# Copyright 2017 Veritas Technologies LLC. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Veritas Access Driver for ISCSI. """ import ast import hashlib import json from random import randint from defusedxml import minidom from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import loopingcall from oslo_utils import netutils from oslo_utils import strutils from oslo_utils import units import requests import requests.auth from six.moves import http_client from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder import interface from cinder.volume import driver from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) VA_VOL_OPTS = [ cfg.BoolOpt('vrts_lun_sparse', default=True, help='Create sparse Lun.'), cfg.StrOpt('vrts_target_config', default='/etc/cinder/vrts_target.xml', help='VA config file.') ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(VA_VOL_OPTS) class NoAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase): """This is a 'authentication' handler. It exists for use with custom authentication systems, such as the one for the Access API, it simply passes the Authorization header as-is. The default authentication handler for requests will clobber the Authorization header. """ def __call__(self, r): return r @interface.volumedriver class ACCESSIscsiDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver): """ACCESS Share Driver. Executes commands relating to ACCESS ISCSI. Supports creation of volumes on ACCESS. .. code-block:: none API version history: 1.0 - Initial version. """ VERSION = "1.0" # ThirdPartySytems wiki page CI_WIKI_NAME = "Veritas_Access_CI" DRIVER_VOLUME_TYPE = 'iSCSI' LUN_FOUND_INTERVAL = 30 # seconds def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Parent sets db, host, _execute and base config super(ACCESSIscsiDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._va_ip = None self._port = None self._user = None self._pwd = None self.iscsi_port = None self._fs_list_str = '/fs' self._target_list_str = '/iscsi/target/list' self._target_status = '/iscsi/target/status' self._lun_create_str = '/iscsi/lun/create' self._lun_destroy_str = '/iscsi/lun/destroy' self._lun_list_str = '/iscsi/lun/list' self._lun_create_from_snap_str = '/iscsi/lun_from_snap/create' self._snapshot_create_str = '/iscsi/lun/snapshot/create' self._snapshot_destroy_str = '/iscsi/lun/snapshot/destroy' self._snapshot_list_str = '/iscsi/lun/snapshot/list' self._lun_clone_create_str = '/iscsi/lun/clone/create' self._lun_extend_str = '/iscsi/lun/growto' self._lun_shrink_str = '/iscsi/lun/shrinkto' self._lun_getid_str = '/iscsi/lun/getlunid' self._target_map_str = '/iscsi/target/map/add' self._target_list_status = '/iscsi/target/full_list' self.configuration.append_config_values(VA_VOL_OPTS) self.configuration.append_config_values(san.san_opts) self.backend_name = (self.configuration.safe_get('volume_' 'backend_name') or 'ACCESS_ISCSI') self.verify = (self.configuration. safe_get('driver_ssl_cert_verify') or False) if self.verify: verify_path = (self.configuration. safe_get('driver_ssl_cert_path') or None) if verify_path: self.verify = verify_path @staticmethod def get_driver_options(): return VA_VOL_OPTS def do_setup(self, context): """Any initialization the volume driver does while starting.""" super(ACCESSIscsiDriver, self).do_setup(context) required_config = ['san_ip', 'san_login', 'san_password', 'san_api_port'] for attr in required_config: if not getattr(self.configuration, attr, None): message = (_('config option %s is not set.') % attr) raise exception.InvalidInput(message=message) self._va_ip = self.configuration.san_ip self._user = self.configuration.san_login self._pwd = self.configuration.san_password self._port = self.configuration.san_api_port self._sparse_lun_support = self.configuration.vrts_lun_sparse self.target_info_file = self.configuration.vrts_target_config self.iscsi_port = self.configuration.target_port self.session = self._authenticate_access(self._va_ip, self._user, self._pwd) def _get_va_lun_name(self, name): length = len(name) index = int(length / 2) name1 = name[:index] name2 = name[index:] crc1 = hashlib.md5(name1.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:5] crc2 = hashlib.md5(name2.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:5] return 'cinder' + '-' + crc1 + '-' + crc2 def check_for_setup_error(self): """Check if veritas access target is online.""" target_list = self._vrts_parse_xml_file(self.target_info_file) if not self._vrts_get_online_targets(target_list): message = ('ACCESSIscsiDriver setup error as ' 'no target is online') raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) def create_export(self, context, volume, connector): """Driver entry point to get the export info for a new volume.""" pass def remove_export(self, context, volume): """Driver entry point to remove an export for a volume.""" pass def ensure_export(self, context, volume): """Driver entry point to get the export info for an existing volume.""" pass def _vrts_get_iscsi_properties(self, volume, target_name): """Get target and LUN details.""" lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(volume.id) data = {} path = self._lun_getid_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) lun_id_list = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'GET') if not lun_id_list: message = _('ACCESSIscsiDriver get LUN ID list ' 'operation failed') LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) for lun in ast.literal_eval(lun_id_list['output']): vrts_lun_name = lun['storage_object'].split('/')[3] if vrts_lun_name == lun_name: lun_id = int(lun['index']) target_list = self._vrts_parse_xml_file(self.target_info_file) authentication = False portal_ip = "" for target in target_list: if target_name == target['name']: portal_ip = target['portal_ip'] if target['auth'] == '1': auth_user = target['auth_user'] auth_password = target['auth_password'] authentication = True break if portal_ip == "": message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver initialize_connection ' 'failed for %s as no portal ip was found') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) portal_list = portal_ip.split(',') target_portal_list = [] for ip in portal_list: if netutils.is_valid_ipv6(ip): target_portal_list.append('[%s]:%s' % (ip, str(self.iscsi_port))) else: target_portal_list.append('%s:%s' % (ip, str(self.iscsi_port))) iscsi_properties = {} iscsi_properties['target_discovered'] = True iscsi_properties['target_iqn'] = target_name iscsi_properties['target_portal'] = target_portal_list[0] if len(target_portal_list) > 1: iscsi_properties['target_portals'] = target_portal_list iscsi_properties['target_lun'] = lun_id iscsi_properties['volume_id'] = volume.id if authentication: iscsi_properties['auth_username'] = auth_user iscsi_properties['auth_password'] = auth_password iscsi_properties['auth_method'] = 'CHAP' return iscsi_properties def _get_vrts_lun_list(self): """Get Lun list.""" data = {} path = self._lun_list_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) lun_list = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'GET') if not lun_list: message = _('ACCESSIscsiDriver get LUN list ' 'operation failed') LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) return lun_list def _vrts_target_initiator_mapping(self, target_name, initiator_name): """Map target to initiator.""" path = self._target_map_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} data["target_name"] = target_name data["initiator_name"] = initiator_name result = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'POST') if not result: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver target-initiator mapping ' 'failed for target %s') % target_name) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector, initiator_data=None): """Initializes the connection and returns connection info. The iscsi driver returns a driver_volume_type of 'iscsi'. the format of the driver data is defined in _vrts_get_iscsi_properties. Example return value:: { 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi' 'data': { 'target_discovered': True, 'target_iqn': 'iqn.2010-10.org.openstack:volume-00000001', 'target_portal': '', 'target_lun': 1, 'volume_id': '12345678-1234-4321-1234-123456789012', } } """ lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(volume.id) target = {'target_name': ''} def _inner(): lun_list = self._get_vrts_lun_list() for lun in lun_list['output']['output']['luns']: if lun['lun_name'] == lun_name: target['target_name'] = lun['target_name'] raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall(_inner) try: timer.start(interval=5, timeout=self.LUN_FOUND_INTERVAL).wait() except loopingcall.LoopingCallTimeOut: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver initialize_connection ' 'failed for %s as no target was found') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) self._vrts_target_initiator_mapping(target['target_name'], connector['initiator']) iscsi_properties = self._vrts_get_iscsi_properties( volume, target['target_name']) return { 'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': iscsi_properties } def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs): """Disallow connection from connector.""" pass def _vrts_parse_xml_file(self, filename): """VRTS target info. iqn.2017-02.com.veritas:target03 iqn.2017-02.com.veritas:target04 :param filename: the configuration file :returns: list """ myfile = open(filename, 'r') data = myfile.read() myfile.close() dom = minidom.parseString(data) mylist = [] target = {} try: for trg in dom.getElementsByTagName('Target'): target['name'] = (trg.getElementsByTagName('Name')[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue) target['portal_ip'] = (trg.getElementsByTagName('PortalIP')[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue) target['auth'] = (trg.getElementsByTagName('Authentication')[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue) if target['auth'] == '1': target['auth_user'] = (trg.getElementsByTagName ('Auth_username')[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue) target['auth_password'] = (trg.getElementsByTagName ('Auth_password')[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue) mylist.append(target) target = {} except IndexError: pass return mylist def _vrts_get_fs_list(self): """Get FS list.""" path = self._fs_list_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} fs_list = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'GET') if not fs_list: message = _('ACCESSIscsiDriver get FS list ' 'operation failed') LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) return fs_list def _vrts_get_online_targets(self, available_targets): """Out of available targets get list of targets which are online.""" online_targets = [] path = self._target_list_status provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} target_status_list = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'GET') try: target_status_output = (ast. literal_eval(target_status_list['output'])) except KeyError: message = _('ACCESSIscsiDriver get online target list ' 'operation failed') LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) for target in available_targets: if target['name'] in target_status_output.keys(): if target_status_output[target['name']] == 'ONLINE': online_targets.append(target) return online_targets def _vrts_get_targets_store(self): """Get target and its store list.""" path = self._target_list_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} target_list = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'GET') if not target_list: message = _('ACCESSIscsiDriver get target list ' 'operation failed') LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) return target_list['output']['output']['targets'] def _vrts_get_assigned_store(self, target, vrts_target_list): """Get the store mapped to given target.""" for vrts_target in vrts_target_list: if vrts_target['wwn'] == target: return vrts_target['fs_list'][0] def _vrts_is_space_available_in_store(self, vol_size, store_name, fs_list): """Check whether space is available on store.""" if self._sparse_lun_support: return True for fs in fs_list: if fs['name'] == store_name: fs_avilable_space = (int(fs['file_storage_capacity']) - int(fs['file_storage_used'])) free_space = fs_avilable_space / units.Gi if free_space > vol_size: return True break return False def _vrts_get_suitable_target(self, target_list, vol_size): """Get a suitable target for lun creation. Picking random target at first, if space is not available in first selected target then check each target one by one for suitable one. """ target_count = len(target_list) incrmnt_pointer = 0 target_index = randint(0, (target_count - 1)) fs_list = self._vrts_get_fs_list() vrts_target_list = self._vrts_get_targets_store() store_name = self._vrts_get_assigned_store( target_list[target_index]['name'], vrts_target_list ) if not self._vrts_is_space_available_in_store( vol_size, store_name, fs_list): while (incrmnt_pointer != target_count - 1): target_index = (target_index + 1) % target_count store_name = self._vrts_get_assigned_store( target_list[target_index]['name'], vrts_target_list ) if self._vrts_is_space_available_in_store( vol_size, store_name, fs_list): return target_list[target_index]['name'] incrmnt_pointer = incrmnt_pointer + 1 else: return target_list[target_index]['name'] return False def create_volume(self, volume): """Creates a Veritas Access Iscsi LUN.""" create_dense = False if 'dense' in volume.metadata.keys(): create_dense = strutils.bool_from_string( volume.metadata['dense']) lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(volume.id) lun_size = '%sg' % volume.size path = self._lun_create_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) target_list = self._vrts_parse_xml_file(self.target_info_file) target_name = self._vrts_get_suitable_target(target_list, volume.size) if not target_name: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create volume failed %s ' 'as no space is available') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) data = {} data["lun_name"] = lun_name data["target_name"] = target_name data["size"] = lun_size if not self._sparse_lun_support or create_dense: data["option"] = "option=dense" result = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'POST') if not result: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create volume failed %s') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) def delete_volume(self, volume): """Deletes a Veritas Access Iscsi LUN.""" lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(volume.id) lun_list = self._get_vrts_lun_list() target_name = "" for lun in lun_list['output']['output']['luns']: if lun['lun_name'] == lun_name: target_name = lun['target_name'] path = self._lun_destroy_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} data["lun_name"] = lun_name data["target_name"] = target_name result = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'POST') if not result: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver delete volume failed %s') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Creates a snapshot of LUN.""" lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(snapshot.volume_id) snap_name = self._get_va_lun_name(snapshot.id) path = self._snapshot_create_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} data["lun_name"] = lun_name data["snap_name"] = snap_name result = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'POST') if not result: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create snapshot failed for %s') % snapshot.volume_id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Deletes a snapshot of LUN.""" lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(snapshot.volume_id) snap_name = self._get_va_lun_name(snapshot.id) path = self._snapshot_destroy_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} data["lun_name"] = lun_name data["snap_name"] = snap_name result = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'POST') if not result: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver delete snapshot failed for %s') % snapshot.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Create a clone of the volume.""" lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(src_vref.id) cloned_lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(volume.id) lun_found = False lun_list = self._get_vrts_lun_list() for lun in lun_list['output']['output']['luns']: if lun['lun_name'] == lun_name: store_name = lun['fs_name'] lun_found = True break if not lun_found: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create cloned volume ' 'failed %s as no source volume found') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) fs_list = self._vrts_get_fs_list() if not self._vrts_is_space_available_in_store(volume.size, store_name, fs_list): message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create cloned volume ' 'failed %s as no space is available') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) path = self._lun_clone_create_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} data["lun_name"] = lun_name data["clone_name"] = cloned_lun_name result = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'POST') if not result: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create cloned ' 'volume failed for %s') % src_vref.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) if volume.size > src_vref.size: self._vrts_extend_lun(volume, volume.size) def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Creates a volume from snapshot.""" LOG.debug('ACCESSIscsiDriver create_volume_from_snapshot called') lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(volume.id) snap_name = self._get_va_lun_name(snapshot.id) path = self._snapshot_list_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} data["snap_name"] = snap_name snap_info = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'GET') target_name = "" if snap_info: for snap in snap_info['output']['output']['snapshots']: if snap['snapshot_name'] == snap_name: target_name = snap['target_name'] break if target_name == "": message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create volume from snapshot ' 'failed for volume %s as failed to gather ' 'snapshot details') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) vrts_target_list = self._vrts_get_targets_store() store_name = self._vrts_get_assigned_store( target_name, vrts_target_list) fs_list = self._vrts_get_fs_list() if not self._vrts_is_space_available_in_store(volume.size, store_name, fs_list): message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create volume from snapshot ' 'failed %s as no space is available') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) path = self._lun_create_from_snap_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} data["lun_name"] = lun_name data["snap_name"] = snap_name result = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'POST') if not result: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver create volume from snapshot ' 'failed for volume %s') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) if volume.size > snapshot.volume_size: self._vrts_extend_lun(volume, volume.size) def _vrts_extend_lun(self, volume, size): """Extend vrts LUN to given size.""" lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(volume.id) target = {'target_name': ''} def _inner(): lun_list = self._get_vrts_lun_list() for lun in lun_list['output']['output']['luns']: if lun['lun_name'] == lun_name: target['target_name'] = lun['target_name'] raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalWithTimeoutLoopingCall(_inner) try: timer.start(interval=5, timeout=self.LUN_FOUND_INTERVAL).wait() except loopingcall.LoopingCallTimeOut: return False lun_size = '%sg' % size path = self._lun_extend_str provider = '%s:%s' % (self._va_ip, self._port) data = {} data["lun_name"] = lun_name data["target_name"] = target['target_name'] data["size"] = lun_size result = self._access_api(self.session, provider, path, json.dumps(data), 'POST') return result def extend_volume(self, volume, size): """Extend the volume to new size""" lun_name = self._get_va_lun_name(volume.id) lun_found = False lun_list = self._get_vrts_lun_list() for lun in lun_list['output']['output']['luns']: if lun['lun_name'] == lun_name: store_name = lun['fs_name'] lun_found = True break if not lun_found: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver extend volume ' 'failed %s as no volume found at backend') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) fs_list = self._vrts_get_fs_list() if not self._vrts_is_space_available_in_store(size, store_name, fs_list): message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver extend volume ' 'failed %s as no space is available') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) result = self._vrts_extend_lun(volume, size) if not result: message = (_('ACCESSIscsiDriver extend ' 'volume failed for %s') % volume.id) LOG.error(message) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(message=message) def _get_api(self, provider, tail): api_root = 'https://%s/api/access' % (provider) if tail == self._fs_list_str: api_root = 'https://%s/api' % (provider) return api_root + tail def _access_api(self, session, provider, path, input_data, method): """Returns False if failure occurs.""" kwargs = {'data': input_data} if not isinstance(input_data, dict): kwargs['headers'] = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} full_url = self._get_api(provider, path) response = session.request(method, full_url, **kwargs) if response.status_code == 401: LOG.debug('Generating new session.') self.session = self._authenticate_access(self._va_ip, self._user, self._pwd) response = self.session.request(method, full_url, **kwargs) if response.status_code != http_client.OK: LOG.error('Access API operation failed with HTTP error code %s.', str(response.status_code)) return False result = response.json() return result def _authenticate_access(self, address, username, password): session = requests.session() session.verify = self.verify session.auth = NoAuth() # Here 'address' will be only IPv4. response = session.post('https://%s:%s/api/rest/authenticate' % (address, self._port), data={'username': username, 'password': password}) if response.status_code != http_client.OK: LOG.error('Failed to authenticate to remote cluster at %s as %s.', address, username) raise exception.NotAuthorized(_('Authentication failure.')) result = response.json() session.headers.update({'Authorization': 'Bearer {}' .format(result['token'])}) session.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) return session def _get_va_backend_capacity(self): """Get VA backend total and free capacity.""" target_list = self._vrts_parse_xml_file(self.target_info_file) fs_list = self._vrts_get_fs_list() vrts_target_list = self._vrts_get_targets_store() total_space = 0 free_space = 0 target_name = [] target_store = [] for target in target_list: target_name.append(target['name']) for target in vrts_target_list: if target['wwn'] in target_name: target_store.append(target['fs_list'][0]) for store in target_store: for fs in fs_list: if fs['name'] == store: total_space = total_space + fs['file_storage_capacity'] fs_free_space = (fs['file_storage_capacity'] - fs['file_storage_used']) if fs_free_space > free_space: free_space = fs_free_space total_capacity = int(total_space) / units.Gi free_capacity = int(free_space) / units.Gi return (total_capacity, free_capacity) def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """Retrieve status info from share volume group.""" total_capacity, free_capacity = self._get_va_backend_capacity() backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') res_percentage = self.configuration.safe_get('reserved_percentage') self._stats["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or 'VeritasISCSI' self._stats["vendor_name"] = 'Veritas' self._stats["reserved_percentage"] = res_percentage or 0 self._stats["driver_version"] = self.VERSION self._stats["storage_protocol"] = self.DRIVER_VOLUME_TYPE self._stats['total_capacity_gb'] = total_capacity self._stats['free_capacity_gb'] = free_capacity self._stats['thin_provisioning_support'] = True return self._stats