Liam Young 94df23fbc5 Add support for Keystone API version 3
This change enables the charm to configure the Openstack Dashboard
to support Keystone v3 integration. Mitaka is the earliest release
to support Dashboard and v3 integration so v3 integration should
only be enabled on Mitaka or above.

A new identity policy template now ships with the charm which is
specifically for v3 integration.

Both the local settings file and the new v3 policy file need the
admin domain id. This is now passed to the charm from Keystone via
the identity service relation.

The openstack-dashboard package uses
django.contrib.sessions.backends.signed_cookies for session
management but cookies are not large enough to store domain scoped
tokens so a different session management engine is needed. This patch
adds the option to relate the charm to a database backend. If the
relation is present then the charm uses the
django.contrib.sessions.backends.cached_db session engine. This
stores the session information in the database and also caches the
session information locally using memcache.

For details on Dashboard and v3 integration see

Change-Id: I24f514e29811752d7c0c5347a1157d9778297738
Partial-Bug: 1595685
2016-06-30 08:31:12 +00:00

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