import amulet import re import os import time import telnetlib import yaml from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.deployment import ( OpenStackAmuletDeployment ) class BasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment): def __init__(self, vip=None, units=1, series="trusty", openstack=None, source=None, stable=True): super(BasicDeployment, self).__init__(series, openstack, source, stable) self.units = units self.master_unit = None = None if units > 1: if vip: = vip elif 'AMULET_OS_VIP' in os.environ: = os.environ.get('AMULET_OS_VIP') elif os.path.isfile('local.yaml'): with open('local.yaml', 'rb') as f: self.cfg = yaml.safe_load( = self.cfg.get('vip') else: amulet.raise_status(amulet.SKIP, ("Please set the vip in local.yaml or " "env var AMULET_OS_VIP to run this test " "suite")) def _add_services(self): """Add services Add the services that we're testing, where percona-cluster is local, and the rest of the service are from lp branches that are compatible with the local charm (e.g. stable or next). """ this_service = {'name': 'percona-cluster', 'units': self.units} other_services = [] if self.units > 1: other_services.append({'name': 'hacluster'}) super(BasicDeployment, self)._add_services(this_service, other_services) def _add_relations(self): """Add all of the relations for the services.""" if self.units > 1: relations = {'percona-cluster:ha': 'hacluster:ha'} super(BasicDeployment, self)._add_relations(relations) def _get_configs(self): """Configure all of the services.""" cfg_percona = {'sst-password': 'ubuntu', 'root-password': 't00r', 'dataset-size': '512M', 'vip':} cfg_ha = {'debug': True, 'corosync_mcastaddr': '', 'corosync_key': ('xZP7GDWV0e8Qs0GxWThXirNNYlScgi3sRTdZk/IXKD' 'qkNFcwdCWfRQnqrHU/6mb6sz6OIoZzX2MtfMQIDcXu' 'PqQyvKuv7YbRyGHmQwAWDUA4ed759VWAO39kHkfWp9' 'y5RRk/wcHakTcWYMwm70upDGJEP00YT3xem3NQy27A' 'C1w=')} configs = {'percona-cluster': cfg_percona} if self.units > 1: cfg_ha['cluster_count'] = str(self.units) configs['hacluster'] = cfg_ha return configs def _configure_services(self): super(BasicDeployment, self)._configure_services(self._get_configs()) def run(self): self._add_services() self._add_relations() self._configure_services() self._deploy() if self.units > 1: i = 0 while i < 30 and not self.master_unit: self.master_unit = self.find_master() i += 1 time.sleep(10) msg = 'percona-cluster vip not found' assert self.master_unit is not None, msg _, code ='sudo crm_verify --live-check') assert code == 0, "'crm_verify --live-check' failed" resources = ['res_mysql_vip'] resources += ['res_mysql_monitor:%d' % m for m in range(self.units)] assert sorted(self.get_pcmkr_resources()) == sorted(resources) else: self.master_unit = self.find_master(ha=False) for unit in self.d.sentry['percona-cluster']: assert self.is_mysqld_running(unit), 'mysql not running: %s' % unit def find_master(self, ha=True): for unit in self.d.sentry['percona-cluster']: if not ha: return unit # is the vip running here? output, code ='sudo ip a | grep "inet %s/"' % print('---') print(unit) print(output) if code == 0: print('vip(%s) running in %s' % (, unit)) return unit def get_pcmkr_resources(self, unit=None): if unit: u = unit else: u = self.master_unit output, code ='sudo crm_resource -l') assert code == 0, 'could not get "crm resource list"' return output.split('\n') def is_mysqld_running(self, unit=None): if unit: u = unit else: u = self.master_unit _, code ='pidof mysqld') if code != 0: print("ERROR: command returned non-zero '%s'" % (code)) return False return True def get_wsrep_value(self, attr, unit=None): if unit: u = unit else: u = self.master_unit cmd = ("mysql -uroot -pt00r -e\"show status like '%s';\"| " "grep %s" % (attr, attr)) output, code = if code != 0: print("ERROR: command returned non-zero '%s'" % (code)) return "" value ="^.+?\s+(.+)", output).group(1) print("%s = %s" % (attr, value)) return value def is_pxc_bootstrapped(self, unit=None): value = self.get_wsrep_value('wsrep_ready', unit) return value.lower() in ['on', 'ready'] def get_cluster_size(self, unit=None): return self.get_wsrep_value('wsrep_cluster_size', unit) def is_port_open(self, unit=None, port='3306', address=None): if unit: addr =['public-address'] elif address: addr = address else: raise Exception('Please provide a unit or address') try: telnetlib.Telnet(addr, port) return True except TimeoutError: # noqa this exception only available in py3 print("ERROR: could not connect to %s:%s" % (addr, port)) return False except ConnectionRefusedError: # noqa - also only in py3 print("ERROR: connection refused connecting to %s:%s" % (addr, port)) return False