# Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Adapter classes and utilities for use with Reactive interfaces""" import base64 import collections import itertools import os import re import weakref import charms.reactive.relations as relations import charms.reactive.bus import charmhelpers.contrib.hahelpers.cluster as ch_cluster import charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip as ch_ip import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.context as ch_context import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.ip as ch_os_ip import charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.utils as ch_utils import charmhelpers.core.hookenv as hookenv import charmhelpers.core.host as ch_host import charms_openstack.ip as os_ip ADDRESS_TYPES = sorted(os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP.keys(), reverse=True) CA_CERTS_DIR = "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates" # handle declarative adapter properties using a decorator and simple functions # Hold the custom adapter properties somewhere! _custom_adapter_properties = {} def adapter_property(interface_name): """Decorator to take the interface name and add a custom property. These are used to generate custom Adapter classes automatically for the charm author which are then plugged into the class. The adapter class is built using a different function. :param interface_name: the name of the interface to add the property to """ def wrapper(f): property_name = f.__name__ if interface_name not in _custom_adapter_properties: _custom_adapter_properties[interface_name] = {} if property_name in _custom_adapter_properties[interface_name]: raise RuntimeError( "Property name '{}' used more than once for '{} interface?" .format(property_name, interface_name)) _custom_adapter_properties[interface_name][property_name] = f return f return wrapper # declaring custom configuration properties: # Hold the custom configuration adapter properties somewhere! _custom_config_properties = {} def config_property(f): """Decorator to add a custom configuration property. These are used to generate a custom ConfigurationAdapter for use when automatically creating a Charm class :param f: the function passed as part of the @decorator syntax """ property_name = f.__name__ if property_name in _custom_config_properties: raise RuntimeError( "Property name '{}' used more than once for configuration?" .format(property_name)) _custom_config_properties[property_name] = f return f @config_property def user_config_flags(cls): """adding custom configuration property with config-flags to add extra options. :param cls: Configuration Adapter class :type cls: charms_openstack.adapters.DefaultConfigurationAdapter """ cf_config = {} config = hookenv.config('config-flags') if config: # match 0 or multiple time any pair of character a=b divide by a comma # zero or one spaces are allows between tokens parsing_regex = r"^(?:\s{0,1}[^=\s]+\s{0,1}=\s{0,1}"\ r"[^,\s]+\s{0,1}(?:,|$))*$" if re.match(parsing_regex, config): cf_config = dict(map(lambda x: [s.strip() for s in x.split('=')], config .split(','))) else: raise RuntimeError("config-flags string error: {}".format(config)) return cf_config ## class OpenStackRelationAdapter(object): """ Base adapter class for all OpenStack related adapters. """ interface_type = None """ The generic type of the interface the adapter is wrapping. """ def __init__(self, relation=None, accessors=None, relation_name=None, charm_instance=None): """Class will usually be initialised using the 'relation' option to pass in an instance of a interface class. If there is no relation class yet available then 'relation_name' can be used instead. :param relation: Instance of an interface class :param accessors: List of accessible interfaces properties :param relation_name: String name of relation :param charm_instance: Instantiation of charm class """ self.relation = relation if relation and relation_name: raise ValueError('Cannot speciiy relation and relation_name') if relation: self.accessors = accessors or [] self._setup_properties() else: self._relation_name = relation_name self.charm_instance = charm_instance @property def relation_name(self): """ Name of the relation this adapter is handling. """ if self.relation: return self.relation.relation_name else: return self._relation_name def _setup_properties(self): """ Setup property based accessors for interface. For charms.reactive.Endpoint interfaces a list of properties is built by looking for type(property) attributes added by the interface class. For charms.reactive.RelationBase interfaces the auto_accessors list is used to determine which properties to set. Note that the accessor is dynamic as each access calls the underlying getattr() for each property access. """ if isinstance(self.relation, charms.reactive.Endpoint): # Get names of properties the interface class instance has, # remove the properties inherited from charms.reactive.Endpoint # base class interface_instance_names = dir(self.relation) base_class_names = dir(charms.reactive.Endpoint) property_names = [ p for p in interface_instance_names if isinstance( getattr(type(self.relation), p, None), property) and p not in base_class_names] for name in property_names: # The double lamda trick is necessary to ensure we get fresh # data from the interface class property at every call to the # new property. Without it we would store the value that was # there at instantiation of this class. setattr(self.__class__, name, (lambda name: property( lambda self: getattr( self.relation, name)))(name)) try: self.accessors.extend(self.relation.auto_accessors) except AttributeError: pass for field in self.accessors: meth_name = field.replace('-', '_') # Get the relation property dynamically # Note the additional lambda name: is to create a closure over # meth_name so that a new 'name' gets created for each loop, # otherwise the same variable meth_name is referenced in each # of the internal lambdas. i.e. this is (lambda x: ...)(value) setattr(self.__class__, meth_name, (lambda name: property( lambda self: getattr( self.relation, name)()))(meth_name)) class MemcacheRelationAdapter(OpenStackRelationAdapter): """ Adapter for the MemcacheRequires relation interface. """ interface_type = 'memcache' @property def url(self): hosts = sorted(self.relation.memcache_hosts()) if hosts: return "memcached://{}:11211?timeout=5".format(hosts[0]) return None class RabbitMQRelationAdapter(OpenStackRelationAdapter): """ Adapter for the RabbitMQRequires relation interface. """ interface_type = "messaging" DEFAULT_PORT = "5672" def __init__(self, relation): add_accessors = ['vhost', 'username'] super(RabbitMQRelationAdapter, self).__init__(relation, add_accessors) @property def host(self): """ Hostname that should be used to access RabbitMQ. """ if self.vip: return self.vip else: return self.private_address @property def hosts(self): """ Comma separated list of hosts that should be used to access RabbitMQ. """ hosts = self.relation.rabbitmq_hosts() if len(hosts) > 1: return ','.join(hosts) else: return None @property def ssl_data_complete(self): return self.relation.ssl_data_complete() @property def ssl_ca_file(self): return '/var/lib/charm/{}/rabbit-client-ca.pem'.format( hookenv.service_name()) @property def port(self): """Return the AMQP port :returns: AMQP port number :rtype: string """ return self.ssl_port or self.DEFAULT_PORT @property def transport_url(self): """ oslo.messaging formatted transport URL :returns: oslo.messaging formatted transport URL :rtype: string """ hosts = self.relation.rabbitmq_hosts() transport_url_hosts = ','.join([ "{}:{}@{}:{}".format(self.username, self.password, ch_ip.format_ipv6_addr(host_) or host_, self.port) for host_ in hosts ]) return "rabbit://{}/{}".format(transport_url_hosts, self.vhost) class PeerHARelationAdapter(OpenStackRelationAdapter): """ Adapter for cluster relation of nodes of the same service """ interface_type = "cluster" def __init__(self, relation=None, relation_name=None): """Map of local units addresses for each address type :param relation: Instance of openstack-ha relation :param relation_name: Name of relation if openstack-ha relation is not available e.g. 'cluster' NOTE: This excludes private-address @return dict of backends and networks for local unit e.g. {'this_unit_admin_addr': { 'backends': { 'this_unit-1': 'this_unit_admin_addr'}, 'network': 'this_unit_admin_addr/admin_netmask'}, 'this_unit_internal_addr': { 'backends': { 'this_unit-1': 'this_unit_internal_addr'}, 'network': 'this_unit_internal_addr/internal_netmask'}, 'this_unit_public_addr': { 'backends': { 'this_unit-1': 'this_unit_public_addr'}, 'network': 'this_unit_public_addr/public_netmask'}} """ super(PeerHARelationAdapter, self).__init__( relation=relation, relation_name=relation_name) self.config = hookenv.config() self.api_config_adapter = APIConfigurationAdapter() self.local_address = self.api_config_adapter.local_address self.local_unit_name = self.api_config_adapter.local_unit_name # Note(ajkavanagh) - bug #1698814 - cluster_hosts needs to be ordered # so that re-writes with no changed data don't cause a restart # (dictionaries are 'randomly' ordered) self.cluster_hosts = collections.OrderedDict() if relation: # NOTE(ajkavanagh) BUG: #1912505 # do add_default_addresses first, then add_network_split_addresses # as otherwise it will inadvertently overwrite the correct # addresses with the private-addresses of the remove units (rather # the the address that is required) self.add_default_addresses() self.add_network_split_addresses() @property def internal_addresses(self): """Return list of internal addresses of this unit and peers Return list of internal addresses of this unit and peers. If no internal address cidr has been set return private addresses. @return list [ip1, ip2, ...] """ cfg_opt = os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[os_ip.INTERNAL]['config'] int_net = self.config.get(cfg_opt) laddr = ch_ip.get_relation_ip( os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[os_ip.INTERNAL]['binding'], int_net) try: hosts = sorted( list(self.cluster_hosts[laddr]['backends'].values())) except KeyError: hosts = [laddr] return hosts @property def single_mode_map(self): """Return map of local addresses only if this is a single node cluster @return dict of local address info e.g. {'cluster_hosts': {'this_unit_private_addr': { 'backends': { 'this_unit-1': 'this_unit_private_addr'}, 'network': 'this_unit_private_addr/private_netmask'}, 'internal_addresses': ['intaddr']} """ relation_info = collections.OrderedDict() try: cluster_relid = hookenv.relation_ids('cluster')[0] if not hookenv.related_units(relid=cluster_relid): relation_info = { 'cluster_hosts': self.local_default_addresses(), 'internal_addresses': self.internal_addresses, } net_split = self.local_network_split_addresses() for key in net_split.keys(): relation_info['cluster_hosts'][key] = net_split[key] except IndexError: pass return relation_info def local_network_split_addresses(self): """Map of local units addresses for each address type NOTE: This excludes private-address @return dict of backends and networks for local unit e.g. {'this_unit_admin_addr': { 'backends': { 'this_unit-1': 'this_unit_admin_addr'}, 'network': 'this_unit_admin_addr/admin_netmask'}, 'this_unit_internal_addr': { 'backends': { 'this_unit-1': 'this_unit_internal_addr'}, 'network': 'this_unit_internal_addr/internal_netmask'}, 'this_unit_public_addr': { 'backends': { 'this_unit-1': 'this_unit_public_addr'}, 'network': 'this_unit_public_addr/public_netmask'}} """ config = hookenv.config() _cluster_hosts = collections.OrderedDict() for addr_type in ADDRESS_TYPES: cfg_opt = os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[addr_type]['config'] laddr = ch_ip.get_relation_ip( os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[addr_type]['binding'], config.get(cfg_opt)) if laddr: netmask = ch_ip.get_netmask_for_address(laddr) _cluster_hosts[laddr] = { 'network': "{}/{}".format(laddr, netmask), 'backends': collections.OrderedDict( [(self.local_unit_name, laddr)])} return _cluster_hosts def local_default_addresses(self): """Map of local units private address @return dict of private address info local unit e.g. {'this_unit_private_addr': { 'backends': { 'this_unit-1': 'this_unit_private_addr'}, 'network': 'this_unit_private_addr/private_netmask'}} """ netmask = ch_ip.get_netmask_for_address(self.local_address) _local_map = { self.local_address: { 'network': "{}/{}".format(self.local_address, netmask), 'backends': collections.OrderedDict( [(self.local_unit_name, self.local_address)])}} return _local_map def add_network_split_addresses(self): """Populate cluster_hosts with addresses of this unit and its peers on each address type @return None """ for addr_type in ADDRESS_TYPES: cfg_opt = os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[addr_type]['config'] laddr = ch_ip.get_relation_ip( os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[addr_type]['binding'], self.config.get(cfg_opt)) if laddr: self.cluster_hosts[laddr] = \ self.local_network_split_addresses()[laddr] key = '{}-address'.format( os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[addr_type]['binding']) for _unit, _laddr in self.relation.ip_map(address_key=key): if _laddr: self.cluster_hosts[laddr]['backends'][_unit] = _laddr def add_default_addresses(self): """Populate cluster_hosts with private-address of this unit and its peers @return None """ self.cluster_hosts[self.local_address] = \ self.local_default_addresses()[self.local_address] for _unit, _laddr in self.relation.ip_map(): self.cluster_hosts[self.local_address]['backends'][_unit] = _laddr class DatabaseRelationAdapter(OpenStackRelationAdapter): """ Adapter for the Database relation interface. """ interface_type = "database" def __init__(self, relation, ssl_dir=CA_CERTS_DIR, charm_instance=None): # Note: These accessors need closer inspection and potentially need # to be removed. The actual interface implements them as methods with # parameters. See bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1848216. add_accessors = ['password', 'username', 'database'] super(DatabaseRelationAdapter, self).__init__( relation, add_accessors, charm_instance=charm_instance) self.set_ssl_dir(ssl_dir) @property def host(self): """ Hostname that should be used to access a database. """ return self.relation.db_host() @property def port(self): """ Port that should be used to access a database. """ return self.relation.db_port() @property def type(self): return 'mysql' def set_ssl_dir(self, ssl_dir): """ Set the SSL dir to a non-default location. It may be desireble to continue using: /etc/apache2/ssl/ :param ssl_dir: Directory to write out certificates/keys :type ssl_dir: string :returns: None "rtype: None """ self.ssl_dir = ssl_dir @property def database_ssl_ca(self): """ Database SSL Certificate Authority Write out the CA to disk if it is on the relation. :returns: Path to SSL Certificate Authority :rtype: Union[string, None] """ if self.relation.ssl_ca(): ca_path = os.path.join(self.ssl_dir, 'db-client.ca') # Note: self.charm_instance.group is used to set permissions. # If for some reason the charm has not set the group it defaults # to 'root' group ownership which may not be correct. ch_host.write_file( path=ca_path, content=base64.b64decode(self.relation.ssl_ca()), group=self.charm_instance.group, perms=0o644) return ca_path @property def database_ssl_cert(self): """ Database SSL Certificate Write out the certificate to disk if it is on the relation. :returns: Path to SSL Certificate :rtype: Union[string, None] """ if self.relation.ssl_cert(): cert_path = os.path.join(self.ssl_dir, 'db-client.cert') # Note: self.charm_instance.group is used to set permissions. # If for some reason the charm has not set the group it defaults # to 'root' group ownership which may not be correct. ch_host.write_file( path=cert_path, content=base64.b64decode(self.relation.ssl_cert()), group=self.charm_instance.group, perms=0o644) return cert_path @property def database_ssl_key(self): """ Database SSL Key Write out the key to disk if it is on the relation. :returns: Path to SSL Key :rtype: Union[string, None] """ if self.relation.ssl_key(): key_path = os.path.join(self.ssl_dir, 'db-client.key') # Note: self.charm_instance.group is used to set permissions. # If for some reason the charm has not set the group it defaults # to 'root' group ownership which may not be correct. ch_host.write_file( path=key_path, content=base64.b64decode(self.relation.ssl_key()), group=self.charm_instance.group, perms=0o640) return key_path def get_password(self, prefix=None): if prefix: return self.relation.password(prefix=prefix) return self.password @property def driver(self): driver = 'mysql' release = ch_utils.get_os_codename_install_source( self.charm_instance.options.openstack_origin) if (ch_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES.index(release) >= ch_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES.index('stein')): driver = 'mysql+pymysql' return driver def get_uri(self, prefix=None): if prefix: username = self.relation.username(prefix=prefix) password = self.relation.password(prefix=prefix) database = self.relation.database(prefix=prefix) else: username = self.username password = self.password database = self.database if self.port: uri = '{}://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format( self.driver, username, password, self.host, self.port, database, ) else: # defensive code if port is not passed uri = '{}://{}:{}@{}/{}'.format( self.driver, username, password, self.host, database, ) if self.database_ssl_ca: uri = '{}?ssl_ca={}'.format(uri, self.database_ssl_ca) if self.database_ssl_cert: uri = ('{}&ssl_cert={}&ssl_key={}' .format( uri, self.database_ssl_cert, self.database_ssl_key)) return uri @property def uri(self): return self.get_uri() def make_default_options(base_cls=None, charm_instance=None): """Create a default, customised ConfigurationAdapter, or derived class (based on the base_cls) using any custom properties that might have been made. If base_cls is None, the default ConfigurationAdapter will be used. :param base_cls: a ConfigurationAdapter or derived class :param charm_instance: the charm instance to plug into the options. """ return make_default_configuration_adapter_class( base_cls=base_cls, custom_properties=_custom_config_properties)( charm_instance=charm_instance) def make_default_configuration_adapter_class(base_cls=None, custom_properties=None): """Create a default configuration adapter, using the base type specified and any customer configuration properties. This is called by the charm creation metaclass when 'bringing' up the class if no configuration adapter has been specified in the adapters_class :param base_cls: a ConfigurationAdapter derived class; or None :param custom_properties: the name:function for the properties to set. """ base_cls = base_cls or ConfigurationAdapter # if there are no custom properties, just return the base_cls if not custom_properties: return base_cls # turns the functions into properties on the class properties = {n: property(f) for n, f in custom_properties.items()} # build a custom class with the custom properties return type('DefaultConfigurationAdapter', (base_cls, ), properties) class ConfigurationAdapter(object): """ Configuration Adapter which provides python based access to all configuration options for the current charm. It also holds a weakref to the instance of the OpenStackCharm derived class that it is associated with. This is so that methods on the configuration adapter can query the charm class for global config (e.g. service_name). The configuration items from Juju are copied over and the '-' are replaced with '_'. This allows them to be used directly on the instance. """ def __init__(self, charm_instance=None): """Create a ConfigurationAdapter (or derived) class. :param charm_instance: the instance of the OpenStackCharm derived class. """ self._charm_instance_weakref = None if charm_instance is not None: self._charm_instance_weakref = weakref.ref(charm_instance) # copy over (statically) the items of the charms Juju configuration for k, v in hookenv.config().items(): k = k.replace('-', '_') setattr(self, k, v) @property def charm_instance(self): """Return the reference to the charm_instance or return None""" if self._charm_instance_weakref: return self._charm_instance_weakref() return None @property def application_name(self): """Return the name of the deployed charm""" return hookenv.service_name() class APIConfigurationAdapter(ConfigurationAdapter): """This configuration adapter extends the base class and adds properties common across most OpenstackAPI services. """ def __init__(self, port_map=None, service_name=None, charm_instance=None): """ Note passing port_map and service_name is deprecated, but supported for backwards compatibility. The port_map and service_name can be obtained from the self.charm_instance weak reference. :param port_map: Map containing service names and the ports used e.g. port_map = { 'svc1': { 'admin': 9001, 'public': 9001, 'int': 9001, }, 'svc2': { 'admin': 9002, 'public': 9002, 'int': 9002, }, } :param service_name: Name of service being deployed :param charm_instance: a charm instance that will be passed to the base constructor """ super(APIConfigurationAdapter, self).__init__( charm_instance=charm_instance) if port_map is not None: hookenv.log( "DEPRECATION: should not use port_map parameter in " "APIConfigurationAdapter.__init__()", level=hookenv.WARNING) self.port_map = port_map elif self.charm_instance is not None: self.port_map = self.charm_instance.active_api_ports else: self.port_map = None if service_name is not None: hookenv.log( "DEPRECATION: should not use service_name parameter in " "APIConfigurationAdapter.__init__()", level=hookenv.WARNING) self.service_name = service_name elif self.charm_instance is not None: self.service_name = self.charm_instance.name else: self.service_name = None self.__network_addresses = None @property def network_addresses(self): """Return the network_addresses as a property for a consuming template. See APIConfigurationAdapter.get_network_addresses() for detail on the return type. """ # cache and lazy resolve the network addresses - also helps with unit # testing if self.__network_addresses is None: self.__network_addresses = self.get_network_addresses() return self.__network_addresses @property def external_ports(self): """Return ports the service will be accessed on The self.port_map is a dictionary of dictionaries, where the ports are two levels deep (the leaves). This returns a set() of those ports. @return set of ports service can be accessed on """ # the map take the first list of dictionaries to extract the 2nd level # of values. return set(itertools.chain(*map(lambda x: x.values(), self.port_map.values()))) @property def ipv6_mode(self): """Return if charm should enable IPv6 @return True if user has requested ipv6 support otherwise False """ return getattr(self, 'prefer_ipv6', False) @property def ipv6_enabled(self): """ @return True if IPv6 is enabled """ return not ch_ip.is_ipv6_disabled() @property def local_address(self): """Return remotely accessible address of charm (not localhost) @return True if user has requested ipv6 support otherwise False """ if self.ipv6_mode: addr = ch_ip.get_ipv6_addr(exc_list=[self.vip])[0] else: addr = ch_utils.get_host_ip( ch_os_ip.local_address(unit_get_fallback='private-address')) return addr @property def local_unit_name(self): """ @return local unit name """ return hookenv.local_unit().replace('/', '-') @property def local_host(self): """Return localhost address depending on whether IPv6 is enabled @return localhost ip address """ return 'ip6-localhost' if self.ipv6_mode else '' @property def haproxy_host(self): """Return haproxy bind address depending on whether IPv6 is enabled @return address """ return '::' if self.ipv6_mode else '' @property def haproxy_stat_port(self): """Port to listen on to access haproxy statistics @return port """ return '8888' @property def haproxy_stat_password(self): """Password for accessing haproxy statistics @return password """ return charms.reactive.bus.get_state('haproxy.stat.password') @property def haproxy_healthcheck(self): """HAProxy healthcheck options if the charm defines them @return healthcheck """ charm_instance = self.charm_instance or {} return getattr(charm_instance, 'healthcheck', {}) @property def service_ports(self): """Dict of service names and the ports they listen on @return {'svc1': ['portA', 'portB'], 'svc2': ['portC', 'portD'], ...} """ # Note(AJK) - ensure that service ports is always in the same order service_ports = collections.OrderedDict() if self.port_map: for service in sorted(self.port_map.keys()): port_types = sorted(list(self.port_map[service].keys())) for port_type in port_types: listen_port = self.port_map[service][port_type] key = '{}_{}'.format(service, port_type) used_ports = [v[0] for v in service_ports.values()] if listen_port in used_ports: hookenv.log("Not adding haproxy listen stanza for {} " "port is already in use".format(key), level=hookenv.WARNING) continue service_ports[key] = [ self.port_map[service][port_type], ch_cluster.determine_apache_port( self.port_map[service][port_type], singlenode_mode=True)] return service_ports @property def apache_enabled(self): """Whether apache is being used for this service @return True if apache2 os being used for this service """ return charms.reactive.bus.get_state('ssl.enabled') @property def ssl(self): """Whether SSL is being used for this service @return True is SSL has been enable """ return charms.reactive.bus.get_state('ssl.enabled') def determine_service_port(self, port): """Calculate port service should use given external port Haproxy fronts connections for a service and may pass connections to Apache for SSL termination. Is Apache is being used: Haproxy listens on N Apache listens on N-10 Service listens on N-20 else Haproxy listens on N Service listens on N-10 :param int port: port service uses for external connections @return int port: port backend service should use """ i = 10 if self.apache_enabled: i = 20 return (port - i) @property def service_listen_info(self): """Dict of service names and attributes for backend to listen on @return { 'svc1': { 'proto': 'http', 'ip': '', 'port': '8080', 'url': '}, 'svc2': { 'proto': 'https', 'ip': '', 'port': '8443', 'url': '}, ... """ info = {} ip = self.local_host if self.apache_enabled else self.local_address if self.port_map: for service in self.port_map.keys(): key = service.replace('-', '_') info[key] = { 'proto': 'http', 'ip': ip, 'port': self.determine_service_port( self.port_map[service]['admin'])} for port_type in self.port_map[service].keys(): port_key = '{}_port'.format(port_type) info[key][port_key] = self.determine_service_port( self.port_map[service][port_type]) info[key]['url'] = '{proto}://{ip}:{port}'.format(**info[key]) return info @property def external_endpoints(self): """Dict of service names and attributes that clients use to connect @return { 'svc1': { 'proto': 'http', 'ip': '', 'port': '8080', 'url': '}, 'svc2': { 'proto': 'https', 'ip': '', 'port': '8443', 'url': '}, ... """ info = {} proto = 'https' if self.apache_enabled else 'http' if self.port_map: for service in self.port_map.keys(): key = service.replace('-', '_') info[key] = { 'proto': proto, 'ip': os_ip.resolve_address(os_ip.ADMIN), 'port': self.port_map[service][os_ip.ADMIN]} info[key]['url'] = '{proto}://{ip}:{port}'.format(**info[key]) return info def get_network_addresses(self): """For each network configured, return corresponding address and vip (if available). Returns a list of tuples of the form: [(address_in_net_a, vip_in_net_a), (address_in_net_b, vip_in_net_b), ...] or, if no vip(s) available: [(address_in_net_a, address_in_net_a), (address_in_net_b, address_in_net_b), ...] """ addresses = [] for net_type in ADDRESS_TYPES: net_cfg_opt = os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[net_type]['config'] config_cidr = getattr(self, net_cfg_opt.replace('-', '_'), None) if hookenv.config(net_cfg_opt): addr = ch_ip.get_address_in_network( config_cidr, ch_os_ip.local_address( unit_get_fallback='private-address')) else: addr = ch_ip.get_relation_ip( os_ip.ADDRESS_MAP[net_type]['binding']) addresses.append( (addr, os_ip.resolve_address(endpoint_type=net_type))) return sorted(addresses) @property def endpoints(self): """List of endpoint information. Endpoint information used to configure apache Client -> endpoint -> address:ext_port -> local:int_port NOTE: endpoint map be a vi returns [ (address1, endpoint1, ext_port1, int_port1), (address2, endpoint2, ext_port2, int_port2) ... ] """ endpoints = [] for address, endpoint in sorted(set(self.network_addresses)): for api_port in self.external_ports: ext_port = ch_cluster.determine_apache_port( api_port, singlenode_mode=True) int_port = ch_cluster.determine_api_port( api_port, singlenode_mode=True) portmap = (address, endpoint, int(ext_port), int(int_port)) endpoints.append(portmap) return endpoints @property def ext_ports(self): """ List of endpoint ports @returns List of ports """ eps = [ep[2] for ep in self.endpoints] return sorted(list(set(eps))) @property def use_memcache(self): return self.memcache.get('use_memcache', False) @property def memcache_server(self): return self.memcache.get('memcache_server', '') @property def memcache_host(self): return self.memcache.get('memcache_server_formatted', '') @property def memcache_port(self): return self.memcache.get('memcache_port', '') @property def memcache_url(self): return self.memcache.get('memcache_url', '') @property @hookenv.cached def memcache(self): ctxt = {} ctxt['use_memcache'] = False if self.charm_instance: if (ch_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES.index( self.charm_instance.release) >= ch_utils.OPENSTACK_RELEASES.index('mitaka')): ctxt['use_memcache'] = True if ctxt['use_memcache']: # Trusty version of memcached does not support ::1 as a listen # address so use host file entry instead release = ch_host.lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower() if ch_ip.is_ipv6_disabled(): if ch_host.CompareHostReleases(release) > 'trusty': ctxt['memcache_server'] = '' else: ctxt['memcache_server'] = 'localhost' ctxt['memcache_server_formatted'] = '' ctxt['memcache_port'] = '11211' ctxt['memcache_url'] = '{}:{}'.format( ctxt['memcache_server_formatted'], ctxt['memcache_port']) else: if ch_host.CompareHostReleases(release) > 'trusty': ctxt['memcache_server'] = '::1' else: ctxt['memcache_server'] = 'ip6-localhost' ctxt['memcache_server_formatted'] = '[::1]' ctxt['memcache_port'] = '11211' ctxt['memcache_url'] = 'inet6:{}:{}'.format( ctxt['memcache_server_formatted'], ctxt['memcache_port']) return ctxt @property @hookenv.cached def workers(self): """Return the a number of workers that depends on the config('worker_muliplier') and the number of cpus. This function uses the charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.context.WorkerConfigContext() to do the heavy lifting so that any changes in charmhelpers propagate to this function :returns: the number of workers to apply to a configuration file. """ return ch_context.WorkerConfigContext()()["workers"] @property @hookenv.cached def wsgi_worker_context(self): """Return a WSGIWorkerConfigContext dictionary. This is used to configure a WSGI worker. The charm_instance class can define some attributes (or properties - anything getattr(...) will work against for: wsgi_script: a script/name to pass to the WSGIW... constructor wsgi_admin_script: a script/name to pass to the WSGIW... constructor wsgi_public_script: a script/name to pass to the WSGIW... constructor wsgi_process_weight: an float between 0.0 and 1.0 to split the share of all workers between main, admin and public workers. wsgi_admin_process_weight: an float between 0.0 and 1.0 to split the share of all workers between main, admin and public workers wsgi_public_process_weight: an float between 0.0 and 1.0 to split the share of all workers between main, admin and public workers The sum of the process weights should equal 1 to make sense. :returns: WSGIWorkerConfigContext dictionary. """ charm_instance = self.charm_instance or {} kwargs = dict( name=getattr(charm_instance, 'name', None), script=getattr(charm_instance, 'wsgi_script', None), admin_script=getattr(charm_instance, 'wsgi_admin_script', None), public_script=getattr(charm_instance, 'wsgi_public_script', None), process_weight=getattr( charm_instance, 'wsgi_process_weight', None), admin_process_weight=getattr( charm_instance, 'wsgi_admin_process_weight', None), public_process_weight=getattr( charm_instance, 'wsgi_public_process_weight', None), ) # filtering the kwargs of Nones allows the default arguments on # WSGIWorkerConfigContext.__init__(...) to be used. filtered_kwargs = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None) return ch_context.WSGIWorkerConfigContext(**filtered_kwargs)() def make_default_relation_adapter(base_cls, relation, properties): """Create a default relation adapter using a base class, and custom properties for various relations that may have been defined as custom properties. This mixes the declarative 'custom' properties + with the default classes to provide a class that manages the relation for the charm. This mixes the associated RelationAdapter class with the custom relations. :param base_cls: the class to use as the base for the properties :param relation: the relation we want the properties for :param properties: {key: function} functions to make custom properties """ # Just return the base_cls if there's nothing to modify if not properties: return base_cls # convert the functions into properties props = {n: property(f) for n, f in properties.items()} # turn 'my-Something_interface' into 'MySomethingInterface' # future proof incase other chars come in which can't be in an Python Class # name. relation = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z_-]', '', relation) parts = relation.replace('-', '_').lower().split('_') header = ''.join([s.capitalize() for s in parts]) name = "{}RelationAdapterModified".format(header) # and make the class return type(name, (base_cls,), props) class OpenStackRelationAdapters(object): """ Base adapters class for OpenStack Charms, used to aggregate the relations associated with a particular charm so that their properties can be accessed using dot notation, e.g: adapters.amqp.private_address """ relation_adapters = {} """ Dictionary mapping relation names to adapter classes, e.g: relation_adapters = { 'amqp': RabbitMQRelationAdapter, } By default, relations will be wrapped in an OpenStackRelationAdapter. Each derived class can define their OWN relation_adapters and they will overlay on the class further back in the class hierarchy, according to the mro() for the class. """ def __init__(self, relations, options=None, options_instance=None, charm_instance=None): """ :param relations: List of instances of relation classes :param options: Configuration class to use (DEPRECATED) :param options_instance: Instance of Configuration class to use :param charm_instance: optional charm_instance that is captured as a weakref for use on the adapter. """ self._charm_instance_weakref = None if charm_instance is not None: self._charm_instance_weakref = weakref.ref(charm_instance) self._relations = set() if options is not None: hookenv.log("The 'options' argument is deprecated please use " "options_instance instead.", level=hookenv.WARNING) self.options = options() elif options_instance is not None: self.options = options_instance else: # create a default, customised ConfigurationAdapter if the # APIConfigurationAdapter is needed as a base, then it must be # passed as an instance on the options_instance First pull the # configuration class from the charm instance (if it's available). base_cls = None if self.charm_instance: base_cls = getattr(self.charm_instance, 'configuration_class', base_cls) self.options = make_default_options(base_cls, self.charm_instance) self._relations.add('options') # walk the mro() from object to this class to build up the _adapters # ensure that all of the relations' have their '-' turned into a '_' to # ensure that everything is consistent in the class. self._adapters = {} for cls in reversed(self.__class__.mro()): self._adapters.update( {k.replace('-', '_'): v for k, v in getattr(cls, 'relation_adapters', {}).items()}) # now we have to add in any customisations to those adapters for relation, properties in _custom_adapter_properties.items(): relation = relation.replace('-', '_') try: cls = self._adapters[relation] except KeyError: cls = OpenStackRelationAdapter self._adapters[relation] = make_default_relation_adapter( cls, relation, properties) self.add_relations(relations) @property def charm_instance(self): """Return the reference to the charm_instance or return None""" if self._charm_instance_weakref: return self._charm_instance_weakref() return None def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the relations presented to the charm. """ for relation in self._relations: yield relation, getattr(self, relation) def add_relations(self, relations): """Add the relations to this adapters instance for use as a context. :params relations: list of RAW reactive relation instances. """ for relation in relations: self.add_relation(relation) def add_relation(self, relation): """Add the relation to this adapters instance for use as a context. :param relation: a RAW reactive relation instance """ adapter_name, adapter = self.make_adapter(relation) setattr(self, adapter_name, adapter) self._relations.add(adapter_name) def make_adapter(self, relation): """Make an adapter from a reactive relation. This returns the relation_name and the adapter instance based on the registered custom adapter classes and any customised properties on those adapter classes. :param relation: a RelationBase derived reactive relation :returns (string, OpenstackRelationAdapter-derived): see above. """ try: relation_name = relation.endpoint_name.replace('-', '_') except AttributeError: relation_name = relation.relation_name.replace('-', '_') try: cls = self._adapters[relation_name] except KeyError: cls = OpenStackRelationAdapter try: adapter = cls(relation, charm_instance=self.charm_instance) except TypeError: adapter = cls(relation) return relation_name, adapter class OpenStackAPIRelationAdapters(OpenStackRelationAdapters): relation_adapters = { 'amqp': RabbitMQRelationAdapter, 'shared_db': DatabaseRelationAdapter, 'cluster': PeerHARelationAdapter, 'coordinator_memcached': MemcacheRelationAdapter, } def __init__(self, relations, options=None, options_instance=None, charm_instance=None): """ :param relations: List of instances of relation classes :param options: Configuration class to use (DEPRECATED) :param options_instance: Instance of Configuration class to use :param charm_instance: an instance of the charm class """ super(OpenStackAPIRelationAdapters, self).__init__( relations, options=options, options_instance=options_instance, charm_instance=charm_instance) if 'cluster' not in self._relations: # cluster has not been passed through already, so try to resolve it # automatically. self._relations.add('cluster') setattr(self, 'cluster', self._resolve_cluster()) def _resolve_cluster(self): """ Resolve what the cluster adapter is. LY: The cluster interface only gets initialised if there are more than one unit in a cluster, however, a cluster of one unit is valid for the Openstack API charms. So, create and populate the 'cluster' namespace with data for a single unit if there are no peers. :returns: cluster adapter or None """ smm = PeerHARelationAdapter(relation_name='cluster').single_mode_map if smm: return smm else: # LY: Automatically add the cluster relation if it exists and # has not been passed through. cluster_rel = relations.endpoint_from_flag('cluster.connected') if cluster_rel: return PeerHARelationAdapter(relation=cluster_rel) return None