# Copyright (c) 2016 by Kaminario Technologies, Ltd. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Volume driver for Kaminario K2 all-flash arrays.""" import math import re import threading import time import eventlet from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import importutils from oslo_utils import units from oslo_utils import versionutils import requests import six import cinder from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder import objects from cinder.objects import fields from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import configuration from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san from cinder.volume import utils as vol_utils krest = importutils.try_import("krest") K2_MIN_VERSION = '2.2.0' K2_LOCK_PREFIX = 'Kaminario' MAX_K2_RETRY = 5 K2_REP_FAILED_OVER = fields.ReplicationStatus.FAILED_OVER LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) kaminario_opts = [ cfg.BoolOpt('auto_calc_max_oversubscription_ratio', default=False, help="K2 driver will calculate max_oversubscription_ratio " "on setting this option as True."), cfg.BoolOpt('unique_fqdn_network', default=True, help="Whether or not our private network has unique FQDN on " "each initiator or not. For example networks with QA " "systems usually have multiple servers/VMs with the same " "FQDN. When true this will create host entries on K2 " "using the FQDN, when false it will use the reversed " "IQN/WWNN."), cfg.BoolOpt('disable_discovery', default=False, help="Disabling iSCSI discovery (sendtargets) for multipath " "connections on K2 driver."), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(kaminario_opts, group=configuration.SHARED_CONF_GROUP) K2HTTPError = requests.exceptions.HTTPError K2_RETRY_ERRORS = ("MC_ERR_BUSY", "MC_ERR_BUSY_SPECIFIC", "MC_ERR_INPROGRESS", "MC_ERR_START_TIMEOUT") if krest: class KrestWrap(krest.EndPoint): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.krestlock = threading.Lock() super(KrestWrap, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _should_retry(self, err_code, err_msg): if err_code == 400: for er in K2_RETRY_ERRORS: if er in err_msg: LOG.debug("Retry ERROR: %d with status %s", err_code, err_msg) return True return False @utils.retry(exception.KaminarioRetryableException, retries=MAX_K2_RETRY) def _request(self, method, *args, **kwargs): try: self.krestlock.acquire() return super(KrestWrap, self)._request(method, *args, **kwargs) except K2HTTPError as err: err_code = err.response.status_code err_msg = err.response.text if self._should_retry(err_code, err_msg): raise exception.KaminarioRetryableException( reason=six.text_type(err_msg)) raise finally: self.krestlock.release() class Replication(object): def __init__(self, config, *args, **kwargs): self.backend_id = config.get('backend_id') self.login = config.get('login') self.password = config.get('password') self.rpo = config.get('rpo') class KaminarioCinderDriver(cinder.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver): VENDOR = "Kaminario" stats = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(KaminarioCinderDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration.append_config_values(san.san_opts) self.configuration.append_config_values(kaminario_opts) self.replica = None self._protocol = None k2_lock_sfx = self.configuration.safe_get('san_ip') self.k2_lock_name = "%s-%s" % (K2_LOCK_PREFIX, k2_lock_sfx) @utils.trace def check_for_setup_error(self): if krest is None: msg = _("Unable to import 'krest' python module.") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=msg) else: conf = self.configuration self.client = KrestWrap(conf.san_ip, conf.san_login, conf.san_password, ssl_validate=False) if self.replica: self.target = KrestWrap(self.replica.backend_id, self.replica.login, self.replica.password, ssl_validate=False) v_rs = self.client.search("system/state") if hasattr(v_rs, 'hits') and v_rs.total != 0: ver = v_rs.hits[0].rest_api_version ver_exist = versionutils.convert_version_to_int(ver) ver_min = versionutils.convert_version_to_int(K2_MIN_VERSION) if ver_exist < ver_min: msg = _("K2 REST API version should be " ">= %s.") % K2_MIN_VERSION LOG.error(msg) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=msg) else: msg = _("K2 REST API version search failed.") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=msg) def _check_ops(self): """Ensure that the options we care about are set.""" required_ops = ['san_ip', 'san_login', 'san_password'] for attr in required_ops: if not getattr(self.configuration, attr, None): raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=_('%s is not set.') % attr) replica = self.configuration.safe_get('replication_device') if replica and isinstance(replica, list): replica_ops = ['backend_id', 'login', 'password', 'rpo'] for attr in replica_ops: if attr not in replica[0]: msg = _('replication_device %s is not set.') % attr raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) self.replica = Replication(replica[0]) @utils.trace def do_setup(self, context): super(KaminarioCinderDriver, self).do_setup(context) self._check_ops() @utils.trace def create_volume(self, volume): """Volume creation in K2 needs a volume group. - create a volume group - create a volume in the volume group """ vg_name = self.get_volume_group_name(volume.id) vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) prov_type = self._get_is_dedup(volume.get('volume_type')) try: LOG.debug("Creating volume group with name: %(name)s, " "quota: unlimited and dedup_support: %(dedup)s", {'name': vg_name, 'dedup': prov_type}) vg = self.client.new("volume_groups", name=vg_name, quota=0, is_dedup=prov_type).save() LOG.debug("Creating volume with name: %(name)s, size: %(size)s " "GB, volume_group: %(vg)s", {'name': vol_name, 'size': volume.size, 'vg': vg_name}) vol = self.client.new("volumes", name=vol_name, size=volume.size * units.Mi, volume_group=vg).save() except Exception as ex: vg_rs = self.client.search("volume_groups", name=vg_name) if vg_rs.total != 0: LOG.debug("Deleting vg: %s for failed volume in K2.", vg_name) vg_rs.hits[0].delete() LOG.exception("Creation of volume %s failed.", vol_name) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) if self._get_is_replica(volume.volume_type) and self.replica: self._create_volume_replica(volume, vg, vol, self.replica.rpo) @utils.trace def _create_volume_replica(self, volume, vg, vol, rpo): """Volume replica creation in K2 needs session and remote volume. - create a session - create a volume in the volume group """ session_name = self.get_session_name(volume.id) rsession_name = self.get_rep_name(session_name) rvg_name = self.get_rep_name(vg.name) rvol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol.name) k2peer_rs = self.client.search("replication/peer_k2arrays", mgmt_host=self.replica.backend_id) if hasattr(k2peer_rs, 'hits') and k2peer_rs.total != 0: k2peer = k2peer_rs.hits[0] else: msg = _("Unable to find K2peer in source K2:") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=msg) try: LOG.debug("Creating source session with name: %(sname)s and " " target session name: %(tname)s", {'sname': session_name, 'tname': rsession_name}) src_ssn = self.client.new("replication/sessions") src_ssn.replication_peer_k2array = k2peer src_ssn.auto_configure_peer_volumes = "False" src_ssn.local_volume_group = vg src_ssn.replication_peer_volume_group_name = rvg_name src_ssn.remote_replication_session_name = rsession_name src_ssn.name = session_name src_ssn.rpo = rpo src_ssn.save() LOG.debug("Creating remote volume with name: %s", rvol_name) self.client.new("replication/peer_volumes", local_volume=vol, name=rvol_name, replication_session=src_ssn).save() src_ssn.state = "in_sync" src_ssn.save() except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Replication for the volume %s has " "failed.", vol.name) self._delete_by_ref(self.client, "replication/sessions", session_name, 'session') self._delete_by_ref(self.target, "replication/sessions", rsession_name, 'remote session') self._delete_by_ref(self.target, "volumes", rvol_name, 'remote volume') self._delete_by_ref(self.client, "volumes", vol.name, "volume") self._delete_by_ref(self.target, "volume_groups", rvg_name, "remote vg") self._delete_by_ref(self.client, "volume_groups", vg.name, "vg") raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) @utils.trace def _create_failover_volume_replica(self, volume, vg_name, vol_name): """Volume replica creation in K2 needs session and remote volume. - create a session - create a volume in the volume group """ session_name = self.get_session_name(volume.id) rsession_name = self.get_rep_name(session_name) rvg_name = self.get_rep_name(vg_name) rvol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) rvg = self.target.search("volume_groups", name=rvg_name).hits[0] rvol = self.target.search("volumes", name=rvol_name).hits[0] k2peer_rs = self.target.search("replication/peer_k2arrays", mgmt_host=self.configuration.san_ip) if hasattr(k2peer_rs, 'hits') and k2peer_rs.total != 0: k2peer = k2peer_rs.hits[0] else: msg = _("Unable to find K2peer in source K2:") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=msg) try: LOG.debug("Creating source session with name: %(sname)s and " " target session name: %(tname)s", {'sname': rsession_name, 'tname': session_name}) tgt_ssn = self.target.new("replication/sessions") tgt_ssn.replication_peer_k2array = k2peer tgt_ssn.auto_configure_peer_volumes = "False" tgt_ssn.local_volume_group = rvg tgt_ssn.replication_peer_volume_group_name = vg_name tgt_ssn.remote_replication_session_name = session_name tgt_ssn.name = rsession_name tgt_ssn.rpo = self.replica.rpo tgt_ssn.save() LOG.debug("Creating remote volume with name: %s", rvol_name) self.target.new("replication/peer_volumes", local_volume=rvol, name=vol_name, replication_session=tgt_ssn).save() tgt_ssn.state = "in_sync" tgt_ssn.save() except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Replication for the volume %s has " "failed.", rvol_name) self._delete_by_ref(self.target, "replication/sessions", rsession_name, 'session') self._delete_by_ref(self.client, "replication/sessions", session_name, 'remote session') self._delete_by_ref(self.client, "volumes", vol_name, "volume") self._delete_by_ref(self.client, "volume_groups", vg_name, "vg") raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) @utils.trace def _delete_by_ref(self, device, url, name, msg): rs = device.search(url, name=name) for result in rs.hits: result.delete() LOG.debug("Deleting %(msg)s: %(name)s", {'msg': msg, 'name': name}) @utils.trace def _failover_volume(self, volume): """Promoting a secondary volume to primary volume.""" session_name = self.get_session_name(volume.id) rsession_name = self.get_rep_name(session_name) tgt_ssn = self.target.search("replication/sessions", name=rsession_name).hits[0] if tgt_ssn.state == 'in_sync': tgt_ssn.state = 'failed_over' tgt_ssn.save() LOG.debug("The target session: %s state is " "changed to failed_over ", rsession_name) @utils.trace def failover_host(self, context, volumes, secondary_id=None, groups=None): """Failover to replication target.""" volume_updates = [] back_end_ip = None svc_host = vol_utils.extract_host(self.host, 'backend') service = objects.Service.get_by_args(context, svc_host, 'cinder-volume') if secondary_id and secondary_id != self.replica.backend_id: LOG.error("Kaminario driver received failover_host " "request, But backend is non replicated device") raise exception.UnableToFailOver(reason=_("Failover requested " "on non replicated " "backend.")) if (service.active_backend_id and service.active_backend_id != self.configuration.san_ip): self.snap_updates = [] rep_volumes = [] # update status for non-replicated primary volumes for v in volumes: vol_name = self.get_volume_name(v['id']) vol = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) if v.replication_status != K2_REP_FAILED_OVER and vol.total: status = 'available' if v.volume_attachment: map_rs = self.client.search("mappings", volume=vol.hits[0]) status = 'in-use' if map_rs.total: map_rs.hits[0].delete() volume_updates.append({'volume_id': v['id'], 'updates': {'status': status}}) else: rep_volumes.append(v) # In-sync from secondaray array to primary array for v in rep_volumes: vol_name = self.get_volume_name(v['id']) vol = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) rvol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) rvol = self.target.search("volumes", name=rvol_name) session_name = self.get_session_name(v['id']) rsession_name = self.get_rep_name(session_name) ssn = self.target.search("replication/sessions", name=rsession_name) if ssn.total: tgt_ssn = ssn.hits[0] ssn = self.client.search("replication/sessions", name=session_name) if ssn.total: src_ssn = ssn.hits[0] if (tgt_ssn.state == 'failed_over' and tgt_ssn.current_role == 'target' and vol.total and src_ssn): map_rs = self.client.search("mappings", volume=vol.hits[0]) if map_rs.total: map_rs.hits[0].delete() tgt_ssn.state = 'in_sync' tgt_ssn.save() self._check_for_status(src_ssn, 'in_sync') if (rvol.total and src_ssn.state == 'in_sync' and src_ssn.current_role == 'target'): gen_no = self._create_volume_replica_user_snap(self.target, tgt_ssn) self.snap_updates.append({'tgt_ssn': tgt_ssn, 'gno': gen_no, 'stime': time.time()}) LOG.debug("The target session: %s state is " "changed to in sync", rsession_name) self._is_user_snap_sync_finished() # Delete secondary volume mappings and create snapshot for v in rep_volumes: vol_name = self.get_volume_name(v['id']) vol = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) rvol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) rvol = self.target.search("volumes", name=rvol_name) session_name = self.get_session_name(v['id']) rsession_name = self.get_rep_name(session_name) ssn = self.target.search("replication/sessions", name=rsession_name) if ssn.total: tgt_ssn = ssn.hits[0] ssn = self.client.search("replication/sessions", name=session_name) if ssn.total: src_ssn = ssn.hits[0] if (rvol.total and src_ssn.state == 'in_sync' and src_ssn.current_role == 'target'): map_rs = self.target.search("mappings", volume=rvol.hits[0]) if map_rs.total: map_rs.hits[0].delete() gen_no = self._create_volume_replica_user_snap(self.target, tgt_ssn) self.snap_updates.append({'tgt_ssn': tgt_ssn, 'gno': gen_no, 'stime': time.time()}) self._is_user_snap_sync_finished() # changing source sessions to failed-over for v in rep_volumes: vol_name = self.get_volume_name(v['id']) vol = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) rvol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) rvol = self.target.search("volumes", name=rvol_name) session_name = self.get_session_name(v['id']) rsession_name = self.get_rep_name(session_name) ssn = self.target.search("replication/sessions", name=rsession_name) if ssn.total: tgt_ssn = ssn.hits[0] ssn = self.client.search("replication/sessions", name=session_name) if ssn.total: src_ssn = ssn.hits[0] if (rvol.total and src_ssn.state == 'in_sync' and src_ssn.current_role == 'target'): src_ssn.state = 'failed_over' src_ssn.save() self._check_for_status(tgt_ssn, 'suspended') LOG.debug("The target session: %s state is " "changed to failed over", session_name) src_ssn.state = 'in_sync' src_ssn.save() LOG.debug("The target session: %s state is " "changed to in sync", session_name) rep_status = fields.ReplicationStatus.DISABLED volume_updates.append({'volume_id': v['id'], 'updates': {'replication_status': rep_status}}) back_end_ip = self.configuration.san_ip else: """Failover to replication target.""" for v in volumes: vol_name = self.get_volume_name(v['id']) rv = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) if self.target.search("volumes", name=rv).total: self._failover_volume(v) volume_updates.append( {'volume_id': v['id'], 'updates': {'replication_status': K2_REP_FAILED_OVER}}) else: volume_updates.append({'volume_id': v['id'], 'updates': {'status': 'error', }}) back_end_ip = self.replica.backend_id return back_end_ip, volume_updates, [] @utils.trace def _create_volume_replica_user_snap(self, k2, sess): snap = k2.new("snapshots") snap.is_application_consistent = "False" snap.replication_session = sess snap.save() return snap.generation_number def _is_user_snap_sync_finished(self): # waiting for user snapshot to be synced while len(self.snap_updates) > 0: for l in self.snap_updates: sess = l.get('tgt_ssn') gno = l.get('gno') stime = l.get('stime') sess.refresh() if (sess.generation_number == gno and sess.current_snapshot_progress == 100 and sess.current_snapshot_id is None): if time.time() - stime > 300: gen_no = self._create_volume_replica_user_snap( self.target, sess) self.snap_updates.append({'tgt_ssn': sess, 'gno': gen_no, 'stime': time.time()}) self.snap_updates.remove(l) eventlet.sleep(1) @utils.trace def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Create volume from snapshot. - search for snapshot and retention_policy - create a view from snapshot and attach view - create a volume and attach volume - copy data from attached view to attached volume - detach volume and view and finally delete view """ snap_name = self.get_snap_name(snapshot.id) view_name = self.get_view_name(volume.id) vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) cview = src_attach_info = dest_attach_info = None rpolicy = self.get_policy() properties = utils.brick_get_connector_properties() LOG.debug("Searching for snapshot: %s in K2.", snap_name) snap_rs = self.client.search("snapshots", short_name=snap_name) if hasattr(snap_rs, 'hits') and snap_rs.total != 0: snap = snap_rs.hits[0] LOG.debug("Creating a view: %(view)s from snapshot: %(snap)s", {'view': view_name, 'snap': snap_name}) try: cview = self.client.new("snapshots", short_name=view_name, source=snap, retention_policy=rpolicy, is_exposable=True).save() except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Creating a view: %(view)s from snapshot: " "%(snap)s failed", {"view": view_name, "snap": snap_name}) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) else: msg = _("Snapshot: %s search failed in K2.") % snap_name LOG.error(msg) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=msg) try: conn = self.initialize_connection(cview, properties) src_attach_info = self._connect_device(conn) self.create_volume(volume) conn = self.initialize_connection(volume, properties) dest_attach_info = self._connect_device(conn) vol_utils.copy_volume(src_attach_info['device']['path'], dest_attach_info['device']['path'], snapshot.volume.size * units.Ki, self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize, sparse=True) self._kaminario_disconnect_volume(src_attach_info, dest_attach_info) self.terminate_connection(volume, properties) self.terminate_connection(cview, properties) cview.delete() except Exception as ex: self._kaminario_disconnect_volume(src_attach_info, dest_attach_info) self.terminate_connection(cview, properties) self.terminate_connection(volume, properties) cview.delete() self.delete_volume(volume) LOG.exception("Copy to volume: %(vol)s from view: %(view)s " "failed", {"vol": vol_name, "view": view_name}) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) @utils.trace def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Create a clone from source volume. - attach source volume - create and attach new volume - copy data from attached source volume to attached new volume - detach both volumes """ clone_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) src_name = self.get_volume_name(src_vref.id) src_vol = self.client.search("volumes", name=src_name) src_map = self.client.search("mappings", volume=src_vol) src_attach_info = dest_attach_info = None if src_map.total != 0: msg = _("K2 driver does not support clone of an attached volume. " "To get this done, create a snapshot from the attached " "volume and then create a volume from the snapshot.") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=msg) try: properties = utils.brick_get_connector_properties() conn = self.initialize_connection(src_vref, properties) src_attach_info = self._connect_device(conn) self.create_volume(volume) conn = self.initialize_connection(volume, properties) dest_attach_info = self._connect_device(conn) vol_utils.copy_volume(src_attach_info['device']['path'], dest_attach_info['device']['path'], src_vref.size * units.Ki, self.configuration.volume_dd_blocksize, sparse=True) self._kaminario_disconnect_volume(src_attach_info, dest_attach_info) self.terminate_connection(volume, properties) self.terminate_connection(src_vref, properties) except Exception as ex: self._kaminario_disconnect_volume(src_attach_info, dest_attach_info) self.terminate_connection(src_vref, properties) self.terminate_connection(volume, properties) self.delete_volume(volume) LOG.exception("Create a clone: %s failed.", clone_name) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) @utils.trace def delete_volume(self, volume): """Volume in K2 exists in a volume group. - delete the volume - delete the corresponding volume group """ vg_name = self.get_volume_group_name(volume.id) vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) try: if self._get_is_replica(volume.volume_type) and self.replica: self._delete_volume_replica(volume, vg_name, vol_name) LOG.debug("Searching and deleting volume: %s in K2.", vol_name) vol_rs = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) if vol_rs.total != 0: vol_rs.hits[0].delete() LOG.debug("Searching and deleting vg: %s in K2.", vg_name) vg_rs = self.client.search("volume_groups", name=vg_name) if vg_rs.total != 0: vg_rs.hits[0].delete() except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Deletion of volume %s failed.", vol_name) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) @utils.trace def _delete_volume_replica(self, volume, vg_name, vol_name): rvg_name = self.get_rep_name(vg_name) rvol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) session_name = self.get_session_name(volume.id) rsession_name = self.get_rep_name(session_name) src_ssn = self.client.search('replication/sessions', name=session_name).hits[0] tgt_ssn = self.target.search('replication/sessions', name=rsession_name).hits[0] src_ssn.state = 'suspended' src_ssn.save() self._check_for_status(tgt_ssn, 'suspended') src_ssn.state = 'idle' src_ssn.save() self._check_for_status(tgt_ssn, 'idle') tgt_ssn.delete() src_ssn.delete() LOG.debug("Searching and deleting snapshots for volume groups:" "%(vg1)s, %(vg2)s in K2.", {'vg1': vg_name, 'vg2': rvg_name}) vg = self.client.search('volume_groups', name=vg_name).hits rvg = self.target.search('volume_groups', name=rvg_name).hits snaps = self.client.search('snapshots', volume_group=vg).hits for s in snaps: s.delete() rsnaps = self.target.search('snapshots', volume_group=rvg).hits for s in rsnaps: s.delete() self._delete_by_ref(self.target, "volumes", rvol_name, 'remote volume') self._delete_by_ref(self.target, "volume_groups", rvg_name, "remote vg") @utils.trace def _delete_failover_volume_replica(self, volume, vg_name, vol_name): rvg_name = self.get_rep_name(vg_name) rvol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) session_name = self.get_session_name(volume.id) rsession_name = self.get_rep_name(session_name) tgt_ssn = self.target.search('replication/sessions', name=rsession_name).hits[0] tgt_ssn.state = 'idle' tgt_ssn.save() tgt_ssn.delete() LOG.debug("Searching and deleting snapshots for target volume group " "and target volume: %(vol)s, %(vg)s in K2.", {'vol': rvol_name, 'vg': rvg_name}) rvg = self.target.search('volume_groups', name=rvg_name).hits rsnaps = self.target.search('snapshots', volume_group=rvg).hits for s in rsnaps: s.delete() def _check_for_status(self, obj, status): while obj.state != status: obj.refresh() eventlet.sleep(1) @utils.trace def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): if refresh: self.update_volume_stats() stats = self.stats stats['storage_protocol'] = self._protocol stats['driver_version'] = self.VERSION stats['vendor_name'] = self.VENDOR backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') stats['volume_backend_name'] = (backend_name or self.__class__.__name__) return stats def create_export(self, context, volume, connector): pass def ensure_export(self, context, volume): pass def remove_export(self, context, volume): pass @utils.trace def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Create a snapshot from a volume_group.""" vg_name = self.get_volume_group_name(snapshot.volume_id) snap_name = self.get_snap_name(snapshot.id) rpolicy = self.get_policy() try: LOG.debug("Searching volume_group: %s in K2.", vg_name) vg = self.client.search("volume_groups", name=vg_name).hits[0] LOG.debug("Creating a snapshot: %(snap)s from vg: %(vg)s", {'snap': snap_name, 'vg': vg_name}) self.client.new("snapshots", short_name=snap_name, source=vg, retention_policy=rpolicy, is_auto_deleteable=False).save() except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Creation of snapshot: %s failed.", snap_name) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) @utils.trace def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Delete a snapshot.""" snap_name = self.get_snap_name(snapshot.id) try: LOG.debug("Searching and deleting snapshot: %s in K2.", snap_name) snap_rs = self.client.search("snapshots", short_name=snap_name) if snap_rs.total != 0: snap_rs.hits[0].delete() except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Deletion of snapshot: %s failed.", snap_name) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) @utils.trace def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): """Extend volume.""" vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) try: LOG.debug("Searching volume: %s in K2.", vol_name) vol = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name).hits[0] vol.size = new_size * units.Mi LOG.debug("Extending volume: %s in K2.", vol_name) vol.save() except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Extending volume: %s failed.", vol_name) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) def update_volume_stats(self): conf = self.configuration LOG.debug("Searching system capacity in K2.") cap = self.client.search("system/capacity").hits[0] LOG.debug("Searching total volumes in K2 for updating stats.") total_volumes = self.client.search("volumes").total - 1 provisioned_vol = cap.provisioned_volumes if (conf.auto_calc_max_oversubscription_ratio and cap.provisioned and (cap.total - cap.free) != 0): ratio = provisioned_vol / float(cap.total - cap.free) else: ratio = vol_utils.get_max_over_subscription_ratio( conf.max_over_subscription_ratio, supports_auto=True) self.stats = {'QoS_support': False, 'free_capacity_gb': cap.free / units.Mi, 'total_capacity_gb': cap.total / units.Mi, 'thin_provisioning_support': True, 'sparse_copy_volume': True, 'total_volumes': total_volumes, 'thick_provisioning_support': False, 'provisioned_capacity_gb': provisioned_vol / units.Mi, 'max_over_subscription_ratio': ratio, 'kaminario:thin_prov_type': 'dedup/nodedup', 'replication_enabled': True, 'kaminario:replication': True} def get_initiator_host_name(self, connector): """Return the initiator host name or unique ID. Unique ID when configuration's unique_fqdn_network is false will be the reversed IQN/WWPNS. Valid characters: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-', '_' All other characters are replaced with '_'. Total characters in initiator host name: 32 """ name = connector.get('initiator', connector.get('wwnns', [''])[0])[::-1] if self.configuration.unique_fqdn_network: name = connector.get('host', name) return re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z-_]', '_', name[:32]) def get_volume_group_name(self, vid): """Return the volume group name.""" return "cvg-{0}".format(vid) def get_volume_name(self, vid): """Return the volume name.""" return "cv-{0}".format(vid) def get_session_name(self, vid): """Return the volume name.""" return "ssn-{0}".format(vid) def get_snap_name(self, sid): """Return the snapshot name.""" return "cs-{0}".format(sid) def get_view_name(self, vid): """Return the view name.""" return "cview-{0}".format(vid) def get_rep_name(self, name): """Return the corresponding replication names.""" return "r{0}".format(name) @utils.trace def _delete_host_by_name(self, name): """Deleting host by name.""" host_rs = self.client.search("hosts", name=name) if hasattr(host_rs, "hits") and host_rs.total != 0: host = host_rs.hits[0] host.delete() def get_policy(self): """Return the retention policy.""" try: LOG.debug("Searching for retention_policy in K2.") return self.client.search("retention_policies", name="Best_Effort_Retention").hits[0] except Exception as ex: LOG.exception("Retention policy search failed in K2.") raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) def _get_volume_object(self, volume): vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) if volume.replication_status == K2_REP_FAILED_OVER: vol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) LOG.debug("Searching volume : %s in K2.", vol_name) vol_rs = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) if not hasattr(vol_rs, 'hits') or vol_rs.total == 0: msg = _("Unable to find volume: %s from K2.") % vol_name LOG.error(msg) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=msg) return vol_rs.hits[0] def _get_lun_number(self, vol, host): volsnap = None LOG.debug("Searching volsnaps in K2.") volsnap_rs = self.client.search("volsnaps", snapshot=vol) if hasattr(volsnap_rs, 'hits') and volsnap_rs.total != 0: volsnap = volsnap_rs.hits[0] LOG.debug("Searching mapping of volsnap in K2.") map_rs = self.client.search("mappings", volume=volsnap, host=host) return map_rs.hits[0].lun def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): pass @utils.trace def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector): """Terminate connection of volume from host.""" # Get volume object if type(volume).__name__ != 'RestObject': vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) if volume.replication_status == K2_REP_FAILED_OVER: vol_name = self.get_rep_name(vol_name) LOG.debug("Searching volume: %s in K2.", vol_name) volume_rs = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) if hasattr(volume_rs, "hits") and volume_rs.total != 0: volume = volume_rs.hits[0] else: vol_name = volume.name host_name = "" if connector is None: vol_map_rs = self.client.search("mappings", {"volume": volume}) if hasattr(vol_map_rs, "hits") and vol_map_rs.total != 0: host_name = vol_map_rs.hits[0].host.name else: # Get host object. host_name = self.get_initiator_host_name(connector) host_rs = self.client.search("hosts", name=host_name) if hasattr(host_rs, "hits") and host_rs.total != 0 and volume: host = host_rs.hits[0] LOG.debug("Searching and deleting mapping of volume: %(name)s to " "host: %(host)s", {'host': host_name, 'name': vol_name}) map_rs = self.client.search("mappings", volume=volume, host=host) if hasattr(map_rs, "hits") and map_rs.total != 0: map_rs.hits[0].delete() if self.client.search("mappings", host=host).total == 0: LOG.debug("Deleting initiator hostname: %s in K2.", host_name) host.delete() else: LOG.warning("Host: %s not found on K2.", host_name) @utils.trace def k2_initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): # Get volume object. if type(volume).__name__ != 'RestObject': vol = self._get_volume_object(volume) else: vol = volume # Get host object. host, host_rs, host_name = self._get_host_object(connector) try: # Map volume object to host object. LOG.debug("Mapping volume: %(vol)s to host: %(host)s", {'host': host_name, 'vol': vol.name}) mapping = self.client.new("mappings", volume=vol, host=host).save() except Exception as ex: if host_rs.total == 0: self._delete_host_by_name(host_name) LOG.exception("Unable to map volume: %(vol)s to host: " "%(host)s", {'host': host_name, 'vol': vol.name}) raise exception.KaminarioCinderDriverException(reason=ex) # Get lun number. if type(volume).__name__ == 'RestObject': return self._get_lun_number(vol, host) else: return mapping.lun def _get_host_object(self, connector): pass def _get_is_dedup(self, vol_type): if vol_type: specs_val = vol_type.get('extra_specs', {}).get( 'kaminario:thin_prov_type') if specs_val == 'nodedup': return False else: return True else: return True def _get_is_replica(self, vol_type): replica = False if vol_type and vol_type.get('extra_specs'): specs = vol_type.get('extra_specs') if (specs.get('kaminario:replication') == 'enabled' and self.replica): replica = True return replica def _get_replica_status(self, vg_name): vg_rs = self.client.search("volume_groups", name=vg_name) if vg_rs.total: vg = vg_rs.hits[0] if self.client.search("replication/sessions", local_volume_group=vg).total: return True return False @utils.trace def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref): vol_name = existing_ref['source-name'] new_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) vg_new_name = self.get_volume_group_name(volume.id) vg_name = None is_dedup = self._get_is_dedup(volume.get('volume_type')) reason = None try: LOG.debug("Searching volume: %s in K2.", vol_name) vol = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name).hits[0] vg = vol.volume_group nvol = self.client.search("volumes", volume_group=vg).total vg_replica = self._get_replica_status(vg.name) vol_map = False if self.client.search("mappings", volume=vol).total != 0: vol_map = True if is_dedup != vg.is_dedup: reason = 'dedup type mismatch for K2 volume group.' elif vg_replica: reason = 'replication enabled K2 volume group.' elif vol_map: reason = 'attached K2 volume.' elif nvol != 1: reason = 'multiple volumes in K2 volume group.' if reason: raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=_('Unable to manage K2 volume due to: %s') % reason) vol.name = new_name vg_name = vg.name LOG.debug("Manage new volume name: %s", new_name) vg.name = vg_new_name LOG.debug("Manage volume group name: %s", vg_new_name) vg.save() LOG.debug("Manage volume: %s in K2.", vol_name) vol.save() except exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference: LOG.exception("manage volume: %s failed.", vol_name) raise except Exception: LOG.exception("manage volume: %s failed.", vol_name) vg_rs = self.client.search("volume_groups", name=vg_new_name) if hasattr(vg_rs, 'hits') and vg_rs.total != 0: vg = vg_rs.hits[0] if vg_name and vg.name == vg_new_name: vg.name = vg_name LOG.debug("Updating vg new name to old name: %s ", vg_name) vg.save() raise @utils.trace def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref): vol_name = existing_ref['source-name'] v_rs = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) if hasattr(v_rs, 'hits') and v_rs.total != 0: vol = v_rs.hits[0] size = vol.size / units.Mi return math.ceil(size) else: raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=_('Unable to get size of manage volume.')) @utils.trace def after_volume_copy(self, ctxt, volume, new_volume, remote=None): self.delete_volume(volume) vg_name_old = self.get_volume_group_name(volume.id) vol_name_old = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) vg_name_new = self.get_volume_group_name(new_volume.id) vol_name_new = self.get_volume_name(new_volume.id) vg_new = self.client.search("volume_groups", name=vg_name_new).hits[0] vg_new.name = vg_name_old vg_new.save() vol_new = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name_new).hits[0] vol_new.name = vol_name_old vol_new.save() @utils.trace def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host): old_type = volume.get('volume_type') vg_name = self.get_volume_group_name(volume.id) vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) vol_rs = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name) if vol_rs.total: vol = vol_rs.hits[0] vmap = self.client.search("mappings", volume=vol).total old_rep_type = self._get_replica_status(vg_name) new_rep_type = self._get_is_replica(new_type) new_prov_type = self._get_is_dedup(new_type) old_prov_type = self._get_is_dedup(old_type) # Change dedup<->nodedup with add/remove replication is complex in K2 # since K2 does not have api to change dedup<->nodedup. if new_prov_type == old_prov_type: if not old_rep_type and new_rep_type: self._add_replication(volume) return True elif old_rep_type and not new_rep_type: self._delete_replication(volume) return True elif not new_rep_type and not old_rep_type: msg = ("Use '--migration-policy on-demand' to change 'dedup " "without replication'<->'nodedup without replication'.") if vol_rs.total and vmap: msg = "Unattach volume and {0}".format(msg) LOG.debug(msg) return False else: LOG.error('Change from type1: %(type1)s to type2: %(type2)s ' 'is not supported directly in K2.', {'type1': old_type, 'type2': new_type}) return False def _add_replication(self, volume): vg_name = self.get_volume_group_name(volume.id) vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) if volume.replication_status == K2_REP_FAILED_OVER: self._create_failover_volume_replica(volume, vg_name, vol_name) else: LOG.debug("Searching volume group with name: %(name)s", {'name': vg_name}) vg = self.client.search("volume_groups", name=vg_name).hits[0] LOG.debug("Searching volume with name: %(name)s", {'name': vol_name}) vol = self.client.search("volumes", name=vol_name).hits[0] self._create_volume_replica(volume, vg, vol, self.replica.rpo) def _delete_replication(self, volume): vg_name = self.get_volume_group_name(volume.id) vol_name = self.get_volume_name(volume.id) if volume.replication_status == K2_REP_FAILED_OVER: self._delete_failover_volume_replica(volume, vg_name, vol_name) else: self._delete_volume_replica(volume, vg_name, vol_name) def _kaminario_disconnect_volume(self, *attach_info): for info in attach_info: if (info and info.get('connector') and info.get('conn', {}).get('data') and info.get('device')): info['connector'].disconnect_volume(info['conn']['data'], info['device'])