmd, env=env, shell=True) # build deps cmd = 'make' log('Building LXD deps: %s' % (cmd)) call(cmd, env=env, shell=True) except Exception: log("failed to install lxd") raise finally: os.chdir(cwd) def configure_lxd_source(user='ubuntu'): '''Add required configuration and files when deploying LXD from source''' log('Configuring LXD Source') home = pwd.getpwnam(user).pw_dir GOPATH = os.path.join(home, 'go') templates_dir = 'templates' render('lxd_upstart', '/etc/init/lxd.conf', {}, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) render('lxd_service', '/lib/systemd/system/lxd.service', {}, perms=0o644, templates_dir=templates_dir) add_group('lxd', system_group=True) add_user_to_group(user, 'lxd') files = glob.glob('%s/bin/*' % GOPATH) for i in files: cmd = ['cp', i, '/usr/bin'] check_call(cmd) def configure_lxd_block(): '''Configure a block device for use by LXD for containers''' log('Configuring LXD container storage') if filesystem_mounted('/var/lib/lxd'): log('/varlib/lxd already configured, skipping') return lxd_block_device = config('block-device') if not lxd_block_device: log('block device is not provided - skipping') return dev = None if lxd_block_device.startswith('/dev/'): dev = lxd_block_device elif lxd_block_device.startswith('/'): log('Configuring loopback device for use with LXD') _bd = lxd_block_device.split('|') if len(_bd) == 2: dev, size = _bd else: dev = lxd_block_device size = DEFAULT_LOOPBACK_SIZE dev = ensure_loopback_device(dev, size) if not dev or not is_block_device(dev): log('Invalid block device provided: %s' % lxd_block_device) return if not os.path.exists('/var/lib/lxd'): mkdir('/var/lib/lxd') if config('fs-type') == 'btrfs': cmd = ['mkfs.btrfs', '-f', dev] check_call(cmd) mount(dev, '/var/lib/lxd', options='user_subvol_rm_allowed', persist=True, filesystem='btrfs') elif config('fs-type') == 'lvm': create_lvm_physical_volume(dev) create_lvm_volume_group('lxd_vg', dev) def determine_packages(): packages = [] + BASE_PACKAGES packages = list(set(packages)) if config('use-source'): packages.extend(LXD_SOURCE_PACKAGES) else: packages.extend(LXD_PACKAGES) return packages def filesystem_mounted(fs): return call(['grep', '-wqs', fs, '/proc/mounts']) == 0