
387 lines
13 KiB

import os
import pwd
import subprocess
import lib.openstack_common as openstack
import utils
# Various config files that are managed via templating.
SWIFT_CONF = '/etc/swift/swift.conf'
SWIFT_PROXY_CONF = '/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf'
SWIFT_CONF_DIR = os.path.dirname(SWIFT_CONF)
MEMCACHED_CONF = '/etc/memcached.conf'
APACHE_CONF = '/etc/apache2/conf.d/swift-rings'
WWW_DIR = '/var/www/swift-rings'
'account': '/etc/swift/account.builder',
'container': '/etc/swift/container.builder',
'object': '/etc/swift/object.builder'
SSL_CERT = '/etc/swift/cert.crt'
SSL_KEY = '/etc/swift/cert.key'
# Essex packages
# Folsom-specific packages
FOLSOM_PACKAGES = BASE_PACKAGES + ['swift-plugin-s3']
def proxy_control(action):
'''utility to work around swift-init's bad RCs.'''
def _cmd(action):
return ['swift-init', 'proxy-server', action]
p = subprocess.Popen(_cmd('status'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
status = p.returncode
if action == 'stop':
if status == 1:
elif status == 0:
return subprocess.check_call(_cmd('stop'))
# the proxy will not start unless there are balanced rings, gzip'd in /etc/swift
for k in SWIFT_RINGS.keys():
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(SWIFT_CONF_DIR, '%s.ring.gz' % k)):
missing = True
if missing:
utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Rings not balanced, skipping %s.' % action)
if action == 'start':
if status == 0:
elif status == 1:
return subprocess.check_call(_cmd('start'))
elif action == 'restart':
if status == 0:
return subprocess.check_call(_cmd('restart'))
elif status == 1:
return subprocess.check_call(_cmd('start'))
def swift_user(username='swift'):
user = pwd.getpwnam('swift')
return (user.pw_uid, user.pw_gid)
def ensure_swift_dir(conf_dir=os.path.dirname(SWIFT_CONF)):
if not os.path.isdir(conf_dir):
os.mkdir(conf_dir, 0750)
uid, gid = swift_user()
os.chown(conf_dir, uid, gid)
def determine_packages(release):
'''determine what packages are needed for a given OpenStack release'''
if release == 'essex':
elif release == 'folsom':
elif release == 'grizzly':
def render_config(config_file, context):
'''write out config using templates for a specific openstack release.'''
os_release = openstack.get_os_codename_package('python-swift')
# load os release-specific templates.
cfile = os.path.basename(config_file)
templates_dir = os.path.join(utils.TEMPLATES_DIR, os_release)
context['os_release'] = os_release
return utils.render_template(cfile, context, templates_dir)
def get_swift_hash():
if os.path.isfile(SWIFT_HASH_FILE):
with open(SWIFT_HASH_FILE, 'r') as hashfile:
swift_hash =
cmd = ['od', '-t', 'x8', '-N', '8', '-A', 'n']
rand = open('/dev/random', 'r')
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=rand)
swift_hash = p.communicate()[0].strip()
with open(SWIFT_HASH_FILE, 'w') as hashfile:
return swift_hash
def get_keystone_auth():
'''return standard keystone auth credentials, either from config or the
identity-service relation. user-specified config is given priority
over an existing relation.
auth_type = utils.config_get('auth-type')
auth_host = utils.config_get('keystone-auth-host')
admin_user = utils.config_get('keystone-admin-user')
admin_password = utils.config_get('keystone-admin-user')
if (auth_type == 'keystone' and auth_host
and admin_user and admin_password):
utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Using user-specified Keystone configuration.')
ks_auth = {
'auth_type': 'keystone',
'auth_protocol': utils.config_get('keystone-auth-protocol'),
'keystone_host': auth_host,
'auth_port': utils.config_get('keystone-auth-port'),
'service_user': admin_user,
'service_password': admin_password,
'service_tenant': utils.config_get('keystone-admin-tenant-name')
return ks_auth
for relid in utils.relation_ids('identity-service'):
'Using Keystone configuration from identity-service.')
for unit in utils.relation_list(relid):
ks_auth = {
'auth_type': 'keystone',
'auth_protocol': 'http',
'keystone_host': utils.relation_get('auth_host',
unit, relid),
'auth_port': utils.relation_get('auth_port', unit, relid),
'service_user': utils.relation_get('service_username', unit, relid),
'service_password': utils.relation_get('service_password', unit, relid),
'service_tenant': utils.relation_get('service_tenant', unit, relid),
'service_port': utils.relation_get('service_port', unit, relid),
'admin_token': utils.relation_get('admin_token', unit, relid),
if None not in ks_auth.itervalues():
return ks_auth
return None
def write_proxy_config():
bind_port = utils.config_get('bind-port')
workers = utils.config_get('workers')
if workers == '0':
import multiprocessing
workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
ctxt = {
'proxy_ip': utils.get_host_ip(),
'bind_port': bind_port - 10, # Drop -10 as behind haproxy
'workers': workers,
'operator_roles': utils.config_get('operator-roles')
if utils.config_get('use-https') == 'no':
ctxt['ssl'] = False
ctxt['ssl'] = True
ctxt['ssl_cert'] = SSL_CERT
ctxt['ssl_key'] = SSL_KEY
ks_auth = get_keystone_auth()
if ks_auth:
utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Enabling Keystone authentication.')
for k, v in ks_auth.iteritems():
ctxt[k] = v
with open(SWIFT_PROXY_CONF, 'w') as conf:
conf.write(render_config(SWIFT_PROXY_CONF, ctxt))
subprocess.check_call(['open-port', str(bind_port)])
def configure_ssl():
# this should be expanded to cover setting up user-specified certificates
if (utils.config_get('use-https') == 'yes' and
not os.path.isfile(SSL_CERT) and
not os.path.isfile(SSL_KEY)):
subj = '/C=%s/ST=%s/L=%s/CN=%s' %\
(utils.config_get('country'), utils.config_get('state'),
utils.config_get('locale'), utils.config_get('common-name'))
cmd = ['openssl', 'req', '-new', '-x509', '-nodes',
'-out', SSL_CERT, '-keyout', SSL_KEY,
'-subj', subj]
def _load_builder(path):
# lifted straight from /usr/bin/swift-ring-builder
from swift.common.ring import RingBuilder, Ring
import cPickle as pickle
builder = pickle.load(open(path, 'rb'))
if not hasattr(builder, 'devs'):
builder_dict = builder
builder = RingBuilder(1, 1, 1)
except ImportError: # Happens with really old builder pickles
modules['swift.ring_builder'] = \
builder = RingBuilder(1, 1, 1)
builder.copy_from(pickle.load(open(argv[1], 'rb')))
for dev in builder.devs:
if dev and 'meta' not in dev:
dev['meta'] = ''
return builder
def _write_ring(ring, ring_path):
import cPickle as pickle
pickle.dump(ring.to_dict(), open(ring_path, 'wb'), protocol=2)
def ring_port(ring_path, node):
'''determine correct port from relation settings for a given ring file.'''
for name in ['account', 'object', 'container']:
if name in ring_path:
return node[('%s_port' % name)]
def initialize_ring(path, part_power, replicas, min_hours):
'''Initialize a new swift ring with given parameters.'''
from swift.common.ring import RingBuilder
ring = RingBuilder(part_power, replicas, min_hours)
_write_ring(ring, path)
def exists_in_ring(ring_path, node):
from swift.common.ring import RingBuilder, Ring
ring = _load_builder(ring_path).to_dict()
node['port'] = ring_port(ring_path, node)
for dev in ring['devs']:
d = [(i, dev[i]) for i in dev if i in node and i != 'zone']
n = [(i, node[i]) for i in node if i in dev and i != 'zone']
if sorted(d) == sorted(n):
msg = 'Node already exists in ring (%s).' % ring_path
utils.juju_log('INFO', msg)
return True
return False
def add_to_ring(ring_path, node):
from swift.common.ring import RingBuilder, Ring
ring = _load_builder(ring_path)
port = ring_port(ring_path, node)
devs = ring.to_dict()['devs']
next_id = 0
if devs:
next_id = len([d['id'] for d in devs])
new_dev = {
'id': next_id,
'zone': node['zone'],
'ip': node['ip'],
'port': port,
'device': node['device'],
'weight': 100,
'meta': '',
_write_ring(ring, ring_path)
msg = 'Added new device to ring %s: %s' % (ring_path,
[k for k in new_dev.iteritems()])
utils.juju_log('INFO', msg)
def _get_zone(ring_builder):
replicas = ring_builder.replicas
zones = [d['zone'] for d in ring_builder.devs]
if not zones:
return 1
if len(zones) < replicas:
return sorted(zones).pop() + 1
zone_distrib = {}
for z in zones:
zone_distrib[z] = zone_distrib.get(z, 0) + 1
if len(set([total for total in zone_distrib.itervalues()])) == 1:
# all zones are equal, start assigning to zone 1 again.
return 1
return sorted(zone_distrib, key=zone_distrib.get).pop(0)
def get_zone(assignment_policy):
''' Determine the appropriate zone depending on configured assignment
Manual assignment relies on each storage zone being deployed as a
separate service unit with its desired zone set as a configuration
Auto assignment distributes swift-storage machine units across a number
of zones equal to the configured minimum replicas. This allows for a
single swift-storage service unit, with each 'add-unit'd machine unit
being assigned to a different zone.
if assignment_policy == 'manual':
return utils.relation_get('zone')
elif assignment_policy == 'auto':
potential_zones = []
for ring in SWIFT_RINGS.itervalues():
builder = _load_builder(ring)
return set(potential_zones).pop()
utils.juju_log('Invalid zone assignment policy: %s' %\
def balance_ring(ring_path):
'''balance a ring. return True if it needs redistribution'''
# shell out to swift-ring-builder instead, since the balancing code there
# does a bunch of un-importable validation.'''
cmd = ['swift-ring-builder', ring_path, 'rebalance']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
rc = p.returncode
if rc == 0:
return True
elif rc == 1:
# swift-ring-builder returns 1 on WARNING (ring didn't require balance)
return False
utils.juju_log('balance_ring: %s returned %s' % (cmd, rc))
def should_balance(rings):
'''Based on zones vs min. replicas, determine whether or not the rings
should be balanaced during initial configuration.'''
do_rebalance = True
for ring in rings:
zones = []
r = _load_builder(ring).to_dict()
replicas = r['replicas']
zones = [d['zone'] for d in r['devs']]
if len(set(zones)) < replicas:
do_rebalance = False
return do_rebalance
def write_apache_config():
'''write out /etc/apache2/conf.d/swift-rings with a list of authenticated
utils.juju_log('INFO', 'Updating %s.' % APACHE_CONF)
allowed_hosts = []
for relid in utils.relation_ids('swift-storage'):
for unit in utils.relation_list(relid):
host = utils.relation_get('private-address', unit, relid)
ctxt = { 'www_dir': WWW_DIR, 'allowed_hosts': allowed_hosts }
with open(APACHE_CONF, 'w') as conf:
conf.write(render_config(APACHE_CONF, ctxt))
subprocess.check_call(['service', 'apache2', 'reload'])