The need to sync in the tox/pip changes for setuptools < 58 that is used in other charms. Reactive charms depend on charm-tools, which depends on blessings<=1.6 which uses 2to3 that is deprecated and removed in setuptools 58.0. Change-Id: Ib90b58940c122913dd25ff0990cc3fa200183bea
TrilioVault Horizon Plugin is a plugin of TrilioVault which is installed on the Openstack and provides TrilioVault UI components.
TrilioVault Horizon Plugin is a sub-ordinate charm of openstack-dashboard and relies on services from openstack-dashboard.
Steps to deploy the charm:
juju deploy trilio-horizon-plugin
juju deploy openstack-dashboard
juju add-relation trilio-horizon-plugin openstack-dashboard
python-version: "Openstack base python version(2 or 3)"
NOTE - Default value is set to "3". Please ensure to update this based on python version since installing python3 packages on python2 based setup might have unexpected impact.
TrilioVault Packages are downloaded from the repository added in below config parameter. Please change this only if you wish to download TrilioVault Packages from a different source.
triliovault-pkg-source: Repository address of triliovault packages
Contact Information
Trilio Support support@trilio.com