options: source: type: string default: description: | Package install location for Percona XtraDB Cluster (defaults to distro for >= 14.04) key: type: string default: description: | Key ID to import to the apt keyring to support use with arbitary source configuration from outside of Launchpad archives or PPA's. innodb-file-per-table: type: boolean default: True description: | Turns on innodb_file_per_table option, which will make MySQL put each InnoDB table into separate .idb file. Existing InnoDB tables will remain in ibdata1 file - full dump/import is needed to get rid of large ibdata1 file table-open-cache: type: int default: 2048 description: Sets table_open_cache (formerly known as table_cache) to mysql. dataset-size: type: string default: description: | (DEPRECATED - use innodb-buffer-pool-size) How much data should be kept in memory in the DB. This will be used to tune settings in the database server appropriately. Supported suffixes include K/M/G/T. If suffixed with %, one will get that percentage of RAM allocated to the dataset. innodb-buffer-pool-size: type: string default: description: | By default this value will be set according to 50% of system total memory but also can be set to any specific value for the system. Supported suffixes include K/M/G/T. If suffixed with %, one will get that percentage of system total memory allocated. max-connections: type: int default: -1 description: | Maximum connections to allow. A value of -1 means use the server's compiled-in default. wait-timeout: type: int default: -1 description: | The number of seconds the server waits for activity on a noninteractive connection before closing it. -1 means use the server's compiled in default. root-password: type: string default: description: | Root password for MySQL access; must be configured pre-deployment for Active-Active clusters. sst-password: type: string default: description: | Re-sync account password for new cluster nodes; must be configured pre-deployment for Active-Active clusters. min-cluster-size: type: int default: description: | Minimum number of units expected to exist before charm will attempt to bootstrap percona cluster. If no value is provided this setting is ignored. vip: type: string default: description: | Virtual IP to use to front Percona XtraDB Cluster in active/active HA configuration vip_iface: type: string default: eth0 description: Network interface on which to place the Virtual IP. vip_cidr: type: int default: 24 description: Netmask that will be used for the Virtual IP. ha-bindiface: type: string default: eth0 description: | Default network interface on which HA cluster will bind to communication with the other members of the HA Cluster. ha-mcastport: type: int default: 5490 description: | Default multicast port number that will be used to communicate between HA Cluster nodes. # Network configuration options # by default all access is over 'private-address' access-network: type: string default: description: | The IP address and netmask of the 'access' network (e.g., . This network will be used for access to database services. prefer-ipv6: type: boolean default: False description: | If True enables IPv6 support. The charm will expect network interfaces to be configured with an IPv6 address. If set to False (default) IPv4 is expected. . NOTE: these charms do not currently support IPv6 privacy extension. In order for this charm to function correctly, the privacy extension must be disabled and a non-temporary address must be configured/available on your network interface. lp1366997-workaround: type: boolean default: False description: | Adds two config options (wsrep_drupal_282555_workaround and wsrep_retry_autocommit) as a workaround for Percona Primary Key bug (see LP 1366997). # Nagios configuration options nagios_context: type: string default: 'juju' description: | Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: . juju-myservice-0 . If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them. nagios_servicegroups: type: string default: '' description: | A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup.