# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import annotations __all__ = [ 'init', 'cleanup', 'set_defaults', 'add_extra_exmods', 'clear_extra_exmods', 'get_allowed_exmods', 'RequestContextSerializer', 'get_client', 'get_server', 'get_notifier', ] import functools from typing import Union from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_messaging.rpc import dispatcher from oslo_utils import importutils profiler = importutils.try_import('osprofiler.profiler') import cinder.context import cinder.exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder import objects from cinder.objects import base from cinder import utils CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) TRANSPORT = None NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = None NOTIFIER = None ALLOWED_EXMODS = [ cinder.exception.__name__, ] EXTRA_EXMODS = [] def init(conf) -> None: global TRANSPORT, NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER exmods = get_allowed_exmods() TRANSPORT = messaging.get_rpc_transport(conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = messaging.get_notification_transport( conf, allowed_remote_exmods=exmods) # get_notification_transport has loaded oslo_messaging_notifications config # group, so we can now check if notifications are actually enabled. if utils.notifications_enabled(conf): json_serializer = messaging.JsonPayloadSerializer() serializer = RequestContextSerializer(json_serializer) NOTIFIER = messaging.Notifier(NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, serializer=serializer) else: NOTIFIER = utils.DO_NOTHING def initialized() -> bool: return None not in [TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER] def cleanup(): global TRANSPORT, NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT, NOTIFIER if NOTIFIER is None: LOG.exception("RPC cleanup: NOTIFIER is None") TRANSPORT.cleanup() NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT.cleanup() TRANSPORT = NOTIFICATION_TRANSPORT = NOTIFIER = None def set_defaults(control_exchange): messaging.set_transport_defaults(control_exchange) def add_extra_exmods(*args): EXTRA_EXMODS.extend(args) def clear_extra_exmods(): del EXTRA_EXMODS[:] def get_allowed_exmods(): return ALLOWED_EXMODS + EXTRA_EXMODS class RequestContextSerializer(messaging.Serializer): def __init__(self, base): self._base = base def serialize_entity(self, context, entity): if not self._base: return entity return self._base.serialize_entity(context, entity) def deserialize_entity(self, context, entity): if not self._base: return entity return self._base.deserialize_entity(context, entity) def serialize_context(self, context): _context = context.to_dict() if profiler is not None: prof = profiler.get() if prof: trace_info = { "hmac_key": prof.hmac_key, "base_id": prof.get_base_id(), "parent_id": prof.get_id() } _context.update({"trace_info": trace_info}) return _context def deserialize_context(self, context): trace_info = context.pop("trace_info", None) if trace_info: if profiler is not None: profiler.init(**trace_info) return cinder.context.RequestContext.from_dict(context) def get_client(target, version_cap=None, serializer=None) -> messaging.RPCClient: if TRANSPORT is None: raise AssertionError('RPC transport is not initialized.') serializer = RequestContextSerializer(serializer) return messaging.RPCClient(TRANSPORT, target, version_cap=version_cap, serializer=serializer) def get_server(target, endpoints, serializer=None) -> messaging.rpc.server.RPCServer: if TRANSPORT is None: raise AssertionError('RPC transport is not initialized.') serializer = RequestContextSerializer(serializer) access_policy = dispatcher.DefaultRPCAccessPolicy return messaging.get_rpc_server(TRANSPORT, target, endpoints, executor='eventlet', serializer=serializer, access_policy=access_policy) @utils.if_notifications_enabled def get_notifier(service: str = None, host: str = None, publisher_id: str = None) -> messaging.Notifier: if NOTIFIER is None: raise AssertionError('RPC Notifier is not initialized.') if not publisher_id: publisher_id = "%s.%s" % (service, host or CONF.host) return NOTIFIER.prepare(publisher_id=publisher_id) def assert_min_rpc_version(min_ver, exc=None): """Decorator to block RPC calls when version cap is lower than min_ver.""" if exc is None: exc = cinder.exception.ServiceTooOld def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self.client.can_send_version(min_ver): msg = _('One of %(binary)s services is too old to accept ' '%(method)s request. Required RPC API version is ' '%(version)s. Are you running mixed versions of ' '%(binary)ss?') % {'binary': self.BINARY, 'version': min_ver, 'method': f.__name__} raise exc(msg) return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapper return decorator LAST_RPC_VERSIONS = {} LAST_OBJ_VERSIONS = {} class RPCAPI(object): """Mixin class aggregating methods related to RPC API compatibility.""" RPC_API_VERSION = '1.0' RPC_DEFAULT_VERSION = '1.0' TOPIC = '' BINARY = '' def __init__(self): target = messaging.Target(topic=self.TOPIC, version=self.RPC_API_VERSION) obj_version_cap = self.determine_obj_version_cap() serializer = base.CinderObjectSerializer(obj_version_cap) rpc_version_cap = self.determine_rpc_version_cap() self.client = get_client(target, version_cap=rpc_version_cap, serializer=serializer) def _compat_ver(self, current, *legacy): versions = (current,) + legacy for version in versions[:-1]: if self.client.can_send_version(version): return version return versions[-1] def _get_cctxt(self, version: Union[str, tuple[str, ...]] = None, **kwargs): """Prepare client context Version parameter accepts single version string or tuple of strings. Compatible version can be obtained later using: cctxt = _get_cctxt(...) version = cctxt.target.version """ if version is None: version = self.RPC_DEFAULT_VERSION if isinstance(version, tuple): version = self._compat_ver(*version) return self.client.prepare(version=version, **kwargs) @classmethod def determine_rpc_version_cap(cls): global LAST_RPC_VERSIONS if cls.BINARY in LAST_RPC_VERSIONS: return LAST_RPC_VERSIONS[cls.BINARY] version_cap = objects.Service.get_minimum_rpc_version( cinder.context.get_admin_context(), cls.BINARY) if not version_cap: # If there is no service we assume they will come up later and will # have the same version as we do. version_cap = cls.RPC_API_VERSION LOG.info('Automatically selected %(binary)s RPC version ' '%(version)s as minimum service version.', {'binary': cls.BINARY, 'version': version_cap}) LAST_RPC_VERSIONS[cls.BINARY] = version_cap return version_cap @classmethod def determine_obj_version_cap(cls): global LAST_OBJ_VERSIONS if cls.BINARY in LAST_OBJ_VERSIONS: return LAST_OBJ_VERSIONS[cls.BINARY] version_cap = objects.Service.get_minimum_obj_version( cinder.context.get_admin_context(), cls.BINARY) # If there is no service we assume they will come up later and will # have the same version as we do. if not version_cap: version_cap = base.OBJ_VERSIONS.get_current() LOG.info('Automatically selected %(binary)s objects version ' '%(version)s as minimum service version.', {'binary': cls.BINARY, 'version': version_cap}) LAST_OBJ_VERSIONS[cls.BINARY] = version_cap return version_cap