2012-05-03 10:48:26 -07:00
Threading model
All OpenStack services use *green thread* model of threading, implemented
through using the Python `eventlet <http://eventlet.net/>`_ and
2018-06-11 19:26:28 +08:00
`greenlet <http://greenlet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ libraries.
2012-05-03 10:48:26 -07:00
Green threads use a cooperative model of threading: thread context
switches can only occur when specific eventlet or greenlet library calls are
made (e.g., sleep, certain I/O calls). From the operating system's point of
view, each OpenStack service runs in a single thread.
The use of green threads reduces the likelihood of race conditions, but does
not completely eliminate them. In some cases, you may need to use the
``@utils.synchronized(...)`` decorator to avoid races.
In addition, since there is only one operating system thread, a call that
blocks that main thread will block the entire process.
Yielding the thread in long-running tasks
If a code path takes a long time to execute and does not contain any methods
that trigger an eventlet context switch, the long-running thread will block
any pending threads.
This scenario can be avoided by adding calls to the eventlet sleep method
in the long-running code path. The sleep call will trigger a context switch
if there are pending threads, and using an argument of 0 will avoid introducing
delays in the case that there is only a single green thread::
2016-09-09 14:42:46 +08:00
from eventlet import greenthread
2012-05-03 10:48:26 -07:00
2018-08-03 10:37:54 +08:00
In current code, time.sleep(0) does the same thing as greenthread.sleep(0) if
2019-02-19 16:51:56 -06:00
time module is patched through eventlet.monkey_patch(). To be explicit, we
recommend contributors use ``greenthread.sleep()`` instead of ``time.sleep()``.
2012-05-03 10:48:26 -07:00
MySQL access and eventlet
2016-09-09 14:42:46 +08:00
There are some MySQL DB API drivers for oslo.db, like `PyMySQL`_, MySQL-python
2019-02-19 16:51:56 -06:00
etc. PyMySQL is the default MySQL DB API driver for oslo.db, and it works well
with eventlet. MySQL-python uses an external C library for accessing the MySQL
database. Since eventlet cannot use monkey-patching to intercept blocking calls
in a C library, queries to the MySQL database using libraries like MySQL-python
will block the main thread of a service.
2012-05-03 10:48:26 -07:00
The Diablo release contained a thread-pooling implementation that did not
block, but this implementation resulted in a `bug`_ and was removed.
See this `mailing list thread`_ for a discussion of this issue, including
a discussion of the `impact on performance`_.
.. _bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/838581
.. _mailing list thread: https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg08118.html
.. _impact on performance: https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg08217.html
2016-09-09 14:42:46 +08:00
.. _PyMySQL: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PyMySQL_evaluation