# Copyright (c) 2012 Zadara Storage, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Volume driver for Zadara Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA). This driver requires VPSA with API ver.13.07 or higher. """ import httplib from lxml import etree from oslo.config import cfg from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _, _LW from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging from cinder.volume import driver LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) zadara_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('zadara_vpsa_ip', default=None, help='Management IP of Zadara VPSA'), cfg.StrOpt('zadara_vpsa_port', default=None, help='Zadara VPSA port number'), cfg.BoolOpt('zadara_vpsa_use_ssl', default=False, help='Use SSL connection'), cfg.StrOpt('zadara_user', default=None, help='User name for the VPSA'), cfg.StrOpt('zadara_password', default=None, help='Password for the VPSA', secret=True), cfg.StrOpt('zadara_vpsa_poolname', default=None, help='Name of VPSA storage pool for volumes'), cfg.BoolOpt('zadara_vol_thin', default=True, help='Default thin provisioning policy for volumes'), cfg.BoolOpt('zadara_vol_encrypt', default=False, help='Default encryption policy for volumes'), cfg.StrOpt('zadara_vol_name_template', default='OS_%s', help='Default template for VPSA volume names'), cfg.BoolOpt('zadara_vpsa_auto_detach_on_delete', default=True, help="Automatically detach from servers on volume delete"), cfg.BoolOpt('zadara_vpsa_allow_nonexistent_delete', default=True, help="Don't halt on deletion of non-existing volumes"), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(zadara_opts) class ZadaraVPSAConnection(object): """Executes volume driver commands on VPSA.""" def __init__(self, conf): self.conf = conf self.access_key = None self.ensure_connection() def _generate_vpsa_cmd(self, cmd, **kwargs): """Generate command to be sent to VPSA.""" def _joined_params(params): param_str = [] for k, v in params.items(): param_str.append("%s=%s" % (k, v)) return '&'.join(param_str) # Dictionary of applicable VPSA commands in the following format: # 'command': (method, API_URL, {optional parameters}) vpsa_commands = { 'login': ('POST', '/api/users/login.xml', {'user': self.conf.zadara_user, 'password': self.conf.zadara_password}), # Volume operations 'create_volume': ('POST', '/api/volumes.xml', {'name': kwargs.get('name'), 'capacity': kwargs.get('size'), 'pool': self.conf.zadara_vpsa_poolname, 'thin': 'YES' if self.conf.zadara_vol_thin else 'NO', 'crypt': 'YES' if self.conf.zadara_vol_encrypt else 'NO'}), 'delete_volume': ('DELETE', '/api/volumes/%s.xml' % kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'), {}), 'expand_volume': ('POST', '/api/volumes/%s/expand.xml' % kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'), {'capacity': kwargs.get('size')}), # Snapshot operations 'create_snapshot': ('POST', '/api/consistency_groups/%s/snapshots.xml' % kwargs.get('cg_name'), {'display_name': kwargs.get('snap_name')}), 'delete_snapshot': ('DELETE', '/api/snapshots/%s.xml' % kwargs.get('snap_id'), {}), 'create_clone_from_snap': ('POST', '/api/consistency_groups/%s/clone.xml' % kwargs.get('cg_name'), {'name': kwargs.get('name'), 'snapshot': kwargs.get('snap_id')}), 'create_clone': ('POST', '/api/consistency_groups/%s/clone.xml' % kwargs.get('cg_name'), {'name': kwargs.get('name')}), # Server operations 'create_server': ('POST', '/api/servers.xml', {'display_name': kwargs.get('initiator'), 'iqn': kwargs.get('initiator')}), # Attach/Detach operations 'attach_volume': ('POST', '/api/servers/%s/volumes.xml' % kwargs.get('vpsa_srv'), {'volume_name[]': kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'), 'force': 'NO'}), 'detach_volume': ('POST', '/api/volumes/%s/detach.xml' % kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'), {'server_name[]': kwargs.get('vpsa_srv'), 'force': 'NO'}), # Get operations 'list_volumes': ('GET', '/api/volumes.xml', {}), 'list_pools': ('GET', '/api/pools.xml', {}), 'list_controllers': ('GET', '/api/vcontrollers.xml', {}), 'list_servers': ('GET', '/api/servers.xml', {}), 'list_vol_attachments': ('GET', '/api/volumes/%s/servers.xml' % kwargs.get('vpsa_vol'), {}), 'list_vol_snapshots': ('GET', '/api/consistency_groups/%s/snapshots.xml' % kwargs.get('cg_name'), {})} if cmd not in vpsa_commands.keys(): raise exception.UnknownCmd(cmd=cmd) else: (method, url, params) = vpsa_commands[cmd] if method == 'GET': # For GET commands add parameters to the URL params.update(dict(access_key=self.access_key, page=1, start=0, limit=0)) url += '?' + _joined_params(params) body = '' elif method == 'DELETE': # For DELETE commands add parameters to the URL params.update(dict(access_key=self.access_key)) url += '?' + _joined_params(params) body = '' elif method == 'POST': if self.access_key: params.update(dict(access_key=self.access_key)) body = _joined_params(params) else: raise exception.UnknownCmd(cmd=method) return (method, url, body) def ensure_connection(self, cmd=None): """Retrieve access key for VPSA connection.""" if self.access_key or cmd == 'login': return cmd = 'login' xml_tree = self.send_cmd(cmd) user = xml_tree.find('user') if user is None: raise exception.MalformedResponse(cmd=cmd, reason='no "user" field') access_key = user.findtext('access-key') if access_key is None: raise exception.MalformedResponse(cmd=cmd, reason='no "access-key" field') self.access_key = access_key def send_cmd(self, cmd, **kwargs): """Send command to VPSA Controller.""" self.ensure_connection(cmd) (method, url, body) = self._generate_vpsa_cmd(cmd, **kwargs) LOG.debug('Sending %(method)s to %(url)s. Body "%(body)s"', {'method': method, 'url': url, 'body': body}) if self.conf.zadara_vpsa_use_ssl: connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(self.conf.zadara_vpsa_ip, self.conf.zadara_vpsa_port) else: connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.conf.zadara_vpsa_ip, self.conf.zadara_vpsa_port) connection.request(method, url, body) response = connection.getresponse() if response.status != 200: connection.close() raise exception.BadHTTPResponseStatus(status=response.status) data = response.read() connection.close() xml_tree = etree.fromstring(data) status = xml_tree.findtext('status') if status != '0': raise exception.FailedCmdWithDump(status=status, data=data) if method in ['POST', 'DELETE']: LOG.debug('Operation completed. %(data)s', {'data': data}) return xml_tree class ZadaraVPSAISCSIDriver(driver.ISCSIDriver): """Zadara VPSA iSCSI volume driver.""" VERSION = '13.07' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ZadaraVPSAISCSIDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration.append_config_values(zadara_opts) def do_setup(self, context): """Any initialization the volume driver does while starting. Establishes initial connection with VPSA and retrieves access_key. """ self.vpsa = ZadaraVPSAConnection(self.configuration) def check_for_setup_error(self): """Returns an error (exception) if prerequisites aren't met.""" self.vpsa.ensure_connection() def local_path(self, volume): """Return local path to existing local volume.""" raise NotImplementedError() def _xml_parse_helper(self, xml_tree, first_level, search_tuple, first=True): """Helper for parsing VPSA's XML output. Returns single item if first==True or list for multiple selection. If second argument in search_tuple is None - returns all items with appropriate key. """ objects = xml_tree.find(first_level) if objects is None: return None result_list = [] (key, value) = search_tuple for object in objects.getchildren(): found_value = object.findtext(key) if found_value and (found_value == value or value is None): if first: return object else: result_list.append(object) return result_list if result_list else None def _get_vpsa_volume_name_and_size(self, name): """Return VPSA's name & size for the volume.""" xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('list_volumes') volume = self._xml_parse_helper(xml_tree, 'volumes', ('display-name', name)) if volume is not None: return (volume.findtext('name'), int(volume.findtext('virtual-capacity'))) return (None, None) def _get_vpsa_volume_name(self, name): """Return VPSA's name for the volume.""" (vol_name, _size) = self._get_vpsa_volume_name_and_size(name) return vol_name def _get_volume_cg_name(self, name): """Return name of the consistency group for the volume.""" xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('list_volumes') volume = self._xml_parse_helper(xml_tree, 'volumes', ('display-name', name)) if volume is not None: return volume.findtext('cg-name') return None def _get_snap_id(self, cg_name, snap_name): """Return snapshot ID for particular volume.""" xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('list_vol_snapshots', cg_name=cg_name) snap = self._xml_parse_helper(xml_tree, 'snapshots', ('display-name', snap_name)) if snap is not None: return snap.findtext('name') return None def _get_pool_capacity(self, pool_name): """Return pool's total and available capacities.""" xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('list_pools') pool = self._xml_parse_helper(xml_tree, 'pools', ('name', pool_name)) if pool is not None: total = int(pool.findtext('capacity')) free = int(float(pool.findtext('available-capacity'))) LOG.debug('Pool %(name)s: %(total)sGB total, %(free)sGB free', {'name': pool_name, 'total': total, 'free': free}) return (total, free) return ('infinite', 'infinite') def _get_active_controller_details(self): """Return details of VPSA's active controller.""" xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('list_controllers') ctrl = self._xml_parse_helper(xml_tree, 'vcontrollers', ('state', 'active')) if ctrl is not None: return dict(target=ctrl.findtext('target'), ip=ctrl.findtext('iscsi-ip'), chap_user=ctrl.findtext('chap-username'), chap_passwd=ctrl.findtext('chap-target-secret')) return None def _get_server_name(self, initiator): """Return VPSA's name for server object with given IQN.""" xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('list_servers') server = self._xml_parse_helper(xml_tree, 'servers', ('iqn', initiator)) if server is not None: return server.findtext('name') return None def _create_vpsa_server(self, initiator): """Create server object within VPSA (if doesn't exist).""" vpsa_srv = self._get_server_name(initiator) if not vpsa_srv: xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('create_server', initiator=initiator) vpsa_srv = xml_tree.findtext('server-name') return vpsa_srv def create_volume(self, volume): """Create volume.""" self.vpsa.send_cmd( 'create_volume', name=self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template % volume['name'], size=volume['size']) def delete_volume(self, volume): """Delete volume. Return ok if doesn't exist. Auto detach from all servers. """ # Get volume name name = self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template % volume['name'] vpsa_vol = self._get_vpsa_volume_name(name) if not vpsa_vol: msg = _('Volume %(name)s could not be found. ' 'It might be already deleted') % {'name': name} LOG.warning(msg) if self.configuration.zadara_vpsa_allow_nonexistent_delete: return else: raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=name) # Check attachment info and detach from all xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('list_vol_attachments', vpsa_vol=vpsa_vol) servers = self._xml_parse_helper(xml_tree, 'servers', ('iqn', None), first=False) if servers: if not self.configuration.zadara_vpsa_auto_detach_on_delete: raise exception.VolumeAttached(volume_id=name) for server in servers: vpsa_srv = server.findtext('name') if vpsa_srv: self.vpsa.send_cmd('detach_volume', vpsa_srv=vpsa_srv, vpsa_vol=vpsa_vol) # Delete volume self.vpsa.send_cmd('delete_volume', vpsa_vol=vpsa_vol) def create_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Creates a snapshot.""" LOG.debug('Create snapshot: %s', snapshot['name']) # Retrieve the CG name for the base volume volume_name = self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template\ % snapshot['volume_name'] cg_name = self._get_volume_cg_name(volume_name) if not cg_name: msg = _('Volume %(name)s not found') % {'name': volume_name} LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume_name) self.vpsa.send_cmd('create_snapshot', cg_name=cg_name, snap_name=snapshot['name']) def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot): """Deletes a snapshot.""" LOG.debug('Delete snapshot: %s', snapshot['name']) # Retrieve the CG name for the base volume volume_name = self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template\ % snapshot['volume_name'] cg_name = self._get_volume_cg_name(volume_name) if not cg_name: # If the volume isn't present, then don't attempt to delete LOG.warning(_LW("snapshot: original volume %s not found, " "skipping delete operation") % snapshot['volume_name']) return True snap_id = self._get_snap_id(cg_name, snapshot['name']) if not snap_id: # If the snapshot isn't present, then don't attempt to delete LOG.warning(_LW("snapshot: snapshot %s not found, " "skipping delete operation") % snapshot['name']) return True self.vpsa.send_cmd('delete_snapshot', snap_id=snap_id) def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot): """Creates a volume from a snapshot.""" LOG.debug('Creating volume from snapshot: %s' % snapshot['name']) # Retrieve the CG name for the base volume volume_name = self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template\ % snapshot['volume_name'] cg_name = self._get_volume_cg_name(volume_name) if not cg_name: msg = _('Volume %(name)s not found') % {'name': volume_name} LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume_name) snap_id = self._get_snap_id(cg_name, snapshot['name']) if not snap_id: msg = _('Snapshot %(name)s not found') % {'name': snapshot['name']} LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=snapshot['name']) self.vpsa.send_cmd('create_clone_from_snap', cg_name=cg_name, name=self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template % volume['name'], snap_id=snap_id) def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref): """Creates a clone of the specified volume.""" LOG.debug('Creating clone of volume: %s' % src_vref['name']) # Retrieve the CG name for the base volume volume_name = self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template\ % src_vref['name'] cg_name = self._get_volume_cg_name(volume_name) if not cg_name: msg = _('Volume %(name)s not found') % {'name': volume_name} LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume_name) self.vpsa.send_cmd('create_clone', cg_name=cg_name, name=self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template % volume['name']) def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size): """Extend an existing volume.""" # Get volume name name = self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template % volume['name'] (vpsa_vol, size) = self._get_vpsa_volume_name_and_size(name) if not vpsa_vol: msg = _('Volume %(name)s could not be found. ' 'It might be already deleted') % {'name': name} LOG.error(msg) raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=name) if new_size < size: raise exception.InvalidInput( reason='%s < current size %s' % (new_size, size)) expand_size = new_size - size self.vpsa.send_cmd('expand_volume', vpsa_vol=vpsa_vol, size=expand_size) def create_export(self, context, volume): """Irrelevant for VPSA volumes. Export created during attachment.""" pass def ensure_export(self, context, volume): """Irrelevant for VPSA volumes. Export created during attachment.""" pass def remove_export(self, context, volume): """Irrelevant for VPSA volumes. Export removed during detach.""" pass def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector): """Attach volume to initiator/host. During this call VPSA exposes volume to particular Initiator. It also creates a 'server' entity for Initiator (if it was not created before) All necessary connection information is returned, including auth data. Connection data (target, LUN) is not stored in the DB. """ # Get/Create server name for IQN initiator_name = connector['initiator'] vpsa_srv = self._create_vpsa_server(initiator_name) if not vpsa_srv: raise exception.ZadaraServerCreateFailure(name=initiator_name) # Get volume name name = self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template % volume['name'] vpsa_vol = self._get_vpsa_volume_name(name) if not vpsa_vol: raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=name) # Get Active controller details ctrl = self._get_active_controller_details() if not ctrl: raise exception.ZadaraVPSANoActiveController() # Attach volume to server self.vpsa.send_cmd('attach_volume', vpsa_srv=vpsa_srv, vpsa_vol=vpsa_vol) # Get connection info xml_tree = self.vpsa.send_cmd('list_vol_attachments', vpsa_vol=vpsa_vol) server = self._xml_parse_helper(xml_tree, 'servers', ('iqn', initiator_name)) if server is None: raise exception.ZadaraAttachmentsNotFound(name=name) target = server.findtext('target') lun = server.findtext('lun') if target is None or lun is None: raise exception.ZadaraInvalidAttachmentInfo( name=name, reason='target=%s, lun=%s' % (target, lun)) properties = {} properties['target_discovered'] = False properties['target_portal'] = '%s:%s' % (ctrl['ip'], '3260') properties['target_iqn'] = target properties['target_lun'] = lun properties['volume_id'] = volume['id'] properties['auth_method'] = 'CHAP' properties['auth_username'] = ctrl['chap_user'] properties['auth_password'] = ctrl['chap_passwd'] LOG.debug('Attach properties: %(properties)s', {'properties': properties}) return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': properties} def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs): """Detach volume from the initiator.""" # Get server name for IQN initiator_name = connector['initiator'] vpsa_srv = self._get_server_name(initiator_name) if not vpsa_srv: raise exception.ZadaraServerNotFound(name=initiator_name) # Get volume name name = self.configuration.zadara_vol_name_template % volume['name'] vpsa_vol = self._get_vpsa_volume_name(name) if not vpsa_vol: raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=name) # Detach volume from server self.vpsa.send_cmd('detach_volume', vpsa_srv=vpsa_srv, vpsa_vol=vpsa_vol) def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False): """Get volume stats. If 'refresh' is True, run update the stats first. """ if refresh: self._update_volume_stats() return self._stats def _update_volume_stats(self): """Retrieve stats info from volume group.""" LOG.debug("Updating volume stats") data = {} backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name') data["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__ data["vendor_name"] = 'Zadara Storage' data["driver_version"] = self.VERSION data["storage_protocol"] = 'iSCSI' data['reserved_percentage'] = self.configuration.reserved_percentage data['QoS_support'] = False (total, free) = self._get_pool_capacity(self.configuration. zadara_vpsa_poolname) data['total_capacity_gb'] = total data['free_capacity_gb'] = free self._stats = data