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Volume Type Description

This blueprint proposes to add the description information for a volume type and allow user to find out what is the default volume type. Volume type description and default volume type can help a user make an informed decision when the user creates a volume.

Problem description

  • Cinder volume types only have abstract names like gold, silver and bronze or whatever the Openstack administrator comes up with. When a user creates a volume and chooses which volume type to use, currently it is difficult for a user to find out what the volume type means.
  • When a user creates a volume without specifying a volume type, once the volume gets created, the volume type assigned to that volume could be a default volume type or None. There is no way for a user to find out what is the default volume type.

Use Cases

Proposed change

  • When an administrator creates a volume type, allows him/her to enter some descriptions for the volume type. The length of the description should be between 0 - 255. It should be in the form of a string.
  • Administrator can also update the descriptions of an existing volume type.
  • User should be able to get all the descriptions of all the volume types.
  • User should be able to get the descriptions of a volume type.
  • User should be able to find out what is the default volume type.



Data model impact

Database schema changes:

  • A new description column will be added to the volume_types table.
mysql> DESC volume_types;
| Field        | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| created_at   | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| updated_at   | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| deleted_at   | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| deleted      | tinyint(1)   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| id           | varchar(36)  | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name         | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| qos_specs_id | varchar(36)  | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
| description  | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |

Database data migration:

  • Existing volume types will have description empty.

REST API impact

  • Update "create volume type" REST request to to include description field.
  • Update "list volume types" REST response to include description field for each volume type
  • Update "show volume type information" REST response to include description field.
  • Add "update volume type" REST API to update an existing volume type.
    • PUT /v2/{tenant_id}/types/{volume_type_id}

    • JSON request schema definition:

      'volume_type': {
          'name': 'gold',
          'description': 'gold means very important'
    • JSON response schema definition:

      'volume_type': {
          'id': '4b502fcb-1f26-45f8-9fe5-3b9a0a52eaf2',
          'name': 'gold',
          'description': 'gold means very important',
    • Normal http response code: 200

    • Expected error http response code: 400, 404, 500, 409

  • Add "get default volume type" REST API
  • GET /v2/{tenant_id}/types/default

  • JSON response schema definition:

    'volume_type': {
        'id': '4b502fcb-1f26-45f8-9fe5-3b9a0a52eaf2',
        'name': 'bronze',
        'description': 'bronze means limited storage',
  • Normal http response code: 200

  • Expected error http response code: 404

Security impact

Creating or updating volume type description is usually only allowed for an administrator user.

Regular user should be able to get a volume type, list volume types and get the default volume type.

The APIs accesses will be controlled by security policy.

Notifications impact

Volume type creation has already sent a notification when creation ends or has errors. Will send a notification when updating a volume type ends or has errors.

Other end user impact

  • python-cinderclient will be changed to reflect the API changes.

    volume_types.create will be updated to include description. volume_types.get_default will be added to show the default volume type. volume_types.update will be added to update the description of the volume type.

  • Horizon will have corresponding UI changes to deal with the descriptions for a volume type after python-cinderclient implementation.

Performance Impact

Adding another db column in the volume type field means that each fetch of a volume type will pull the description. It is a minimal impact for individual volume type reads. It is doubtful if there will be a significant number of volume types created with lots of descriptions. So, the performance impact should be minimal.

Other deployer impact

DB volume_types table migration and associated volume service restart will require orchestration and a short service downtime. Transient API errors might happen between the schema migration and the deployment of the new code (which ever order they are done in).

Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Implement Cinder API changes.

  • Implement DB schema changes.

  • Implement DB migration script changes.


  • Implement python-cinderclient changes.

  • Cinder API unit Tests.

  • DB migration unit test changes.



Horizon blueprint will depend on this spec:


  • Update the unit tests to reflect the API changes.
  • Update the DB migration tests.

Documentation Impact

  • The Cinder API documentation will need to be updated to reflect the API changes.
  • The Cinder client documentation will be need to be updated to reflect the changes.

