# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import re from oslo.concurrency import processutils as putils from cinder.brick.iscsi import iscsi from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _, _LI from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging from cinder.volume import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _ExportMixin(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.db = kwargs.pop('db', None) super(_ExportMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def create_export(self, context, volume, volume_path, conf): """Creates an export for a logical volume.""" iscsi_name = "%s%s" % (conf.iscsi_target_prefix, volume['name']) max_targets = conf.safe_get('iscsi_num_targets') (iscsi_target, lun) = self._get_target_and_lun(context, volume, max_targets) # Verify we haven't setup a CHAP creds file already # if DNE no big deal, we'll just create it current_chap_auth = self._get_target_chap_auth(iscsi_name) if current_chap_auth: (chap_username, chap_password) = current_chap_auth else: chap_username = utils.generate_username() chap_password = utils.generate_password() chap_auth = self._iscsi_authentication('IncomingUser', chap_username, chap_password) # NOTE(jdg): For TgtAdm case iscsi_name is the ONLY param we need # should clean this all up at some point in the future tid = self.create_iscsi_target(iscsi_name, iscsi_target, 0, volume_path, chap_auth, write_cache= conf.iscsi_write_cache) data = {} data['location'] = self._iscsi_location( conf.iscsi_ip_address, tid, iscsi_name, conf.iscsi_port, lun) LOG.debug('Set provider_location to: %s', data['location']) data['auth'] = self._iscsi_authentication( 'CHAP', chap_username, chap_password) return data def remove_export(self, context, volume): try: iscsi_target = self._get_iscsi_target(context, volume['id']) except exception.NotFound: LOG.info(_LI("Skipping remove_export. No iscsi_target " "provisioned for volume: %s"), volume['id']) return try: # NOTE: provider_location may be unset if the volume hasn't # been exported location = volume['provider_location'].split(' ') iqn = location[1] # ietadm show will exit with an error # this export has already been removed self.show_target(iscsi_target, iqn=iqn) except Exception: LOG.info(_LI("Skipping remove_export. No iscsi_target " "is presently exported for volume: %s"), volume['id']) return self.remove_iscsi_target(iscsi_target, 0, volume['id'], volume['name']) def ensure_export(self, context, volume, iscsi_name, volume_path, vg_name, conf, old_name=None): iscsi_target = self._get_target_for_ensure_export(context, volume['id']) if iscsi_target is None: LOG.info(_LI("Skipping remove_export. No iscsi_target " "provisioned for volume: %s"), volume['id']) return chap_auth = None # Check for https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1065702 old_name = None if (volume['provider_location'] is not None and volume['name'] not in volume['provider_location']): msg = _('Detected inconsistency in provider_location id') LOG.debug('%s', msg) old_name = self._fix_id_migration(context, volume, vg_name) if 'in-use' in volume['status']: old_name = None self.create_iscsi_target(iscsi_name, iscsi_target, 0, volume_path, chap_auth, check_exit_code=False, old_name=old_name, write_cache=conf.iscsi_write_cache) def _ensure_iscsi_targets(self, context, host, max_targets): """Ensure that target ids have been created in datastore.""" # NOTE(jdg): tgtadm doesn't use the iscsi_targets table # TODO(jdg): In the future move all of the dependent stuff into the # cooresponding target admin class host_iscsi_targets = self.db.iscsi_target_count_by_host(context, host) if host_iscsi_targets >= max_targets: return # NOTE(vish): Target ids start at 1, not 0. target_end = max_targets + 1 for target_num in xrange(1, target_end): target = {'host': host, 'target_num': target_num} self.db.iscsi_target_create_safe(context, target) def _get_target_for_ensure_export(self, context, volume_id): try: iscsi_target = self.db.volume_get_iscsi_target_num(context, volume_id) return iscsi_target except exception.NotFound: return None def _get_target_and_lun(self, context, volume, max_targets): lun = 0 self._ensure_iscsi_targets(context, volume['host'], max_targets) iscsi_target = self.db.volume_allocate_iscsi_target(context, volume['id'], volume['host']) return iscsi_target, lun def _get_iscsi_target(self, context, vol_id): return self.db.volume_get_iscsi_target_num(context, vol_id) def _iscsi_authentication(self, chap, name, password): return "%s %s %s" % (chap, name, password) def _iscsi_location(self, ip, target, iqn, port, lun=None): return "%s:%s,%s %s %s" % (ip, port, target, iqn, lun) def _fix_id_migration(self, context, volume, vg_name): """Fix provider_location and dev files to address bug 1065702. For volumes that the provider_location has NOT been updated and are not currently in-use we'll create a new iscsi target and remove the persist file. If the volume is in-use, we'll just stick with the old name and when detach is called we'll feed back into ensure_export again if necessary and fix things up then. Details at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1065702 """ model_update = {} pattern = re.compile(r":|\s") fields = pattern.split(volume['provider_location']) old_name = fields[3] volume['provider_location'] = \ volume['provider_location'].replace(old_name, volume['name']) model_update['provider_location'] = volume['provider_location'] self.db.volume_update(context, volume['id'], model_update) start = os.getcwd() os.chdir('/dev/%s' % vg_name) try: (out, err) = self._execute('readlink', old_name) except putils.ProcessExecutionError: link_path = '/dev/%s/%s' % (vg_name, old_name) LOG.debug('Symbolic link %s not found' % link_path) os.chdir(start) return rel_path = out.rstrip() self._execute('ln', '-s', rel_path, volume['name'], run_as_root=True) os.chdir(start) return old_name class TgtAdm(_ExportMixin, iscsi.TgtAdm): def _get_target_and_lun(self, context, volume, max_targets): lun = 1 # For tgtadm the controller is lun 0, dev starts at lun 1 iscsi_target = 0 # NOTE(jdg): Not used by tgtadm return iscsi_target, lun def _get_iscsi_target(self, context, vol_id): return 0 def _get_target_for_ensure_export(self, context, volume_id): return 1 class FakeIscsiHelper(_ExportMixin, iscsi.FakeIscsiHelper): def create_export(self, context, volume, volume_path, conf): return { 'location': "fake_location", 'auth': "fake_auth" } def remove_export(self, context, volume): pass def ensure_export(self, context, volume, iscsi_name, volume_path, vg_name, conf, old_name=None): pass class LioAdm(_ExportMixin, iscsi.LioAdm): def remove_export(self, context, volume): try: iscsi_target = self.db.volume_get_iscsi_target_num(context, volume['id']) except exception.NotFound: LOG.info(_LI("Skipping remove_export. No iscsi_target " "provisioned for volume: %s"), volume['id']) return self.remove_iscsi_target(iscsi_target, 0, volume['id'], volume['name']) def ensure_export(self, context, volume, iscsi_name, volume_path, vg_name, conf, old_name=None): try: volume_info = self.db.volume_get(context, volume['id']) except exception.NotFound: LOG.info(_LI("Skipping ensure_export. No iscsi_target " "provision for volume: %s"), volume['id']) return (auth_method, auth_user, auth_pass) = volume_info['provider_auth'].split(' ', 3) chap_auth = self._iscsi_authentication(auth_method, auth_user, auth_pass) iscsi_target = 1 self.create_iscsi_target(iscsi_name, iscsi_target, 0, volume_path, chap_auth, check_exit_code=False) class IetAdm(_ExportMixin, iscsi.IetAdm): pass class ISERTgtAdm(_ExportMixin, iscsi.ISERTgtAdm): def _get_target_and_lun(self, context, volume, max_targets): lun = 1 # For tgtadm the controller is lun 0, dev starts at lun 1 iscsi_target = 0 # NOTE(jdg): Not used by tgtadm return iscsi_target, lun def _get_iscsi_target(self, context, vol_id): return 0 def _get_target_for_ensure_export(self, context, volume_id): return 1