# About This folder contains CloudFormation configurations for an AWS OpenSearch cluster and a set of Logstash servers behind a load balancer. # Usage You'll need appropriate AWS permissions (to create and monitor resources). Put AWS credentials in `~/.aws/credentials` and run `deploy_opensearch.sh`. # After Creation OpenSearch users * Create a user with username 'logstash' and the entered password in OpenSearch, and assign it the "logstash" role. * Create a user with username 'readonly' and password 'opensearch-readonly-PUBLIC-2021!' in OpenSearch, and grant it read-only privileges. Give it access to the Global tenant. In the OpenSearch Dashboard select `Index Management`, `State management policies`, and then `Create Policy`. Make a policy with the following policy statement: ``` { "policy_id": "DeleteAllDataAfter14Days", "description": "Delete all data after 14 days", "last_updated_time": 1639608774297, "schema_version": 1, "error_notification": null, "default_state": "hot", "states": [ { "name": "hot", "actions": [], "transitions": [ { "state_name": "delete", "conditions": { "min_index_age": "14d" } } ] }, { "name": "delete", "actions": [], "transitions": [] } ], "ism_template": null } ``` This will delete all indices that are at least 7 days old (e.g. the `logstash-logs-2021.12.15` index will be deleted on 2021-12-22).