#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2014 Canonical # All Rights Reserved # Author: Liam Young, Jacek Nykis from collections import defaultdict from fnmatch import fnmatchcase from itertools import chain import argparse import sys def gen_data_lines(filename): with open(filename, "rt") as fin: for line in fin: if not line.startswith("#"): yield line def gen_stats(data_lines): for line in data_lines: try: vhost, queue, _, _, m_all, _ = line.split(None, 5) except ValueError: print("ERROR: problem parsing the stats file") sys.exit(2) assert m_all.isdigit(), ("Message count is not a number: {0!r}" .format(m_all)) yield vhost, queue, int(m_all) def collate_stats(stats, limits): # Create a dict with stats collated according to the definitions in the # limits file. If none of the definitions in the limits file is matched, # store the stat without collating. collated = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for vhost, queue, m_all in stats: for l_vhost, l_queue, _, _ in limits: if fnmatchcase(vhost, l_vhost) and fnmatchcase(queue, l_queue): collated[l_vhost, l_queue] += m_all break else: collated[vhost, queue] += m_all return collated def check_stats(stats_collated, limits): # Create a limits lookup dict with keys of the form (vhost, queue). limits_lookup = dict( ((l_vhost, l_queue), (int(t_warning), int(t_critical))) for l_vhost, l_queue, t_warning, t_critical in limits) if not (stats_collated): yield 'No Queues Found', 'No Vhosts Found', None, "UNKNOWN" # Go through the stats and compare again limits, if any. for l_vhost, l_queue in sorted(stats_collated): m_all = stats_collated[l_vhost, l_queue] try: t_warning, t_critical = limits_lookup[l_vhost, l_queue] except KeyError: yield l_queue, l_vhost, m_all, "UNKNOWN" else: if m_all >= t_critical: yield l_queue, l_vhost, m_all, "CRIT" elif m_all >= t_warning: yield l_queue, l_vhost, m_all, "WARN" if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='RabbitMQ queue size nagios check.') parser.add_argument( '-c', nargs=4, action='append', required=True, metavar=('vhost', 'queue', 'warn', 'crit'), help=('Vhost and queue to check. Can be used multiple times')) parser.add_argument( 'stats_file', nargs='*', type=str, help='file containing queue stats') args = parser.parse_args() # Start generating stats from all files given on the command line. stats = gen_stats( chain.from_iterable( gen_data_lines(filename) for filename in args.stats_file)) # Collate stats according to limit definitions and check. stats_collated = collate_stats(stats, args.c) stats_checked = check_stats(stats_collated, args.c) criticals, warnings = [], [] for queue, vhost, message_no, status in stats_checked: if status == "CRIT": criticals.append( "%s in %s has %s messages" % (queue, vhost, message_no)) elif status == "WARN": warnings.append( "%s in %s has %s messages" % (queue, vhost, message_no)) if len(criticals) > 0: print("CRITICAL: {}".format(", ".join(criticals))) sys.exit(2) # XXX: No warnings if there are criticals? elif len(warnings) > 0: print("WARNING: {}".format(", ".join(warnings))) sys.exit(1) else: print("OK") sys.exit(0)