options: source: type: string default: description: | Optional configuration to support use of additional sources such as: . - ppa:myteam/ppa - cloud:xenial-proposed/ocata - http://my.archive.com/ubuntu main . The last option should be used in conjunction with the key configuration option. . Changing the source option on already deployed service/application will trigger the upgrade. key: type: string default: description: | Key ID to import to the apt keyring to support use with arbitary source configuration from outside of Launchpad archives or PPA's. harden: type: string default: description: | Apply system hardening. Supports a space-delimited list of modules to run. Supported modules currently include os, ssh, apache and mysql. management_plugin: type: boolean default: True description: | Enable the management plugin. This only applys to deployments using Focal or later. mirroring-queues: type: boolean default: True description: | When set to True the 'ha-mode: all' policy is applied to all the exchanges that match the expression '^(?!amq\.).*' cluster-partition-handling: type: string default: ignore description: | RabbitMQ offers three ways to deal with network partitions automatically. Available modes: . ignore - Your network is reliable. All your nodes are in a rack, connected with a switch, and that switch is also the route to the outside world. You don't want to run any risk of any of your cluster shutting down if any other part of it fails (or you have a two node cluster). . pause_minority - Your network is maybe less reliable. You have clustered across 3 AZs in EC2, and you assume that only one AZ will fail at once. In that scenario you want the remaining two AZs to continue working and the nodes from the failed AZ to rejoin automatically and without fuss when the AZ comes back. . autoheal - Your network may not be reliable. You are more concerned with continuity of service than with data integrity. You may have a two node cluster. . For more information see http://www.rabbitmq.com/partitions.html mnesia-table-loading-retry-timeout: type: int default: 30000 description: | Timeout in milliseconds used when waiting for Mnesia tables in a cluster to become available. . https://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html#config-items mnesia-table-loading-retry-limit: type: int default: 10 description: | Retries when waiting for Mnesia tables during cluster startup. Note that this setting is not applied to Mnesia upgrades or node deletions. . https://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html#config-items use-syslog: type: boolean default: False description: | If True, services that support it will log to syslog instead of their normal log location. max-cluster-tries: type: int default: 3 description: | Number of tries to cluster with other units before giving up and throwing a hook error. min-cluster-size: type: int default: description: | Minimum number of units expected to exist before charm will attempt to form a rabbitmq cluster. stats_cron_schedule: type: string default: '*/5 * * * *' description: | Cron schedule used to generate rabbitmq stats. To disable, either unset this config option or set it to an empty string (''). cron-timeout: type: int default: 300 description: | Run a command with a time limit specified in seconds in cron. This timeout will govern to the rabbitmq stats capture, and that once the timeout is reached a SIGINT is sent to the program, if it doesn't exits before 10 seconds a SIGKILL is sent. Note that from xenial onwards the nrpe queue check will alert if stats are not updated as expected queue_thresholds: type: string default: "[['\\*', '\\*', 100, 200]]" description: | List of RabbitMQ queue size check thresholds. Interpreted as YAML in format [, , , ] Per-queue thresholds can be expressed as a multi-line YAML array: - ['/', 'queue1', 10, 20] - ['/', 'queue2', 200, 300] Or as a list of lists: [['/', 'queue1', 10, 20], ['/', 'queue2', 200, 300]] Wildcards '*' are accepted to monitor all vhosts and/or queues. In case of multiple matches, only the first will apply: wildcards should therefore be used last in order to avoid unexpected behavior. exclude_queues: type: string default: "[]" description: | List of RabbitMQ queues that should be skipped when checking thresholds. Interpreted as YAML in format [, ] Per-queue thresholds can be expressed as a multi-line YAML array: - ['/', 'queue1'] - ['/', 'queue2'] Or as a list of lists: [['/', 'queue1'], ['/', 'queue2']] Wildcards '*' are accepted to exclude, for example, single queue on all hosts. Note that the wildcard asterisk must be double-escaped. Example: [['\\*', 'queue1']] busiest_queues: type: int default: 0 description: | Number of the busiest RabbitMQ queues to display when warning and critical checking thresholds are exceeded. Queues are displayed in decreasing message count order. connection-backlog: type: int default: description: | Overrides the size of the connection backlog maintained by the server. Environments with large numbers of clients will want to set this value higher than the default (default value varies with rabbtimq version, see https://www.rabbitmq.com/networking.html for more info). erl-vm-io-thread-multiplier: type: int default: description: | Multiplier used to calculate the number of threads used in the erl vm worker thread pool using the number of CPU cores extant in the host system. The upstream docs recommend that this multiplier be > 12 per core - we use 24 as default so that we end up with roughly the same as current rabbitmq package defaults and that is what is used internally to the charm if no value is set here. Also, if this value is left unset and this application is running inside a container, the number of threads will be capped based on a maximum of 2 cores. # SSL configuration ssl: type: string default: "off" description: | Enable SSL for client communication. Valid values are 'off', 'on', and 'only'. If ssl_key, ssl_cert, ssl_ca are provided then those values will be used. Otherwise the service will act as its own certificate authority and pass its CA certificate to clients. For clustered RabbitMQ, ssl_key and ssl_cert must be provided. . Vault can be used instead of the ssl_* config values and works for clustered and non-clustered cases. ssl_enabled: type: boolean default: False description: | (DEPRECATED see 'ssl' config option.) enable SSL ssl_port: type: int default: 5671 description: SSL port ssl_key: type: string description: | Private unencrypted key in base64 PEM format (i.e. starts with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----") default: ssl_cert: type: string description: | X.509 certificate in base64 PEM format (i.e. starts with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") default: ssl_ca: type: string description: | Certificate authority cert that the cert. Optional if the ssl_cert is signed by a ca recognized by the os. Format is base64 PEM (concatenated certs if needed). default: # Network configuration (by default all access is over 'private-address') access-network: type: string default: description: | The IP address and netmask of the 'access' network (e.g. . This network will be used for access to RabbitMQ messaging services. cluster-network: type: string default: description: | The IP address and netmask of the 'cluster' network (e.g. . This network will be used for RabbitMQ to cluster. prefer-ipv6: type: boolean default: False description: | If True enables IPv6 support. The charm will expect network interfaces to be configured with an IPv6 address. If set to False (default) IPv4 is expected. . NOTE: these charms do not currently support IPv6 privacy extension. In order for this charm to function correctly, the privacy extension must be disabled and a non-temporary address must be configured/available on your network interface. # Monitoring nagios_context: type: string default: "juju" description: | Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: . juju-myservice-0 . If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them. nagios_servicegroups: type: string default: "" description: | A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup. # HA configuration (DEPRECATED) vip: type: string description: "Virtual IP to use to front rabbitmq in ha configuration" default: vip_iface: type: string default: eth0 description: "Network Interface where to place the Virtual IP" vip_cidr: type: int default: 24 description: "Netmask that will be used for the Virtual IP" ha-bindiface: type: string default: eth0 description: | Default network interface on which HA cluster will bind to communication with the other members of the HA Cluster. ha-mcastport: type: int default: 5406 description: | Default multicast port number that will be used to communicate between HA Cluster nodes. ha-vip-only: type: boolean default: False description: | By default, without pairing with hacluster charm, rabbitmq will deploy in active/active/active... HA. When pairied with hacluster charm, it will deploy as active/passive. By enabling this option, pairing with hacluster charm will keep rabbit in active/active setup, but in addition it will deploy a VIP that can be used by services that cannot work with mutiple AMQPs (like Glance in pre-Icehouse). modulo-nodes: type: int default: description: | This config option is rarely required but is provided for fine tuning, it is safe to leave unset. Modulo nodes is used to help avoid restart collisions as well as distribute load on the cloud at larger scale. During restarts and cluster joins rabbitmq needs to execute these operations serially. By setting modulo-nodes to the size of the cluster and known-wait to a reasonable value, the charm will distribute the operations serially. If this value is unset, the charm will check min-cluster-size or else finally default to the size of the cluster based on peer relations. Setting this value to 0 will execute operations with no wait time. Setting this value to less than the cluster size will distribute load but may lead to restart collisions. known-wait: type: int default: 30 description: | Known wait along with modulo nodes is used to help avoid restart collisions. Known wait is the amount of time between one node executing an operation and another. On slower hardware this value may need to be larger than the default of 30 seconds. notification-ttl: type: int default: 3600000 description: | TTL in MS for notification queues in the openstack vhost. Defaults to 1 hour, but can be tuned up or down depending on deployment requirements. This ensures that any un-consumed notifications don't build up over time, causing disk capacity issues. check-vhosts: type: string default: description: | When using nrpe to monitor the Rabbitmq host, we monitor functionality on one vhost. This option configures additional vhost name(s) to check. Space separated list. queue-master-locator: type: string default: min-masters description: | Queue master location strategy. Available strategies are: - min-masters, Pick the node hosting the minimum number of bound masters. - client-local, Pick the node the client that declares the queue is connected to. - random, Pick a random node. This option is only available for RabbitMQ >= 3.6 enable-auto-restarts: type: boolean default: True description: | Allow the charm and packages to restart services automatically when required.