
53 lines
1.8 KiB

/usr/bin/podman run \
--network host \
--rm \
--user 1000:1000 \
--uidmap 0:{{ logscraper_uid + 1 }}:999 \
--uidmap 1000:{{ logscraper_uid }}:1 \
--name logsender-{{ item.tenant }} \
--volume {{ item.download_dir }}:{{ item.download_dir }}:z \
{{ container_images['logsender'] }} \
/usr/local/bin/logsender \
{% if 'es_host' in item and item['es_host'] %}
--host "{{ item['es_host'] }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'es_port' in item and item['es_port'] %}
--port "{{ item['es_port'] }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'es_username' in item and item['es_username'] %}
--username "{{ item.es_username }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'es_password' in item and item['es_password'] %}
--password "{{ item.es_password }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'es_index_prefix' in item and item['es_index_prefix'] %}
--index-prefix "{{ item['es_index_prefix'] }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'es_index' in item and item['es_index'] %}
--index "{{ item['es_index'] }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'download_dir' in item and item['download_dir'] %}
--directory "{{ item['download_dir'] }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'doc_type' in item and item['doc_type'] %}
--doc-type "{{ item['doc_type'] }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'es_insecure' in item and item['es_insecure'] %}
--insecure \
{% endif %}
{% if 'logsender_workers' in item and item['logsender_workers'] %}
--workers "{{ item['logsender_workers'] }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'chunk_size' in item and item['chunk_size'] %}
--chunk-size "{{ item['chunk_size'] }}" \
{% endif %}
{% if 'keep' in item and item['keep'] %}
--keep \
{% endif %}
{% if 'ignore_es_status' in item and item['ignore_es_status'] %}
--ignore-es-status \
{% endif %}