#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ The goal is to push recent zuul builds into log gearman processor. [ CLI ] -> [ Config ] -> [ ZuulFetcher ] -> [ LogPublisher ] # Zuul builds results are not sorted by end time. Here is a problematic scenario: Neutron01 build starts at 00:00 Many smolXX build starts and stops at 01:00 Neutron01 build stops at 02:00 When at 01:55 we query the /builds: - smol42 ends at 01:54 - smol41 ends at 01:50 - smol40 ends at 01:49 - ... When at 02:05 we query the /builds: - smol42 ends at 01:54 # already in build cache, skip - smol41 ends at 01:50 # already in build cache, skip - smol40 ends at 01:49 # already in build cache, skip - ... - neutron01 ends at 02:00 # not in build cache, get_last_job_results yield Question: when to stop the builds query? We could check that all the _id value got processed, but that can be tricky when long running build are interleaved with short one. For example, the scrapper could keep track of the oldest _id and ensure it got them all. But Instead, we'll always grab the last 1000 builds and process new builds. This is not ideal, because we might miss builds if more than 1000 builds happens between two query. But that will have todo until the zuul builds api can return builds sorted by end_time. """ import argparse import configparser import datetime import gear import itertools import json import logging import multiprocessing import os import requests import socket import sqlite3 import sys import time import yaml from ast import literal_eval from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from distutils.version import StrictVersion as s_version from prometheus_client import Gauge from prometheus_client import start_http_server import tenacity from urllib.parse import urljoin retry_request = tenacity.retry( # Raise the real exception instead of RetryError reraise=True, # Stop after 10 attempts stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(10), # Slowly wait more wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=1, max=10), ) @retry_request def requests_get(url, verify=True): return requests.get(url, verify=verify) def requests_get_json(url, verify=True): resp = requests_get(url, verify) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.json() def is_zuul_host_up(url, verify=True): try: resp = requests_get(url, verify) return resp.status_code < 400 except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: pass def _verify_ca(args): """Return path for CA cert file otherwise boolean value When insecure argument is set to True, certification validation needs to be False. """ if args.ca_file: return args.ca_file else: return not args.insecure ############################################################################### # CLI # ############################################################################### def get_arguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetch and push last Zuul " "CI job logs into gearman.") parser.add_argument("--config", help="Logscraper config file", required=True) parser.add_argument("--file-list", help="File list to download") parser.add_argument("--zuul-api-url", help="URL(s) for Zuul API. Parameter" " can be set multiple times.", nargs='+', default=[]) parser.add_argument("--job-name", help="CI job name(s). Parameter can be " "set multiple times. If not set it would scrape " "every latest builds", nargs='+', default=[]) parser.add_argument("--gearman-server", help="Gearman host address") parser.add_argument("--gearman-port", help="Gearman listen port.", type=int) parser.add_argument("--follow", help="Keep polling zuul builds", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--insecure", help="Skip validating SSL cert", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--checkpoint-file", help="File that will keep " "information about last uuid timestamp for a job.") parser.add_argument("--logstash-url", help="When provided, script will " "check connection to Logstash service before sending " "to log processing system. For example: " "logstash.local:9999") parser.add_argument("--workers", help="Worker processes for logscraper", type=int) parser.add_argument("--max-skipped", help="How many job results should be " "checked until last uuid written in checkpoint file " "is founded", type=int) parser.add_argument("--debug", help="Print more information", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--download", help="Download logs and do not send " "to gearman service", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--directory", help="Directory, where the logs will " "be stored.") parser.add_argument("--wait-time", help="Pause time for the next " "iteration", type=int) parser.add_argument("--ca-file", help="Provide custom CA certificate") parser.add_argument("--monitoring-port", help="Expose an Prometheus " "exporter to collect monitoring metrics." "NOTE: When no port set, monitoring will be disabled.") args = parser.parse_args() defaults = {} if args.config: config = configparser.ConfigParser(delimiters=('=', ':')) config.read(args.config) defaults = config["DEFAULT"] defaults = dict(defaults) parsed_values = {} for k, v in defaults.items(): if not v: continue try: parsed_values[k] = literal_eval(v) except (SyntaxError, ValueError): pass parser.set_defaults(**defaults) parser.set_defaults(**parsed_values) args = parser.parse_args() return args ############################################################################### # Configuration of this process # ############################################################################### class Config: def __init__(self, args, zuul_api_url, job_name=None): url_path = zuul_api_url.split("/") if url_path[-3] != "api" and url_path[-2] != "tenant": print( "ERROR: zuul-api-url needs to be in the form " "of: https:///api/tenant/" ) sys.exit(1) self.tenant = url_path[-1] self.filename = "%s" % args.checkpoint_file if job_name: self.filename = "%s-%s" % (self.filename, job_name) self.build_cache = BuildCache(self.filename) self.config_file = load_config(args.file_list) def save(self): try: self.build_cache.save() except Exception as e: logging.critical("Can not write status to the build_cache " "file %s" % e) class BuildCache: def __init__(self, filepath=None): self.builds = dict() if not filepath: logging.critical("No cache file provided. Can not continue") sys.exit(1) self.create_db(filepath) self.create_table() # clean builds that are older than 1 day self.clean() self.vacuum() rows = self.fetch_data() if rows: for r in rows: uid, date = r self.builds[uid] = date def create_db(self, filepath): try: self.connection = sqlite3.connect(filepath) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() except Exception as e: logging.critical("Can not create cache DB! Error %s" % e) def create_table(self): try: self.cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS logscraper (" "uid INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER)") except sqlite3.OperationalError: logging.debug("The logscraper table already exists") def fetch_data(self): try: return self.cursor.execute( "SELECT uid, timestamp FROM logscraper").fetchall() except Exception as e: logging.exception("Can't get data from cache file! Error %s" % e) def add(self, uid): self.builds[uid] = int(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()) def vacuum(self): self.cursor.execute("vacuum") self.connection.commit() def clean(self): # Remove old builds yesterday = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=1) self.cursor.execute("DELETE FROM logscraper WHERE timestamp < %s" % yesterday.timestamp()) self.connection.commit() def save(self): self.cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO logscraper VALUES (?,?)', list(self.builds.items())) self.connection.commit() def contains(self, uid): return uid in self.builds class Monitoring: def __init__(self): self.job_count = Gauge('logscraper_job_count', 'Number of jobs processed by logscraper', ['job_name']) def parse_metrics(self, builds): self.job_count.labels('summary').inc(len(builds)) for build in builds: self.job_count.labels(build['job_name']).inc() ############################################################################### # Log Processing # ############################################################################### class LogMatcher(object): def __init__(self, server, port, success, log_url, host_vars, config): self.client = gear.Client() self.client.addServer(server, port) self.hosts = host_vars self.success = success self.log_url = log_url self.config_file = config def submitJobs(self, jobname, files, result): self.client.waitForServer(90) ret = [] for f in files: output = self.makeOutput(f, result) output = json.dumps(output).encode("utf8") job = gear.TextJob(jobname, output) self.client.submitJob(job, background=True) ret.append(dict(handle=job.handle, arguments=output)) return ret def makeOutput(self, file_object, result): output = {} output["retry"] = False output["event"] = self.makeEvent(file_object, result) output["source_url"] = output["event"]["fields"]["log_url"] return output def makeEvent(self, file_object, result): out_event = {} tags = [] out_event["fields"] = self.makeFields(file_object, result) for f in self.config_file["files"]: if file_object in f["name"] or \ file_object.replace(".gz", "") in f["name"]: tags = f["tags"] break out_event["tags"] = [file_object] + tags return out_event def makeFields(self, filename, result): fields = {} fields["build_node"] = "zuul-executor" fields["filename"] = filename fields["build_name"] = result["job_name"] fields["build_status"] = ( "SUCCESS" if result["result"] == "SUCCESS" else "FAILURE" ) fields["project"] = result["project"] fields["voting"] = int(result["voting"]) fields["build_set"] = result["buildset"] fields["build_queue"] = result["pipeline"] fields["build_ref"] = result["ref"] fields["build_branch"] = result.get("branch", "UNKNOWN") fields["build_zuul_url"] = "N/A" fields["build_duration"] = result.get("duration", 0) if "change" in result: fields["build_change"] = result["change"] fields["build_patchset"] = result["patchset"] elif "newrev" in result: fields["build_newrev"] = result.get("newrev", "UNKNOWN") fields["node_provider"] = "local" log_url = urljoin(result["log_url"], filename) fields["log_url"] = log_url fields["tenant"] = result["tenant"] if "executor" in result and "hostname" in result["executor"]: fields["zuul_executor"] = result["executor"]["hostname"] fields["build_uuid"] = result["buildset"]["uuid"] return fields ############################################################################### # Fetch zuul builds # ############################################################################### def parse_version(zuul_version_txt): """Parse the zuul version returned by the different services: >>> parse_version("4.6.0-1.el7") StrictVersion ('4.6') >>> parse_version("4.10.2.dev6 22f04be1") StrictVersion ('4.10.2') >>> parse_version("4.10.2.dev6 22f04be1") > parse_version("4.6.0-1.el7") True >>> parse_version("4.6.0-1.el7") > parse_version("4.7.0") False """ if not zuul_version_txt: return zuul_version = zuul_version_txt # drop rpm package suffix zuul_version = zuul_version.split("-")[0] # drop pip package suffix zuul_version = zuul_version.split(".dev")[0] try: return s_version(zuul_version) except Exception: raise ValueError("Invalid zuul version: %s" % zuul_version_txt) def _zuul_complete_available(zuul_url, insecure): """Return additional parameter for zuul url When Zuul version is newer that 4.7.0, return additional parameter. """ url = zuul_url + "/status" zuul_status = requests_get_json(url, verify=insecure) zuul_version = parse_version(zuul_status.get("zuul_version")) if zuul_version and zuul_version >= s_version("4.7.0"): return "&complete=true" def get_builds(zuul_url, insecure, job_name): """Yield builds dictionary.""" extra = ("&job_name=" + job_name) if job_name else "" pos, size = 0, 100 zuul_url = zuul_url.rstrip("/") zuul_complete = _zuul_complete_available(zuul_url, insecure) if zuul_complete: extra = extra + zuul_complete base_url = zuul_url + "/builds?limit=" + str(size) + extra known_builds = set() while True: url = base_url + "&skip=" + str(pos) logging.info("Getting job results %s", url) jobs_result = requests_get_json(url, verify=insecure) if not jobs_result: return iter([]) for job in jobs_result: # It is important here to check we didn't yield builds twice, # as this can happen when using skip if new build get reported # between the two requests. if job["uuid"] not in known_builds: yield job known_builds.add(job["uuid"]) pos += 1 def filter_available_jobs(zuul_api_url, job_names, insecure): filtered_jobs = [] url = zuul_api_url + "/jobs" logging.info("Getting available jobs %s", url) available_jobs = requests_get_json(url, verify=insecure) if not available_jobs: return [] for defined_job in job_names: for job in available_jobs: if defined_job == job.get('name'): filtered_jobs.append(defined_job) return filtered_jobs def get_last_job_results(zuul_url, insecure, max_builds, build_cache, job_name): """Yield builds until we find the last uuid.""" count = 0 for build in get_builds(zuul_url, insecure, job_name): count += 1 if count > int(max_builds): break if build_cache.contains(build["_id"]): continue build_cache.add(build["_id"]) yield build ############################################################################### # Log scraper # ############################################################################### def save_build_info(directory, build): with open("%s/buildinfo" % directory, "w") as text_file: yaml.dump(build, text_file) def load_config(config_path): try: with open(config_path) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) except PermissionError: logging.critical("Can not open config file %s" % config_path) except FileNotFoundError: logging.critical("Can not find provided config file! %s" % config_path) except Exception as e: logging.critical("Exception occurred on reading config file %s" % e) def get_files_to_check(config): files = [] if not config: logging.critical("Can not get info from config file") return for f in config.get("files", []): files.append(f['name']) if files: files = files + [l_file + '.gz' for l_file in files] return files def _is_file_available(response): logging.debug("File from url: %s got response status: %s" % ( response.url, response.status_code)) return response.ok def write_response_in_file(response, directory, filename): if _is_file_available(response): with open("%s/%s" % (directory, filename), 'wb') as f: for txt in response.iter_content(1024): f.write(txt) def ensure_file_downloaded(url, directory, insecure=False): # NOTE: There was few directories, that it does not contain # inventory.yaml file. Retry few times download that file. filename = url.split("/")[-1] if directory: if os.path.isfile("%s/%s" % (directory, filename)): return response = requests_get(url, verify=True) write_response_in_file(response, directory, filename) def download_file(url, directory, insecure=False): logging.debug("Started fetching %s" % url) filename = url.split("/")[-1] try: response = requests.get(url, verify=insecure, stream=True) if directory: write_response_in_file(response, directory, filename) return filename except requests.exceptions.ContentDecodingError: logging.critical("Can not decode content from %s" % url) def is_job_with_result(job_result): results_with_status = ['failure', 'success'] if (job_result["result"].lower() in results_with_status and job_result["log_url"]): return True def create_custom_result(job_result, directory): try: with open("%s/custom-job-results.txt" % directory, "w") as f: f.write("%s | %s" % (job_result["end_time"], job_result["result"])) with open("%s/inventory.yaml" % directory, "w") as f: f.write(job_result["result"]) except Exception as e: logging.critical("Can not write custom-job-results.txt %s" % e) def cleanup_logs_to_check(config_files, log_url, insecure): """Check if on logserver exists main directory""" filtered_config_files = [] existing_dirs = [] directories = set() # get unique directories for config_file in config_files: directories.add(os.path.dirname(config_file)) # check if directory exists on logserver for directory in directories: # job-results.txt doesn't contain dirname, so it will be an empty value if not directory: continue url = '%s%s' % (log_url, directory) response = requests.head(url, verify=insecure) if response.ok: existing_dirs.append(directory) # remove directories, that does not exists on log server for config_file in config_files: if ('/' not in config_file or os.path.dirname(config_file) in existing_dirs): filtered_config_files.append(config_file) return filtered_config_files def check_specified_files(job_result, insecure, directory=None): """Return list of specified files if they exists on logserver.""" args = job_result.get("build_args") config = job_result.get('config_file') check_files = get_files_to_check(config) if not check_files: logging.warning("No file provided to check!") return filtered_files = cleanup_logs_to_check(check_files, job_result["log_url"], insecure) logging.debug("After filtering, files to check are: %s for job " "result %s" % (filtered_files, job_result['uuid'])) build_log_urls = [ urljoin(job_result["log_url"], s) for s in filtered_files ] inventory_urls = [ urljoin(job_result["log_url"], "zuul-info/inventory.yaml") ] results = [] pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.workers) for page in pool.map(download_file, build_log_urls, itertools.repeat(directory), itertools.repeat(insecure)): if page: results.append(page) pool.map(ensure_file_downloaded, inventory_urls, itertools.repeat(directory), itertools.repeat(insecure)) return results def setup_logging(debug): if debug: logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.debug("Zuul Job Scraper is starting...") def run_build(build): """Submit job information into log processing system. If CI job result is different than 'SUSSESS' or 'FAILURE' and download argument is set, it will create special file: 'custom-job-results.txt' that will contain: job_result["end_time"] | job_result["result"] """ args = build.get("build_args") config_file = build.get("config_file") logging.info( "Processing logs for %s | %s | %s | %s", build["job_name"], build["end_time"], build["result"], build["uuid"], ) if args.download: logging.debug("Started fetching build logs") directory = "%s/%s" % (args.directory, build["uuid"]) try: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) except PermissionError: logging.critical("Can not create directory %s" % directory) except Exception as e: logging.critical("Exception occurred %s on creating dir %s" % ( e, directory)) validate_ca = _verify_ca(args) if is_job_with_result(build): check_specified_files(build, validate_ca, directory) else: # NOTE: if build result is "ABORTED" or "NODE_FAILURE, there is # no any job result files to parse, but we would like to have that # knowledge, so it will create own job-results.txt file that # contains: # build["end_time"] | build["result"] logging.info("There is no log url for the build %s, so no file can" " be downloaded. Creating custom job-results.txt " % build["uuid"]) create_custom_result(build, directory) save_build_info(directory, build) else: # NOTE: As it was earlier, logs that contains status other than # "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE" will be parsed by Gearman service. logging.debug("Parsing content for gearman service") validate_ca = _verify_ca(args) results = dict(files=[], jobs=[], invocation={}) files = check_specified_files(build, validate_ca) results["files"] = files lmc = LogMatcher( args.gearman_server, args.gearman_port, build["result"], build["log_url"], {}, config_file ) lmc.submitJobs("push-log", results["files"], build) def check_connection(logstash_url): """Return True when Logstash service is reachable Check if service is up before pushing results. """ host, port = logstash_url.split(':') logging.debug("Checking connection to %s on port %s" % (host, port)) with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: return s.connect_ex((host, port)) == 0 def run_scraping(args, zuul_api_url, job_name=None, monitoring=None): """Get latest job results and push them into log processing service. On the end, write build_cache file, so in the future script will not push duplicate build. """ config = Config(args, zuul_api_url, job_name) builds = [] validate_ca = _verify_ca(args) for build in get_last_job_results(zuul_api_url, validate_ca, args.max_skipped, config.build_cache, job_name): logging.debug("Working on build %s" % build['uuid']) # add missing information build["tenant"] = config.tenant build["build_args"] = args build["config_file"] = config.config_file builds.append(build) logging.info("Processing %d builds", len(builds)) if args.logstash_url and not check_connection(args.logstash_url): logging.critical("Can not connect to logstash %s. " "Is it up?" % args.logstash_url) return if builds: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(args.workers)) try: r = pool.map_async(run_build, builds) r.wait() finally: config.save() if monitoring: monitoring.parse_metrics(builds) def run(args, monitoring): validate_ca = _verify_ca(args) for zuul_api_url in args.zuul_api_url: if not is_zuul_host_up(zuul_api_url, validate_ca): logging.warning("Zuul %s seems not to be reachable. " "Postponing pulling logs..." % zuul_api_url) continue if args.job_name: jobs_in_zuul = filter_available_jobs(zuul_api_url, args.job_name, validate_ca) logging.info("Available jobs for %s are %s" % ( zuul_api_url, jobs_in_zuul)) for job_name in jobs_in_zuul: logging.info("Starting checking logs for job %s in %s" % ( job_name, zuul_api_url)) run_scraping(args, zuul_api_url, job_name, monitoring) else: logging.info("Starting checking logs for %s" % zuul_api_url) run_scraping(args, zuul_api_url, monitoring=monitoring) logging.info("Finished pulling logs!") def main(): args = get_arguments() setup_logging(args.debug) monitoring = None if args.monitoring_port: monitoring = Monitoring() start_http_server(args.monitoring_port) if args.download and args.gearman_server and args.gearman_port: logging.critical("Can not use logscraper to send logs to gearman " "and download logs. Choose one") sys.exit(1) while True: run(args, monitoring) if not args.follow: break time.sleep(args.wait_time) if __name__ == "__main__": main()