# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import binascii import traceback from castellan import key_manager import os_brick.initiator.connectors from oslo_concurrency import processutils from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import fileutils from oslo_utils import timeutils import six import taskflow.engines from taskflow.patterns import linear_flow from taskflow.types import failure as ft from cinder import backup as backup_api from cinder.backup import rpcapi as backup_rpcapi from cinder import context as cinder_context from cinder import coordination from cinder import exception from cinder import flow_utils from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder.image import glance from cinder.image import image_utils from cinder.message import api as message_api from cinder.message import message_field from cinder import objects from cinder.objects import consistencygroup from cinder.objects import fields from cinder import utils from cinder.volume.flows import common from cinder.volume import volume_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) ACTION = 'volume:create' CONF = cfg.CONF # These attributes we will attempt to save for the volume if they exist # in the source image metadata. IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES = ( 'checksum', 'container_format', 'disk_format', 'min_disk', 'min_ram', 'size', ) REKEY_SUPPORTED_CONNECTORS = ( os_brick.initiator.connectors.iscsi.ISCSIConnector, os_brick.initiator.connectors.fibre_channel.FibreChannelConnector, ) class OnFailureRescheduleTask(flow_utils.CinderTask): """Triggers a rescheduling request to be sent when reverting occurs. If rescheduling doesn't occur this task errors out the volume. Reversion strategy: Triggers the rescheduling mechanism whereby a cast gets sent to the scheduler rpc api to allow for an attempt X of Y for scheduling this volume elsewhere. """ def __init__(self, reschedule_context, db, driver, scheduler_rpcapi, do_reschedule): requires = ['filter_properties', 'request_spec', 'volume', 'context'] super(OnFailureRescheduleTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION], requires=requires) self.do_reschedule = do_reschedule self.scheduler_rpcapi = scheduler_rpcapi self.db = db self.driver = driver self.reschedule_context = reschedule_context # These exception types will trigger the volume to be set into error # status rather than being rescheduled. self.no_reschedule_types = [ # Image copying happens after volume creation so rescheduling due # to copy failure will mean the same volume will be created at # another place when it still exists locally. exception.ImageCopyFailure, # Metadata updates happen after the volume has been created so if # they fail, rescheduling will likely attempt to create the volume # on another machine when it still exists locally. exception.MetadataCopyFailure, exception.MetadataCreateFailure, exception.MetadataUpdateFailure, # The volume/snapshot has been removed from the database, that # can not be fixed by rescheduling. exception.VolumeNotFound, exception.SnapshotNotFound, exception.VolumeTypeNotFound, exception.ImageUnacceptable, exception.ImageTooBig, exception.InvalidSignatureImage, exception.ImageSignatureVerificationException ] def execute(self, **kwargs): pass def _pre_reschedule(self, volume): """Actions that happen before the rescheduling attempt occur here.""" try: # Update volume's timestamp and host. # # NOTE(harlowja): this is awkward to be done here, shouldn't # this happen at the scheduler itself and not before it gets # sent to the scheduler? (since what happens if it never gets # there??). It's almost like we need a status of 'on-the-way-to # scheduler' in the future. # We don't need to update the volume's status to creating, since # we haven't changed it to error. update = { 'scheduled_at': timeutils.utcnow(), 'host': None, } LOG.debug("Updating volume %(volume_id)s with %(update)s.", {'update': update, 'volume_id': volume.id}) volume.update(update) volume.save() except exception.CinderException: # Don't let updating the state cause the rescheduling to fail. LOG.exception("Volume %s: update volume state failed.", volume.id) def _reschedule(self, context, cause, request_spec, filter_properties, volume): """Actions that happen during the rescheduling attempt occur here.""" create_volume = self.scheduler_rpcapi.create_volume if not filter_properties: filter_properties = {} if 'retry' not in filter_properties: filter_properties['retry'] = {} retry_info = filter_properties['retry'] num_attempts = retry_info.get('num_attempts', 0) request_spec['volume_id'] = volume.id LOG.debug("Volume %(volume_id)s: re-scheduling %(method)s " "attempt %(num)d due to %(reason)s", {'volume_id': volume.id, 'method': common.make_pretty_name(create_volume), 'num': num_attempts, 'reason': cause.exception_str}) if all(cause.exc_info): # Stringify to avoid circular ref problem in json serialization retry_info['exc'] = traceback.format_exception(*cause.exc_info) return create_volume(context, volume, request_spec=request_spec, filter_properties=filter_properties) def _post_reschedule(self, volume): """Actions that happen after the rescheduling attempt occur here.""" LOG.debug("Volume %s: re-scheduled", volume.id) # NOTE(dulek): Here we should be sure that rescheduling occurred and # host field will be erased. Just in case volume was already created at # the backend, we attempt to delete it. try: self.driver.delete_volume(volume) except Exception: # Most likely the volume weren't created at the backend. We can # safely ignore this. pass def revert(self, context, result, flow_failures, volume, **kwargs): # NOTE(dulek): Revert is occurring and manager need to know if # rescheduling happened. We're returning boolean flag that will # indicate that. It which will be available in flow engine store # through get_revert_result method. # If do not want to be rescheduled, just set the volume's status to # error and return. if not self.do_reschedule: common.error_out(volume) LOG.error("Volume %s: create failed", volume.id) return False # Check if we have a cause which can tell us not to reschedule and # set the volume's status to error. for failure in flow_failures.values(): if failure.check(*self.no_reschedule_types): common.error_out(volume) LOG.error("Volume %s: create failed", volume.id) return False # Use a different context when rescheduling. if self.reschedule_context: cause = list(flow_failures.values())[0] context = self.reschedule_context try: self._pre_reschedule(volume) self._reschedule(context, cause, volume=volume, **kwargs) self._post_reschedule(volume) return True except exception.CinderException: LOG.exception("Volume %s: rescheduling failed", volume.id) return False class ExtractVolumeRefTask(flow_utils.CinderTask): """Extracts volume reference for given volume id.""" default_provides = 'refreshed' def __init__(self, db, host, set_error=True): super(ExtractVolumeRefTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION]) self.db = db self.host = host self.set_error = set_error def execute(self, context, volume): # NOTE(harlowja): this will fetch the volume from the database, if # the volume has been deleted before we got here then this should fail. # # In the future we might want to have a lock on the volume_id so that # the volume can not be deleted while its still being created? volume.refresh() return volume def revert(self, context, volume, result, **kwargs): if isinstance(result, ft.Failure) or not self.set_error: return reason = _('Volume create failed while extracting volume ref.') common.error_out(volume, reason) LOG.error("Volume %s: create failed", volume.id) class ExtractVolumeSpecTask(flow_utils.CinderTask): """Extracts a spec of a volume to be created into a common structure. This task extracts and organizes the input requirements into a common and easier to analyze structure for later tasks to use. It will also attach the underlying database volume reference which can be used by other tasks to reference for further details about the volume to be. Reversion strategy: N/A """ default_provides = 'volume_spec' def __init__(self, db): requires = ['volume', 'request_spec'] super(ExtractVolumeSpecTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION], requires=requires) self.db = db def execute(self, context, volume, request_spec): get_remote_image_service = glance.get_remote_image_service volume_name = volume.name volume_size = utils.as_int(volume.size, quiet=False) # Create a dictionary that will represent the volume to be so that # later tasks can easily switch between the different types and create # the volume according to the volume types specifications (which are # represented in this dictionary). specs = { 'status': volume.status, 'type': 'raw', # This will have the type of the volume to be # created, which should be one of [raw, snap, # source_vol, image, backup] 'volume_id': volume.id, 'volume_name': volume_name, 'volume_size': volume_size, } if volume.snapshot_id: # We are making a snapshot based volume instead of a raw volume. specs.update({ 'type': 'snap', 'snapshot_id': volume.snapshot_id, }) elif volume.source_volid: # We are making a source based volume instead of a raw volume. # # NOTE(harlowja): This will likely fail if the source volume # disappeared by the time this call occurred. source_volid = volume.source_volid source_volume_ref = objects.Volume.get_by_id(context, source_volid) specs.update({ 'source_volid': source_volid, # This is captured incase we have to revert and we want to set # back the source volume status to its original status. This # may or may not be sketchy to do?? 'source_volstatus': source_volume_ref.status, 'type': 'source_vol', }) elif request_spec.get('image_id'): # We are making an image based volume instead of a raw volume. image_href = request_spec['image_id'] image_service, image_id = get_remote_image_service(context, image_href) specs.update({ 'type': 'image', 'image_id': image_id, 'image_location': image_service.get_location(context, image_id), 'image_meta': image_service.show(context, image_id), # Instead of refetching the image service later just save it. # # NOTE(harlowja): if we have to later recover this tasks output # on another 'node' that this object won't be able to be # serialized, so we will have to recreate this object on # demand in the future. 'image_service': image_service, }) elif request_spec.get('backup_id'): # We are making a backup based volume instead of a raw volume. specs.update({ 'type': 'backup', 'backup_id': request_spec['backup_id'], # NOTE(luqitao): if the driver does not implement the method # `create_volume_from_backup`, cinder-backup will update the # volume's status, otherwise we need update it in the method # `CreateVolumeOnFinishTask`. 'need_update_volume': True, }) return specs def revert(self, context, result, **kwargs): if isinstance(result, ft.Failure): return volume_spec = result.get('volume_spec') # Restore the source volume status and set the volume to error status. common.restore_source_status(context, self.db, volume_spec) class NotifyVolumeActionTask(flow_utils.CinderTask): """Performs a notification about the given volume when called. Reversion strategy: N/A """ def __init__(self, db, event_suffix): super(NotifyVolumeActionTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION, event_suffix]) self.db = db self.event_suffix = event_suffix def execute(self, context, volume): try: volume_utils.notify_about_volume_usage(context, volume, self.event_suffix, host=volume.host) except exception.CinderException: # If notification sending of volume database entry reading fails # then we shouldn't error out the whole workflow since this is # not always information that must be sent for volumes to operate LOG.exception("Failed notifying about the volume" " action %(event)s for volume %(volume_id)s", {'event': self.event_suffix, 'volume_id': volume.id}) class CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(flow_utils.CinderTask): """Creates a volume from a provided specification. Reversion strategy: N/A """ default_provides = 'volume_spec' def __init__(self, manager, db, driver, image_volume_cache=None): super(CreateVolumeFromSpecTask, self).__init__(addons=[ACTION]) self.manager = manager self.db = db self.driver = driver self.image_volume_cache = image_volume_cache self.message = message_api.API() self.backup_api = backup_api.API() self.backup_rpcapi = backup_rpcapi.BackupAPI() def _handle_bootable_volume_glance_meta(self, context, volume, **kwargs): """Enable bootable flag and properly handle glance metadata. Caller should provide one and only one of snapshot_id,source_volid and image_id. If an image_id specified, an image_meta should also be provided, otherwise will be treated as an empty dictionary. """ log_template = _("Copying metadata from %(src_type)s %(src_id)s to " "%(vol_id)s.") exception_template = _("Failed updating volume %(vol_id)s metadata" " using the provided %(src_type)s" " %(src_id)s metadata") src_type = None src_id = None volume_utils.enable_bootable_flag(volume) try: if kwargs.get('snapshot_id'): src_type = 'snapshot' src_id = kwargs['snapshot_id'] snapshot_id = src_id LOG.debug(log_template, {'src_type': src_type, 'src_id': src_id, 'vol_id': volume.id}) self.db.volume_glance_metadata_copy_to_volume( context, volume.id, snapshot_id) elif kwargs.get('source_volid'): src_type = 'source volume' src_id = kwargs['source_volid'] source_volid = src_id LOG.debug(log_template, {'src_type': src_type, 'src_id': src_id, 'vol_id': volume.id}) self.db.volume_glance_metadata_copy_from_volume_to_volume( context, source_volid, volume.id) elif kwargs.get('image_id'): src_type = 'image' src_id = kwargs['image_id'] image_id = src_id image_meta = kwargs.get('image_meta', {}) LOG.debug(log_template, {'src_type': src_type, 'src_id': src_id, 'vol_id': volume.id}) self._capture_volume_image_metadata(context, volume.id, image_id, image_meta) except exception.GlanceMetadataNotFound: # If volume is not created from image, No glance metadata # would be available for that volume in # volume glance metadata table pass except exception.CinderException as ex: LOG.exception(exception_template, {'src_type': src_type, 'src_id': src_id, 'vol_id': volume.id}) raise exception.MetadataCopyFailure(reason=ex) def _create_from_snapshot(self, context, volume, snapshot_id, **kwargs): snapshot = objects.Snapshot.get_by_id(context, snapshot_id) try: model_update = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot) finally: self._cleanup_cg_in_volume(volume) # NOTE(harlowja): Subtasks would be useful here since after this # point the volume has already been created and further failures # will not destroy the volume (although they could in the future). make_bootable = False try: originating_vref = objects.Volume.get_by_id(context, snapshot.volume_id) make_bootable = originating_vref.bootable except exception.CinderException as ex: LOG.exception("Failed fetching snapshot %(snapshot_id)s bootable" " flag using the provided glance snapshot " "%(snapshot_ref_id)s volume reference", {'snapshot_id': snapshot_id, 'snapshot_ref_id': snapshot.volume_id}) raise exception.MetadataUpdateFailure(reason=ex) if make_bootable: self._handle_bootable_volume_glance_meta(context, volume, snapshot_id=snapshot_id) return model_update @staticmethod def _setup_encryption_keys(context, volume, encryption): """Return encryption keys in passphrase form for a clone operation. :param context: context :param volume: volume being cloned :param encryption: encryption info dict :returns: tuple (source_pass, new_pass, new_key_id) """ keymgr = key_manager.API(CONF) key = keymgr.get(context, encryption['encryption_key_id']) source_pass = binascii.hexlify(key.get_encoded()).decode('utf-8') new_key_id = volume_utils.create_encryption_key(context, keymgr, volume.volume_type_id) new_key = keymgr.get(context, encryption['encryption_key_id']) new_pass = binascii.hexlify(new_key.get_encoded()).decode('utf-8') return (source_pass, new_pass, new_key_id) def _rekey_volume(self, context, volume): """Change encryption key on volume. :returns: model update dict """ LOG.debug('rekey volume %s', volume.name) properties = utils.brick_get_connector_properties(False, False) LOG.debug("properties: %s", properties) attach_info = None model_update = {} new_key_id = None original_key_id = volume.encryption_key_id key_mgr = key_manager.API(CONF) try: attach_info, volume = self.driver._attach_volume(context, volume, properties) if not any(c for c in REKEY_SUPPORTED_CONNECTORS if isinstance(attach_info['connector'], c)): LOG.debug('skipping rekey, connector: %s', attach_info['connector']) raise exception.RekeyNotSupported() LOG.debug("attempting attach for rekey, attach_info: %s", attach_info) if (isinstance(attach_info['device']['path'], six.string_types)): image_info = image_utils.qemu_img_info( attach_info['device']['path']) else: # Should not happen, just a safety check LOG.error('%s appears to not be encrypted', attach_info['device']['path']) raise exception.RekeyNotSupported() encryption = volume_utils.check_encryption_provider( self.db, volume, context) (source_pass, new_pass, new_key_id) = self._setup_encryption_keys( context, volume, encryption) if image_info.encrypted == 'yes': key_str = source_pass + "\n" + new_pass + "\n" del source_pass (out, err) = utils.execute( 'cryptsetup', 'luksChangeKey', attach_info['device']['path'], '--force-password', run_as_root=True, process_input=key_str, log_errors=processutils.LOG_ALL_ERRORS) del key_str model_update = {'encryption_key_id': new_key_id} else: # volume has not been written to yet, format with luks del source_pass if image_info.file_format != 'raw': # Something has gone wrong if the image is not encrypted # and is detected as another format. raise exception.Invalid() if encryption['provider'] == 'luks': # Force ambiguous "luks" provider to luks1 for # compatibility with new versions of cryptsetup. encryption['provider'] = 'luks1' (out, err) = utils.execute( 'cryptsetup', '--batch-mode', 'luksFormat', '--force-password', '--type', encryption['provider'], '--cipher', encryption['cipher'], '--key-size', str(encryption['key_size']), '--key-file=-', attach_info['device']['path'], run_as_root=True, process_input=new_pass) del new_pass model_update = {'encryption_key_id': new_key_id} # delete the original key that was cloned for this volume # earlier volume_utils.delete_encryption_key(context, key_mgr, original_key_id) except exception.RekeyNotSupported: pass except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): if new_key_id is not None: # Remove newly cloned key since it will not be used. volume_utils.delete_encryption_key( context, key_mgr, new_key_id) finally: if attach_info: self.driver._detach_volume(context, attach_info, volume, properties, force=True) return model_update def _create_from_source_volume(self, context, volume, source_volid, **kwargs): # NOTE(harlowja): if the source volume has disappeared this will be our # detection of that since this database call should fail. # # NOTE(harlowja): likely this is not the best place for this to happen # and we should have proper locks on the source volume while actions # that use the source volume are underway. srcvol_ref = objects.Volume.get_by_id(context, source_volid) try: model_update = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(volume, srcvol_ref) if model_update is None: model_update = {} if volume.encryption_key_id is not None: rekey_model_update = self._rekey_volume(context, volume) model_update.update(rekey_model_update) finally: self._cleanup_cg_in_volume(volume) # NOTE(harlowja): Subtasks would be useful here since after this # point the volume has already been created and further failures # will not destroy the volume (although they could in the future). if srcvol_ref.bootable: self._handle_bootable_volume_glance_meta( context, volume, source_volid=srcvol_ref.id) return model_update def _capture_volume_image_metadata(self, context, volume_id, image_id, image_meta): volume_metadata = volume_utils.get_volume_image_metadata( image_id, image_meta) LOG.debug("Creating volume glance metadata for volume %(volume_id)s" " backed by image %(image_id)s with: %(vol_metadata)s.", {'volume_id': volume_id, 'image_id': image_id, 'vol_metadata': volume_metadata}) self.db.volume_glance_metadata_bulk_create(context, volume_id, volume_metadata) def _clone_image_volume(self, context, volume, image_location, image_meta): """Create a volume efficiently from an existing image. Returns a dict of volume properties eg. provider_location, boolean indicating whether cloning occurred """ # NOTE (lixiaoy1): currently can't create volume from source vol with # different encryptions, so just return. if not image_location or volume.encryption_key_id: return None, False if (image_meta.get('container_format') != 'bare' or image_meta.get('disk_format') != 'raw'): LOG.info("Requested image %(id)s is not in raw format.", {'id': image_meta.get('id')}) return None, False image_volume = None direct_url, locations = image_location urls = set([direct_url] + [loc.get('url') for loc in locations or []]) image_volume_ids = [url[9:] for url in urls if url and url.startswith('cinder://')] image_volumes = self.db.volume_get_all_by_host( context, volume['host'], filters={'id': image_volume_ids}) for image_volume in image_volumes: # For the case image volume is stored in the service tenant, # image_owner volume metadata should also be checked. image_owner = None volume_metadata = image_volume.get('volume_metadata') or {} for m in volume_metadata: if m['key'] == 'image_owner': image_owner = m['value'] if (image_meta['owner'] != volume['project_id'] and image_meta['owner'] != image_owner): LOG.info("Skipping image volume %(id)s because " "it is not accessible by current Tenant.", {'id': image_volume.id}) continue LOG.info("Will clone a volume from the image volume " "%(id)s.", {'id': image_volume.id}) break else: LOG.debug("No accessible image volume for image %(id)s found.", {'id': image_meta['id']}) return None, False try: ret = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(volume, image_volume) self._cleanup_cg_in_volume(volume) return ret, True except (NotImplementedError, exception.CinderException): LOG.exception('Failed to clone image volume %(id)s.', {'id': image_volume['id']}) return None, False def _create_from_image_download(self, context, volume, image_location, image_meta, image_service): # TODO(harlowja): what needs to be rolled back in the clone if this # volume create fails?? Likely this should be a subflow or broken # out task in the future. That will bring up the question of how # do we make said subflow/task which is only triggered in the # clone image 'path' resumable and revertable in the correct # manner. model_update = self.driver.create_volume(volume) or {} self._cleanup_cg_in_volume(volume) model_update['status'] = 'downloading' try: volume.update(model_update) volume.save() except exception.CinderException: LOG.exception("Failed updating volume %(volume_id)s with " "%(updates)s", {'volume_id': volume.id, 'updates': model_update}) try: volume_utils.copy_image_to_volume(self.driver, context, volume, image_meta, image_location, image_service) except exception.ImageTooBig: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to copy image to volume " "%(volume_id)s due to insufficient space", {'volume_id': volume.id}) return model_update def _create_from_image_cache(self, context, internal_context, volume, image_id, image_meta): """Attempt to create the volume using the image cache. Best case this will simply clone the existing volume in the cache. Worst case the image is out of date and will be evicted. In that case a clone will not be created and the image must be downloaded again. """ LOG.debug('Attempting to retrieve cache entry for image = ' '%(image_id)s on host %(host)s.', {'image_id': image_id, 'host': volume.host}) # Currently can't create volume from source vol with different # encryptions, so just return if volume.encryption_key_id: return None, False try: cache_entry = self.image_volume_cache.get_entry(internal_context, volume, image_id, image_meta) if cache_entry: LOG.debug('Creating from source image-volume %(volume_id)s', {'volume_id': cache_entry['volume_id']}) model_update = self._create_from_source_volume( context, volume, cache_entry['volume_id'] ) return model_update, True except exception.SnapshotLimitReached: # If this exception occurred when cloning the image-volume, # it is because the image-volume reached its snapshot limit. # Delete current cache entry and create a "fresh" entry # NOTE: This will not delete the existing image-volume and # only delete the cache entry with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.image_volume_cache.evict(context, cache_entry) except NotImplementedError: LOG.warning('Backend does not support creating image-volume ' 'clone. Image will be downloaded from Glance.') return None, False @coordination.synchronized('{image_id}') def _prepare_image_cache_entry(self, context, volume, image_location, image_id, image_meta, image_service): internal_context = cinder_context.get_internal_tenant_context() if not internal_context: return None, False cache_entry = self.image_volume_cache.get_entry(internal_context, volume, image_id, image_meta) # If the entry is in the cache then return ASAP in order to minimize # the scope of the lock. If it isn't in the cache then do the work # that adds it. The work is done inside the locked region to ensure # only one cache entry is created. if cache_entry: LOG.debug('Found cache entry for image = ' '%(image_id)s on host %(host)s.', {'image_id': image_id, 'host': volume.host}) return None, False else: LOG.debug('Preparing cache entry for image = ' '%(image_id)s on host %(host)s.', {'image_id': image_id, 'host': volume.host}) model_update = self._create_from_image_cache_or_download( context, volume, image_location, image_id, image_meta, image_service, update_cache=True) return model_update, True def _create_from_image_cache_or_download(self, context, volume, image_location, image_id, image_meta, image_service, update_cache=False): # NOTE(e0ne): check for free space in image_conversion_dir before # image downloading. # NOTE(mnaser): This check *only* happens if the backend is not able # to clone volumes and we have to resort to downloading # the image from Glance and uploading it. if CONF.image_conversion_dir: fileutils.ensure_tree(CONF.image_conversion_dir) try: image_utils.check_available_space( CONF.image_conversion_dir, image_meta['size'], image_id) except exception.ImageTooBig as err: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.message.create( context, message_field.Action.COPY_IMAGE_TO_VOLUME, resource_uuid=volume.id, detail=message_field.Detail.NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_IMAGE, exception=err) # Try and use the image cache. should_create_cache_entry = False cloned = False model_update = None if self.image_volume_cache: internal_context = cinder_context.get_internal_tenant_context() if not internal_context: LOG.info('Unable to get Cinder internal context, will ' 'not use image-volume cache.') else: try: model_update, cloned = self._create_from_image_cache( context, internal_context, volume, image_id, image_meta ) except exception.SnapshotLimitReached: # This exception will be handled by the caller's # (_create_from_image) retry decorator with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.debug("Snapshot limit reached. Creating new " "image-volume.") except exception.CinderException as e: LOG.warning('Failed to create volume from image-volume ' 'cache, image will be downloaded from Glance. ' 'Error: %(exception)s', {'exception': e}) # Don't cache unless directed. if not cloned and update_cache: should_create_cache_entry = True # cleanup consistencygroup field in the volume, # because when creating cache entry, it will need # to update volume object. self._cleanup_cg_in_volume(volume) # Fall back to default behavior of creating volume, # download the image data and copy it into the volume. original_size = volume.size backend_name = volume_utils.extract_host(volume.service_topic_queue) try: if not cloned: try: with image_utils.TemporaryImages.fetch( image_service, context, image_id, backend_name) as tmp_image: if CONF.verify_glance_signatures != 'disabled': # Verify image signature via reading content from # temp image, and store the verification flag if # required. verified = \ image_utils.verify_glance_image_signature( context, image_service, image_id, tmp_image) self.db.volume_glance_metadata_bulk_create( context, volume.id, {'signature_verified': verified}) # Try to create the volume as the minimal size, # then we can extend once the image has been # downloaded. data = image_utils.qemu_img_info(tmp_image) virtual_size = image_utils.check_virtual_size( data.virtual_size, volume.size, image_id) if should_create_cache_entry: if virtual_size and virtual_size != original_size: volume.size = virtual_size volume.save() model_update = self._create_from_image_download( context, volume, image_location, image_meta, image_service ) except exception.ImageTooBig as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.message.create( context, message_field.Action.COPY_IMAGE_TO_VOLUME, resource_uuid=volume.id, detail= message_field.Detail.NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_FOR_IMAGE, exception=e) except exception.ImageSignatureVerificationException as err: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.message.create( context, message_field.Action.COPY_IMAGE_TO_VOLUME, resource_uuid=volume.id, detail= message_field.Detail.SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILED, exception=err) if should_create_cache_entry: # Update the newly created volume db entry before we clone it # for the image-volume creation. if model_update: volume.update(model_update) volume.save() self.manager._create_image_cache_volume_entry(internal_context, volume, image_id, image_meta) finally: # If we created the volume as the minimal size, extend it back to # what was originally requested. If an exception has occurred or # extending it back failed, we still need to put this back before # letting it be raised further up the stack. if volume.size != original_size: try: self.driver.extend_volume(volume, original_size) finally: volume.size = original_size volume.save() return model_update @utils.retry(exception.SnapshotLimitReached, retries=1) def _create_from_image(self, context, volume, image_location, image_id, image_meta, image_service, **kwargs): LOG.debug("Cloning %(volume_id)s from image %(image_id)s " " at location %(image_location)s.", {'volume_id': volume.id, 'image_location': image_location, 'image_id': image_id}) virtual_size = image_meta.get('virtual_size') if virtual_size: virtual_size = image_utils.check_virtual_size(virtual_size, volume.size, image_id) # Create the volume from an image. # # First see if the driver can clone the image directly. # # NOTE (singn): two params need to be returned # dict containing provider_location for cloned volume # and clone status. # NOTE (lixiaoy1): Currently all images are raw data, we can't # use clone_image to copy data if new volume is encrypted. volume_is_encrypted = volume.encryption_key_id is not None cloned = False model_update = None if not volume_is_encrypted: model_update, cloned = self.driver.clone_image(context, volume, image_location, image_meta, image_service) # Try and clone the image if we have it set as a glance location. if not cloned and 'cinder' in CONF.allowed_direct_url_schemes: model_update, cloned = self._clone_image_volume(context, volume, image_location, image_meta) # If we're going to try using the image cache then prepare the cache # entry. Note: encrypted volume images are not cached. if not cloned and self.image_volume_cache and not volume_is_encrypted: # If _prepare_image_cache_entry() has to create the cache entry # then it will also create the volume. But if the volume image # is already in the cache then it returns (None, False), and # _create_from_image_cache_or_download() will use the cache. model_update, cloned = self._prepare_image_cache_entry( context, volume, image_location, image_id, image_meta, image_service) # Try and use the image cache, and download if not cached. if not cloned: model_update = self._create_from_image_cache_or_download( context, volume, image_location, image_id, image_meta, image_service) self._handle_bootable_volume_glance_meta(context, volume, image_id=image_id, image_meta=image_meta) return model_update def _create_from_backup(self, context, volume, backup_id, **kwargs): LOG.info("Creating volume %(volume_id)s from backup %(backup_id)s.", {'volume_id': volume.id, 'backup_id': backup_id}) ret = {} backup = objects.Backup.get_by_id(context, backup_id) try: ret = self.driver.create_volume_from_backup(volume, backup) need_update_volume = True except NotImplementedError: LOG.info("Backend does not support creating volume from " "backup %(id)s. It will directly create the raw volume " "at the backend and then schedule the request to the " "backup service to restore the volume with backup.", {'id': backup_id}) model_update = self._create_raw_volume( context, volume, **kwargs) or {} volume.update(model_update) volume.save() backup_host = self.backup_api.get_available_backup_service_host( backup.host, backup.availability_zone) updates = {'status': fields.BackupStatus.RESTORING, 'restore_volume_id': volume.id, 'host': backup_host} backup.update(updates) backup.save() self.backup_rpcapi.restore_backup(context, backup.host, backup, volume.id) need_update_volume = False LOG.info("Created volume %(volume_id)s from backup %(backup_id)s " "successfully.", {'volume_id': volume.id, 'backup_id': backup_id}) return ret, need_update_volume def _create_raw_volume(self, context, volume, **kwargs): try: ret = self.driver.create_volume(volume) except Exception as ex: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.message.create( context, message_field.Action.CREATE_VOLUME_FROM_BACKEND, resource_uuid=volume.id, detail=message_field.Detail.DRIVER_FAILED_CREATE, exception=ex) finally: self._cleanup_cg_in_volume(volume) return ret def execute(self, context, volume, volume_spec): volume_spec = dict(volume_spec) volume_id = volume_spec.pop('volume_id', None) if not volume_id: volume_id = volume.id # we can't do anything if the driver didn't init if not self.driver.initialized: driver_name = self.driver.__class__.__name__ LOG.error("Unable to create volume. " "Volume driver %s not initialized", driver_name) raise exception.DriverNotInitialized() # NOTE(xyang): Populate consistencygroup_id and consistencygroup # fields before passing to the driver. This is to support backward # compatibility of consistencygroup. if volume.group_id: volume.consistencygroup_id = volume.group_id cg = consistencygroup.ConsistencyGroup() cg.from_group(volume.group) volume.consistencygroup = cg create_type = volume_spec.pop('type', None) LOG.info("Volume %(volume_id)s: being created as %(create_type)s " "with specification: %(volume_spec)s", {'volume_spec': volume_spec, 'volume_id': volume_id, 'create_type': create_type}) if create_type == 'raw': model_update = self._create_raw_volume( context, volume, **volume_spec) elif create_type == 'snap': model_update = self._create_from_snapshot(context, volume, **volume_spec) elif create_type == 'source_vol': model_update = self._create_from_source_volume( context, volume, **volume_spec) elif create_type == 'image': model_update = self._create_from_image(context, volume, **volume_spec) elif create_type == 'backup': model_update, need_update_volume = self._create_from_backup( context, volume, **volume_spec) volume_spec.update({'need_update_volume': need_update_volume}) else: raise exception.VolumeTypeNotFound(volume_type_id=create_type) # Persist any model information provided on creation. try: if model_update: with volume.obj_as_admin(): volume.update(model_update) volume.save() except exception.CinderException: # If somehow the update failed we want to ensure that the # failure is logged (but not try rescheduling since the volume at # this point has been created). LOG.exception("Failed updating model of volume %(volume_id)s " "with creation provided model %(model)s", {'volume_id': volume_id, 'model': model_update}) raise return volume_spec def _cleanup_cg_in_volume(self, volume): # NOTE(xyang): Cannot have both group_id and consistencygroup_id. # consistencygroup_id needs to be removed to avoid DB reference # error because there isn't an entry in the consistencygroups table. if (('group_id' in volume and volume.group_id) and ('consistencygroup_id' in volume and volume.consistencygroup_id)): volume.consistencygroup_id = None if 'consistencygroup' in volume: volume.consistencygroup = None class CreateVolumeOnFinishTask(NotifyVolumeActionTask): """On successful volume creation this will perform final volume actions. When a volume is created successfully it is expected that MQ notifications and database updates will occur to 'signal' to others that the volume is now ready for usage. This task does those notifications and updates in a reliable manner (not re-raising exceptions if said actions can not be triggered). Reversion strategy: N/A """ def __init__(self, db, event_suffix): super(CreateVolumeOnFinishTask, self).__init__(db, event_suffix) self.status_translation = { 'migration_target_creating': 'migration_target', } def execute(self, context, volume, volume_spec): need_update_volume = volume_spec.pop('need_update_volume', True) if not need_update_volume: super(CreateVolumeOnFinishTask, self).execute(context, volume) return new_status = self.status_translation.get(volume_spec.get('status'), 'available') update = { 'status': new_status, 'launched_at': timeutils.utcnow(), } try: # TODO(harlowja): is it acceptable to only log if this fails?? # or are there other side-effects that this will cause if the # status isn't updated correctly (aka it will likely be stuck in # 'creating' if this fails)?? volume.update(update) volume.save() # Now use the parent to notify. super(CreateVolumeOnFinishTask, self).execute(context, volume) except exception.CinderException: LOG.exception("Failed updating volume %(volume_id)s with " "%(update)s", {'volume_id': volume.id, 'update': update}) # Even if the update fails, the volume is ready. LOG.info("Volume %(volume_name)s (%(volume_id)s): " "created successfully", {'volume_name': volume_spec['volume_name'], 'volume_id': volume.id}) def get_flow(context, manager, db, driver, scheduler_rpcapi, host, volume, allow_reschedule, reschedule_context, request_spec, filter_properties, image_volume_cache=None): """Constructs and returns the manager entrypoint flow. This flow will do the following: 1. Determines if rescheduling is enabled (ahead of time). 2. Inject keys & values for dependent tasks. 3. Selects 1 of 2 activated only on *failure* tasks (one to update the db status & notify or one to update the db status & notify & *reschedule*). 4. Extracts a volume specification from the provided inputs. 5. Notifies that the volume has started to be created. 6. Creates a volume from the extracted volume specification. 7. Attaches an on-success *only* task that notifies that the volume creation has ended and performs further database status updates. """ flow_name = ACTION.replace(":", "_") + "_manager" volume_flow = linear_flow.Flow(flow_name) # This injects the initial starting flow values into the workflow so that # the dependency order of the tasks provides/requires can be correctly # determined. create_what = { 'context': context, 'filter_properties': filter_properties, 'request_spec': request_spec, 'volume': volume, } volume_flow.add(ExtractVolumeRefTask(db, host, set_error=False)) retry = filter_properties.get('retry', None) # Always add OnFailureRescheduleTask and we handle the change of volume's # status when reverting the flow. Meanwhile, no need to revert process of # ExtractVolumeRefTask. do_reschedule = allow_reschedule and request_spec and retry volume_flow.add(OnFailureRescheduleTask(reschedule_context, db, driver, scheduler_rpcapi, do_reschedule)) LOG.debug("Volume reschedule parameters: %(allow)s " "retry: %(retry)s", {'allow': allow_reschedule, 'retry': retry}) volume_flow.add(ExtractVolumeSpecTask(db), NotifyVolumeActionTask(db, "create.start"), CreateVolumeFromSpecTask(manager, db, driver, image_volume_cache), CreateVolumeOnFinishTask(db, "create.end")) # Now load (but do not run) the flow using the provided initial data. return taskflow.engines.load(volume_flow, store=create_what)