# Copyright (c) 2011 X.commerce, a business unit of eBay Inc. # Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # Copyright 2011 Piston Cloud Computing, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ SQLAlchemy models for cinder data. """ from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import models from oslo_utils import timeutils from sqlalchemy import and_, func, select from sqlalchemy import bindparam from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Text, schema, Index from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, DateTime, Boolean, UniqueConstraint from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, column_property, relationship, validates CONF = cfg.CONF BASE = declarative_base() class CinderBase(models.TimestampMixin, models.ModelBase): """Base class for Cinder Models.""" __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB'} # TODO(rpodolyaka): reuse models.SoftDeleteMixin in the next stage # of implementing of BP db-cleanup deleted_at = Column(DateTime) deleted = Column(Boolean, default=False) metadata = None @staticmethod def delete_values(): return {'deleted': True, 'deleted_at': timeutils.utcnow()} def delete(self, session): """Delete this object.""" updated_values = self.delete_values() self.update(updated_values) self.save(session=session) return updated_values class Service(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a running service on a host.""" __tablename__ = 'services' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) uuid = Column(String(36), nullable=True, index=True) cluster_name = Column(String(255), nullable=True) host = Column(String(255)) # , ForeignKey('hosts.id')) binary = Column(String(255)) # We want to overwrite default updated_at definition so we timestamp at # creation as well, so we only need to check updated_at for the heartbeat updated_at = Column(DateTime, default=timeutils.utcnow, onupdate=timeutils.utcnow) topic = Column(String(255)) report_count = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0) disabled = Column(Boolean, default=False) availability_zone = Column(String(255), default='cinder') disabled_reason = Column(String(255)) # adding column modified_at to contain timestamp # for manual enable/disable of cinder services # updated_at column will now contain timestamps for # periodic updates modified_at = Column(DateTime) # Version columns to support rolling upgrade. These report the max RPC API # and objects versions that the manager of the service is able to support. rpc_current_version = Column(String(36)) object_current_version = Column(String(36)) # replication_status can be: enabled, disabled, not-capable, error, # failed-over or not-configured replication_status = Column(String(36), default="not-capable") active_backend_id = Column(String(255)) frozen = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) cluster = relationship('Cluster', backref='services', foreign_keys=cluster_name, primaryjoin='and_(' 'Service.cluster_name == Cluster.name,' 'Service.deleted == False)') class Cluster(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a cluster of hosts.""" __tablename__ = 'clusters' # To remove potential races on creation we have a constraint set on name # and race_preventer fields, and we set value on creation to 0, so 2 # clusters with the same name will fail this constraint. On deletion we # change this field to the same value as the id which will be unique and # will not conflict with the creation of another cluster with the same # name. __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'binary', 'race_preventer'), CinderBase.__table_args__) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) # NOTE(geguileo): Name is constructed in the same way that Server.host but # using cluster configuration option instead of host. name = Column(String(255), nullable=False) binary = Column(String(255), nullable=False) disabled = Column(Boolean, default=False) disabled_reason = Column(String(255)) race_preventer = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0) replication_status = Column(String(36), default="not-capable") active_backend_id = Column(String(255)) frozen = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) # Last heartbeat reported by any of the services of this cluster. This is # not deferred since we always want to load this field. last_heartbeat = column_property( select([func.max(Service.updated_at)]). where(and_(Service.cluster_name == name, ~Service.deleted)). correlate_except(Service), deferred=False) # Number of existing services for this cluster num_hosts = column_property( select([func.count(Service.id)]). where(and_(Service.cluster_name == name, ~Service.deleted)). correlate_except(Service), group='services_summary', deferred=True) # Number of services that are down for this cluster num_down_hosts = column_property( select([func.count(Service.id)]). where(and_(Service.cluster_name == name, ~Service.deleted, Service.updated_at < bindparam('expired'))). correlate_except(Service), group='services_summary', deferred=True) @staticmethod def delete_values(): return {'race_preventer': Cluster.id, 'deleted': True, 'deleted_at': timeutils.utcnow()} class ConsistencyGroup(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a consistencygroup.""" __tablename__ = 'consistencygroups' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) user_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) cluster_name = Column(String(255), nullable=True) host = Column(String(255)) availability_zone = Column(String(255)) name = Column(String(255)) description = Column(String(255)) volume_type_id = Column(String(255)) status = Column(String(255)) cgsnapshot_id = Column(String(36)) source_cgid = Column(String(36)) class Group(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a generic volume group.""" __tablename__ = 'groups' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) user_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) cluster_name = Column(String(255)) host = Column(String(255)) availability_zone = Column(String(255)) name = Column(String(255)) description = Column(String(255)) status = Column(String(255)) group_type_id = Column(String(36)) group_snapshot_id = Column(String(36)) source_group_id = Column(String(36)) replication_status = Column(String(255)) class CGSnapshot(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a cgsnapshot.""" __tablename__ = 'cgsnapshots' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) consistencygroup_id = Column(String(36), index=True) user_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) name = Column(String(255)) description = Column(String(255)) status = Column(String(255)) consistencygroup = relationship( ConsistencyGroup, backref="cgsnapshots", foreign_keys=consistencygroup_id, primaryjoin='CGSnapshot.consistencygroup_id == ConsistencyGroup.id') class GroupSnapshot(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a group snapshot.""" __tablename__ = 'group_snapshots' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) group_id = Column(String(36), nullable=False, index=True) user_id = Column(String(255)) project_id = Column(String(255)) name = Column(String(255)) description = Column(String(255)) status = Column(String(255)) group_type_id = Column(String(36)) group = relationship( Group, backref="group_snapshots", foreign_keys=group_id, primaryjoin='GroupSnapshot.group_id == Group.id') class Volume(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a block storage device that can be attached to a vm.""" __tablename__ = 'volumes' __table_args__ = (Index('volumes_service_uuid_idx', 'deleted', 'service_uuid'), CinderBase.__table_args__) id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) _name_id = Column(String(36)) # Don't access/modify this directly! @property def name_id(self): return self.id if not self._name_id else self._name_id @name_id.setter def name_id(self, value): self._name_id = value @property def name(self): return CONF.volume_name_template % self.name_id ec2_id = Column(Integer) user_id = Column(String(255)) project_id = Column(String(255)) snapshot_id = Column(String(36)) cluster_name = Column(String(255), nullable=True) host = Column(String(255)) # , ForeignKey('hosts.id')) size = Column(Integer) availability_zone = Column(String(255)) # TODO(vish): foreign key? status = Column(String(255)) # TODO(vish): enum? attach_status = Column(String(255)) # TODO(vish): enum migration_status = Column(String(255)) scheduled_at = Column(DateTime) launched_at = Column(DateTime) terminated_at = Column(DateTime) display_name = Column(String(255)) display_description = Column(String(255)) provider_location = Column(String(255)) provider_auth = Column(String(255)) provider_geometry = Column(String(255)) provider_id = Column(String(255)) volume_type_id = Column(String(36)) source_volid = Column(String(36)) encryption_key_id = Column(String(36)) consistencygroup_id = Column(String(36), index=True) group_id = Column(String(36), index=True) bootable = Column(Boolean, default=False) multiattach = Column(Boolean, default=False) replication_status = Column(String(255)) replication_extended_status = Column(String(255)) replication_driver_data = Column(String(255)) previous_status = Column(String(255)) consistencygroup = relationship( ConsistencyGroup, backref="volumes", foreign_keys=consistencygroup_id, primaryjoin='Volume.consistencygroup_id == ConsistencyGroup.id') group = relationship( Group, backref="volumes", foreign_keys=group_id, primaryjoin='Volume.group_id == Group.id') service_uuid = Column(String(36), index=True) service = relationship(Service, backref="volumes", foreign_keys=service_uuid, primaryjoin='Volume.service_uuid == Service.uuid') shared_targets = Column(Boolean, default=True) # make an FK of service? class VolumeMetadata(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a metadata key/value pair for a volume.""" __tablename__ = 'volume_metadata' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(String(255)) volume_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volumes.id'), nullable=False, index=True) volume = relationship(Volume, backref="volume_metadata", foreign_keys=volume_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'VolumeMetadata.volume_id == Volume.id,' 'VolumeMetadata.deleted == False)') class VolumeAdminMetadata(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents an administrator metadata key/value pair for a volume.""" __tablename__ = 'volume_admin_metadata' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(String(255)) volume_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volumes.id'), nullable=False, index=True) volume = relationship(Volume, backref="volume_admin_metadata", foreign_keys=volume_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'VolumeAdminMetadata.volume_id == Volume.id,' 'VolumeAdminMetadata.deleted == False)') class VolumeAttachment(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a volume attachment for a vm.""" __tablename__ = 'volume_attachment' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) volume_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volumes.id'), nullable=False, index=True) volume = relationship(Volume, backref="volume_attachment", foreign_keys=volume_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'VolumeAttachment.volume_id == Volume.id,' 'VolumeAttachment.deleted == False)') instance_uuid = Column(String(36)) attached_host = Column(String(255)) mountpoint = Column(String(255)) attach_time = Column(DateTime) detach_time = Column(DateTime) attach_status = Column(String(255)) attach_mode = Column(String(255)) connection_info = Column(Text) # Stores a serialized json dict of host connector information from brick. connector = Column(Text) class VolumeType(BASE, CinderBase): """Represent possible volume_types of volumes offered.""" __tablename__ = "volume_types" id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) name = Column(String(255)) description = Column(String(255)) # A reference to qos_specs entity qos_specs_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('quality_of_service_specs.id'), index=True) is_public = Column(Boolean, default=True) volumes = relationship(Volume, backref=backref('volume_type', uselist=False), foreign_keys=id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'Volume.volume_type_id == VolumeType.id, ' 'VolumeType.deleted == False)') class GroupType(BASE, CinderBase): """Represent possible group_types of groups offered.""" __tablename__ = "group_types" id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) name = Column(String(255)) description = Column(String(255)) is_public = Column(Boolean, default=True) groups = relationship(Group, backref=backref('group_type', uselist=False), foreign_keys=id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'Group.group_type_id == GroupType.id, ' 'GroupType.deleted == False)') class GroupVolumeTypeMapping(BASE, CinderBase): """Represent mapping between groups and volume_types.""" __tablename__ = "group_volume_type_mapping" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False) volume_type_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volume_types.id'), nullable=False, index=True) group_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('groups.id'), nullable=False, index=True) group = relationship( Group, backref="volume_types", foreign_keys=group_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'GroupVolumeTypeMapping.group_id == Group.id,' 'GroupVolumeTypeMapping.deleted == False)' ) class VolumeTypeProjects(BASE, CinderBase): """Represent projects associated volume_types.""" __tablename__ = "volume_type_projects" __table_args__ = (schema.UniqueConstraint( "volume_type_id", "project_id", "deleted", name="uniq_volume_type_projects0volume_type_id0project_id0deleted"), CinderBase.__table_args__) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) volume_type_id = Column(String, ForeignKey('volume_types.id'), nullable=False) project_id = Column(String(255)) deleted = Column(Integer, default=0) volume_type = relationship( VolumeType, backref="projects", foreign_keys=volume_type_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'VolumeTypeProjects.volume_type_id == VolumeType.id,' 'VolumeTypeProjects.deleted == 0)') class GroupTypeProjects(BASE, CinderBase): """Represent projects associated group_types.""" __tablename__ = "group_type_projects" __table_args__ = (schema.UniqueConstraint( "group_type_id", "project_id", "deleted", name="uniq_group_type_projects0group_type_id0project_id0deleted"), CinderBase.__table_args__) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) group_type_id = Column(String, ForeignKey('group_types.id'), nullable=False) project_id = Column(String(255)) group_type = relationship( GroupType, backref="projects", foreign_keys=group_type_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'GroupTypeProjects.group_type_id == GroupType.id,' 'GroupTypeProjects.deleted == False)') class VolumeTypeExtraSpecs(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents additional specs as key/value pairs for a volume_type.""" __tablename__ = 'volume_type_extra_specs' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(String(255)) volume_type_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volume_types.id'), nullable=False, index=True) volume_type = relationship( VolumeType, backref="extra_specs", foreign_keys=volume_type_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'VolumeTypeExtraSpecs.volume_type_id == VolumeType.id,' 'VolumeTypeExtraSpecs.deleted == False)' ) class GroupTypeSpecs(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents additional specs as key/value pairs for a group_type.""" __tablename__ = 'group_type_specs' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(String(255)) group_type_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('group_types.id'), nullable=False, index=True) group_type = relationship( GroupType, backref="group_specs", foreign_keys=group_type_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'GroupTypeSpecs.group_type_id == GroupType.id,' 'GroupTypeSpecs.deleted == False)' ) class QualityOfServiceSpecs(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents QoS specs as key/value pairs. QoS specs is standalone entity that can be associated/disassociated with volume types (one to many relation). Adjacency list relationship pattern is used in this model in order to represent following hierarchical data with in flat table, e.g, following structure: .. code-block:: none qos-specs-1 'Rate-Limit' | +------> consumer = 'front-end' +------> total_bytes_sec = 1048576 +------> total_iops_sec = 500 qos-specs-2 'QoS_Level1' | +------> consumer = 'back-end' +------> max-iops = 1000 +------> min-iops = 200 is represented by: id specs_id key value ------ -------- ------------- ----- UUID-1 NULL QoSSpec_Name Rate-Limit UUID-2 UUID-1 consumer front-end UUID-3 UUID-1 total_bytes_sec 1048576 UUID-4 UUID-1 total_iops_sec 500 UUID-5 NULL QoSSpec_Name QoS_Level1 UUID-6 UUID-5 consumer back-end UUID-7 UUID-5 max-iops 1000 UUID-8 UUID-5 min-iops 200 """ __tablename__ = 'quality_of_service_specs' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) specs_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey(id), index=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(String(255)) specs = relationship( "QualityOfServiceSpecs", cascade="all, delete-orphan", backref=backref("qos_spec", remote_side=id), ) vol_types = relationship( VolumeType, backref=backref('qos_specs'), foreign_keys=id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'or_(VolumeType.qos_specs_id == ' 'QualityOfServiceSpecs.id,' 'VolumeType.qos_specs_id == ' 'QualityOfServiceSpecs.specs_id),' 'QualityOfServiceSpecs.deleted == False)') class VolumeGlanceMetadata(BASE, CinderBase): """Glance metadata for a bootable volume.""" __tablename__ = 'volume_glance_metadata' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False) volume_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volumes.id'), index=True) snapshot_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('snapshots.id'), index=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(Text) volume = relationship(Volume, backref="volume_glance_metadata", foreign_keys=volume_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'VolumeGlanceMetadata.volume_id == Volume.id,' 'VolumeGlanceMetadata.deleted == False)') class Quota(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a single quota override for a project. If there is no row for a given project id and resource, then the default for the quota class is used. If there is no row for a given quota class and resource, then the default for the deployment is used. If the row is present but the hard limit is Null, then the resource is unlimited. """ __tablename__ = 'quotas' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) project_id = Column(String(255), index=True) resource = Column(String(255)) hard_limit = Column(Integer, nullable=True) allocated = Column(Integer, default=0) class QuotaClass(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a single quota override for a quota class. If there is no row for a given quota class and resource, then the default for the deployment is used. If the row is present but the hard limit is Null, then the resource is unlimited. """ __tablename__ = 'quota_classes' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) class_name = Column(String(255), index=True) resource = Column(String(255)) hard_limit = Column(Integer, nullable=True) class QuotaUsage(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents the current usage for a given resource.""" __tablename__ = 'quota_usages' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) project_id = Column(String(255), index=True) resource = Column(String(300), index=True) in_use = Column(Integer) reserved = Column(Integer) @property def total(self): return self.in_use + self.reserved until_refresh = Column(Integer, nullable=True) class Reservation(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a resource reservation for quotas.""" __tablename__ = 'reservations' __table_args__ = (Index('reservations_deleted_expire_idx', 'deleted', 'expire'), Index('reservations_deleted_uuid_idx', 'deleted', 'uuid'), CinderBase.__table_args__) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) uuid = Column(String(36), nullable=False) usage_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('quota_usages.id'), nullable=True, index=True) allocated_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('quotas.id'), nullable=True, index=True) project_id = Column(String(255), index=True) resource = Column(String(255)) delta = Column(Integer) expire = Column(DateTime, nullable=False) usage = relationship( "QuotaUsage", foreign_keys=usage_id, primaryjoin='and_(Reservation.usage_id == QuotaUsage.id,' 'QuotaUsage.deleted == False)') quota = relationship( "Quota", foreign_keys=allocated_id, primaryjoin='and_(Reservation.allocated_id == Quota.id)') class Snapshot(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a snapshot of volume.""" __tablename__ = 'snapshots' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) @property def name(self): return CONF.snapshot_name_template % self.id @property def volume_name(self): return self.volume.name # pylint: disable=E1101 user_id = Column(String(255)) project_id = Column(String(255)) volume_id = Column(String(36), index=True) cgsnapshot_id = Column(String(36), index=True) group_snapshot_id = Column(String(36), index=True) status = Column(String(255)) progress = Column(String(255)) volume_size = Column(Integer) display_name = Column(String(255)) display_description = Column(String(255)) encryption_key_id = Column(String(36)) volume_type_id = Column(String(36)) provider_location = Column(String(255)) provider_id = Column(String(255)) provider_auth = Column(String(255)) volume = relationship(Volume, backref="snapshots", foreign_keys=volume_id, primaryjoin='Snapshot.volume_id == Volume.id') cgsnapshot = relationship( CGSnapshot, backref="snapshots", foreign_keys=cgsnapshot_id, primaryjoin='Snapshot.cgsnapshot_id == CGSnapshot.id') group_snapshot = relationship( GroupSnapshot, backref="snapshots", foreign_keys=group_snapshot_id, primaryjoin='Snapshot.group_snapshot_id == GroupSnapshot.id') class SnapshotMetadata(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a metadata key/value pair for a snapshot.""" __tablename__ = 'snapshot_metadata' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(String(255)) snapshot_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('snapshots.id'), nullable=False, index=True) snapshot = relationship(Snapshot, backref="snapshot_metadata", foreign_keys=snapshot_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'SnapshotMetadata.snapshot_id == Snapshot.id,' 'SnapshotMetadata.deleted == False)') class Backup(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a backup of a volume to Swift.""" __tablename__ = 'backups' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) @property def name(self): return CONF.backup_name_template % self.id user_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) volume_id = Column(String(36), nullable=False) host = Column(String(255)) availability_zone = Column(String(255)) display_name = Column(String(255)) display_description = Column(String(255)) container = Column(String(255)) parent_id = Column(String(36)) status = Column(String(255)) fail_reason = Column(String(255)) service_metadata = Column(String(255)) service = Column(String(255)) size = Column(Integer) object_count = Column(Integer) temp_volume_id = Column(String(36)) temp_snapshot_id = Column(String(36)) num_dependent_backups = Column(Integer) snapshot_id = Column(String(36)) data_timestamp = Column(DateTime) restore_volume_id = Column(String(36)) encryption_key_id = Column(String(36)) @validates('fail_reason') def validate_fail_reason(self, key, fail_reason): return fail_reason and fail_reason[:255] or '' class BackupMetadata(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a metadata key/value pair for a backup.""" __tablename__ = 'backup_metadata' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(String(255)) backup_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('backups.id'), nullable=False, index=True) backup = relationship(Backup, backref="backup_metadata", foreign_keys=backup_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'BackupMetadata.backup_id == Backup.id,' 'BackupMetadata.deleted == False)') class Encryption(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents encryption requirement for a volume type. Encryption here is a set of performance characteristics describing cipher, provider, and key_size for a certain volume type. """ __tablename__ = 'encryption' encryption_id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) cipher = Column(String(255)) key_size = Column(Integer) provider = Column(String(255)) control_location = Column(String(255)) volume_type_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volume_types.id')) volume_type = relationship( VolumeType, backref="encryption", foreign_keys=volume_type_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'Encryption.volume_type_id == VolumeType.id,' 'Encryption.deleted == False)' ) class Transfer(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a volume transfer request.""" __tablename__ = 'transfers' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True) volume_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volumes.id'), index=True) display_name = Column(String(255)) salt = Column(String(255)) crypt_hash = Column(String(255)) expires_at = Column(DateTime) no_snapshots = Column(Boolean, default=False) source_project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=True) destination_project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=True) accepted = Column(Boolean, default=False) volume = relationship(Volume, backref="transfer", foreign_keys=volume_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'Transfer.volume_id == Volume.id,' 'Transfer.deleted == False)') class DriverInitiatorData(BASE, models.TimestampMixin, models.ModelBase): """Represents private key-value pair specific an initiator for drivers""" __tablename__ = 'driver_initiator_data' __table_args__ = ( schema.UniqueConstraint("initiator", "namespace", "key"), CinderBase.__table_args__) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False) initiator = Column(String(255), index=True, nullable=False) namespace = Column(String(255), nullable=False) key = Column(String(255), nullable=False) value = Column(String(255)) class Message(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents a message""" __tablename__ = 'messages' id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True, nullable=False) project_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) # Info/Error/Warning. message_level = Column(String(255), nullable=False) request_id = Column(String(255), nullable=True) resource_type = Column(String(255)) # The UUID of the related resource. resource_uuid = Column(String(36), nullable=True) # Operation specific event ID. event_id = Column(String(255), nullable=False) # Message detail ID. detail_id = Column(String(10), nullable=True) # Operation specific action. action_id = Column(String(10), nullable=True) # After this time the message may no longer exist expires_at = Column(DateTime, nullable=True, index=True) class ImageVolumeCacheEntry(BASE, models.ModelBase): """Represents an image volume cache entry""" __tablename__ = 'image_volume_cache_entries' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False) host = Column(String(255), index=True, nullable=False) cluster_name = Column(String(255), nullable=True) image_id = Column(String(36), index=True, nullable=False) image_updated_at = Column(DateTime, nullable=False) volume_id = Column(String(36), nullable=False) size = Column(Integer, nullable=False) last_used = Column(DateTime, default=lambda: timeutils.utcnow()) class Worker(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents all resources that are being worked on by a node.""" __tablename__ = 'workers' __table_args__ = (schema.UniqueConstraint('resource_type', 'resource_id'), CinderBase.__table_args__) # We want to overwrite default updated_at definition so we timestamp at # creation as well updated_at = Column(DateTime, default=timeutils.utcnow, onupdate=timeutils.utcnow) # Id added for convenience and speed on some operations id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) # Type of the resource we are working on (Volume, Snapshot, Backup) it must # match the Versioned Object class name. resource_type = Column(String(40), primary_key=True, nullable=False) # UUID of the resource we are working on resource_id = Column(String(36), primary_key=True, nullable=False) # Status that should be cleaned on service failure status = Column(String(255), nullable=False) # Service that is currently processing the operation service_id = Column(Integer, nullable=True, index=True) # To prevent claiming and updating races race_preventer = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0) # This is a flag we don't need to store in the DB as it is only used when # we are doing the cleanup to let decorators know cleaning = False service = relationship( 'Service', backref="workers", foreign_keys=service_id, primaryjoin='Worker.service_id == Service.id') class AttachmentSpecs(BASE, CinderBase): """Represents attachment specs as k/v pairs for a volume_attachment. DO NOT USE - NOTHING SHOULD WRITE NEW DATA TO THIS TABLE The volume_attachment.connector column should be used instead. """ __tablename__ = 'attachment_specs' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) key = Column(String(255)) value = Column(String(255)) attachment_id = Column(String(36), ForeignKey('volume_attachment.id'), nullable=False, index=True) volume_attachment = relationship( VolumeAttachment, backref="attachment_specs", foreign_keys=attachment_id, primaryjoin='and_(' 'AttachmentSpecs.attachment_id == VolumeAttachment.id,' 'AttachmentSpecs.deleted == False)' )