# Copyright (c) 2017 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Driver for Dell EMC ScaleIO based on ScaleIO remote CLI. """ import base64 import binascii from distutils import version import json import math import re from os_brick import initiator from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_log import versionutils from oslo_utils import units import requests import six from six.moves import http_client from six.moves import urllib from cinder import context from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder.image import image_utils from cinder import interface from cinder import objects from cinder.objects import fields from cinder import utils from cinder.volume import configuration from cinder.volume import driver from cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.scaleio import simplecache from cinder.volume.drivers.san import san from cinder.volume import qos_specs from cinder.volume import utils as volume_utils from cinder.volume import volume_types CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) scaleio_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('sio_rest_server_port', default='443', help='REST server port.'), cfg.BoolOpt('sio_verify_server_certificate', default=False, help='Verify server certificate.'), cfg.StrOpt('sio_server_certificate_path', help='Server certificate path.'), cfg.BoolOpt('sio_round_volume_capacity', default=True, help='Round up volume capacity.'), cfg.BoolOpt('sio_unmap_volume_before_deletion', default=False, help='Unmap volume before deletion.'), cfg.StrOpt('sio_storage_pools', help='Storage Pools.'), cfg.StrOpt('sio_protection_domain_id', deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason="Replaced by sio_storage_pools option", deprecated_since="Pike", help='DEPRECATED: Protection Domain ID.'), cfg.StrOpt('sio_protection_domain_name', deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason="Replaced by sio_storage_pools option", deprecated_since="Pike", help='DEPRECATED: Protection Domain name.'), cfg.StrOpt('sio_storage_pool_name', deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason="Replaced by sio_storage_pools option", deprecated_since="Pike", help='DEPRECATED: Storage Pool name.'), cfg.StrOpt('sio_storage_pool_id', deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason="Replaced by sio_storage_pools option", deprecated_since="Pike", help='DEPRECATED: Storage Pool ID.'), cfg.StrOpt('sio_server_api_version', help='ScaleIO API version.'), cfg.FloatOpt('sio_max_over_subscription_ratio', # This option exists to provide a default value for the # ScaleIO driver which is different than the global default. default=10.0, help='max_over_subscription_ratio setting for the ScaleIO ' 'driver. This replaces the general ' 'max_over_subscription_ratio which has no effect ' 'in this driver.' 'Maximum value allowed for ScaleIO is 10.0.'), cfg.BoolOpt('sio_allow_non_padded_volumes', default=False, help='Allow volumes to be created in Storage Pools ' 'when zero padding is disabled. This option should ' 'not be enabled if multiple tenants will utilize ' 'volumes from a shared Storage Pool.'), ] CONF.register_opts(scaleio_opts, group=configuration.SHARED_CONF_GROUP) STORAGE_POOL_NAME = 'sio:sp_name' STORAGE_POOL_ID = 'sio:sp_id' PROTECTION_DOMAIN_NAME = 'sio:pd_name' PROTECTION_DOMAIN_ID = 'sio:pd_id' PROVISIONING_KEY = 'provisioning:type' OLD_PROVISIONING_KEY = 'sio:provisioning_type' IOPS_LIMIT_KEY = 'sio:iops_limit' BANDWIDTH_LIMIT = 'sio:bandwidth_limit' QOS_IOPS_LIMIT_KEY = 'maxIOPS' QOS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT = 'maxBWS' QOS_IOPS_PER_GB = 'maxIOPSperGB' QOS_BANDWIDTH_PER_GB = 'maxBWSperGB' BLOCK_SIZE = 8 VOLUME_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 79 # This code belongs to older versions of ScaleIO OLD_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 78 VOLUME_NOT_MAPPED_ERROR = 84 ILLEGAL_SYNTAX = 0 VOLUME_ALREADY_MAPPED_ERROR = 81 MIN_BWS_SCALING_SIZE = 128 SIO_MAX_OVERSUBSCRIPTION_RATIO = 10.0 @interface.volumedriver class ScaleIODriver(driver.VolumeDriver): """Cinder ScaleIO Driver ScaleIO Driver version history: 2.0.1: Added support for SIO 1.3x in addition to 2.0.x 2.0.2: Added consistency group support to generic volume groups 2.0.3: Added cache for storage pool and protection domains info 2.0.4: Added compatibility with os_brick>1.15.3 Fix for Bug #1823200. See OSSN-0086 for details. """ VERSION = "" # ThirdPartySystems wiki CI_WIKI_NAME = "DELL_EMC_ScaleIO_CI" scaleio_qos_keys = (QOS_IOPS_LIMIT_KEY, QOS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT, QOS_IOPS_PER_GB, QOS_BANDWIDTH_PER_GB) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ScaleIODriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # simple caches for PD and SP properties self.spCache = simplecache.SimpleCache("Storage Pool", age_minutes=5) self.pdCache = simplecache.SimpleCache("Protection Domain", age_minutes=5) self.configuration.append_config_values(san.san_opts) self.configuration.append_config_values(scaleio_opts) self.server_ip = self.configuration.san_ip self.server_port = self.configuration.sio_rest_server_port self.server_username = self.configuration.san_login self.server_password = self.configuration.san_password self.server_token = None self.server_api_version = self.configuration.sio_server_api_version # list of statistics/properties to query from SIO self.statisticProperties = None self.verify_server_certificate = ( self.configuration.sio_verify_server_certificate) self.server_certificate_path = None if self.verify_server_certificate: self.server_certificate_path = ( self.configuration.sio_server_certificate_path) LOG.info("REST server IP: %(ip)s, port: %(port)s, username: %(" "user)s. Verify server's certificate: %(verify_cert)s.", {'ip': self.server_ip, 'port': self.server_port, 'user': self.server_username, 'verify_cert': self.verify_server_certificate}) # starting in Pike, prefer the sio_storage_pools option self.storage_pools = None if self.configuration.sio_storage_pools: self.storage_pools = [ e.strip() for e in self.configuration.sio_storage_pools.split(',')] LOG.info("Storage pools names: %(pools)s.", {'pools': self.storage_pools}) LOG.info("Storage pool name: %(pool)s, pool id: %(pool_id)s.", {'pool': self.configuration.sio_storage_pool_name, 'pool_id': self.configuration.sio_storage_pool_id}) LOG.info("Protection domain name: %(domain)s, " "domain id: %(domain_id)s.", {'domain': self.configuration.sio_protection_domain_name, 'domain_id': self.configuration.sio_protection_domain_id}) self.provisioning_type = ( 'thin' if self.configuration.san_thin_provision else 'thick') LOG.info("Default provisioning type: %(provisioning_type)s.", {'provisioning_type': self.provisioning_type}) self.configuration.max_over_subscription_ratio = ( self.configuration.sio_max_over_subscription_ratio) self.connector = initiator.connector.InitiatorConnector.factory( initiator.SCALEIO, utils.get_root_helper(), self.configuration.num_volume_device_scan_tries ) self.connection_properties = { 'scaleIO_volname': None, 'hostIP': None, 'serverIP': self.server_ip, 'serverPort': self.server_port, 'serverUsername': self.server_username, 'config_group': self.configuration.config_group, 'iopsLimit': None, 'bandwidthLimit': None, } def check_for_setup_error(self): # make sure both domain name and id are not specified if (self.configuration.sio_protection_domain_name and self.configuration.sio_protection_domain_id): msg = _("Cannot specify both protection domain name " "and protection domain id.") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # make sure both storage pool and id are not specified if (self.configuration.sio_storage_pool_name and self.configuration.sio_storage_pool_id): msg = _("Cannot specify both storage pool name and storage " "pool id.") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # make sure the REST gateway is specified if not self.server_ip: msg = _("REST server IP must be specified.") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # make sure we got a username if not self.server_username: msg = _("REST server username must be specified.") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # make sure we got a password if not self.server_password: msg = _("REST server password must be specified.") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # validate certificate settings if self.verify_server_certificate and not self.server_certificate_path: msg = _("Path to REST server's certificate must be specified.") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # log warning if not using certificates if not self.verify_server_certificate: LOG.warning("Verify certificate is not set, using default of " "False.") # validate oversubscription ration if (self.configuration.max_over_subscription_ratio is not None and (self.configuration.max_over_subscription_ratio - SIO_MAX_OVERSUBSCRIPTION_RATIO > 1)): msg = (_("Max over subscription is configured to %(ratio)1f " "while ScaleIO support up to %(sio_ratio)s.") % {'sio_ratio': SIO_MAX_OVERSUBSCRIPTION_RATIO, 'ratio': self.configuration.max_over_subscription_ratio}) raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # validate that version of ScaleIO is supported server_api_version = self._get_server_api_version(fromcache=False) if not self._version_greater_than_or_equal( server_api_version, "2.0.0"): # we are running against a pre-2.0.0 ScaleIO instance msg = (_("Using ScaleIO versions less than v2.0.0 has been " "deprecated and will be removed in a future version")) versionutils.report_deprecated_feature(LOG, msg) # we have enough information now to validate pools self.storage_pools = self._build_storage_pool_list() if not self.storage_pools: msg = (_("Must specify storage pools. Option: " "sio_storage_pools.")) raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # validate the storage pools and check if zero padding is enabled for pool in self.storage_pools: try: pd, sp = pool.split(':') except (ValueError, IndexError): msg = (_("Invalid storage pool name. The correct format is: " "protection_domain:storage_pool. " "Value supplied was: %(pool)s") % {'pool': pool}) raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) try: properties = self._get_storage_pool_properties(pd, sp) padded = properties['zeroPaddingEnabled'] except Exception: msg = (_("Unable to retrieve properties for pool, %(pool)s") % {'pool': pool}) raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) if not padded: LOG.warning("Zero padding is disabled for pool, %s. " "This could lead to existing data being " "accessible on new thick provisioned volumes. " "Consult the ScaleIO product documentation " "for information on how to enable zero padding " "and prevent this from occurring.", pool) def _build_storage_pool_list(self): """Build storage pool list This method determines the list of storage pools that are requested, by concatenating a few config settings """ # start with the list of pools supplied in the configuration pools = self.storage_pools # append the domain:pool specified individually if (self.configuration.sio_storage_pool_name is not None and self.configuration.sio_protection_domain_name is not None): extra_pool = "{}:{}".format( self.configuration.sio_protection_domain_name, self.configuration.sio_storage_pool_name) LOG.info("Ensuring %s is in the list of configured pools.", extra_pool) if pools is None: pools = [] if extra_pool not in pools: pools.append(extra_pool) # if specified, account for the storage_pool_id if self.configuration.sio_storage_pool_id is not None: # the user specified a storage pool id # get the domain and pool names from SIO extra_pool = self._get_storage_pool_name( self.configuration.sio_storage_pool_id) LOG.info("Ensuring %s is in the list of configured pools.", extra_pool) if pools is None: pools = [] if extra_pool not in pools: pools.append(extra_pool) return pools def _get_queryable_statistics(self, sio_type, sio_id): if self.statisticProperties is None: self.statisticProperties = [ "snapCapacityInUseInKb", "capacityAvailableForVolumeAllocationInKb", "capacityLimitInKb", "spareCapacityInKb", "thickCapacityInUseInKb"] # version 2.0 of SIO introduced thin volumes if self._version_greater_than_or_equal( self._get_server_api_version(), "2.0.0"): # check to see if thinCapacityAllocatedInKb is valid # needed due to non-backwards compatible API req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'sio_type': sio_type} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/types/%(sio_type)s/instances/action/" "querySelectedStatistics") % req_vars params = {'ids': [sio_id], 'properties': ["thinCapacityAllocatedInKb"]} r, response = self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) if r.status_code == http_client.OK: # is it valid, use it self.statisticProperties.append( "thinCapacityAllocatedInKb") else: # it is not valid, assume use of thinCapacityAllocatedInKm self.statisticProperties.append( "thinCapacityAllocatedInKm") return self.statisticProperties def _find_storage_pool_id_from_storage_type(self, storage_type): # Default to what was configured in configuration file if not defined. return storage_type.get(STORAGE_POOL_ID) def _find_storage_pool_name_from_storage_type(self, storage_type): pool_name = storage_type.get(STORAGE_POOL_NAME) # using the extra spec of sio:sp_name is deprecated if pool_name is not None: LOG.warning("Using the volume type extra spec of " "sio:sp_name is deprecated and will be removed " "in a future version. The supported way to " "specify this is by specifying an extra spec " "of 'pool_name=protection_domain:storage_pool'") return pool_name def _find_protection_domain_id_from_storage_type(self, storage_type): # Default to what was configured in configuration file if not defined. return storage_type.get(PROTECTION_DOMAIN_ID) def _find_protection_domain_name_from_storage_type(self, storage_type): domain_name = storage_type.get(PROTECTION_DOMAIN_NAME) # using the extra spec of sio:pd_name is deprecated if domain_name is not None: LOG.warning("Using the volume type extra spec of " "sio:pd_name is deprecated and will be removed " "in a future version. The supported way to " "specify this is by specifying an extra spec " "of 'pool_name=protection_domain:storage_pool'") return domain_name def _find_provisioning_type(self, storage_type): new_provisioning_type = storage_type.get(PROVISIONING_KEY) old_provisioning_type = storage_type.get(OLD_PROVISIONING_KEY) if new_provisioning_type is None and old_provisioning_type is not None: LOG.info("Using sio:provisioning_type for defining " "thin or thick volume will be deprecated in the " "Ocata release of OpenStack. Please use " "provisioning:type configuration option.") provisioning_type = old_provisioning_type else: provisioning_type = new_provisioning_type if provisioning_type is not None: if provisioning_type not in ('thick', 'thin'): msg = _("Illegal provisioning type. The supported " "provisioning types are 'thick' or 'thin'.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return provisioning_type else: return self.provisioning_type @staticmethod def _find_limit(storage_type, qos_key, extraspecs_key): qos_limit = (storage_type.get(qos_key) if qos_key is not None else None) extraspecs_limit = (storage_type.get(extraspecs_key) if extraspecs_key is not None else None) if extraspecs_limit is not None: if qos_limit is not None: LOG.warning("QoS specs are overriding extra_specs.") else: LOG.info("Using extra_specs for defining QoS specs " "will be deprecated in the N release " "of OpenStack. Please use QoS specs.") return qos_limit if qos_limit is not None else extraspecs_limit @staticmethod def _version_greater_than(ver1, ver2): return version.LooseVersion(ver1) > version.LooseVersion(ver2) @staticmethod def _version_greater_than_or_equal(ver1, ver2): return version.LooseVersion(ver1) >= version.LooseVersion(ver2) @staticmethod def _convert_kb_to_gib(size): return int(math.ceil(float(size) / units.Mi)) @staticmethod def _id_to_base64(id): # Base64 encode the id to get a volume name less than 32 characters due # to ScaleIO limitation. name = six.text_type(id).replace("-", "") try: name = base64.b16decode(name.upper()) except (TypeError, binascii.Error): pass encoded_name = name if isinstance(encoded_name, six.text_type): encoded_name = encoded_name.encode('utf-8') encoded_name = base64.b64encode(encoded_name) if six.PY3: encoded_name = encoded_name.decode('ascii') LOG.debug("Converted id %(id)s to scaleio name %(name)s.", {'id': id, 'name': encoded_name}) return encoded_name def _is_volume_creation_safe(self, protection_domain, storage_pool): """Checks if volume creation is safe or not. Using volumes with zero padding disabled can lead to existing data being read off of a newly created volume. """ # if we have been told to allow unsafe volumes if self.configuration.sio_allow_non_padded_volumes: # Enabled regardless of type, so safe to proceed return True try: properties = self._get_storage_pool_properties(protection_domain, storage_pool) padded = properties['zeroPaddingEnabled'] except Exception: msg = (_("Unable to retrieve properties for pool, %(pool)s") % {'pool': storage_pool}) raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) # zero padded storage pools are safe if padded: return True # if we got here, it's unsafe return False def create_volume(self, volume): """Creates a scaleIO volume.""" self._check_volume_size(volume.size) volname = self._id_to_base64(volume.id) # the cinder scheduler will send us the pd:sp for the volume requested_pd = None requested_sp = None try: pd_sp = volume_utils.extract_host(volume.host, 'pool') if pd_sp is not None: requested_pd = pd_sp.split(':')[0] requested_sp = pd_sp.split(':')[1] except (KeyError, ValueError): # we seem to have not gotten it so we'll figure out defaults requested_pd = None requested_sp = None storage_type = self._get_volumetype_extraspecs(volume) type_sp = self._find_storage_pool_name_from_storage_type(storage_type) storage_pool_id = self._find_storage_pool_id_from_storage_type( storage_type) protection_domain_id = ( self._find_protection_domain_id_from_storage_type(storage_type)) type_pd = ( self._find_protection_domain_name_from_storage_type(storage_type)) provisioning_type = self._find_provisioning_type(storage_type) if type_sp is not None: # prefer the storage pool in the volume type # this was undocumented so will likely not happen storage_pool_name = type_sp else: storage_pool_name = requested_sp if type_pd is not None: # prefer the protection domain in the volume type # this was undocumented so will likely not happen protection_domain_name = type_pd else: protection_domain_name = requested_pd # check if the requested pd:sp match the ones that will # be used. If not, spit out a deprecation notice # should never happen if (protection_domain_name != requested_pd or storage_pool_name != requested_sp): LOG.warning( "Creating volume in different protection domain or " "storage pool than scheduler requested. " "Requested: %(req_pd)s:%(req_sp)s, " "Actual %(act_pd)s:%(act_sp)s.", {'req_pd': requested_pd, 'req_sp': requested_sp, 'act_pd': protection_domain_name, 'act_sp': storage_pool_name}) LOG.info("Volume type: %(volume_type)s, " "storage pool name: %(pool_name)s, " "storage pool id: %(pool_id)s, protection domain id: " "%(domain_id)s, protection domain name: %(domain_name)s.", {'volume_type': storage_type, 'pool_name': storage_pool_name, 'pool_id': storage_pool_id, 'domain_id': protection_domain_id, 'domain_name': protection_domain_name}) domain_id = self._get_protection_domain_id(protection_domain_name) LOG.info("Domain id is %s.", domain_id) pool_id = self._get_storage_pool_id(protection_domain_name, storage_pool_name) LOG.info("Pool id is %s.", pool_id) if provisioning_type == 'thin': provisioning = "ThinProvisioned" # Default volume type is thick. else: provisioning = "ThickProvisioned" allowed = self._is_volume_creation_safe(protection_domain_name, storage_pool_name) if not allowed: # Do not allow thick volume creation on this backend. # Volumes may leak data between tenants. LOG.error("Volume creation rejected due to " "zero padding being disabled for pool, %s:%s. " "This behaviour can be changed by setting " "the configuration option " "sio_allow_non_padded_volumes = True.", protection_domain_name, storage_pool_name) msg = _("Volume creation rejected due to " "unsafe backend configuration.") raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) # units.Mi = 1024 ** 2 volume_size_kb = volume.size * units.Mi params = {'protectionDomainId': domain_id, 'volumeSizeInKb': six.text_type(volume_size_kb), 'name': volname, 'volumeType': provisioning, 'storagePoolId': pool_id} LOG.info("Params for add volume request: %s.", params) req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/types/Volume/instances") % req_vars r, response = self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK and "errorCode" in response: msg = (_("Error creating volume: %s.") % response['message']) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) LOG.info("Created volume %(volname)s, volume id %(volid)s.", {'volname': volname, 'volid': volume.id}) real_size = int(self._round_to_num_gran(volume.size)) return {'provider_id': response['id'], 'size': real_size} def _check_volume_size(self, size): if size % 8 != 0: round_volume_capacity = ( self.configuration.sio_round_volume_capacity) if not round_volume_capacity: exception_msg = (_( "Cannot create volume of size %s: " "not multiple of 8GB.") % size) LOG.error(exception_msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exception_msg) def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Creates a scaleio snapshot.""" volume_id = snapshot.volume.provider_id snapname = self._id_to_base64(snapshot.id) return self._snapshot_volume(volume_id, snapname) def _snapshot_volume(self, vol_id, snapname): LOG.info("Snapshot volume %(vol)s into snapshot %(id)s.", {'vol': vol_id, 'id': snapname}) params = { 'snapshotDefs': [{"volumeId": vol_id, "snapshotName": snapname}]} req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/System/action/snapshotVolumes") % req_vars r, response = self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK and "errorCode" in response: msg = (_("Failed creating snapshot for volume %(volname)s: " "%(response)s.") % {'volname': vol_id, 'response': response['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return {'provider_id': response['volumeIdList'][0]} def _execute_scaleio_post_request(self, params, request): r = requests.post( request, data=json.dumps(params), headers=self._get_headers(), auth=( self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=self._get_verify_cert()) r = self._check_response(r, request, False, params) response = None try: response = r.json() except ValueError: response = None return r, response def _check_response(self, response, request, is_get_request=True, params=None): if (response.status_code == http_client.UNAUTHORIZED or response.status_code == http_client.FORBIDDEN): LOG.info("Token is invalid, going to re-login and get " "a new one.") login_request = ( "https://" + self.server_ip + ":" + self.server_port + "/api/login") verify_cert = self._get_verify_cert() r = requests.get( login_request, auth=( self.server_username, self.server_password), verify=verify_cert) token = r.json() self.server_token = token # Repeat request with valid token. LOG.info("Going to perform request again %s with valid token.", request) if is_get_request: response = requests.get(request, auth=(self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=verify_cert) else: response = requests.post(request, data=json.dumps(params), headers=self._get_headers(), auth=(self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=verify_cert) level = logging.DEBUG # for anything other than an OK from the REST API, log an error if response.status_code != http_client.OK: level = logging.ERROR LOG.log(level, "REST Request: %s with params %s", request, json.dumps(params)) LOG.log(level, "REST Response: %s with data %s", response.status_code, response.text) return response def _get_server_api_version(self, fromcache=True): if self.server_api_version is None or fromcache is False: request = ( "https://" + self.server_ip + ":" + self.server_port + "/api/version") r, unused = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) if r.status_code == http_client.OK: self.server_api_version = r.text.replace('\"', '') LOG.info("REST API Version: %(api_version)s", {'api_version': self.server_api_version}) else: msg = (_("Error calling version api " "status code: %d") % r.status_code) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) # make sure the response was valid pattern = re.compile(r"^\d+(\.\d+)*$") if not pattern.match(self.server_api_version): msg = (_("Error calling version api " "response: %s") % r.text) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) return self.server_api_version def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Creates a volume from a snapshot.""" # We interchange 'volume' and 'snapshot' because in ScaleIO # snapshot is a volume: once a snapshot is generated it # becomes a new unmapped volume in the system and the user # may manipulate it in the same manner as any other volume # exposed by the system volume_id = snapshot.provider_id snapname = self._id_to_base64(volume.id) LOG.info("ScaleIO create volume from snapshot: snapshot %(snapname)s " "to volume %(volname)s.", {'volname': volume_id, 'snapname': snapname}) return self._snapshot_volume(volume_id, snapname) @staticmethod def _get_headers(): return {'content-type': 'application/json'} def _get_verify_cert(self): verify_cert = False if self.verify_server_certificate: verify_cert = self.server_certificate_path return verify_cert def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): """Extends the size of an existing available ScaleIO volume. This action will round up the volume to the nearest size that is a granularity of 8 GBs. """ return self._extend_volume(volume['provider_id'], volume.size, new_size) def _extend_volume(self, volume_id, old_size, new_size): vol_id = volume_id LOG.info( "ScaleIO extend volume: volume %(volname)s to size %(new_size)s.", {'volname': vol_id, 'new_size': new_size}) req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'vol_id': vol_id} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/Volume::%(vol_id)s" "/action/setVolumeSize") % req_vars LOG.info("Change volume capacity request: %s.", request) # Round up the volume size so that it is a granularity of 8 GBs # because ScaleIO only supports volumes with a granularity of 8 GBs. volume_new_size = self._round_to_num_gran(new_size) volume_real_old_size = self._round_to_num_gran(old_size) if volume_real_old_size == volume_new_size: return round_volume_capacity = self.configuration.sio_round_volume_capacity if not round_volume_capacity and not new_size % 8 == 0: LOG.warning("ScaleIO only supports volumes with a granularity " "of 8 GBs. The new volume size is: %d.", volume_new_size) params = {'sizeInGB': six.text_type(volume_new_size)} r, response = self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK: response = r.json() msg = (_("Error extending volume %(vol)s: %(err)s.") % {'vol': vol_id, 'err': response['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) @staticmethod def _round_to_num_gran(size, num=8): if size % num == 0: return size return size + num - (size % num) @staticmethod def _round_down_to_num_gran(size, num=8): return size - (size % num) def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Creates a cloned volume.""" volume_id = src_vref['provider_id'] snapname = self._id_to_base64(volume.id) LOG.info("ScaleIO create cloned volume: source volume %(src)s to " "target volume %(tgt)s.", {'src': volume_id, 'tgt': snapname}) ret = self._snapshot_volume(volume_id, snapname) if volume.size > src_vref.size: self._extend_volume(ret['provider_id'], src_vref.size, volume.size) return ret def delete_volume(self, volume): """Deletes a self.logical volume""" volume_id = volume['provider_id'] self._delete_volume(volume_id) def _delete_volume(self, vol_id): req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'vol_id': six.text_type(vol_id)} unmap_before_delete = ( self.configuration.sio_unmap_volume_before_deletion) # Ensure that the volume is not mapped to any SDC before deletion in # case unmap_before_deletion is enabled. if unmap_before_delete: params = {'allSdcs': ''} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/Volume::%(vol_id)s" "/action/removeMappedSdc") % req_vars LOG.info("Trying to unmap volume from all sdcs" " before deletion: %s.", request) r, unused = self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) params = {'removeMode': 'ONLY_ME'} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/Volume::%(vol_id)s" "/action/removeVolume") % req_vars r, response = self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK: error_code = response['errorCode'] if error_code == VOLUME_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: LOG.warning("Ignoring error in delete volume %s:" " Volume not found.", vol_id) elif vol_id is None: LOG.warning("Volume does not have provider_id thus does not " "map to a ScaleIO volume. " "Allowing deletion to proceed.") else: msg = (_("Error deleting volume %(vol)s: %(err)s.") % {'vol': vol_id, 'err': response['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Deletes a ScaleIO snapshot.""" snap_id = snapshot.provider_id LOG.info("ScaleIO delete snapshot.") return self._delete_volume(snap_id) def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs): return self._initialize_connection(volume, connector, volume.size) def _initialize_connection(self, vol_or_snap, connector, vol_size): """Initializes a connection and returns connection info. The scaleio driver returns a driver_volume_type of 'scaleio'. """ try: ip = connector['ip'] except Exception: ip = 'unknown' LOG.debug("Initializing connection for %(vol)s, " "to SDC at %(sdc)s", {'vol': vol_or_snap.id, 'sdc': ip}) connection_properties = dict(self.connection_properties) volname = self._id_to_base64(vol_or_snap.id) connection_properties['scaleIO_volname'] = volname connection_properties['scaleIO_volume_id'] = vol_or_snap.provider_id if vol_size is not None: extra_specs = self._get_volumetype_extraspecs(vol_or_snap) qos_specs = self._get_volumetype_qos(vol_or_snap) storage_type = extra_specs.copy() storage_type.update(qos_specs) round_volume_size = self._round_to_num_gran(vol_size) iops_limit = self._get_iops_limit(round_volume_size, storage_type) bandwidth_limit = self._get_bandwidth_limit(round_volume_size, storage_type) LOG.info("iops limit is %s", iops_limit) LOG.info("bandwidth limit is %s", bandwidth_limit) connection_properties['iopsLimit'] = iops_limit connection_properties['bandwidthLimit'] = bandwidth_limit return {'driver_volume_type': 'scaleio', 'data': connection_properties} def _get_bandwidth_limit(self, size, storage_type): try: max_bandwidth = self._find_limit(storage_type, QOS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT, BANDWIDTH_LIMIT) if max_bandwidth is not None: max_bandwidth = (self._round_to_num_gran(int(max_bandwidth), units.Ki)) max_bandwidth = six.text_type(max_bandwidth) LOG.info("max bandwidth is: %s", max_bandwidth) bw_per_gb = self._find_limit(storage_type, QOS_BANDWIDTH_PER_GB, None) LOG.info("bandwidth per gb is: %s", bw_per_gb) if bw_per_gb is None: return max_bandwidth # Since ScaleIO volumes size is in 8GB granularity # and BWS limitation is in 1024 KBs granularity, we need to make # sure that scaled_bw_limit is in 128 granularity. scaled_bw_limit = (size * self._round_to_num_gran(int(bw_per_gb), MIN_BWS_SCALING_SIZE)) if max_bandwidth is None or scaled_bw_limit < int(max_bandwidth): return six.text_type(scaled_bw_limit) else: return max_bandwidth except ValueError: msg = _("None numeric BWS QoS limitation") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) def _get_iops_limit(self, size, storage_type): max_iops = self._find_limit(storage_type, QOS_IOPS_LIMIT_KEY, IOPS_LIMIT_KEY) LOG.info("max iops is: %s", max_iops) iops_per_gb = self._find_limit(storage_type, QOS_IOPS_PER_GB, None) LOG.info("iops per gb is: %s", iops_per_gb) try: if iops_per_gb is None: if max_iops is not None: return six.text_type(max_iops) else: return None scaled_iops_limit = size * int(iops_per_gb) if max_iops is None or scaled_iops_limit < int(max_iops): return six.text_type(scaled_iops_limit) else: return six.text_type(max_iops) except ValueError: msg = _("None numeric IOPS QoS limitation") raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg) def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs): self._terminate_connection(volume, connector) def _terminate_connection(self, volume_or_snap, connector): """Terminate connection to a volume or snapshot With ScaleIO, snaps and volumes are terminated identically """ try: ip = connector['ip'] except Exception: ip = 'unknown' LOG.debug("Terminating connection for %(vol)s, " "to SDC at %(sdc)s", {'vol': volume_or_snap.id, 'sdc': ip}) def _update_volume_stats(self): stats = {} backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') stats['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or 'scaleio' stats['vendor_name'] = 'Dell EMC' stats['driver_version'] = self.VERSION stats['storage_protocol'] = 'scaleio' stats['reserved_percentage'] = 0 stats['QoS_support'] = True stats['consistent_group_snapshot_enabled'] = True stats['thick_provisioning_support'] = True stats['thin_provisioning_support'] = True stats['multiattach'] = True pools = [] free_capacity = 0 total_capacity = 0 provisioned_capacity = 0 for sp_name in self.storage_pools: splitted_name = sp_name.split(':') domain_name = splitted_name[0] pool_name = splitted_name[1] # Get pool id from name. pool_id = self._get_storage_pool_id(domain_name, pool_name) LOG.info("Pool id is %s.", pool_id) req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/types/StoragePool/instances/action/" "querySelectedStatistics") % req_vars props = self._get_queryable_statistics("StoragePool", pool_id) params = {'ids': [pool_id], 'properties': props} r, response = self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) LOG.info("Query capacity stats response: %s.", response) for res in response.values(): # Divide by two because ScaleIO creates a copy for each volume total_capacity_kb = ( (res['capacityLimitInKb'] - res['spareCapacityInKb']) / 2) total_capacity_gb = (self._round_down_to_num_gran (total_capacity_kb / units.Mi)) # This property is already rounded # to 8 GB granularity in backend free_capacity_gb = ( res['capacityAvailableForVolumeAllocationInKb'] / units.Mi) thin_capacity_allocated = 0 # some versions of the API had a typo in the response try: thin_capacity_allocated = res['thinCapacityAllocatedInKm'] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass # some versions of the API respond without a typo try: thin_capacity_allocated = res['thinCapacityAllocatedInKb'] except (TypeError, KeyError): pass # Divide by two because ScaleIO creates a copy for each volume provisioned_capacity = ( ((res['thickCapacityInUseInKb'] + res['snapCapacityInUseInKb'] + thin_capacity_allocated) / 2) / units.Mi) LOG.info("Free capacity of pool %(pool)s is: %(free)s, " "total capacity: %(total)s, " "provisioned capacity: %(prov)s", {'pool': sp_name, 'free': free_capacity_gb, 'total': total_capacity_gb, 'prov': provisioned_capacity}) pool = {'pool_name': sp_name, 'total_capacity_gb': total_capacity_gb, 'free_capacity_gb': free_capacity_gb, 'QoS_support': True, 'consistent_group_snapshot_enabled': True, 'reserved_percentage': 0, 'thin_provisioning_support': True, 'thick_provisioning_support': True, 'multiattach': True, 'provisioned_capacity_gb': provisioned_capacity, 'max_over_subscription_ratio': self.configuration.max_over_subscription_ratio } pools.append(pool) free_capacity += free_capacity_gb total_capacity += total_capacity_gb stats['total_capacity_gb'] = total_capacity stats['free_capacity_gb'] = free_capacity LOG.info("Free capacity for backend '%(backend)s': %(free)s, " "total capacity: %(total)s.", {'backend': stats["volume_backend_name"], 'free': free_capacity, 'total': total_capacity}) stats['pools'] = pools self._stats = stats def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """Get volume stats. If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first. """ if refresh: self._update_volume_stats() return self._stats @staticmethod def _get_volumetype_extraspecs(volume): specs = {} ctxt = context.get_admin_context() type_id = volume['volume_type_id'] if type_id: volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id) specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs') for key, value in specs.items(): specs[key] = value return specs def _get_volumetype_qos(self, volume): qos = {} ctxt = context.get_admin_context() type_id = volume['volume_type_id'] if type_id: volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id) qos_specs_id = volume_type.get('qos_specs_id') if qos_specs_id is not None: specs = qos_specs.get_qos_specs(ctxt, qos_specs_id)['specs'] else: specs = {} for key, value in specs.items(): if key in self.scaleio_qos_keys: qos[key] = value return qos def _sio_attach_volume(self, volume): """Call connector.connect_volume() and return the path. """ LOG.debug("Calling os-brick to attach ScaleIO volume.") connection_properties = dict(self.connection_properties) connection_properties['scaleIO_volname'] = self._id_to_base64( volume.id) connection_properties['scaleIO_volume_id'] = volume.provider_id device_info = self.connector.connect_volume(connection_properties) return device_info['path'] def _sio_detach_volume(self, volume): """Call the connector.disconnect() """ LOG.info("Calling os-brick to detach ScaleIO volume.") connection_properties = dict(self.connection_properties) connection_properties['scaleIO_volname'] = self._id_to_base64( volume.id) connection_properties['scaleIO_volume_id'] = volume.provider_id self.connector.disconnect_volume(connection_properties, volume) def copy_image_to_volume(self, context, volume, image_service, image_id): """Fetch the image from image_service and write it to the volume.""" LOG.info("ScaleIO copy_image_to_volume volume: %(vol)s image service: " "%(service)s image id: %(id)s.", {'vol': volume, 'service': six.text_type(image_service), 'id': six.text_type(image_id)}) try: image_utils.fetch_to_raw(context, image_service, image_id, self._sio_attach_volume(volume), BLOCK_SIZE, size=volume['size']) finally: self._sio_detach_volume(volume) def copy_volume_to_image(self, context, volume, image_service, image_meta): """Copy the volume to the specified image.""" LOG.info("ScaleIO copy_volume_to_image volume: %(vol)s image service: " "%(service)s image meta: %(meta)s.", {'vol': volume, 'service': six.text_type(image_service), 'meta': six.text_type(image_meta)}) try: image_utils.upload_volume(context, image_service, image_meta, self._sio_attach_volume(volume)) finally: self._sio_detach_volume(volume) def update_migrated_volume(self, ctxt, volume, new_volume, original_volume_status): """Return the update from ScaleIO migrated volume. This method updates the volume name of the new ScaleIO volume to match the updated volume ID. The original volume is renamed first since ScaleIO does not allow multiple volumes to have the same name. """ name_id = None location = None if original_volume_status == 'available': # During migration, a new volume is created and will replace # the original volume at the end of the migration. We need to # rename the new volume. The current_name of the new volume, # which is the id of the new volume, will be changed to the # new_name, which is the id of the original volume. current_name = new_volume['id'] new_name = volume['id'] vol_id = new_volume['provider_id'] LOG.info("Renaming %(id)s from %(current_name)s to " "%(new_name)s.", {'id': vol_id, 'current_name': current_name, 'new_name': new_name}) # Original volume needs to be renamed first self._rename_volume(volume, "ff" + new_name) self._rename_volume(new_volume, new_name) else: # The back-end will not be renamed. name_id = new_volume['_name_id'] or new_volume['id'] location = new_volume['provider_location'] return {'_name_id': name_id, 'provider_location': location} def _rename_volume(self, volume, new_id): new_name = self._id_to_base64(new_id) vol_id = volume['provider_id'] req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'id': vol_id} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/Volume::%(id)s/action/setVolumeName" % req_vars) LOG.info("ScaleIO rename volume request: %s.", request) params = {'newName': new_name} r, response = self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK: error_code = response['errorCode'] if ((error_code == VOLUME_NOT_FOUND_ERROR or error_code == OLD_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND_ERROR or error_code == ILLEGAL_SYNTAX)): LOG.info("Ignoring renaming action because the volume " "%(vol)s is not a ScaleIO volume.", {'vol': vol_id}) else: msg = (_("Error renaming volume %(vol)s: %(err)s.") % {'vol': vol_id, 'err': response['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) else: LOG.info("ScaleIO volume %(vol)s was renamed to " "%(new_name)s.", {'vol': vol_id, 'new_name': new_name}) def _query_scaleio_volume(self, volume, existing_ref): request = self._create_scaleio_get_volume_request(volume, existing_ref) r, response = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) self._manage_existing_check_legal_response(r, existing_ref) return response def _get_protection_domain_id(self, domain_name): """"Get the id of the protection domain""" response = self._get_protection_domain_properties(domain_name) if response is None: return None return response['id'] def _get_storage_pool_name(self, pool_id): """Get the protection domain:storage pool name From a storage pool id, get the domain name and storage pool names """ req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'pool_id': pool_id} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/StoragePool::%(pool_id)s") % req_vars r, response = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK: msg = (_("Error getting pool name from id %(pool_id)s: " "%(err_msg)s.") % {'pool_id': pool_id}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) pool_name = response['name'] domain_id = response['protectionDomainId'] domain_name = self._get_protection_domain_name(domain_id) pool_name = "{}:{}".format(domain_name, pool_name) return pool_name def _get_protection_domain_name(self, domain_id): """Get the protection domain name From a protection domain id, get the domain name """ req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'domain_id': domain_id} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/ProtectionDomain::%(domain_id)s") % req_vars r, response = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK: msg = (_("Error getting domain name from id %(domain_id)s: " "%(err_msg)s.") % {'domain_id': domain_id, 'err_msg': response}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) domain_name = response['name'] return domain_name def _get_protection_domain_properties(self, domain_name): """Get the props of the configured protection domain""" if not domain_name: msg = _("Error getting domain id from None name.") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) cached_val = self.pdCache.get_value(domain_name) if cached_val is not None: return cached_val encoded_domain_name = urllib.parse.quote(domain_name, '') req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'encoded_domain_name': encoded_domain_name} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/types/Domain/instances/getByName::" "%(encoded_domain_name)s") % req_vars r, domain_id = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) if not domain_id: msg = (_("Domain with name %s wasn't found.") % domain_name) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) if r.status_code != http_client.OK and "errorCode" in domain_id: msg = (_("Error getting domain id from name %(name)s: %(id)s.") % {'name': domain_name, 'id': domain_id['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) LOG.info("Domain id is %s.", domain_id) req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'domain_id': domain_id} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/ProtectionDomain::%(domain_id)s") % req_vars r, response = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK: msg = (_("Error getting domain properties from id %(domain_id)s: " "%(err_msg)s.") % {'domain_id': domain_id, 'err_msg': response}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) self.pdCache.update(domain_name, response) return response def _get_storage_pool_properties(self, domain_name, pool_name): """Get the props of the configured storage pool""" if not domain_name or not pool_name: msg = (_("Unable to query the storage pool id for " "Pool %(pool_name)s and Domain %(domain_name)s.") % {'pool_name': pool_name, 'domain_name': domain_name}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) fullname = "{}:{}".format(domain_name, pool_name) cached_val = self.spCache.get_value(fullname) if cached_val is not None: return cached_val domain_id = self._get_protection_domain_id(domain_name) encoded_pool_name = urllib.parse.quote(pool_name, '') req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'domain_id': domain_id, 'encoded_pool_name': encoded_pool_name} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/types/Pool/instances/getByName::" "%(domain_id)s,%(encoded_pool_name)s") % req_vars LOG.debug("ScaleIO get pool id by name request: %s.", request) r, pool_id = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) if not pool_id: msg = (_("Pool with name %(pool_name)s wasn't found in " "domain %(domain_id)s.") % {'pool_name': pool_name, 'domain_id': domain_id}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) if r.status_code != http_client.OK and "errorCode" in pool_id: msg = (_("Error getting pool id from name %(pool_name)s: " "%(err_msg)s.") % {'pool_name': pool_name, 'err_msg': pool_id['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) LOG.info("Pool id is %s.", pool_id) req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'pool_id': pool_id} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/StoragePool::%(pool_id)s") % req_vars r, response = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK: msg = (_("Error getting pool properties from id %(pool_id)s: " "%(err_msg)s.") % {'pool_id': pool_id, 'err_msg': response}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) self.spCache.update(fullname, response) return response def _get_storage_pool_id(self, domain_name, pool_name): """Get the id of the configured storage pool""" response = self._get_storage_pool_properties(domain_name, pool_name) if response is None: return None return response['id'] def _get_all_scaleio_volumes(self): """Gets list of all SIO volumes in PD and SP""" all_volumes = [] # check for every storage pool configured for sp_name in self.storage_pools: splitted_name = sp_name.split(':') domain_name = splitted_name[0] pool_name = splitted_name[1] sp_id = self._get_storage_pool_id(domain_name, pool_name) req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'storage_pool_id': sp_id} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/StoragePool::%(storage_pool_id)s" "/relationships/Volume") % req_vars r, volumes = self._execute_scaleio_get_request(request) if r.status_code != http_client.OK: msg = (_("Error calling api " "status code: %d") % r.status_code) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) all_volumes.extend(volumes) return all_volumes def get_manageable_volumes(self, cinder_volumes, marker, limit, offset, sort_keys, sort_dirs): """List volumes on the backend available for management by Cinder. Rule out volumes that are mapped to an SDC or are already in the list of cinder_volumes. Return references of the volume ids for any others. """ all_sio_volumes = self._get_all_scaleio_volumes() # Put together a map of existing cinder volumes on the array # so we can lookup cinder id's to SIO id existing_vols = {} for cinder_vol in cinder_volumes: provider_id = cinder_vol['provider_id'] existing_vols[provider_id] = cinder_vol.name_id manageable_volumes = [] for sio_vol in all_sio_volumes: cinder_id = existing_vols.get(sio_vol['id']) is_safe = True reason = None if sio_vol['mappedSdcInfo']: is_safe = False numHosts = len(sio_vol['mappedSdcInfo']) reason = _('Volume mapped to %d host(s).') % numHosts if cinder_id: is_safe = False reason = _("Volume already managed.") if sio_vol['volumeType'] != 'Snapshot': manageable_volumes.append({ 'reference': {'source-id': sio_vol['id']}, 'size': self._convert_kb_to_gib(sio_vol['sizeInKb']), 'safe_to_manage': is_safe, 'reason_not_safe': reason, 'cinder_id': cinder_id, 'extra_info': {'volumeType': sio_vol['volumeType'], 'name': sio_vol['name']}}) return volume_utils.paginate_entries_list( manageable_volumes, marker, limit, offset, sort_keys, sort_dirs) def _is_managed(self, volume_id): lst = objects.VolumeList.get_all_by_host(context.get_admin_context(), self.host) for vol in lst: if vol.provider_id == volume_id: return True return False def manage_existing(self, volume, existing_ref): """Manage an existing ScaleIO volume. existing_ref is a dictionary of the form: {'source-id': } """ response = self._query_scaleio_volume(volume, existing_ref) return {'provider_id': response['id']} def manage_existing_get_size(self, volume, existing_ref): return self._get_volume_size(volume, existing_ref) def manage_existing_snapshot(self, snapshot, existing_ref): """Manage an existing ScaleIO snapshot. :param snapshot: the snapshot to manage :param existing_ref: dictionary of the form: {'source-id': } """ response = self._query_scaleio_volume(snapshot, existing_ref) not_real_parent = (response.get('orig_parent_overriden') or response.get('is_source_deleted')) if not_real_parent: reason = (_("The snapshot's parent is not the original parent due " "to deletion or revert action, therefore " "this snapshot cannot be managed.")) raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason ) ancestor_id = response['ancestorVolumeId'] volume_id = snapshot.volume.provider_id if ancestor_id != volume_id: reason = (_("The snapshot's parent in ScaleIO is %(ancestor)s " "and not %(volume)s.") % {'ancestor': ancestor_id, 'volume': volume_id}) raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason ) return {'provider_id': response['id']} def manage_existing_snapshot_get_size(self, snapshot, existing_ref): return self._get_volume_size(snapshot, existing_ref) def _get_volume_size(self, volume, existing_ref): response = self._query_scaleio_volume(volume, existing_ref) return int(math.ceil(float(response['sizeInKb']) / units.Mi)) def _execute_scaleio_get_request(self, request): r = requests.get( request, auth=( self.server_username, self.server_token), verify=self._get_verify_cert()) r = self._check_response(r, request) response = r.json() return r, response def _create_scaleio_get_volume_request(self, volume, existing_ref): """Throws an exception if the input is invalid for manage existing. if the input is valid - return a request. """ type_id = volume.get('volume_type_id') if 'source-id' not in existing_ref: reason = _("Reference must contain source-id.") raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason ) if type_id is None: reason = _("Volume must have a volume type") raise exception.ManageExistingVolumeTypeMismatch( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason ) vol_id = existing_ref['source-id'] req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port, 'id': vol_id} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/Volume::%(id)s" % req_vars) LOG.info("ScaleIO get volume by id request: %s.", request) return request def _manage_existing_check_legal_response(self, response, existing_ref): if response.status_code != http_client.OK: reason = (_("Error managing volume: %s.") % response.json()[ 'message']) raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason ) # check if it is already managed if self._is_managed(response.json()['id']): reason = _("manage_existing cannot manage a volume " "that is already being managed.") raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason ) if response.json()['mappedSdcInfo'] is not None: reason = _("manage_existing cannot manage a volume " "connected to hosts. Please disconnect this volume " "from existing hosts before importing.") raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( existing_ref=existing_ref, reason=reason ) def create_group(self, context, group): """Creates a group. :param context: the context of the caller. :param group: the group object. :returns: model_update ScaleIO won't create CG until cg-snapshot creation, db will maintain the volumes and CG relationship. """ # let generic volume group support handle non-cgsnapshots if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group): raise NotImplementedError() LOG.info("Creating Group") model_update = {'status': fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE} return model_update def delete_group(self, context, group, volumes): """Deletes a group. :param context: the context of the caller. :param group: the group object. :param volumes: a list of volume objects in the group. :returns: model_update, volumes_model_update ScaleIO will delete the volumes of the CG. """ # let generic volume group support handle non-cgsnapshots if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group): raise NotImplementedError() LOG.info("Deleting Group") model_update = {'status': fields.GroupStatus.DELETED} error_statuses = [fields.GroupStatus.ERROR, fields.GroupStatus.ERROR_DELETING] volumes_model_update = [] for volume in volumes: try: self._delete_volume(volume['provider_id']) update_item = {'id': volume['id'], 'status': 'deleted'} volumes_model_update.append(update_item) except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException as err: update_item = {'id': volume['id'], 'status': 'error_deleting'} volumes_model_update.append(update_item) if model_update['status'] not in error_statuses: model_update['status'] = 'error_deleting' LOG.error("Failed to delete the volume %(vol)s of group. " "Exception: %(exception)s.", {'vol': volume['name'], 'exception': err}) return model_update, volumes_model_update def create_group_snapshot(self, context, group_snapshot, snapshots): """Creates a group snapshot. :param context: the context of the caller. :param group_snapshot: the GroupSnapshot object to be created. :param snapshots: a list of Snapshot objects in the group_snapshot. :returns: model_update, snapshots_model_update """ # let generic volume group support handle non-cgsnapshots if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group_snapshot): raise NotImplementedError() get_scaleio_snapshot_params = lambda snapshot: { 'volumeId': snapshot.volume['provider_id'], 'snapshotName': self._id_to_base64(snapshot['id'])} snapshot_defs = list(map(get_scaleio_snapshot_params, snapshots)) r, response = self._snapshot_volume_group(snapshot_defs) if r.status_code != http_client.OK and "errorCode" in response: msg = (_("Failed creating snapshot for group: " "%(response)s.") % {'response': response['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) snapshot_model_update = [] for snapshot, scaleio_id in zip(snapshots, response['volumeIdList']): update_item = {'id': snapshot['id'], 'status': fields.SnapshotStatus.AVAILABLE, 'provider_id': scaleio_id} snapshot_model_update.append(update_item) model_update = {'status': fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE} return model_update, snapshot_model_update def delete_group_snapshot(self, context, group_snapshot, snapshots): """Deletes a snapshot. :param context: the context of the caller. :param group_snapshot: the GroupSnapshot object to be deleted. :param snapshots: a list of snapshot objects in the group_snapshot. :returns: model_update, snapshots_model_update """ # let generic volume group support handle non-cgsnapshots if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group_snapshot): raise NotImplementedError() error_statuses = [fields.SnapshotStatus.ERROR, fields.SnapshotStatus.ERROR_DELETING] model_update = {'status': group_snapshot['status']} snapshot_model_update = [] for snapshot in snapshots: try: self._delete_volume(snapshot.provider_id) update_item = {'id': snapshot['id'], 'status': fields.SnapshotStatus.DELETED} snapshot_model_update.append(update_item) except exception.VolumeBackendAPIException as err: update_item = {'id': snapshot['id'], 'status': fields.SnapshotStatus.ERROR_DELETING} snapshot_model_update.append(update_item) if model_update['status'] not in error_statuses: model_update['status'] = ( fields.SnapshotStatus.ERROR_DELETING) LOG.error("Failed to delete the snapshot %(snap)s " "of snapshot: %(snapshot_id)s. " "Exception: %(exception)s.", {'snap': snapshot['name'], 'exception': err, 'snapshot_id': group_snapshot.id}) model_update['status'] = fields.GroupSnapshotStatus.DELETED return model_update, snapshot_model_update def create_group_from_src(self, context, group, volumes, group_snapshot=None, snapshots=None, source_group=None, source_vols=None): """Creates a group from source. :param context: the context of the caller. :param group: the Group object to be created. :param volumes: a list of Volume objects in the group. :param group_snapshot: the GroupSnapshot object as source. :param snapshots: a list of snapshot objects in group_snapshot. :param source_group: the Group object as source. :param source_vols: a list of volume objects in the source_group. :returns: model_update, volumes_model_update """ # let generic volume group support handle non-cgsnapshots if not volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group): raise NotImplementedError() get_scaleio_snapshot_params = lambda src_volume, trg_volume: { 'volumeId': src_volume['provider_id'], 'snapshotName': self._id_to_base64(trg_volume['id'])} if group_snapshot and snapshots: snapshot_defs = map(get_scaleio_snapshot_params, snapshots, volumes) else: snapshot_defs = map(get_scaleio_snapshot_params, source_vols, volumes) r, response = self._snapshot_volume_group(list(snapshot_defs)) if r.status_code != http_client.OK and "errorCode" in response: msg = (_("Failed creating snapshot for group: " "%(response)s.") % {'response': response['message']}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) volumes_model_update = [] for volume, scaleio_id in zip(volumes, response['volumeIdList']): update_item = {'id': volume['id'], 'status': 'available', 'provider_id': scaleio_id} volumes_model_update.append(update_item) model_update = {'status': fields.GroupStatus.AVAILABLE} return model_update, volumes_model_update def update_group(self, context, group, add_volumes=None, remove_volumes=None): """Update a group. :param context: the context of the caller. :param group: the group object. :param add_volumes: a list of volume objects to be added. :param remove_volumes: a list of volume objects to be removed. :returns: model_update, add_volumes_update, remove_volumes_update ScaleIO does not handle volume grouping. Cinder maintains volumes and CG relationship. """ if volume_utils.is_group_a_cg_snapshot_type(group): return None, None, None # we'll rely on the generic group implementation if it is not a # consistency group request. raise NotImplementedError() def _snapshot_volume_group(self, snapshot_defs): LOG.info("ScaleIO snapshot group of volumes") params = {'snapshotDefs': snapshot_defs} req_vars = {'server_ip': self.server_ip, 'server_port': self.server_port} request = ("https://%(server_ip)s:%(server_port)s" "/api/instances/System/action/snapshotVolumes") % req_vars return self._execute_scaleio_post_request(params, request) def ensure_export(self, context, volume): """Driver entry point to get the export info for an existing volume.""" pass def create_export(self, context, volume, connector): """Driver entry point to get the export info for a new volume.""" pass def remove_export(self, context, volume): """Driver entry point to remove an export for a volume.""" pass def check_for_export(self, context, volume_id): """Make sure volume is exported.""" pass def initialize_connection_snapshot(self, snapshot, connector, **kwargs): # return self._initialize_connection(snapshot, connector) """Initializes a connection and returns connection info.""" try: vol_size = snapshot['volume_size'] except Exception: vol_size = None return self._initialize_connection(snapshot, connector, vol_size) def terminate_connection_snapshot(self, snapshot, connector, **kwargs): """Terminates a connection to a snapshot.""" return self._terminate_connection(snapshot, connector) def create_export_snapshot(self, context, volume, connector): """Driver entry point to get the export info for a snapshot.""" pass def remove_export_snapshot(self, context, volume): """Driver entry point to remove an export for a snapshot.""" pass def backup_use_temp_snapshot(self): return True