# Copyright 2020 Canonical Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from ops.charm import CharmBase from ops.framework import ( StoredState, ) from charmhelpers.fetch import ( apt_install, apt_update, add_source, ) from ops.model import ( ActiveStatus, BlockedStatus, MaintenanceStatus, WaitingStatus, ) import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils as os_utils import logging # Stolen from charms.ceph UCA_CODENAME_MAP = { 'icehouse': 'firefly', 'juno': 'firefly', 'kilo': 'hammer', 'liberty': 'hammer', 'mitaka': 'jewel', 'newton': 'jewel', 'ocata': 'jewel', 'pike': 'luminous', 'queens': 'luminous', 'rocky': 'mimic', 'stein': 'mimic', 'train': 'nautilus', 'ussuri': 'octopus', } _releases = {} logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OSBaseCharm(CharmBase): _stored = StoredState() PACKAGES = [] RESTART_MAP = {} REQUIRED_RELATIONS = [] def __init__(self, framework): super().__init__(framework) self.custom_status_checks = [] self._stored.set_default(is_started=False) self._stored.set_default(is_paused=False) self._stored.set_default(series_upgrade=False) self.framework.observe(self.on.install, self.on_install) self.framework.observe(self.on.update_status, self.on_update_status) self.framework.observe(self.on.pause_action, self.on_pause_action) self.framework.observe(self.on.resume_action, self.on_resume_action) self.framework.observe(self.on.pre_series_upgrade, self.on_pre_series_upgrade) self.framework.observe(self.on.post_series_upgrade, self.on_post_series_upgrade) def install_pkgs(self): logging.info("Installing packages") if self.model.config.get('source'): add_source( self.model.config['source'], self.model.config.get('key')) apt_update(fatal=True) apt_install(self.PACKAGES, fatal=True) self.update_status() def on_install(self, event): self.install_pkgs() def custom_status_check(self): raise NotImplementedError def register_status_check(self, custom_check): self.custom_status_checks.append(custom_check) def update_status(self): """Update the charms status A charm, or plugin, can register checks to be run when calculating the charms status. Each status method should have a unique name. The custom check should return a StatusBase object. If the check returns an ActiveStatus object then subsequent checks are run, if it returns anything else then the charms status is set to the object the check returned and no subsequent checks are run. If the check returns an ActiveStatus with a specific message then this message will be concatenated with the other active status messages. Example:: class MyCharm(OSBaseCharm): def __init__(self, framework): super().__init__(framework) super().register_status_check(self.mycharm_check) def mycharm_check(self): if self.model.config['plugin-check-fail'] == 'True': return BlockedStatus( 'Plugin Custom check failed') else: return ActiveStatus() """ logging.info("Updating status") active_messages = ['Unit is ready'] for check in self.custom_status_checks: _result = check() if isinstance(_result, ActiveStatus): if _result.message: active_messages.append(_result.message) else: self.unit.status = _result return if self._stored.series_upgrade: self.unit.status = BlockedStatus( 'Ready for do-release-upgrade and reboot. ' 'Set complete when finished.') return if self._stored.is_paused: self.unit.status = MaintenanceStatus( "Paused. Use 'resume' action to resume normal service.") return missing_relations = [] for relation in self.REQUIRED_RELATIONS: if not self.model.get_relation(relation): missing_relations.append(relation) if missing_relations: self.unit.status = BlockedStatus( 'Missing relations: {}'.format(', '.join(missing_relations))) return if self._stored.is_started: _unique = [] # Reverse sort the list so that a shorter message that has the same # start as a longer message comes first and can then be omitted. # eg 'Unit is ready' comes after 'Unit is ready and clustered' # and 'Unit is ready' is dropped. for msg in sorted(list(set(active_messages)), reverse=True): dupes = [m for m in _unique if m.startswith(msg)] if not dupes: _unique.append(msg) self.unit.status = ActiveStatus(', '.join(_unique)) else: self.unit.status = WaitingStatus('Charm configuration in progress') logging.info("Status updated") def on_update_status(self, event): self.update_status() def services(self): _svcs = [] for svc in self.RESTART_MAP.values(): _svcs.extend(svc) return list(set(_svcs)) def on_pre_series_upgrade(self, event): _, messages = os_utils.manage_payload_services( 'pause', services=self.services(), charm_func=None) self._stored.is_paused = True self._stored.series_upgrade = True self.update_status() def on_post_series_upgrade(self, event): _, messages = os_utils.manage_payload_services( 'resume', services=self.services(), charm_func=None) self._stored.is_paused = False self._stored.series_upgrade = False self.update_status() def on_pause_action(self, event): _, messages = os_utils.manage_payload_services( 'pause', services=self.services(), charm_func=None) self._stored.is_paused = True self.update_status() def on_resume_action(self, event): _, messages = os_utils.manage_payload_services( 'resume', services=self.services(), charm_func=None) self._stored.is_paused = False self.update_status() def charm_class(cls): _releases[cls.release] = {'deb': cls} # Adapted from charms_openstack.charm.core def get_charm_class(release=None, package_type='deb', all_releases=None, *args, **kwargs): """Get an instance of the charm based on the release (or use the default if release is None). OS releases are in alphabetical order, so it looks for the first release that is provided if release is None, otherwise it finds the release that is before or equal to the release passed. Note that it passes args and kwargs to the class __init__() method. :param release: lc string representing release wanted. :param package_type: string representing the package type required :returns: BaseOpenStackCharm() derived class according to cls.releases """ if not all_releases: all_releases = os_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES if len(_releases.keys()) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "No derived BaseOpenStackCharm() classes registered") # Note that this relies on OS releases being in alphabetical order known_releases = sorted(_releases.keys()) cls = None if release is None: # take the latest version of the charm if no release is passed. cls = _releases[known_releases[-1]][package_type] else: # check that the release is a valid release if release not in all_releases: raise RuntimeError( "Release {} is not a known OpenStack release?".format(release)) release_index = all_releases.index(release) if (release_index < all_releases.index(known_releases[0])): raise RuntimeError( "Release {} is not supported by this charm. Earliest support " "is {} release".format(release, known_releases[0])) else: # try to find the release that is supported. for known_release in reversed(known_releases): if (release_index >= all_releases.index(known_release) and package_type in _releases[known_release]): cls = _releases[known_release][package_type] break if cls is None: raise RuntimeError("Release {} is not supported".format(release)) return cls # Adapted from charms_openstack.charm.core def get_charm_instance(release=None, package_type='deb', all_releases=None, *args, **kwargs): return get_charm_class( release=release, package_type=package_type, all_releases=all_releases, *args, **kwargs)(release=release, *args, **kwargs) def get_charm_class_for_release(): _origin = None # There is no charm class to interact with the ops framework yet # and it is now forbidden to access ops.model._Model so fallback # to charmhelpers.core.hookenv config = hookenv.config() if 'source' in config: _origin = config['source'] elif 'openstack-origin' in config: _origin = config['openstack-origin'] if not _origin: _origin = 'distro' # XXX Make this support openstack and ceph target_release = os_utils.get_os_codename_install_source(_origin) # Check for a cepch charm match first: ceph_release = UCA_CODENAME_MAP[target_release] releases = sorted(list(set(UCA_CODENAME_MAP.values()))) return get_charm_class(release=ceph_release, all_releases=releases)