# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import paste.urlmap import re import urllib2 from cinder.api.openstack import wsgi from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging _quoted_string_re = r'"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"' _option_header_piece_re = re.compile( r';\s*([^\s;=]+|%s)\s*' r'(?:=\s*([^;]+|%s))?\s*' % (_quoted_string_re, _quoted_string_re)) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def unquote_header_value(value): """Unquotes a header value. This does not use the real unquoting but what browsers are actually using for quoting. :param value: the header value to unquote. """ if value and value[0] == value[-1] == '"': # this is not the real unquoting, but fixing this so that the # RFC is met will result in bugs with internet explorer and # probably some other browsers as well. IE for example is # uploading files with "C:\foo\bar.txt" as filename value = value[1:-1] return value def parse_list_header(value): """Parse lists as described by RFC 2068 Section 2. In particular, parse comma-separated lists where the elements of the list may include quoted-strings. A quoted-string could contain a comma. A non-quoted string could have quotes in the middle. Quotes are removed automatically after parsing. The return value is a standard :class:`list`: >>> parse_list_header('token, "quoted value"') ['token', 'quoted value'] :param value: a string with a list header. :return: :class:`list` """ result = [] for item in urllib2.parse_http_list(value): if item[:1] == item[-1:] == '"': item = unquote_header_value(item[1:-1]) result.append(item) return result def parse_options_header(value): """Parse a ``Content-Type`` like header into a tuple with the content type and the options: >>> parse_options_header('Content-Type: text/html; mimetype=text/html') ('Content-Type:', {'mimetype': 'text/html'}) :param value: the header to parse. :return: (str, options) """ def _tokenize(string): for match in _option_header_piece_re.finditer(string): key, value = match.groups() key = unquote_header_value(key) if value is not None: value = unquote_header_value(value) yield key, value if not value: return '', {} parts = _tokenize(';' + value) name = parts.next()[0] extra = dict(parts) return name, extra class Accept(object): def __init__(self, value): self._content_types = [parse_options_header(v) for v in parse_list_header(value)] def best_match(self, supported_content_types): # FIXME: Should we have a more sophisticated matching algorithm that # takes into account the version as well? best_quality = -1 best_content_type = None best_params = {} best_match = '*/*' for content_type in supported_content_types: for content_mask, params in self._content_types: try: quality = float(params.get('q', 1)) except ValueError: continue if quality < best_quality: continue elif best_quality == quality: if best_match.count('*') <= content_mask.count('*'): continue if self._match_mask(content_mask, content_type): best_quality = quality best_content_type = content_type best_params = params best_match = content_mask return best_content_type, best_params def content_type_params(self, best_content_type): """Find parameters in Accept header for given content type.""" for content_type, params in self._content_types: if best_content_type == content_type: return params return {} def _match_mask(self, mask, content_type): if '*' not in mask: return content_type == mask if mask == '*/*': return True mask_major = mask[:-2] content_type_major = content_type.split('/', 1)[0] return content_type_major == mask_major def urlmap_factory(loader, global_conf, **local_conf): if 'not_found_app' in local_conf: not_found_app = local_conf.pop('not_found_app') else: not_found_app = global_conf.get('not_found_app') if not_found_app: not_found_app = loader.get_app(not_found_app, global_conf=global_conf) urlmap = URLMap(not_found_app=not_found_app) for path, app_name in local_conf.items(): path = paste.urlmap.parse_path_expression(path) app = loader.get_app(app_name, global_conf=global_conf) urlmap[path] = app return urlmap class URLMap(paste.urlmap.URLMap): def _match(self, host, port, path_info): """Find longest match for a given URL path.""" for (domain, app_url), app in self.applications: if domain and domain != host and domain != host + ':' + port: continue if (path_info == app_url or path_info.startswith(app_url + '/')): return app, app_url return None, None def _set_script_name(self, app, app_url): def wrap(environ, start_response): environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] += app_url return app(environ, start_response) return wrap def _munge_path(self, app, path_info, app_url): def wrap(environ, start_response): environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] += app_url environ['PATH_INFO'] = path_info[len(app_url):] return app(environ, start_response) return wrap def _path_strategy(self, host, port, path_info): """Check path suffix for MIME type and path prefix for API version.""" mime_type = app = app_url = None parts = path_info.rsplit('.', 1) if len(parts) > 1: possible_type = 'application/' + parts[1] if possible_type in wsgi.SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES: mime_type = possible_type parts = path_info.split('/') if len(parts) > 1: possible_app, possible_app_url = self._match(host, port, path_info) # Don't use prefix if it ends up matching default if possible_app and possible_app_url: app_url = possible_app_url app = self._munge_path(possible_app, path_info, app_url) return mime_type, app, app_url def _content_type_strategy(self, host, port, environ): """Check Content-Type header for API version.""" app = None params = parse_options_header(environ.get('CONTENT_TYPE', ''))[1] if 'version' in params: app, app_url = self._match(host, port, '/v' + params['version']) if app: app = self._set_script_name(app, app_url) return app def _accept_strategy(self, host, port, environ, supported_content_types): """Check Accept header for best matching MIME type and API version.""" accept = Accept(environ.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '')) app = None # Find the best match in the Accept header mime_type, params = accept.best_match(supported_content_types) if 'version' in params: app, app_url = self._match(host, port, '/v' + params['version']) if app: app = self._set_script_name(app, app_url) return mime_type, app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST', environ.get('SERVER_NAME')).lower() if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':', 1) else: if environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] == 'http': port = '80' else: port = '443' path_info = environ['PATH_INFO'] path_info = self.normalize_url(path_info, False)[1] # The MIME type for the response is determined in one of two ways: # 1) URL path suffix (eg /servers/detail.json) # 2) Accept header (eg application/json;q=0.8, application/xml;q=0.2) # The API version is determined in one of three ways: # 1) URL path prefix (eg /v1.1/tenant/servers/detail) # 2) Content-Type header (eg application/json;version=1.1) # 3) Accept header (eg application/json;q=0.8;version=1.1) supported_content_types = list(wsgi.SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES) mime_type, app, app_url = self._path_strategy(host, port, path_info) # Accept application/atom+xml for the index query of each API # version mount point as well as the root index if (app_url and app_url + '/' == path_info) or path_info == '/': supported_content_types.append('application/atom+xml') if not app: app = self._content_type_strategy(host, port, environ) if not mime_type or not app: possible_mime_type, possible_app = self._accept_strategy( host, port, environ, supported_content_types) if possible_mime_type and not mime_type: mime_type = possible_mime_type if possible_app and not app: app = possible_app if not mime_type: mime_type = 'application/json' if not app: # Didn't match a particular version, probably matches default app, app_url = self._match(host, port, path_info) if app: app = self._munge_path(app, path_info, app_url) if app: environ['cinder.best_content_type'] = mime_type return app(environ, start_response) environ['paste.urlmap_object'] = self return self.not_found_application(environ, start_response)